《SECRET - soogyu ✔️》21; bet


yeonjun was currently the one sneaking out, which he didn't tell beomgyu. he was going to visit soobin, helping out his brother. the blonde-haired boy climbed out of the way, snuck out of the gate and found his way to soobin's house. he knocked on the door. after a minute, it finally opened.

"hi soobin."

"hey yeonjun-hyung, what are you doing here?"

"i wanted to ask you something. can i come in?"

"yes, ofcourse!"

the both of them go inside, taking a seat on the livingroom couch. "do you want anything?" the taller asked.

"no, thank you," yeonjun replied. "i know this is kind of weird, since we were never that close, but i need to ask you something."

"mmh, what is it?"

"do you like beomgyu?!" yes, very subtle, jun.

soobin's eyes grew ten times wider as he looked at the elder in shock. "what do you mean?"

"as in, like like." soobin still looked at him confused, making the elder groan. "are you in love with him, is what i'm trying to ask!"

"are you crazy?!" soobin jumped up from the couch. "ofcourse i don't!"

"then, why are you blushing?"

"i'm not!"

"you are!" "come on, it's so obvious that you like him! you can tell me, i won't get mad. i also won't tell my father. you can trust me, i swear."

soobin sighs, looking down and sitting back down, as well. ofcourse he likes beomgyu! how can he not?! he's just never said it out loud. he's been trying to convince himself that he's not in love with the black-haired prince. beomgyu wouldn't like him back, and even he would, they wouldn't be able to be together.

"fine. yes, i like him. i love him, okay?"


"hah! i knew it!" yeonjun jumps up in excitement. oh, he can't wait to tell beomgyu this. "you two are gonna be such a cute couple!"

soobin chokes on air. "couple?! pfft." yeonjun just sighs. they're both so oblivious it's actually frustrating.

"he likes you back, stupid!" soobin looked at the elder in disbelief. "he told me that he likes you, now go ahead and kiss him!"

"have you lost your mind?! i can't kiss him!"

"yes you can!"

"you know what, let's make a bet."

"a bet? why? over what?"

"when you kiss beomgyu, and he kisses you back, i win. if not, you win."

"and what does the winner get, huh?"

"if you win, i'll help you and beomgyu see each other and i won't tell anyone. if i win, i'm snitching." the taller gasped.

"you can't do that!"

"i can, though."

soobin groans. "fine."

"you have a one week limit, though!"

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