Excuse any mistakes!
I sat in the bathroom wiping the tears that fell from my eyes. I had to play things cool. I couldn't let anyone see my weak side. I wanted things to go smoothly, there was no room for fuck-ups. I splashed water on my face taking a deep breath.
"You good in there?" They knocked as I put on a fake smile opening the door.
"I'm fine, ."
"Well, you taking all day having me worried and shit."
"Whatever." I waved him off taking a seat on the bed.
"You still tripping over that nigga?"
"Stop speaking on him." I gritted. He was really pissing me off and it was getting harder to keep my cool.
"I'm just saying." He shrugged. "You keep crying like he's going to come back. We were both drunk Luna. If he can't understand that then somethings wrong."
I quickly stood up going back into the bathroom. I punched the wall wishing it was his face. I punched it over and over feeling my hand start to throb. The door busted open and Lilo came flying in. She gasped at the sight pulling me into her arms.
"I-I miss him so much." I did miss Zae but this was code for I'm ready to kill this nigga. When I first told my plan to Lilo, she thought it was crazy but then really listened and got on board with it.
"Shhh, it's okay." She tightened her grip. "Maybe you should go. You're the reason she's like this."
Lilo kept her words at bay but I knew exactly what she meant. East bit his lip walking backwards.
"Call me later Luna. I'm sorry again."
"Why are you doing this to yourself?" She asked once he was gone. "This is not healthy at all. I mean look around the house. You've been using your walls as punching bags."
"I'll be fine."
She bit her lip. "I don't think so. You haven't told anyone what happened to you? You can't keep this balled up inside and why is he coming around? This is not okay."
"I'm handling it." I mumbled.
"Let's fix this." She dragged me to the counter making me take a seat while she got the first aid kit. She lifted my hand causing me to wince in pain. "Sorry. Have you taken your medicine today?"
"Yes, mother."
She laughed. "I'm just making sure. You're already in enough pain."
She mumbled the last part. She cleaned up the dry blood on my knuckles, spraying disinfectant on them and applying a butterfly bandage around it.
"Thank you."
"No problem." Her eyes grazed mines. She started leaning in, closing the gap between us. Her lips brushed mines and then she pulled back quickly palming her forehead.
"Oh my goodness. I didn't mean to do that again. I'm so sor-" I stopped her rant placing my lips on hers. Her body tensed for a minute then relaxed. Unexpectedly I felt her tongue softly lick my bottom lip. I opened my mouth letting her in as our tongues roam around each other's mouths. I pulled back watching a smile appear on her face.
"What was that?"
"I don't know." I shrugged. She obviously wanted to kiss me since that was her second attempt of trying. I just pushed all thoughts in the back of my head and went through with it. "I felt like you wanted it so I gave it to you."
"It was nice but I don't want to get in the way of you and Zae getting back together."
"It was a kiss. It's nothing like we had sex." I joked hopping down from the counter grabbing my phone off the bed seeing I had a text from my brother.
"I'm just saying." The baby started crying.
"Now, don't go getting too excited."
"Fuck you."
I raised an eyebrow smirking. "I bet you would like that, wouldn't you?"
"Leave, Luna." She rolled her eyes attending to the baby. Stitch came and brushed against my leg. I have been neglecting him and I felt bad. I picked him cuddling into his fur.
He licked my face making me giggle a little. I looked in his eyes thinking about my dad. He tilted his head me causing me to raise an eyebrow. I played with him for a little bit until it was time for me to go.
"I'll see y'all later." I kissed Adeya's cheeks heading out the door. My brother texted me the location of some park close by. I didn't mind as long as I get to see the girls. I was a little nervous about it though. What if they didn't like me or something?
I exited my car looking around for them. I turned my head hearing someone call my name. I squinted seeing Noah sitting at a bench. I lightly smiled walking over taking a seat.
