《My First Love. ( Pucca x Garu )》extra.


a/n: hello everyone! i know it's been so awhile so to make up for it, i made a small little late valentines day chapter! i know it's late so please bear with me, thank you !!

I slowly opened my eyes, greeted by the suns scorching heat. I groaned, slowly sitting up as I scratched the back my neck. My eyes slowly drifted off to the wall where my calendar hung— it was a routine for me to glance at the calendar anyways. I raised an eyebrow, but before reading the date- a knock from the door interrupted me.

I quickly stood up and ruffled my hair, making my way towards the door. "Coming!" I yelled in a bit of a grumpy low tone, rolling my shoulders back to stretch. I sighed, unlocking and sliding the front doors open. "Uh, hel-" I paused, squinting my eyes as I stood frozen. There in-front of me lay dozens of mail and packaging, pink and red envelopes to be exact. But why? It's not my birthday yet.. I thought, taking a step outside as I bent down and examined a card.

Then it hit me. It was Valentines Day. The pink and red packaging; and let's not forget about the heart shaped boxes. I heaved a deep sigh of, well— i'm not really sure what to feel to be exact. I ran a hand through my hair, pursing the bottom of my lip as I began hauling the gifts inside. I should feel happy, right? Getting all this attention. I thought, shrugging. But in the end— on the inside— i'm not really happy.

Not to sound shady, or edgy but- i'm not getting that special gift from someone I claim to be my special person. I continued to haul all the mail in, placing them off to the side. Once I was done, I quietly slid the doors closed and locked them. It took awhile to haul them in but here they were- sitting alongside the wall.

I silently stared at the pile, hoping that she'd given me a letter at least. I chuckled, tossing myself onto my sofa. I have my hopes up too high. It's been about 6 years since she stopped giving me presents for Valentines Day. Well, I wouldn't blame her. We both started getting invested in our own lives and just got busy to the point where we just never talked anymore. I hated to admit it- but I loved it when she showered me with her love. I took her for granted, and I regret it.


I glanced off to the pile of letters once again, getting up to make sure that I examined them thoroughly. She— Pucca— would always give me a letter for Valentines Day. Saying cheesy things like, "I love you!" and compliments like, "You're so handsome!" I've actually kept all of the love letters she'd sent me in the past and read them to myself every Valentines Day. Pucca would always put those letters in a basic, simple white envelope with a heart-shaped stamp to close it off. Everyone else would use a red or pink envelope. That's how I always knew it was from her.

But this year, there was no luck once again. No white envelope with a heart-shaped stamp present in the pile. I frowned, stopping my search as I stood up and walked away. To me, there was no point in opening the rest if none of the letters came from her. For all the chocolate- I just give it either to Mio, Abyo or Ching to eat. I have tried, giving Pucca gift but she was always busy. It always ended up in the wrong timing. A hit of sorrow over-came me as I made my way towards the phone, ordering some Goh Rong Noodles for breakfast.

Usually on a Valentines Day like this, i'd go to Goh Rong and eat there just that I could see her. That alone made me content and happy— sometimes we'd even chat and catch up. But today, I didn't have the energy. Besides, not to sound cocky but— i'd just get swarmed by women anyways. To mention- i'd be lucky if Pucca did delivery today. Though sadly i've memorized her delivering schedule, she doesn't deliver on Fridays.


After giving myself a good, long, shower- I quietly sat on the sofa watching TV as Mio laid on my lap. A knock that i'd been waiting for occurred on my front door. I gently displaced Mio off my lap and walked to the front door, opening it. Though I hoped it was her- it was Dada. I mentally sighed, but gave a small smile to Dada who held out my order. "Happy Valentines Day Garu! Here's your order!" Dada greeted with a big grin as his eyes shone, handing me the food as I gave him the money owed.


"Mhm. You too, Dada." I replied, returning a smile— noticing that he was happier than usual. I raised an eyebrow, leaning on the pillar right beside me. "You look pretty happy. Got a date, don't you?" I teased him, his cheeks turning red. "A-Aha! Yeah.. my first one actually.." Dada admitted, scratching his head. Lucky you. "A-Anyways, what about you Garu? From what I heard in the village, you've got quite the option!" Dada added with a laugh.

I quietly chuckled, slowly shaking my head. "Well- it's not as easy as it seems." I replied with a shrug as Dada nodded, then glancing at his wrist watch. "Ah.. good luck then! I've gotta get going for my next delivery, soo.. see ya!" The blonde said, making his way towards his vehicle whilst waving me good-bye. I nodded, waving him a good-bye gesture as well. "See you Dada. Do well on that, date of yours." I declared urging another smile, noticing Dada freeze mid-way when putting on his helmet.

"Oh, that reminds me!" Dada said out-loud, getting off his motorcycle, sliding a hand to rummage in his pocket. I tilted my head and raised an eyebrow, did he drop or— forget something? I shrugged, opening the oyster pail which held my ramen. It smelt good. As I was about to head in, a hand had caught my shoulder which caused me to halt. I turned around, it was Dada again- but this time he held a white envelope.

"Here, I forgot to hand you this!" Dada mentioned, forcefully shoving the white envelope in my hand in a hurry. Damn, he almost spilt my noodles. I held onto the envelope, looking up to the notice that Dada had already made his way to his motorcycle to leave. "Gotta go now Garu, see you!" The blonde said, putting his helmet on in a hurry and he was off.

Everything happened so quickly that— I didn't even understand anything nor talk. So, i'll just forget about it. I sighed, placing my food aside as I took a seat on my door-step. I slowly closed my eyes and inhaled the morning air, glancing down at the white envelope that lay beside me. I felt Mio rub against my back, a purr coming from him too. I picked the white envelope up, bringing it to my face as I closely examined it.

I sat still for a second, completely freezing as I noticed a familiar object plastered on the envelope. It was a red; heart-shaped stamp. My heart skipped a beat as I gulped, my hand suddenly subconsciously shaking. Could it be? Are my eyes playing tricks on me? I deliberately thought to myself, slowly opening the envelope to not wreck it. I bit my bottom lip, eager to pull out the letter that was now tight in my hands.

I, without hurry, read the letter. The letter held the sweetest words which made my heart leap and do multiple summersaults as I read it. It was in fact, from her. It was from Pucca. I was now filled with happiness, I felt like I was the happiest man in the world. I clutched the letter close to me as I plastered on an idiotic grin, reading the whole letter word-by-word once again. It just didn't feel real to me, but after pinching myself multiple times and begging Mio to scratch me— I still can't confirm if this experience is real or not. Though all I can say, is that today was the best day i've ever had.

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