《Shot Down (hiccup x reader HTTYD)✔️》• Bonus chapter! •


I walked into the common hall for lunch when I was stopped by Astrid.

"Hey y/n, can I talk to you?"

"Oh goodie. You going to tell me I'm worthless again? Oh or maybe insult my personality. That always tears me down." I say with visible annoyance and sassiness in my voice. I grab my food and go towards the table.

She stepped in front of my and stopped me in my tracks.

"Y/n please listen to me. I've been a bitch. And I regret it so much. You're such an amazing person and I was just jealous that hiccup had found someone better than me. I am really, truly sorry for my inappropriate behavior ever since I met you. I really want to become friends with you."

I was completely shocked by her words. I stood there wide eyed unable to choke out any words.

She stood there in front of me looking down at her hands.

"Astrid, I have no clue what to say.."

"That's okay! You don't have to say anything. Just know that I'm sorry and hopefully we can hang out sometime."

I thought for a second before smiling. "I would like that."

Astrid smiled and nodded before walking away quickly.

I watched her go with a growing grin across my face.

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