Excuse any mistakes!
"I miss you every day. The whole trip you've planned is amazing. I know once we get there, it'll be beautiful. You always had crazy tricks up your sleeve old man. Even though you're not here with me, sometimes you make my bad days, good ones. I realized what uncle Gabe meant when he told me to just let him handle it. I never looked at it as if you are watching my every move. I know I disappointed you tremendously but I'm going to make it better." I shook my head smiling lightly.
The cold wind blew harder making me grip the blanket tighter. It was 3 am in the morning and I decided to visit my dad before I head off to the airport. I haven't had one second of sleep since reading that letter.
"I love you so much. Always and forever." I stood up wiping off my clothes. I leaned down kissing his headstone. Taking a deep breath I began walking home. I needed to hurry home, so I could finish packing.
I unlocked the front door closing it behind me. I stopped hearing the sound of snoring from both ends of the hallway. This let me know that nobody was up and ready to go. I walked into Lilo's room seeing her laid across the bed with her stomach out and mouth wide open. She seemed to be having the best sleep of her life but she needed to get up.
"Baby mama." I whispered in her ear. Everybody was calling me or her that, so it stuck with me. She told me she hasn't heard from little Julian since he beat her. I had one of my boys do a follow up on him and supposedly he's been in a coma for the past couple of months. I guess the kick to the head did some damage. They said he'll be good once he wakes up.
"Leave me alone."
"Your ass will get left if you don't be ready within the next hour." I smacked her butt running out the room.
"I'm going to kill you." She yelped. I headed into my room, now it was time to wake the beast.
"Zae." I tapped his shoulder, he didn't move at all. I tapped him this time a little rough, he still didn't move. I've learned that he could sleep through anything and wouldn't have any movement. It was kinda scary. "Zae, you need to get up."
I grabbed the bottle of water I had earlier pouring some in his face. He jumped up looking around making me laugh.
"What the fuck?" He took off his shirt wiping his face.
"You wouldn't get up. I had to take a different approach."
"Had me thinking a nigga was drowning."
I laughed. "So extra. Now, chop-chop. Go brush your teeth and put some clothes on so we can go."
"When did you become so bossy?"
"Since now." I was anxious to leave already. It would be my first time out of the country. I could only imagine how beautiful Saint Lucia would be in person.
We got all packed up and my uncle was taking everyone to the airport. East and my uncle met Zae for the first time. I bet you could imagine how that went. My uncle surprisingly kinda okay but East? What kills me is that he is talking to someone, so I didn't understand his jealousy.
The flight got delayed for an hour so we used that time to get food and just chill for the time being. Once they called our flight number, we boarded on and good our seats without a problem. I had the window seat and I appreciated that, so I could admire the view. Zae tapped my shoulder causing me to look at him.
"Have you been to sleep?" He rubbed under my eyes.
"No." I sighed. "I tried but I couldn't."
"Well try now. I don't need you passing out before your birthday." He kissed my forehead. I nodded closing my eyes and attempted to get some sleep on this long plane ride.
"Oh my goodness. This is beautiful." We all walked through the resort. It is trees everywhere. The air smelled fresh and clean. The only thing it was kinda hot but I wasn't complaining.
"Would you like a towel?" A lady approached us with towels.
"Are they cold?" She nodded and I gladly took one wiping my face.
"My name is Carol and I will be taking you to your suite. I was informed that we have two suites for you. One for the birthday girl and one for her guests. Is that okay?"
"Yes." I smiled big throwing my bag over my shoulder. She led us up the stairway and I was getting tired. I stopped taking a breather and continued up the stairs. Once we got to the room she pushed the door open and the room was filled with sunflowers and balloons.
"This is for you." A male now stood in front of me giving me a glass of champagne and a note. It was my dad's handwriting on the front, so I knew this was from him once again.
Dear Grace,
If your reading this then that means you've made it to your destination safely. I have many things planned for you to do. Now, you're probably wondering how I did all of this. Remember all the time I would get calls and leave? I was planning this for you. It took months but I finally got it together. I want you to enjoy life to the fullest. Have fun but not too much. I love you princess. P.S. don't start crying, save the tears for my other surprises. I love you always and forever. - Love your old man.
