《Lipstick》Chapter 13: Nice N Nude


"Come on, admit it. You had a great time today," Josie teases as we walk up the steps to my house.

"Yeah," I force a nervous laugh.

"Okay, what is up? You've been acting weird all day." She frowns.

I fumble my house keys as I unlock the door.

"Did I say something? Do something? Help me out here," she begs.

I finally get the key in the lock and open the door.

"No, It was nice. Perfect." I say without looking at her.

"That's your fake voice." She says.

"Is not!" I get defensive as we walk in.

"Is too."

"It was amazing, really."

"Then why do I feel like your avoiding me?" she crosses her arms.

"I'm not," I mumble.

She grabs me by my chin and forces me to meet her eyes. I feel my cheeks heat up.

"What is it? What did I do?" she asks softer.

"Nothing, it was... perfect."

"So what's the problem?"

"There is no problem." That's the problem I want to tell her.

She sighs.

"You hated it didn't you," she pulls away.

"Josie do you even hear the words coming out of my mouth I said it was perfect."

"Then why don't you mean it? Your eyes say something different. You have that panicked dear in the headlights look you get when you're avoiding something."

I don't get a look. Wait, do I? Am I really that obvious? How come no one told me? Way to go face, now Josie is on to me.

"I'm not avoiding anything," I say.

"Then what? Tell me."

"There is nothing to tell! You're overthinking it."

"Fine I'll just go," she moves to grab her stuff.

I grab her arm and hold her in place.

"If you don't tell me I'm out of here." She says.

I pull her closer to me and wrap my arms around her, nuzzling my head in her back.

"It was perfect," I whisper into her.

"Then why are you—"

"Why else do I usually get like this Josie?" I challenge.

"You only get like this when you are hiding something from me."

"What am I usually hiding from you?"

"That you have a crush on— oh..."

I squeeze her tighter.

I can actually hear her heartbeat faster inside of her.


"What... What are you saying exactly? I don't want to be confused." She turns to face me.

"I feel weird inside," I nuzzle my head into her chest.


"I'm confused and conflicted. No one's ever made me feel like this before. I'm scared," I admit.

"Scared of what?"

I pull back and look into her eyes.

"Scared that I... that I am getting feelings for you. Real feelings."

"I don't know what to say..." she says.

"Today was perfect. Too perfect. It felt real, for a moment, just a single moment. It felt real and that scared me. This is all new territory for me okay," I pull back and start pacing around. "I've never liked a girl before, I've never liked my best friend as more than a friend. I don't know what to do with myself. I'm so confused. There is this constant blob of anxiety in me and I can't tell if it's good or bad anxiety. Is there even such a thing as good anxiety?"


"Kat—" she reaches for me.

"Ever since you kissed me nothing has made sense! Nothing feels right anymore. It's like I don't even know who I am anymore. All these feelings and confusing thoughts freak me out okay! I had a plan; I had a goal. Get Carson to like me, go to college, get laid, have kids. The whole nine yards white picket fence family. Now I don't know anymore. I don't know," I wrap my arms around myself.

"Kat, I like you. I really like you. Hell, I think I love you. I have for a very long time." She grabs me and pulls me into her arms.

"I'm confused," I mumble into her shirt as I grab fist fulls of it in my hands.

"Look at me."

I look up into her eyes.

"It's okay to be confused. We can figure this out, together."

"I never knew there could be more between us than just friends," I whisper.

She leans down and kisses me.

I don't even think twice before kissing her back.

She sighs into me, melding together with me as if we were two candles burning too close to each other. I knew it then, what would happen, what I wanted to happen. It just felt so right, so perfect.

I had always subconsciously known I had been saving myself for the one, the right person to come along and sweep me off my feet. That one day I would just know when I was ready and who I wanted that person to be.

At that moment, I knew.

I knew what I was doing was wrong, but it just felt so damn right. I didn't think about Carson, or my parents, or anyone else. The only thing that mattered was her, and me, and us at that moment.

When she pulled back from the kiss her lips lingered on mine.

That kiss just felt different.

There was this shift between us an understanding that playtime was over. No more games and experimental bullshit. This was real, this was serious. I was now officially having an affair with my best friend.

And I liked it.

"Come on," Josie led me upstairs to my room.

I let her.

I kissed her again when we got there. She moaned softly into my mouth.

I wrapped my hands around her neck and basically threw myself at her. Letting her know that I was hers to do whatever she wanted at that moment.

She wrapped her arms around me and slid her tongue into my mouth.

My phone ringing stopped us in our tracks.

I pulled back and saw Carson's name on the screen. Without even thinking about it I ignored the call and turned my phone off, tossing it off to the side somewhere to be forgotten.