"Why did you want to meet at a park? I feel like a babydaddy coming to pick up his kids he hasn't seen in a while."
"Lana wanted to come. We can do whatever you want afterwards."
"Where are they?"
He didn't say anything but yell out their names. I watched two girls with blonde hair come running in our direction with big smiles on their faces.
"Noah, I was just about to get on the swing." Lana whined. I knew she was Lana because she looked like the youngest while the other one was tall and appeared to be the oldest.
"What do you want?" Deluna crossed arms with a slight mug on her face. A smile chuckled escaped my lips making them look over at me. "Who is this?"
"Remember I told you about having another sister?" They nodded. "This is Luna, our sister."
A smile broke out on Lana's face as she embraced me into a big hug. Her arms wrapped around my neck as I stood up lifting her off her feet. My heart swelled seeing how excited and happy she was.
"Hi, gorgeous." I put her down running my fingers through her hair.
"Hi, big sister. Wait, can I call you that?"
"You can call me whatever you want."
"You look just like mommy. We have the same hair." She smiled referring to my hair color. But I couldn't get over her first words she said. It made my heart thump in pain. It was still a touchy situation for me. I wanted to move past it and finally accept the truth but I couldn't.
"Umm Deluna do you want to say anything?" Noah hurried up and said seeing the look on my face.
"What happened to your hand?" She asked in a sassy tone.
"I punched the wall."
"Why did you punch the wall?"
I shrugged. "I was angry."
"If you get angry then you should get a stress ball. My daddy brought me two." She gasped lowly reaching into her pocket. "You can have mines. I have another at home."
"Really?" I smiled lightly. She nodded finally smiling. She seemed like a tough cookie to crack. "Can I have a hug now?"
I opened my arms are she walked into them. I tightly wrapped my arms around her not wanting to let go. I could feel myself becoming emotional but held it in. I pulled staring at all of them.
"Wow." I mumbled looking at their features.
"I know I look good." Noah said.
I hit him in the head. "Shut up."
We talked for over two hours. The girls didn't even want to play anymore. I learned many things about them both. They were really smart for their ages. Deluna reminded me more of myself when I was younger and today. She held certain anger inside.
"She-devil is calling back to back. I need to get them home."
"Do we have to go?"
"I really had a good time today." I told them to brighten up the mood. The smile I haven't had in while still remained on my lips. I couldn't be happier.
"I did too!"
"Can we spend more time together?"
I sighed looking over at Noah. "I'll see."
"Remember you can't tell mom about this. This is our little secret okay?"
I was pissed but didn't show it. I shouldn't be able to see them when I want. I never did shit to that lady but be born and I get treated like shit. It's fucked up.
"Bye." I gave them one last hug and got into my car. I watched them pull off before doing the same. I decided to go get some food since I haven't eaten all day. I arrived at this burger place getting out. I've been craving them for weeks now.
"Can I get the number 3, no onion and add mayo."
"For you drink?"
"Pink lemonade." I added something on for Lilo as well.
"14.61." I pulled out my wallet handing him a twenty. Laughter behind me caused me to turn around. My eyes connected with . I haven't seen him in two freaking weeks. And here he is with the same bitch from Jamaican spot.
I bit the inside of my cheek feeling tears sting my eyes. I wanted to be tough but he already broke that wall with me and I was sensitive as fuck. I cleared my throat turning back around.
"Why is that bitch staring?" I waited ten seconds to see if he was going to say something but he never did.
I turned around. "You better watch that bitch word, little girl. Last time I gave you a warning but I will fuck you up."
"Ain't nobody scared of you."
"Chill." He gripped her waist. He couldn't even look me in the eyes.
"You can't speak?"
"We don't have shit to talk about." He gritted.
"We have a lot to talk about but you wouldn't even let me explain. All I'm asking for is one minute."
He looked me dead in the face. "Nah, you good."
I smiled shaking my head. I balled up my fist tightly and closed my eyes turning back around so I wouldn't hit him in the face. I don't want to make a scene in this public place.
