《The Dating Pact | ✓》Chapter 13 : Son In Law (To Be)


"What was that?" I mumbled to myself once he was out of the kitchen.

Don't think so deeply about this Shravya, he just helped you out. That's all. I think to reassure myself but then another question appears in my mind.

Why did it feel so different? Wait, did it make me feel something? I ask myself.

My phone beeps beside me bringing me out of my trance. I have a look at it, it's a message reminding me to recharge my number soon. My eyes then land on the time. 7. 12 p.m.

Oh my God, I have to work faster and not think about useless things which have no meaning so that I can get home as quickly as possible. With this thought I begin making the rotis.

When I'm done I wash my hands, fix my hair into a proper ponytail, wash my hands again and make my way to the living room where I find Arjun still laying on the sofa with his elbow propped on a cushion. One behind his back and one on which he's placed his legs on.

Total Sahibzaade. [a princely style or title equivalent to, or referring to a young prince.]

"Your dinner is ready." I announce and he immediately looks up at me.

"Thank you so much." He tells me.

"I'll be leaving now." I tell him.

"Sure, just give me a minute." He says and sits up. I walk over to one of the sofas and sit on it waiting for him to make a phone call, to ask the driver to get the car ready but that doesn't happen.

Instead he gets up and walks to a room which I assume is his bedroom.

A few minutes later he returns back dressed in a pair of dark blue jeans and a white v-neck t-shirt.

"Let's go." He tells me.

"You're going somewhere too?" I ask him.

"Yes, I'll drop you on my way to the restaurant." He tells me.

"Oh okay." I tell him.

We leave the apartment and I wait while Arjun locks the door, we then walk towards the elevator.

"After you." He says and I enter the elevator after which he follows me.

"I forgot to mention this to you but the aroma of Palak Paneer was delicious and I can't wait to have it." He tells me.

"I hope you'll like it." I tell him.

"I'm sure I will." He says. We then remain silent until the elevator ride ends.

When the doors open we leave. "Stay at the reception, I'm bringing the car out." He tells me and I give him a nod.

A few minutes later he comes back in his car.

I enter inside and fasten my seatbelt.

"Did you speak to your grandmother? Any updates on when she's letting you back into your family home?" I ask him and he shakes his head in a no.


"It will take at least one more day for her anger to subside completely. I'll then go and speak to her. Sources from inside, my cousins that is, told me that Dadi's banned my entry in the Mehrotra Mansion." He tells me.

"How will you even meet her then?" I ask him.

"I have my ways. I'll go outside with a band, call a procession, demand for justice, anything. They'll have to let me back in then." He tells me.

"You'll seriously do that?" I ask.

"Of course." He answers and begins driving his car.

A couple of minutes later my phone beeps.

I unlock it and find a message from Dhruv.

Dhruv : SHRAVYA, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR REJECTING ME and for encouraging me to tell my parents about Sanjana. We all went out for a dinner last night and Mom and Dad loved her. They've approved of her!!!! I'm so freaking HAPPYYYY.

The message brings a smile on my face and I quickly begin typing a response.

Shravya : YAYYY!!! I'm so happy for you both! <3

P.s. when's the wedding?

I sent the message and waited for his reply.

Dhruv : If everything goes as per plan then within the next six months. You'll be the first one I invite.!

Shravya : Aw, thank you so much for the honour! XD

I type and send after which I lock my phone again.

"You should smile more often. You have got a beautiful smile, Shravya." Arjun comments from beside me.

My cheeks turn warm at his comment. "Uh well, thank you. I'll keep that in mind." I tell him with a smile.

He passes me one of his own dashing smiles in return.

Wait, did I just say his smile was dashing? I mean well he looks good while smiling. I think to myself.

Before I can add to these thoughts I shake my head and look at the road ahead, eyes fixed on it.

Twenty minutes or so later we entered the road where I live.

"I gotta drop you a little before your complex, right?" Arjun asks me.

"Half of my complex already knows I have a boyfriend now, so you might as well drop me at the gate." I tell him with a sheepish smile.

"Dropping at the gate, it is then. This whole fake boyfriend girlfriend thing is working steadily, no?" He asks me.

"Yes, as long as it's fake it can move as steadily as it wants." I say in response.

Arjun remains silent but passes me a nod.

His car comes to a halt in front of the gate and I unfasten my seatbelt.

"Thank you for the ride." I tell him before leaving his car.

"What did I tell you, Shravya?" He asks me.

