《SECRET - soogyu ✔️》16; sneaking out


soobin was laying in his bed of his small, but cozy house, when he heard a knock on the door. he practically jumoed out of bed in shock. who would that be, at this hour?! ofcourse he won't open the door, it's 2am!

the tall boy hurriedly walks downstairs and looks through the window, seeing a figure standing by his door.

who the hell is that?!

soobin thought.

"soobin-hyung!" the figure slightly yelled while knocking on the door. soobin gasped, immediately recognizing the voice.

what's beomgyu doing here, NOW?!

soobin quickly ran up to the door and opened it, seeing beomgyu standing on his doorstep.

"hyung!" the smaller boy happily said, immediately hugging onto the elder. "i'm sorry i came here now, did i wake you up?"

soobin chuckles. "no you didn't, and it's fine. you were probably busy, hmm?"

"i actually wasn't, but my mom told me i couldn't go and see you unless i got my father's permission. but i'm mad at him, so i'm not talking to him!"

the two of them both giggle and go inside. "i'm sorry, by the way. i really don't know why my father had to fire you, you didn't do anything wrong."

"it's fine, beomgyu!" "come on, want anything?"

beomgyu smiles. "no, thanks."

"you sure?"


"so, how's the castle now?"

"it's boring. i got a new guard and he's so stupid! he barely talks with me, i don't like him!"

soobin just laughs and nods while pouring himself a cup of water. "does he not talk at all?"

"only a little bit when he has to. and he speaks so formally, i hate it." the younger explained, leaning against the wall. "hyung?"


"can i stay the night?"


"err.. i don't know, gyu. your mother will be worried if you're not there in the morning, and you can't contact her." even though soobin would love it if beomgyu stayed the night at his house, maybe they'll get in trouble and won't get to see each other anymore.

"i'll go home in the morning!"

"please, hyung!!"

"i'll take the blame!"

the taller sighed. "alright, fine."

"here, borrow these," soobin said, handing the prince a couple of his own clothes to sleep in. they were a bit big on beomgyu, though. the younger thanked soobin and then got in the bed. soobin got in the bed, too, keeping his distance from the prince.

"c'mon, hyung." the shorter boy pulled his hyung closer, hugging onto him. soobin chuckles and hugs the boy back.

"if we get in trouble it's your fault!"

"yeah, yeah. just sleep!"

"night, hyung."

"fine. goodnight."

"open the door right now!"

a voice called outside from soobin's house, waking both of the boys up. they both groan and slowly open their eyes. "I KNOW BEOMGYU'S IN THERE!"

"oh frick!" beomgyu said.

"yeah, frick!" soobin added.

they both ran down and beomgyu immediately opened the front door. he was met with a bunch of guards and his father, who was yelling. soobin stood behind the smaller. mr. choi looked at him, he was furious.

"beomgyu, what on earth were you thinking?!"

"you snuck out of the castle to stay here?! are you nuts?!"

"i'm sorry, father, but mother won't let me see soobin! i had no other choice!"

"you are so irresponsible!"

"from now on, i forbid you two to ever see each other again."

"no, you can't just do that!" beomgyu quickly said before soobin could say anything.

"and why not?! i'm the king, i can do what i want."

"but i love him!"

beomgyu's eyes widened. did he really just say that?

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