I took a deep breath to stop from crying. One tear slipped out but it quickly wiped it away laughing. Gabe pulled me into a hug kissing my forehead.
"You good?"
"For now." I looked up at him. "How the hell did he do all of this?"
"I don't know too many details, he just gave me the first note and a couple of other things I can't say now. We'll get into that later."
"The other room is right across the hall. If you need anything just call down to the front desk and I'll be up in a jiffy."
"Thank you." I shook both of their hands watching them walk out. "WHO'S READY TO GET DRUNK?"
"I'm pregnant." Lilo said with a salty look on her face. I wanted to laugh but held it in. I didn't want her crying on the first night.
"How about we all get dressed in our swimsuits and head down to the pool?" Lola suggested.
"That'll work. Now everybody out."
"I'll bring the drinks." East said lowly. I laughed shaking my head.
Once they were gone I looked at Zae. He was pretty quiet this whole time. He sat on the bed looking through his phone.
"What's wrong?"
I sighed. "Come on, don't give me that cold shoulder. It's supposed to be a fun time. Don't ruin it."
"Why that nigga always looking at you?"
"Who the fuck else am I talking about, Luna?"
"Okay, I get that your mad but don't get loud with me. I can't control how he looks at me. What do you want me to do?"
His jaw clenched. "Nothing."
I smirked staring at him. His attitude only made me want him more. He tried his best ignoring me but that only lasted so long.
"Can I get my face back?"
"Can I sit on it?" I questioned seductively straddling his waist. He stared at me for a few seconds then he turned us over getting on top of me. He gripped my throat tightly.
"You tell that nigga you mine. I'm not playing Luna. I will fuck him up. You hear me?"
"Mmhmm." I moaned biting my bottom lip. He licked over my lips sliding his tongue in my mouth. Our tongues fought for dominance as we moved in sync. He pulled back pecking my lips repeatedly.
"You're so beautiful."
"Thank you." My stomach developed butterflies. He released my neck sitting us up.
"Now, go put that two-piece on you showed me." I laughed running to my suitcase taking it out.
"It's actually a one-piece."
"The way that thang was looking it seemed like a two-piece but that's cool."
"Like it?"
"Hell yeah!" He smacked my butt. "Got the cheeks out."
"So, it's easy for me to twerk." I bent over in front of him. "See."
"I see." He gripped my waist thrusting himself in me.
"What did I just walk into?" Lilo asked.
I jumped smacking my lips. She just had to kill the mood. I stood up straight grabbing what I needed and followed her outside.
"Who does he think he is?" I pointed at my uncle. This man thought he was the male Tyra. He didn't look half bad though.
"Let's have a drink." East came over handing me a drink.
"Can we walk?"
"What's up?"
"Can you stop staring at me sexually? It's disrespectful East. Why are you even acting like this, you have a girlfriend."
"Nah, she just a girl that's a friend. That nigga not even yo boyfriend. Y'all not together, so why he tripping?"
"That doesn't matter, we talk and that's all that matters. I'm asking you one last time, East. Keep the looks and smart remarks to yourself."
"You got it." He held his hands up. "I'm sorry."
"Now, let's enjoy this week in this beautiful country."
Carol came over saying the boat was ready. I was confused but gathered everyone and headed down getting inside.
"A bitch can really drive the boat." Lola said making me agree once I have seen the nice ass Yacht.
"Aye." I smacked Lola's butt as she bent over twerking. "Oh shit, this is my part."
"I'm just a real ass bitch, give a fuck about a trick. On some real ass shit, and we really with the shit. Put this pussy on your lip, give a fuck about the dick. I get that rrr and then I rrr, I grab my shit and then I dip, ooh." I rapped Nicki's part on Hot Girl Summer bending over twerking.
"It's a hot girl summer."
Zae watched from afar smoking a blunt. I waved him over. He put his blunt out casually walking over.
"Why you all the way over there? Get in the damn water or something." I pulled at his waistband. I looked around seeing if anybody was paying attention. When the coast was clear, I stuck my hands inside his boxers gripping him. He groaned looking at me.