"That bitch is crazy." She tried to whisper but I heard her loud and clear. I turned around punching the bitch right in the face. Blood started gushing out from her nose as she screamed.
"Don't call me out my name."
"FUCK YOU! Look what she did to my face. I'm going to call the police. Zae look at my nose." She whined.
"She told you to leave her alone." The owner said tooting up her nose.
She tried running up on me but I quickly moved sending another to her face.
"Chill the fuck out man. You doing too much." Zae grabbed my arm pushing me out the way. I snatched back mugging him.
I laughed sarcastically. "I'm doing too much? She called me out my name-"
I stopped feeling a rush come through my mouth. I quickly ran outside throwing up in the nearby trash can. I groaned as it just kept coming.
"You good?" Zae came running out the door by me but I wasn't feeling him anymore. He really took up for that bitch over me.
"Get the fuck off of me."
"I just wanna make sure you good." He threw his hands up walking back inside. He was acting like a completely different person. After this, I don't think I could be with him again. He never gave me the chance to fully explain myself. He just did what he does best, leave.
"Here you go, baby." The owner lady came out giving me a bottle of water and a couple of napkins. "This is a brand new bottle. Are you okay."
"I'm fine. Maybe, I ate something bad last night."
"I don't think so. I know when someone's pregnant and my dear, you are."
"No, that's impossible. I can't be-" I stopped as realization smacked me in the face. Another query feeling came over me and I threw up again. Feeling weak I bent down slightly.
"Come on." She took me back inside to the back. She sat me down in the chair and left out the room. When she came back she had a cool towel and wiped my face. I smiled weakly thanking her. "It's no problem. I don't need you passing out."
"I- I can't be pregnant. I just can't." I let everything out. I started sobbing hoping this was a bad dream.
"It's going to be okay." She tried soothing me but I didn't want to hear it.
"No, it's not!" I rushed out of her office leaving. I speeded to a nearby Walgreens for a pregnancy test. I brought as many that could fit into my hands. I paid and left out rushing home.
My stomach was doing backflips as I waited for the results. As I waited I brushed my teeth and washed my face to cool down more.
My phone timer went off causing me to stop. I was very hesitant to pick it up. I took a deep breath closing my eyes and counting to ten. Once I reached the end I opened my eyes looking at all seven tests. They had the same answer.
I slide down with the wall crying. For the rest of the night, I just cried.
I woke up still not believing I was pregnant. I couldn't and I wouldn't accept this. I sighed sitting up going into the kitchen for something to drink.
I started walking back to my room but my feet lead me to Lilo's. I opened the door seeing her sleep on her back. The baby wasn't in the room which means she left with Julian.
I bit my lip walking over to her bed. I climbed on top of her. She didn't move one bit. I leaned down placing a kiss on her lips waiting for some type of reaction. I bit her lip, pecking them several times.
"What are you doing?" Her eyes fluttered open.
"Giving you what you want." More like what I wanted at the moment.
She shook her head. "I can't do this with you. Are you drunk or something?"
I took her hand sliding them into my panties. Her finger slowly brushed my clit making me jump. I let them play in my wetness staring her down.
"You feel that?" I moaned against her lips. "I want you bad."
"Luna." I could hear it in her voice. She wanted just as bad right now. This was something I wasn't use to but my body wanted her in the worst way. She slipped two fingers inside of me making me moan out.
"Fuuuck." I rocked slowly on her fingers. I took my shirt off revealing my boobs. She took her free hand groping them. She pulled back taking off her clothes while I removed my panties. She flipping us over climbing in between my legs trailing kisses down my neck to my breast. Her tongue swirled around my nipples making me bit my lip.
She opened my legs sitting directly on my pussy. The way she moved felt so good. I could feel our juices mixing as she rotated her hips around.
