《(Very slow updates) A.I. LIe. ance. (Book 2) DRV3 & Ibuki x reader》distrA.I.ction


For the next few days, it's been the motive and my friends messing with the occupying box. The motive and the blood perk were brought up and Shuichi and Kaede have been preparing to stop the mastermind from going through the moving bookcase.And of course Miu has been working her horny ass all night for 3 cameras and a receiver.

I was having trouble sleeping because I was brainstorming ideas on how to save Rantaro. I could just try and get Rantaro to leave... But his Survival pad said not to trust anyone. I could try and get Tsumugi to leave but that would reveal my knowledge... I need to keep everyone's trust.

As soon as I figured out the perfect plan I fell asleep.

The next morning I knew that we couldn't waste any time.

What fucking coincidence. Ibuki had predicted we would walk outside at the same time and so we finally did accidently.

Ibuki: Good nom-nom-noming, Aizakku!

Aizakku: I've finally did it! I've organised a perfect plan and Chiaki gave us our gif video so we've almost got the materials for it.

Ibuki: Materials?

Aizakku: I'll explain later. Right now, we gotta meet up with everyone else at the dining hall

We rushed our way over and things were rather interesting

Rantaro: Careful guys. Ryoma is talking crazy.

Ryoma: All I did was make a suggestion...

Aizakku: Lemme guess. It involves killing someone...?

Ryoma: I'm handing over my own life.

Ibuki: Wha-wha!?

Ryoma: If one of you kills me before the blood perk ends, then he or she can go and get help to rescue the rest of you. It's our best bet.

Ibuki: Do you just not count?

Ryoma: I've got nothing left to live for... What, do you have a better idea?

Aizakku: I've been using this time to think of something and it might actually work.

Rantaro: I don't think there is any need for that I've got it under control.

Ryoma: That's a surprise that you both have plans

Ibuki: Ryoma, Please don't lose hope now. We can't let anyone die yet!

Aizakku: At the very least, let us try our plans before we do yours if It comes to that... Wait backup Idea!... I think Cmon Ibuki we gotta go!

I grabbed her by the arm and she almost stumbled backwards.

Ibuki: Where are we going?

I think there is someone who can save all of us! Why didn't I think of this before

(A/n I just realized this and I like it even more than my original plan of Ibuki throwing smoke bombs at Tsumugi in the girls bathroom while Aizakku and Rantaro investigate the mastermind's room)

I knocked on that one person's door.

Kiibo: Hello Aizakku and Ibuki. Can I assist you in anyway?

Aizakku: Kiibo, I have a plan to cheat the system but I need to ask you something. Now this may be a huge stretch, and I know you might be uncomfortable with this Idea I have But please, hear me out, okay?

Kiibo: I'm listening.

Aizakku: We're going to pretend and say that Miu decided to dismantle you and add new functions to your body. You would be considered not working anymore, right?

Kiibo: That is affirmative.

Aizakku: But if she put you back together once she is done, then you would be able to function again?

Kiibo: Yes That is correct.

Aizakku: So If you're dismantled would that count as you being dead?

Kiibo: ...I...I am unsure if I can answer that question. I have not tried it before due to my self consciousness of me becoming more human than robot. May I question your plan, now


Aizakku: I figured someone were to take you apart and let that count as being dead. and the person who "murdered you" would be able to leave and go get help thanks to the blood perk. Meanwhile when they are gone we put you back together you'll be back to normal.

Kiibo: I understand... What made you think of this idea?

Aizakku: We only have mere hours until the deadline and Ryoma was wanting us to take his life. But his reasoning gave me an idea. You think it's worth a shot.

Kiibo: I don't exactly like the sound of me being dismantled... But then again I do not yearn to let any of my friends down and take away the only chance possible

Ibuki: Wait, shouldn't we test it and see if it works, first?

Aizakku: That's a good idea I don't want to accidentally kill you

Kiibo: perhaps it would be best if you unscrewed one of my fingers for a test preferably either of my ring fingers.

Ibuki: Does it matter which hand?

Kiibo: No. I was never programmed to have dominant hands. Either one is fine.

I decided on Kiibo's left hand. I unscrewed it off and...

Kiibo: I can not feel anything in that area any more.

Aizakku: And now the moment of truth.

I twisted the finger on again and...

