《Calfuray Academy (ManxMan)》Chapter 35


Chapter 35: Bad News

Somehow, while I was so upset about what I was watching, I refused to change the channel. I insisted on making Dean and I sit there and watch the story. On the other hand, Dean was not protesting much.

“This is the ninth incident in the past six months of a mixed species child committing suicide, presumably due to this factor. Five out of the four being in their teens and the other four being young adults.” The woman reported, her falsely empathetic tone quickly getting on my nerves.

“Due to the notes left by these teens and young adults and because of expert opinion, authorities suspect that this is due to complicated societal pressures placed on to them.”

Dean carefully reached for the remote and with a skill, I did not realize he had turned off the TV. I tried to bit my tongue to keep my complaining at bay but it was futile and soon I was speaking.

“This is absolutely terrible!” I complained loudly, my hands flailing around with my anger. “The fact that so many kids are committing suicide over this is too wrong.”

“I agree.” Dean said with a curt nod. “Something is obviously wrong for this to be happening so often.”

“Oh, I know what is wrong.” I said, turning to Dean with narrowed eyes. “I usually never talked about it because I wouldn’t let it get to me but when you’re in one of the dimensions catered towards a specific species, mixed kids are always singled out. But, my parents never let it get us down and my siblings would comfort me if any people were ass’s, so I eventually learned not to be bothered.”

“Do you think that these kids don’t have that then?” Dean asked, looking at me with curious eyes.

“I’m sure of it. And it’s unfair that they don’t!” Feeling too worked up to remain sitting and wrapped up in Dean’s arms, I stood up and began walking around his place.


After school today, Dean had invited me over to his place again, and with almost no work, I had said yes immediately. The two of us had been getting even closer in the past few days, something that I really loved.

Whenever I went to hang out with my friends, I had Dean come whenever he could to attempt to improve their relationship. It was usually pretty funny because they would be kissing up to Dean and I, their way of apologizing, and I soaked up every bit of it.

Even my siblings were coming around to the idea of Dean and I being together. All in all, our relationship has been more smooth seas than anything else.

At the moment, though, my mind was focused on the story. I jumped slightly when I felt a pair of arms snake around my body.

“Dean? Wha-”

“What if we provided that place for them?” Dean asked, his warm breath falling against my neck. I ignored the thump in my heart from the act and processed what he actually said.

“What do you mean?” I asked softly, reaching for some form of clarity. Dean nuzzled his nose deeper into my neck before he spoke again.

“I mean, you said that these kids probably didn’t have a place like your home where they could go and feel comforted over the fact that they are different, unique.” Dean reminded me gently. “We could provide that place for them.”

I blinked, turning slightly in Dean’s arms to look at him.

“In this house?” I asked, then looking around us. Dean shrugged while I continued to look around his place. While his house was beautiful and nice since the academy gave it to him, it was still small.

Dean’s house was a one-story bungalow of sorts. It had a living room, kitchen, office area, and a spacious bedroom with adjoined bath. It was nice for one person but definitely not made for guests. Dean shrugged and I shook my head in disagreement.


“That can’t work, this place is too small and we would only get students at this school.” I argued, gesturing around the room while Dean continued to hold on to me. Dean started to rub his hands up and down my stomach, causing the muscles there to tense. Dean continued this motion, even as he began to speak again.

“Well, we could build our own place, places even.” Dean suggested excitedly, his voicing rising as he spoke. “They could be in a number of dimensions and be places where kids can be supported in whatever they do and whoever they are.”

I took Dean’s arms and pulled them off of me, stepping away from the taller man and turning to face him fully. He had a delightfully optimistic smile on his face and I felt my mood lift as well.

“Did you just come up with a business idea?” I asked him, smirking lightly.

“No, we just came up with a business idea. You were the one who knew what needed to be done.” Dean replied immediately. I shook my head at his words with a soft smile.

“And you came up with the way to do it.” I giggled softly and went to pull Dean into a hug. We stayed in that position for a beat before pulling away.

“I feel like we could make a pretty good team.” Dean commented, a happy look in his eye that warmed my chest. I snorted and walked around him to fall back into the couch. The news was still on and unfortunately, they were still reporting on the incident.

Dean came around my legs and sat down on my left, throwing his right arm over my shoulder as if it were natural. Well, I guess it kind of is, he is my mate after all.

“Are you serious about this?” I asked Dean, turning to look into his warm eyes. “I know that we have barely thought about it but . . . would you actually be able to do it?”

Dean shook his head, waving off my comment effortlessly.

“Sebastian, it doesn’t matter what I am doing, I’ll always be ready to be here for you and support.” I smiled when Dean leaned over and placed a soft kiss on my jaw, letting it linger for a moment before pulling back. “Especially with something like this. My profession is perfect for this type of thing.”

Dean’s expression suddenly dropped and his gaze quickly became strong.

“The real question is whether you are serious about this or not because I cannot promise that it will be easy.” Dean told me, giving me a concerned look that I certainly didn’t want. I stood up, puffing out my chest and raising up my chin.

“Who in the world told you that I wanted things to be easy?” I asked him incredulously. I expected Dean to scramble up, rushing up to apologize. But, instead, he started to laugh. They were not chuckles but instead loud guffaws that surprised me to the point that I jumped.

Eventually, I joined in. I could not fully explain to anyone why seeing Dean laugh so freely always made me laugh as well. But, I can say that laughing with my mate is one of the most enjoyable experiences I have felt in a long time. It truly made me believe that this could last for a very long time.


Hey everyone!

I’m glad to be updating again although I am very unsatisfied with this chapter.

I’m sorry that it took so long to get this up.

I was really having trouble figuring out how to get the story to the point that I wanted it at and clearly, I still am. But, I tried my best and pushed myself to get this out so I hope that you enjoy it.


I still don’t know so any guess could be true


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