"Don't stop baby." I whimpered gripping her ass. I could hear the sound of her pussy become extra squishy. The sound turned me on even more.
"Ahhh shiiiit." She sent a hard slap to my thigh speeding up.
"Fuuuuuuck! I'm soo close, don't stop." I grabbed her face bringing her into a sloppy kiss feeling my orgasm approach.
"Luuuna, I'm cummming! Ahhh fuuuck." Our bodies shook as she fell back onto the bed. I laid there so I could catch my breath for a second.
I opened her legs staring at her treasure. She was glistening and her juices were spilling out more. It turned me on so much. I bent down to take her into my mouth but someone banged on the front door.
"Damnit." I stood up going to the door. I covered my body with the door seeing it was Kain. "What the hell are you doing here?"
"You know why I'm here."
"Not tonight." I looked back to see if Lilo came out.
"You called me over here. Not the other way around." He reminded making me curse under my breath. I honestly forgot all about that. He pushed the door opened allowing himself in. He licked his lips looking down at my naked body.
"Kain, you need to go."
"Who you got in here?"
"None of your business." He smirked shaking his head. He grabbed my neck pulling me into him. He smashed his lips into mines sliding his tongue in my mouth. I fell into his trance kissing his back. This was only our second time kissing.
"I know it's a girl. You don't smell like no nigga." He answered the question I was thinking.
"Luna! What the fuck?!" Lilo came out with a robe on seeing Professor Boyd. She didn't know about our thing on the side.
"Oh shit!" He laughed.
"What is our Professor doing here and he's seeing you naked."
I sighed. "This is Kain and we've known each other for years. Way before he worked at the school. He's seen me naked before."
"That's not weird?" She whispered.
"No." I could feel him breathing down my neck. He mumbled for me to ask her. I shook my head wanting more of her and now him.
"Maybe we can, you know." I trailed off thinking of something. From the look in her eyes, she already knew.
"I don't know Luna."
"You don't have to do anything with him." I walked over backing her into the wall, planting kisses on her neck. She tensed up for a moment but relaxed. "Just me."
"Fuck." Her back arched the wall as my fingers doing their way back in between her legs. I licked and sucked all over her neck fucking her with two fingers. "I'm going to cuuuum."
"Do it." Her legs shook around my hand before closing tightly to stop my movement. I pulled my fingers out licking her juices up. "Mm good."
"Damn." I looked back at him holding his dick while staring at us. I spreading her legs massaging her clit. Kain came behind me kissing my neck. He slid his pants off grabbing a condom, putting it on.
"Shiiiit." My mouth went open as he rammed inside of me. I wrapped my arm Lilo kissing her. She moaned in mouth, now reaching in between my legs.
It didn't take long before I was ass up face down on the couch receiving long deep strokes while licking up all of Lilo's juices. I swirled my tongue around her clit adding another finger to her hole.
"Fuuuck Luna. Don't stop."
"Oooooh, daddy." I raised up feeling Kain hit my spot. He slapped my ass extra hard pushing my head back down.
"Eat that shit." I flicked my tongue faster reaching up to grab her boobs. Her mouth opened but nothing came out. She tried moving my hands but I didn't stop, only moving my head faster.
"I'm cumming. Fuck fuuuuck!" She threw her head back squeezing her legs shut.
"How she taste?"
I licked my lips. "Good."
He smirked grabbing my neck bringing my lips to his. His tongue slid in my mouth exploring it. He let go and started pounding away.
"Cum all on this dick." I could feel him all in my stomach as I started shaking. "Make this fat wet pussy cum."
Lilo started fingering herself while looking at us. He gripped my hips thrusting even harder making the sound of our skin slapping fill the living room.
"Look at this shiiit." He groaned biting my ear. I knew he was close and by the look on Lilo's face, she was too.
"OH, MY- FUUUCK DADDY!" I moaned out as my body jerked. He pinched my swollen clit rotating his hips. Shocks went through my body as my eyes rolled back. "Shiiiit!"