"Oh yes, I'm sorry I forgot no thank you(s)." I answer.


"That's right." He tells me.

I'm about to unlock the door when his voice stops me.

"Shravya wait."

"Yes?" I ask him.

"No eclairs for me today?" He asks.

"You called me a standard five kid when I gave it to you last time so no, let this standard five kid have two extra eclairs for herself." I tell him and he lets out a chuckle.

I smile playfully at him before unlocking the car and getting out of it.

"Drive safe, Arjun and have a good night." I tell him through the window.

"Good night, Shravya and take care." He says in response.

I nod my head at him before turning away and walking inside.

Later that night when I'm done with dinner and working on my laptop my phone beeps beside me.

I pick it up and see a message from Arjun.

Arjun : The Palak Paneer was finger licking good! Standard five kid cooks delicious food, I have to give her that.

A smile forms on my face as I read his message.

Shravya : Too much exaggeration, I'm sure it wasn't that good, and yes Standard five kid will break your jaw the next time you call her that. She's also exceptionally well at giving punches.

I type back.

Arjun : Getting beaten by her is worth calling her a Standard five kid. I love the face she makes on being called that. And no I wasn't exaggerating at all!

Shravya : And she'll love the horrified look on your face after she shows you her moves.

Arjun : Can't wait to see those moves! ;)

Shravya : Go and sleep now Mr. Mehrotra, you have to manage all those people managing your restaurants after all.

Arjun : Oh yes. Good night, Shravya!

Shravya : Good night Arjun. Sleep tight and don't let the bugs bite!

I immediately think of deleting the last line as soon as I've pressed the send button but he's already seen the message and is now typing again.

Arjun : 😂😂😂

I mentally facepalm myself before putting my phone away.

"So what did my son in law say?" Ma, asks me over breakfast the next morning.

I choke on the paratha [Parathas are one of the most popular unleavened flatbreads in the Indian Subcontinent, made by baking or cooking whole wheat dough on a tava, and finishing off with shallow frying.] that I'm eating and immediately gulp down a glass of water in one go.

"Shravu, beta are you fine? What happened?" She asks me.

"Ma, who is your son in law?" I ask her, a horrified look on my face.

"Arjun Mehrotra of course." She answers with a smile on her face.

"Ma, we're just dating. Only dating. We can break up if things don't work out between us, you know. Calling him your son in law so early is a little extreme." I tell her.

"Shravya, stop speaking nonsense. Son In Law toh mera Arjun he banega, I'm sure." She says with an adoring smile on her face.

[Son in law toh mera Arjun he banega : Arjun will only be my son in law]

I shake my head.

Who will tell her?

"Now tell me what did my son in law to be, say?" She asks me.

"What will he say Ma? He said nothing." I tell her.

"What!? He did not say anything?" She shouts.

"Ma, stop shouting. He's agreed to meet Papa and you." I tell her.

The smile on her face after listening to me is priceless and I instantly feel guilty for lying to her.

"What, really? When is he coming? Will he come to our house? Or we'll meet outside somewhere? What does he like to eat? Oh my God I have so many preparations to make." She fires me with questions.

"Ma, Ma, relax. I am yet to ask him when we can all meet so relax for now." I tell her.

"You don't understand anything, Shravya, I have to prepare for a lot of things." She tells me and goes back to the kitchen.

I follow her with my empty plate and keep it inside the sink.

"Ma, I'm leaving for the office now, I'll see you this evening okay. Bye, love you." I tell her and place a kiss on her cheek.

"Bye, have a safe journey and I love you too mera baccha." She tells me.

[Mera baccha : My baby]

I then leave for my office.

Just like yesterday, today too at 5.30 I leave my office building and get inside the car waiting for me across the street. On reaching Arjun's building the driver stops the car and gets out of it. He then makes his way to my side and opens the door for me.

Before I can carry the two catalogues he stops me.

"Arjun Sir has asked me to carry them to his apartment, ma'am." He tells me.

"Oh okay, sure." I answer and get out of the car.

"You can go ahead ma'am, I'll park the car and bring them upstairs." He tells me.

"Okay." I utter and make my way inside the building.

When the silver elevator doors open on the seventeenth floor I step out and make my way to flat no. 17 (C).

I press the doorbell and a few seconds later the door opens.

The sight I'm greeted by leaves me flustered.

Arjun Mehrotra stands in front of me in his half naked glory. His bare torso meets my eyes while a towel wrapped around his hips covers his *ahem* goods.

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