Josie looked me in the eyes then, a fire inside of her.

"I want..."

"What do you want?" she asked.

"I want you," I said.

She shoved me back hard onto the bed and quickly got on top of me. Then she pinned my arms down and kissed me roughly. I moaned into her mouth. She moved her lips across my cheek to my ear before whispering,


"I want to make you feel good but if you want me to stop just call me by my middle name and I will. Okay?"

"Don't stop," I pleaded.

She kissed me under my ear and moved to my neck.

I closed my eyes and moaned softly, letting her take full control of me.

Her hot breath on my skin drove me wild. The way her hands held me down, how she wedged her leg between my thighs. I was shaking from how turned on I was. I had to breathe loudly in through my nose and out through my mouth just to calm down a little.

She unbuttoned my shirt, one by one. Kissing her way down my chest to my stomach.

"Oh, god Josie... please, touch me more," I begged.

She unbuttoned my jeans and slid the zipper down slowly, looking up to lock eyes with me.

"No one's going to interrupt us this time," she said.

Then she slid my jeans down my legs. I moved to help her but she slapped my hand away and stopped. I watched her get up and grab two of my pillows before pulling the pillowcases off them.

"What are you—"

"Shh," she said.

Then she grabbed my hands one by one and tied them with the pillowcases to the headboard.

Now I really couldn't move.

She got back between my legs and finished pulling my pants down before pulling panties off shortly after

Her hands slowly traveled up my legs. Her thumbs digging into my skin.

"Where are your scissors?" she asked.

"W-what? Why?" I asked.

"Tell me," she demanded by squeezing my thighs hard in her hands.

"Second drawer, ah! In the nightstand," I cried out.

She quickly got up to look before finding them and crawling back over to me. she let the cold metal glide up my stomach to my bra.

"Josie no, I like this bra." I pout.

"Too bad," she smirked.

I tried to move my hands but I was stuck. With that devious smirk still painted on her lips, she cut the straps to my bra. Then she unhooked it in the back and threw it off of me, lost somewhere in my room.

She dropped the scissors to the floor before kissing me again and then kissing her way down to my breast.

"Fuck," I moaned.

While her lips were preoccupied with my breast her hand snaked down my stomach to my wet center.

I took in a sharp breath when I felt her slip inside of me.

I closed my eyes and took in a shaky breath as she got to work.

"Uh, f-fuck. Oh..." I moaned softly, arching my back off the bed.

"Does it feel good?" she whispered against my skin.

"Don't stop," I pleaded.

"I've thought about this day for a very long time. About what I would do to you if I ever got you alone like this. All the fantasies that played through my head over the years, lewd ideas I secretly got off to."

"Josie," I moaned.

"Every time I touch myself, I think of you." she kissed me.

I take in sharp heavy breaths as her lips trail down my body to my core.

"Ah! Josie!" I had my first orgasm shortly after.

But she wasn't done with me.

While I cooled down she stripped for me, slowly sliding her clothes off one by one while I watched.

She's beautiful.

Such a sight to see.

Why did it take me so long to notice?

I pull on my hand restraints and pout when I can't touch her. She giggles at my face. Then she gets on top of me, spreading my legs and pressing herself into me.

"Oh god! Fuck," I moan loudly.

Her hands grab my waist and she holds on to me as she begins to grind herself into me. The feeling is magical. Unlike anything I've ever felt before.

"I want to touch you," I beg as she goes on.

"Do you now?"

"Please Josie, let me touch you. Please!" I moan loudly.

"What's in it for me?" she says smugly.

"You can do whatever you want to me. Uh! Please. You can call me Kitten. I don't care. Please! Uh! God, I'm close again," I clench my jaw tight as I try to hold on.

She slowed to a stop letting me come down from my high as she untied my hands. The moment they were free I grab her and pull her close, kissing her like crazy.

I throw my shirt off and sit-up bringing our legs to a scissor.

I can see it on her face when she's close, she breaths heavier closes her eyes more often. Her body starts to tremble.

"Let's finish together, I'm almost there too." I start moving faster.

"Oh Kat, fuck," she hisses.

"Just a little more," I say.

She grabs one of my hands and interlocks our fingers.

She finishes before me, her body shaking all over as she tightly squeezes my hand and cries out in pleasure. Seeing her finish sends me over the edge too.

For a moment we just sit there, our hands still interlocked as we catch our breath. I move first, slowly separating us and moving to lay down. Her whole body trembles as she follows my lead and lays next to me.

She breaths heavily, closing her eyes and pulling me into her arms.

I feel all warm inside.


Everything about it was perfect.

She doesn't say anything for the rest of the night, just holds me as I nuzzle into her and interlock our fingers once more.

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