Kiibo tried bending the finger again and it was a success

Kiibo: It's very odd to adjust to but I do believe it is worth to save everyone from the killing game.

Aizakku: Alright! It works! Now we need to tell this to the rest of the gang!

Kiibo: Affirmative. I shall attend to gathering everyone. To what location shall I instruct them to go.

Ibuki: How about the dining hall? Most of everyone should be there, anyways.

We all split up and searched everywhere for anybody.

And I found the one person I didn't want to talk to.

Kokichi: Hey there Zakky! What's got you excited? Wait, lemme guess! You're anxious that we're all gonna die and are gonna try attacking that obstacle course again?

Aizakku: No... We made a huge discovery on Kiibo that can be useful towards us.

Kokichi: Key-boy finally found a way to make robo babies?! That's so Cool!

Aizakku: Uhh no... We realized we can cheat the system?

Kokichi: Cheat the system? No way, that's a lie.

Aizakku: I thought you could tell if I'm lying or not.

Kokichi: Maybe that was a lie, too. You guys can never fully tell when I'm lying. I really should have gotten in as the ultimate liar.

Aizakku: But the fact that you don't means that you have a tell somewhere.

Kokichi: Neeheehee! Maybe I do. Anyways, Where is Kee-boy at?

Aizakku: We're gathering at the dining hall.

Kokichi: Normally I would have stepped out. Anything Kee-boy involved is rather boring. And to be honest I think the killing game is much more entertaining. But I'm curious what you have to offer. You seem like the type to not fuck things up 24/7.

You no fucking clue. So long as I keep telling half lies to you I'm safe.

That was way too easy to get him to cooperate.

Somethings up.

We all gathered at the dining hall and I explained my idea

Ryoma: Hmph, so that was your call...

Aizakku: Not a bad idea. right? we can send someone out to find help.

Kokichi: But what if we don't find help?

Kaede: Huh?

Kokichi: Think about it. We have no idea what's out there. We could be the only people left or something.


Ibuki: That may be true but if we don't do this, within an hour Monokuma is going to punish everyone.

Shuichi: If no one goes out then there's also zero chance of finding anybody.

Kokichi: What if we're in space?

Kaito: There's no way we're in space! I would know! that glass dome around us clearly shows we are on the planet earth!

Kokichi: Oh my gOd you guys are stubborn...

Aizakku: Let me ask you something. Why are you being stubborn on keeping everyone here? Are you trying to get us killed?

Kokichi: Personally no. Now let ME ask YOU something. Aren't any of you curious on the outcome of this?

Aizakku: Of course! I want to see the light of day again! That's the outcome I'm curious about!

Kokichi: Zakky, you know what I mean. Aren't you curious on who would survive out of the 18 of us?

Aizakku: Bruh, you have no Idea.

Kokichi: *sigh* whatever. Let's go along with your plan lets see how it works in the endgame.

Ibuki: Cool! Kokichi checks out! Now who volunteers to head outside?

Korekiyo: If it was your idea would it not be only appropriate to release yourself.

Aizakku: What? No way I'd feel self conscious leaving you all behind.

Gonta: But would not we all, though?

Miu: Fuck all yall! I'm the only one who can dismantle him anyways I should be the one to Leave!

Maki: Breaking things are easy. It's putting them back together correctly what's hard.

Rantaro: Perhaps we should settle it the old fashion way and do rock paper scissors?

Angie: Atua asks for Kaede to go

Kaede: Huh? Me?

Rantaro: Or... that could work too...

Kaede: Wait, why are you guys voting on me?

Angie: You were one in the most confident mindset for us to escape, were you not?

Kaede: Y-Yeah, but... Would that really be alright for you guys.

Aizakku: I mean you technically are and aren't killing kiibo so it's somewhat of a win win.

Keade thought about it for a while... and then took a deep breath.

Kaede Alright... I'll do it. I don't need to worry about trying to save everyone because I see good leadership in Aizakku, Ibuki, and Shuichi.

Shuichi: M-Me too?! I know I'm a detective but I'm only in training... I'm not a leader.

Kirumi: I have a question. How will we be able to communicate with Kaede on the other side?

Aizakku: About that... We can't exactly... our best bet is to hope and pray that it arrives soon.

Ryoma: I see... so that's your plan...