"Fuuuck." He took off the condom releasing all over my ass. Once I caught my breath I took my finger licking it up. He groaned as his dick got hard again. His eyes wandered to Lilo, giving her a smirk. I moved out the way as he grabbed her leg pulling her in front of him.
"I need this." Was all he said before diving right in. She moaned pushing his head deeper. I bit my lip straddling her face. I knew this was going to be a long night.
- In Serial109 Chapters
Eryth: Strange Skies [Old]
[Currently Being Rewritten] Link to Rewrite A stranger in strange lands; lost memories; a peculiar world. Here is a story of a youth who found himself stranded somewhere he didn't belong, with fragmented memories of who he was but just enough to realize what's at stake; just enough to help him scrape a semblance of normalcy in a world yet uncharted. And he will stop at nothing to reclaim what is truly his. 2k-3k words per chapter A little bit of slow burn A dash of slice of life here and there No number crunching though the system is well and truly present MC grows over time, no zero to immediate hero kinda thing. He has to explore his power. ∆ No Harem Tag ∆ Multiple POV Chapters ∆ Rewritten chapters from Prologue I to First Contact, chapter 41. ∆ Glossary Erm, English is my third language so, treat me well...pwease? :) Er, some content tags are provisional ...will give warnings just in case :)
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A Heart to Call Home: A Twilight Saga Fanfiction
"A place where someone still thinks about you is a place you can call home."
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The Awakener: War of the Three Kingdoms
He will be born again in the ire of chaos on the throes of a foreign land. He will be the one called upon to awaken the Renaissance. The Awakener follows the journey of Vasilios Bouras, a young adult in his early twenties, as he finds his way through life trying to "find his own name." After running away from home seven years prior and then graduating from an Elite Mercenary academy, he finds himself thrust into a conflict between the Three-Sisters Nations in Ellisandere's southernmost continent. Forced into a path and conflict he wanted no part in, he puts a plan in motion to escape only to be pushed deeper into the ancient history of the world and a conflict The Empiric Age knows nothing about. Joined by a Lower Syl Ranger as she searches for her husband from a past life, a guide who has lived more lives than he cares to recount, and the fellow Blades from his squad, Vas is about to learn that not everything can be run from and that eventually, destiny will catch up to you. Either alive or dead, it's his choice to make.
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Izuku, a kid who had life completely shit on him. He's always been around drugs and violence. At a young age he was abandoned by his own parents who were suppose to love him. At a young age he was out on the streets learning to survive.One day he meets a boy named Kira, their connected like glue. So, like the teenagers they are they fell into trouble together. Partying, doing drugs, drinking.... Especially izuku.But before this izuku tried being a normal kid. Went back to school after dropping out. Katsuki bakugo and him soon started dating. He was beyond elastic....Until izuku just had to ruin it. Izuku was a druggie who slept around. Maybe the break up fucked izuku up. Because after that day he felt broken. I mean, Kira and katsuki were the only ones who cared about him. Literally.This is a story about izuku, katsuki, and Kira. The trials of being an adult at just seven, you'll take a look at the broken mentality of izuku. His life with crime, drugs, and sex. With all these bad things...There just had to be betrayal. Than right after betrayal comes the death of close ones.
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The sea wolf
This is not my book this is a book written by the late Jack London a wonderful author who wrote many stories all which have amazed me he died by committing suicide e.i. over dosing on drugs. God bless his soul rest in peace Jack London.
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The Granger-Swan Reunion
This is a take on the granger swan reunion.Hermione Malfoy nee Granger has not gone to a reunion in 24 years. No one but her parents know she is married to Malfoy and most of her cousins hate her. But how will they react when she sees them again. P.S I OWN NOTHING BUT THE PLOT OF THE STORY oh and this is my first book that I'm writing and publishing on this app so please don't hate.
8 81