"Is the birthday girl finally going to get this?" I ran my finger over the tip.
"It ain't ya birthday yet." He laughed making me pull my hands out.
"I'll get it from someone else then." I lied watching his face fall. "Not so funny now?"
I jumped in the water hearing him call after me. I laughed once I came up for air seeing him jump in coming after me.
"Stop! Turn around and look at me."
"Damn." He looked down at his camera. "You look sexy as hell without even trying."
"Thank you." I smiled and continued going up the trail of rocks.
"Are we going the wrong way? I could've sworn the waterfall was back in that direction."
I shook my head. "No, the waterfall is this way,"
"I could've sworn I seen it that way." Zae argued.
"I'm going to throw a brick at your head. It's this way."
He laughed. "So damn violent."
We walked over till I could hear the sound of water falling filling my ears. I looked at Zae rolling my eyes. Now if I wouldn't listen to him then we would've been walking for hours in the wrong direction.
"These pictures are going to be perfect. Just look at this scenery. Okay, let's hurry so we won't be late for the carnival.
Saint Lucia held one of the biggest costume carnivals ever. It was called Just4Fun and I already knew it was going to be the best time ever. It was the perfect way to end my birthday night.
"Don't hurt yourself." He warned watching me step on the rocks.
"I got it."
After a long hour, we finished. I stood up about to get ready to head back in the direction of the resort but Zae called out my name.
"Let's take a swim."
"Okay, but this has to be quick." I laid the blanket I brought on the ground and started stripping out of my clothes I was already in.
"You already have a bathing suit, why are you getting naked?
"Do you see this?" I pointed. "It's only right we both get naked."
He laughed doing the same. I jumped in screaming because the water was freezing. After a while, I warmed up to it swimming over to the waterfall.
"Come over here."
"This water cold as shit. I ain't getting in."
"This was your idea. Stop being pussy." I told smiling. He nodded jumping in. He swam over pulling me into his arms. "Better little baby?"
"Shut up." He flicked my lip. I held his face in my hands bringing his lips to mine as the water fell on top of us. He deepened the kiss sliding his tongue in my mouth. I pulled back with his lip in between my teeth. I could feel my lady parts starting to tingle. He was now giving me that look that sent me overdrive.
He went in between my legs running his fingers down my lips. I jumped at the feeling staring at him. He did the unthinkable and lifted me up aligning himself with my opening.
I didn't say anything but wait for him to go all the way. He watched my face turn into pleasure as he slides all the way in.
"Fuuuuck." I moaned gripping the back of his head. He groaned stopping his movement then started back up. He guided my hips up and down so perfectly, you wouldn't think we were in water. The water splashed around us as I scratched at his back.
He ran his tongue down my neck sucking and biting. He bit down my spot causing me to clench around him.
"Shit, don't do that." He said clenching his teeth.
"It feels so good. Don't stop Zae!"
He gripped my ass walking us out the water over to the surface laying me down on the blanket. He grabbed my legs pushing all the way inside me.
"OOOHH SHIT!" I cried out pushing at his stomach. He smacked my hand away giving me long deep strokes. He viciously rubbed my clit with his freehand placing tiny kisses on my lips.
"Look at that shit man." He groaned watching himself go in and out of me.
"Ahh dadddy, you're so deep." I felt my eyes watering. This has never happened before.
"Take it." He groaned flicking his tongue over mine. I sucked on it pulling back feeling him hit my g-spot over and over again.
"Mmm right there daddy." I moved my hips meeting his pace as he circled his hips. My eyes started rolling in the back of my head as a silent scream escaped from my mouth.
"This pussy so fucking good. Cum with me." He placed a wet kiss on my lips going harder. His body started tensing as I felt him pull out and nut on the ground. He massages my inner thigh, lifting my legs above my head and began sucking my clit as if it was a pacifier. I gripped his dreads throwing my head back.
"You taste good baby." He hummed moving his head wildly. I felt my inner walls and legs start quivering within seconds.
"Don't let go." He looked at me seeing my face. He slipped a finger inside going back down. He swirled his tongue slowly teasing me.
"I-I can't." I stuttered trying to hold it.