Ibuki: In the meantime we can try figuring out how to get out from the inside. Who knows? Maybe we'll find something before Kaede does.

Tsumugi: I suppose in reality this is our only option.

Kiibo: Understood. Kaede, Would you like to go somewhere private so you do not feel pressured?

Kaede: That would be

Miu: Hey don't forget me, titless! Only my beauty brains can know how to keep that from

Kiibo Kaede and Miu all left the cafeteria and I think they went downstairs

Gonta: Will they be all right? Gonta no want to lose kiibo.

Aizakku: I already tested it out and It doesn't hurt kiibo so long as he's not awake. and Miu is there to comfort him

I realized in my head that I was talking about miu and that wasn't the words I had intended to use.

it was about five minutes before the clock ran out and then both Keade and Miu came back carrying Kiibo's head

Korekiyo: Did that do it? Does that actually count as a kill now?

Monokuma: A body has been discovered! PLease gather in the dining hall!

Aizakku: I guess that answers that.

Monokuma: Oh you're all here already. Well good. that makes my job a whole lot easier. And just before time ran out, too! And thanks to the First Blood perk, there won't be a class trial, so that'd just be a waste of time. With that said... if you're the one who killed Kiibo, raise your hand.

Kaede hesitate but rose her hand.

Monokuma: Well well well! What a turn of events!

Monotaro: Congratulations!

Monokuma: Well then what's your sob story?

Angie: Hm? Sob story? There is no sob story here.

Monokuma: Whawha? No sob story but that's!

Kaede: Actually there is... I'm actually relieved it turned out this way.

Rantaro: Huh?

Kaede: I had a plan too... to end the killing game I had to kill the mastermind.

Tenko: Kill the mastermind!?

Gonta: But did Kaede say she no kill anybody before?

Kaede: I only said that because I was hoping it didn't come to anything else... I even dragged Shuichi and Miu... I'm very sorry to both of you...

Shuichi: Kaede...

Aizakku: I get it.

Kaede: What?

Aizakku: You wanted to find the mastermind before he or she could even start the killing game.

Shuichi: That's right. If anything you were trying to save all of us.

Ibuki: If it weren't for the time limit you would have probably been more of to capturing the culprit instead of killing them. You were pressured in doing so... That's not your fault.

Kaede: I had made up my mind just before we set up the cameras in the library. I had planned whoever saw the flash on the camera next to the moving bookshelf, the receiver would go off and I'd roll a shot put ball through the vents through a lane of books and have it land on the masterminds head... Though now that I think about it that's only 1 out of 18 chance of that being the mastermind.

Kokichi: Oh, Kaede... it never dawned on you? As soon as that thought entered your head, Monokuma had you right where he wanted. All that matters is that the killing game started.

Kaito: That's wrong because she didn't have to do that!

Kokichi: That's a lie and you know it! She Killed Kee-boy!

Aizakku: Some sacrifices can be made! In order to progress in life you need to take risks!

Kaede: I thought about telling you guys earlier. but that was because I didn't want to leave by myself with the first blood perk... Surely you guys wouldn't want to be friends with a girl who killed someone, would you?

Aizakku: If it's within reasoning then of course I would! and so would everyone else in this room! Even Kokichi!

Kokichi: Hmm... I wouldn't say "Friends" but you wouldn't have bore me to death.

Ibuki: Kaede... Please don't feel guilty We all understand your actions... If Ibuki were you there would be a good chance that she would have done the same...

Ryoma: We have Aizakku to thank for such a clever idea...

Kaede: I'm sorry Aizakku...

Aizakku: There's no need to apologize to me specifically. And as the ultimate friend you know I'll always forgive you, so It's better to save your breath anyways. Hehe!

Shuichi: Kaede...I didn't know how, but I wanted to get out of here with you. I wanted... to be friends.

Aizakku: Same... I think deep down... we all did... even a little...

Kaede: Don't worry everyone... I'm not giving up... Because Like I said... I have Shuichi and Aizakku and Ibuki.

Shuichi: What?

Keade: Even after I'm gone... my wish will still be here. So I'm counting on you all! I'm entrusting my wish to everyone of you! I believe in you! I believe that we all will make it through this, somehow! You guys better live! Don't go dying on me now! End this ridiculous killing game, survive, and get the hell out of this place! Then.. We'll be friends after we escape together, okay? I think we all can make great friends.

