《How deep is your love (HTTYD)》Part 21


AN: (Punts writersblock all the way to Antartica) Finally able to write again!!! XD

Heather's eyes widened as she heard Astrid's pained scream after the gunshot and she could smell the blood from here. The old vampire stood there with her hand instinctively wrapped around Henry's throat trembling in rage at what had just had transpired. 'She just needed to close her hand. Just close it and she'd crush Henry's throat.' She thought. She had no idea that Henry had that much strength left to overpower her for the few seconds it took to fire the gun. It incensed her. She should have had a firmer grip on the man.

"....ther...Heather!" She snapped out of her thoughts that had been turning exceedingly darker when Camicazi started calling her name. There was worry in the Sheriff's voice and she noticed Cami's hand on her arm. The same arm she was holding an unconscious Henry by the throat with. "Heather.... I need you to let go." Camicazi told her as she tried to calm the vampire down.

"He deserves to die." Heather hissed as her eyes turned red in rage. "Sadly it's not for us to decide." Camicazi told her as she cuffed Henry. Heather let the man's unconscious body drop to the ground not caring if he hid his head on something, preferably on something hard. "I've already called for backup and an ambulance." Camicazi stated as both Heather and she hurried to the house to check on Astrid and Hiccup. What they saw there was worrisome. Hiccup lay slumped against the counter and blood was freely pooling on the tiled floor. Astrid was frantic as she tried to stop the flow of blood. Heather stopped in her tracks as she surveyed the scene. "Astrid.... Astrid!" she called out to her little bat but was ignored. Heather carefully crouched down and put a hand on Astrid's shoulder.

Astrid gave a slight flinch and Heather saw the tear tracks on her face when she turned to look at her. "Help me...." Astrid whispered while trying to suppress a sob. "Please..."

"Astrid....... Don't worry." Camicazi tried to calm her down. "An ambulance is already on the way."

"We don't have that much time!" Astrid responded as more tears rolled down her cheeks. "He.... He's......" She couldn't bring herself to utter anymore as she tried to still stem the blood flow.


"His heartbeat is growing weaker." Heather explained to Cami as she started helping Astrid sit Hiccup up straighter so that blood wouldn't start filling his lungs. "Both Astrid and I can hear it. The bullet punctured his lung."

"Surely we can get him to the hospital in time." Cami uttered in disbelief. "They can..." Heather however shook her head sadly. "With an injury like this the first few minutes are critical. It doesn't look good right now." She then placed a hand on Astrid's shoulder tentatively. "Astrid, I know the situation isn't ideal but you should turn Hiccup."

"What?!" Astrid shouted. "Heather, without his permission?"

"It's probably the only way to save him." Heather reasoned urgently "You know as well as I do that he could get an air embolism at any moment now". Astrid took a deep breath while nodding. She closed her eyes briefly and contemplated the ramifications but soon time was up for her to be indecisive as Hiccup started to convulse.

"Astrid do it now or never!" Heather ordered. "There is no time left! He's going into shock. You'll lose him forever if you don't hurry up!"

Astrid took a deep breath before she made a cut on her arm with her nail and dripped some of her blood into Hiccup's mouth. It wouldn't take much blood from a vampire to turn a human, not at all how the movies and gothic novels portrayed it. That was the reason why vampires were cautious when they got wounded. She then leaned in and sank her teeth into Hiccup's neck. She wouldn't drain him of blood, just take enough blood to initiate the change. She didn't want to turn Hiccup under these circumstances but now she had no choice. Astrid was faintly aware of the distant sirens getting closer. With her vampire hearing she could hear Camicazi directing two people inside. Astrid let go and as her teeth retracted she noticed two EMT's staring dumbfounded at her.

"Now is not the time to gawk!" Cami chastised as the men quickly got to work on loading Hiccup on the gurney. Astrid went with them in the ambulance while Cami and Heather were going to meet her at the hospital after loading up the arrested men in the patrol cars. During the whole ride Astrid sat there motionless as she stared at Hiccup's body while the EMT's worked on him. She had almost lost him and the prospect of facing that sadness was scaring her. It was when she was turning him that she came to a revelation. She loved him. Loved him very deeply, even though they had only started dating. The time they had spend as friends had endeared her to him and she wasn't about to lose him.


But there was a tingling in the back of her mind. A bit of doubt that was whispering to her. What if Hiccup would start to resent her for turning him? 'He never did agree to it, did he'. The little voice whispered to her and Astrid bit her lip in worry. She had resolved decades ago not to change anyone without their explicit permission and now she had done the opposite. Another voice in her head told her that there were mitigating circumstances and that doing everything to keep her boyfriend alive was the right thing. Another voice made a counter argument about free will being taken away from Hiccup. Sure he was a human that supported, and was friends with, supernatural beings. It didn't mean he wanted to be turned into one. Astrid mentally shoved all the little voices in a tiny closet and locked the door but she was still nervous by the time they got to the hospital. Hiccup was rushed into the ICU for surgery and Astrid was waiting for the others to arrive. Several doctors gave Astrid weird looks when the EMT's explained that she had bitten Hiccup before their arrival. She wasn't sure what these doctors were making of it but her thoughts were cut off when Camicazi and Heather entered the waiting room.

"How is he?" Cami asked as she and Heather took a seat on either side of Astrid.

"I don't know." Astrid told them. "He was rushed into surgery and since I'm not family the doctors aren't telling me a thing." It was then that she realized something. "Oh Thor! Stoick! How am I.... how......"

"Breathe Astrid, breathe." Cami tried to calm her down even if she knew that vampires didn't breathe. "Stoick has already been contacted by the police and is on his way."

"Excuse me I need some air!" Astrid quickly said as she stood up and stepped out of the waiting room. "I'll go talk to her." She heard Heather say behind her and a set of footsteps followed her outside.

"Astrid are you alright?" Heather asked after a moment of standing next to her in silence. Astrid looked at Heather with eyes narrowed. "Of course. Stupid question." Heather sighed. "Look, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything. This isn't your fault. It's mine."

"What do you mean yours?" Astrid asked perplexed. "I turned Hiccup. I turned him without his permission. You know my stance on that. What if he didn't want to be a vampire Heather? I'd be condemning him to an immortal lifestyle he'd never be comfortable with."

"I should have kept a better grip on Henry. I never thought a human could push me off. I'm sorry." Heather said. "If I'd done that then none of this would have happened."

"Heather I don't blame you!" Astrid said. "You couldn't have seen it coming."

"And neither could you, so don't blame yourself." Heather replied back. "Besides, you shouldn't worry too much about Hiccup. He won't blame you for turning him."

"How can you be sure?"

Heather tapped her temple "Empath remember. Hiccup is besotted with you. Trust me I'd know."

"You know, some selfish part of me wanted to change Hiccup some time ago." Astrid admitted.

"Oh I know." Heather smirked while wiggling her eyebrows in a suggestive manner which earned her a swat on the arm. "Little bat I've known you for a very long time. You totally wanted to get jiggy with Hiccup."

"HEATHER WHO SAYS JIGGY ANYMORE!" Astrid exclaimed as her cheeks burned. "I can't believe you! More than a century and you still need a filter in public."

"Hey you're the one who shouted it." Heather retorted as Astrid sputtered. "You feel better now?"

"A bit." Astrid told her. "I still don't know how I'm going to face Stoick. How do you tell someone you changed their son into a vampire."

"Astrid? Heather?" Both vampires turned around to see Stoick and Gobber standing there. 'Oh Thor' Astrid thought. 'How much did they hear?!'

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