"You better try." He curved his finger. I automatically released everything in his mouth. He licked his lips staring at me. "Did I say cum?"
I sighed. "I couldn't help it."
He laughed shaking his head. I held my chest trying to catch my breath as I looked at him. He flipped me over pushing everything inside of me all at once.
"FUUCK!" I cried out.
My juices ran down my legs as he grabbed my hair pulling me back. He gave me 5 hard slaps on both cheeks causing me to fall over groaning in painful pleasure. He pressed his hand into my back making me arch it. He pounded into me roughly kissing up my back. His lips grazed mine before biting it slowly.
"I told you not to cum. Now, you have to pay." His hands let go of my hair grabbing my neck. His other hand gripped my boob bringing our bodies closer, penetrating deeply. My body shook uncontrollably cumming all over his dick.
"You mine?"
"Yes, daddy." I nodded.
"Good. Fuck!" He released everything he had inside of me. I came at the feeling of him filling me up. He turned over kissing my lips. "You're mine, don't forgot it. Oh, and happy birthday beautiful."
That was the best sex of my life and I was officially hooked. I wasn't going anywhere after this.
- In Serial12 Chapters
Rising from hell
After losing his family, Light fell into despair. Then, hope came in amidst of despair. He who wanted revenge but didn't have the strength to take it was transported to the place filled with death but he struggled to build his strength and swore to take his revenge. Death cube, the dimension filled with death, in a special dungeon with high difficulty, light embarks in his legendary path to take his revenge.
8 179 - In Serial19 Chapters
GIG: God In Gold
So let's cut the pretense: this is some garbage-tier weaboo fiction. I have no idea what I'm doing, but I feel it's important to say that this is some nonsense I write for fun. I don't think it's very good. I'd even go as far as to say that I'm not a good writer at all. I picked up a ball that started rolling when I was a kid and have been intermittently punting it towards the next chapter whenever I feel like it. And you can come on this garbage ride too if you really feel like it. Who knows, maybe there's some gold to be salvaged from this dumpster fire? Synposis: Satou Shibuya is a first year student at Niflheim's Kawagusa General Academy. He's also the self-proclaimed strongest power user, sporting a big enough number on his birth certificate to make a nuclear bomb glow green with envy. There's something to be said about a person whose head is so far up their own ass that you find yourself watching their every move with bated breath, ever curious to see which hole they'll dig themselves into next. This is not that kind of story. This is a story about pride, coming of age, but actually, this is a story about big, stupid superpowered fights. Update Schedule: Whenever.
8 183 - In Serial24 Chapters
Demon Forever
"I left home looking for new adventures. With my demonic side sealed, the human world was my salvation. I got more than I bargained for." Allan Falcon.
8 228 - In Serial6 Chapters
The Valhalla will be updated every two or three days.Feel free to leave your reviews or make comments.Thanks for your appreciation! ---------------------------------------- 300 years ago,the Elven Dynasty collapsed.Human as the slaves of elves were not be able to start the revolution,yet they found a way to fight against Elven Magics.The Incantation Tattoos.War launched,but it was tough. When nobody hoped to win and survive there came the miracle. The Nine Valhallas arrived as the warriors of God.Finally,being recognized as "Creatures that stole God's power",elves were extinct.And the age of human civilization began.After the Great Victory the Human Empire separated into three smaller empires,Midgard in peace again. But legends never end. The new darkness of the world was breeding,and the world would be overturned. All sources of disasters might be traced back to a youngster,Halley Golmap......
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“Rinstle, Rinstle Bale” is the only name which is on my mind, a beautiful and gentle name just that girl whom I loved so dearly, the only treasure of my life, whom this world stole from me. That’s why I burned it all, burned this entire world with my flames. I took my revenge from this world, but what good it did to me, I’m still lonely, this hole in my heart won’t disappear. “I will have her back, I will find it, I will find Airbound and change everything.” NOTE- Chapter length between 2000 to 3500 Proofreading and Editing in progress
8 229 - In Serial53 Chapters
Bad Boy
Emily Nolan is the 16 year old daughter of Marcus Nolan alpha of Sapphire pack and goes to Andrew's high school she lives the perfect life until a certain boy crosses her path.
8 87