《(Very slow updates) A.I. LIe. ance. (Book 2) DRV3 & Ibuki x reader》A.i.ght fuck this.


I'm sorry I just can't fucking escalate this into an actual story and still make it somewhat entertaining.

I got this much down

"I couldn't sleep...

I was stressed about what happened with Kaito and was brainstorming ideas on how to get him out of there.

Aizakku: God damnit Think of something!!

I put a pillow over my head to partially suffocate myself.


I took the pillow off my head and turned to the jar on my nightstand.

There stood Greg. He was watching me.

Aizakku: ... I assume you want to be free, huh?

the ant just twitched his antenna

Aizakku: Eh, Why the fuck not? I pretty much used you just to get out of the meet and greet. I don't exactly have any use for you. You probably have friends out in the world out there.

I took the jar, untwisted it, and put it on the floor so it could roam the wild once again

it sprinted out and started spinning.

Aizakku: Heh heh heh. Lost your sense of direction in that jar, huh?

I opening the door for Greg to have a lot more free area to roam.

he crawled outside but was still spinning.

Aizakku: What you want me to follow you?

I don't know why I was following an ant. but something was telling me that Greg was seeing my struggle and wanted to be one last use before saying goodbye to me.

Greg led me to the hangar where Kokichi

Aizakku: You... want me to go in there?

Greg was circling frantically.

I assumed that meant yes.

Aizakku: I need a plan though. It's not like I can bribe Kokichi into-

Just then it hit me.

I felt a mixed feeling of bright hope and my heart sinking in despair. I had to make a bold move that I'm going to regret so much.


Aizakku: Thanks, Greg. you're probably a computer bug in the system but I want to let you know You've been a great help for an ant.

Greg did somewhat of a salute with his antenna (don't ask) and ran off.

I won't forget this. Goodbye Greg.

I looked at the hangar. The force field is down. I guess Kokichi expects that no one would think to come at him at night while the hammers are charging.

I decided I was going to go straight forward with this.

Aizakku: Open up you rat bastard!!!

I was banging on the door like crazy I'd probably wake up everyone in the dorms.

but like a garage door, the hanger opened.

Kokichi: Jeez you're persistent.

Aizakku: You've got another thing coming If you think I'll let you get away with your plans with Kaito.

Kokichi: Neeheehee~ And YOU"VE got another thing coming if you think I'm planning to kill Kaito.

Aizakku: ... Hmph. oh, I know you're plan. I've come to talk you out of it.

Kokichi: Oh really?

Aizakku: More like I'd love to make an offer.

Kokichi: Hmm... Do tell...

Aizakku: Switch me with Kaito.

Kokichi: Hmm??

Aizakku: Trust me. It's me you want. Not him. You've heard Maki say how dense he is. do you think you can talk him into doing anything you say?

Kokichi: Oh I have a way. I've discovered something.

Aizakku: You've discovered the glitch too, haven't you.

Kokichi: Glitch? What glitch?

Aizakku: Kokcih, at this point you're playing dumb, and now is not the time. Please I can be used for you just let Kaito go!

Kokichi: I dunno man... You could attack me at any time.

I rose my hands behind my head.

Aizakku: Go ahead pat me down to see if I have anything up my sleeve.


I did so and found nothing.

Aizakku: I don't plan to do anything. I have no interest in helping you, but we have the same goals.

Kokichi: Neeheehee. And I take it you know how?

Aizakku: I'm keeping my mouth shut until you bring out Kaito.

Kokichi: Hmmm... Oh, what the heck. Fine.

He shut the shutters and brought Kaito from the bathroom.

Kokichi: rise and shine, Kaito! It's your lucky day! You're free to go!

Katio: W-what? w-ha? Aizakku?

Aizakku: Kaito... I'm going to say this once. Get out of here and don't try to stop what I'm about to do... I'm doing this for your goodwill.

Kaito: Hey stop screwing around!

Aizakku: I stutter when I screw around... DID I STUTTER!?

That made Kaito jump and ran off.

I gritted my teeth and clenched my fist.

Kokichi: You sure you don't want to back out?

Aizakku: No... but I bet there's no chance now.

Kokichi: Neeheehee! Ya got me!

He grabbed my collar and dragged me inside"

Honestly, I was cringing at some of this.

basically, the 2 rascals talk, and Kokichi ends up attempting to seduce Aizakku but Aizakku ain't into that gay shit. but the way he worded it was a bit off and Kokichi teases him for being Homophobic and Aizakku confesses he's dating a bisexual. This surprises Kokichi And Aizakku tells him everything else. even though Kokichi already suspected he was working at future foundation.

Then the chapter 5 trial occurs but Kaito is switched with Aizakku Except for this time Aizakku doesn't come out of the exisal

This brings the others meeting Kokichi in this weird purple and black area that seems to have an invisible floor and Kokichi decided to call the void space. But they can't leave because 1 Aizakku isn't there and 2 they aren't aware who the mastermind is

...And Kokichi decides to be the bitch he is and just spoils it to them off the bat.

after all the secrets are revealed everyone obviously hates Tsumugi and Aizakku

AIzakku then climbs the ladder to the elevator ()the one leading to the class trial all elevators gotta have one. ) and then fell to his death and then a phone appeared the same one from chapter 4.

They all say their names but as Aizakku says his name last he sees a glimpse of a silhouette. Some unidentified object came out with Aizakku thus causing Aizakku's avatar to overload and burst with Electricity Especially near Aizakku's right eye. Thankfully Aizakku survives but he sees things a lot clearer now and his reflexes are boosted. the employees not discovering anything particularly wrong with Aizakku No injuries or anything, let him and Ibuki go and take a break

The rest of the students volunteer to rebuild the original hope's peak with better security so that nothing like the tragedy can happen.

Expect Tsumugi She gets arrested but she does feel a little bad for betraying her friends but not much.

Give a month later and we start book 3 and by this point, you've probably read most of book 3 for I've been more proud of that story than this cringe.

Again I'm sorry for trying to bring this fucker back and then just nope but hey it is what it is.

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