Ibuki: Rodger dodger!

Kirumi: I will do my utmost to fulfill your request.

Tenko: I won't give up! I'll get out of here, no matter what!

Gonta: Gonta work hard and keep friends safe till very end!

Kokichi: Well, Kaede, you definitely weren't boring. Almost as non-boring as Aizakku.

Keade: Everyone, you better not lose. You can't lose to this killing game! I know you can beat it!

Monokuma: Jeez you really are a blabber! Prepare the send off already!!!

Monokubs: Yes, Father!

A giant plastic tube came down from the ceiling over Kaede.

Keade: Okay? It's a promise. See you on the other side. AHHHHHHHHH!!!

As if she had said some magic words she got sucked up through the tube. We could only hope that it was to the outside.

Or the way the the real world... I hope.

Kokichi: Well that happened.

Angie: Atua... Please grant Kaede the power to find any ally willing to make a sacrifice.

Monokuma: Man... It's so sad to see them grow up and graduate.

Monophaine: At least no blood was involved. That's a relief.

Monokuma: Also I know what you did... You all tried to use kiibo's robot body to get away with being the killer! Well I just want to let you know from now on I'm not gonna let you off the hook just like that!

Monotaro: Father was only generous because he was in a good mood. Isn't that right, Father?

Monokuma: That's right. Consider this as a demonstration on how to graduate. but this time you're actually killing each other! and your punishment is your death! Puhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhu!

So long! Bear well!

We all felt a bit bummed out having to see Keade go but I think we all definitely showed our trust to her.

Trust me Keade I obtained your wish before you even got here.

We all left to go do our own things and/or investigate for any exits.

Although I was wandering around and I saw Shuichi standing in front of Kaede's research lab.

Aizakku: Miss her already, huh?

Shuichi: I don't know... I just wanted to hear her play at least one song.

Aizakku: That would have been nice... But hey she's alive she's just unavailable

Shuichi: Exactly my point... what if she doesn't find anyone? What if there's no one out there to rescue us.

Aizakku: Get your act together, bro!

Shuichi: Huh?

Aizakku: All these what ifs! There's too many! that's because the possibilities are endless! but you've got to narrow it down to only the good things! What would Kaede say to comfort you?

Shuichi: I... I don't know...

Aizakku: I can take a pretty good guess.

I tried my best Kaede voice and remembered her quotes.

Aizakku: You noticed, huh? Yeah... I'm shaking too. But... I'd be a mess if you weren't here. I wouldn't have been able to do anything... I would have been so lost... I'm glad you're here with me Shuichi. With you by my side, I feel like I can stand up to anything. You give me the courage I need to take on the mastermind. So, please... be more confident. I believe in you so you should definitely believe in yourself!

Shuichi was silent as he stared at the door

Shichi: Yeah...I'll try. I don't know if I can do it but...No...I'll do it! I have to believe in myself... I won't be afraid anymore. I will face the truth... for everyone. I won't give up... For your sake Kaede... I promise. From the bottom of my heart, I promise you, Kaede.

Aizakku: Yup, that's our promise. I'm leaving everything up to you, Shuichi.

Shuichi: You do a really good impression of her despite being male I'm impressed.

Aizakku: Puberty means nothing to my vocal cords. Also I had a lot of voice acting friends before coming here to this mess.

Just then I heard clair de lune from the inside.

Shuichi: Wait what's that

I opened the door and I couldn't help but laugh.

Ibuki was playing on the piano

Aizakku: Ibuki...? I didn't know you played the piano I thought you hated light music.

Ibuki: Ibuki felt like... that's what Shuichi needed so she waited for the proper moment when she heard your voices. besides it's not that much different from playing the keyboard... and Ibuki received her talent thanks to light music... so she can't exactly blame it...

Shuichi: Thanks Ibuki... For a second I thought Kaede was playing it

Ibuki: Giggled.

Ibuki: C'mon, It's late. We all need to be wide and ready for tomorrow!

Shuchi: Ok.

We all said good night right as the night announcement went off

That went smoother than I hoped.

So far my mission is going well as planned No one said I had to keep everyone in the building just make sure that they're alive.

Let's just hope and pray Kaede can old on out there on her own.

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