《Blood Queen || COMPLETED》Chapter Thirty One


My soul slams into my body at full speed causing my heart to jolt and my lungs to frantically suck in oxygen. My eyes burst open and confusion overtakes me as I try to remember where I am. My ears are ringing, my head is spinning and I don't understand why my eyesight seems less sharp. Once I get enough oxygen into my brain memories of the last few moments come flooding back.

Nick's tear-filled brown eyes are the first thing I focus on, before feeling my body hum as my wolf calls out to his. His body is shaking from the stress but as I slowly reach out my palm to hold his cheek his trembling stops and he leans into it. He pulls me tight against him and a few tears stroll down his face. "Is this real? Or did I die too?" He whispers as he places his forehead gently against mine.

"This is real baby. I'm here." I reply, voice thick with the deep emotions now slamming around inside of me like an out of control category five hurricane. "I love you." I say with conviction and he looks at me with slight bewilderment.

"Oh now I know I'm dead." He jokes before slowly bringing our lips to meet. The electricity flowing between us like a cool river on a hot summer day. Perfect and very much needed. He pulls away and with a gorgeous pearly white smile and a joyful gleam in his beautiful light brown eyes he says "Alora Lume, I have waited my entire life to hear those words come out of your mouth. And now that they have I can literally say there is nothing else in this world that will ever make me happier than to earn the right to hear those words every day for the rest of my life. I have loved you every day from the moment I laid eyes on you and I will continue to love you, forever."

"Uh, guys? Not that this isn't heartwarming but uh, we have a problem." Says Fallon as the hybrids start to slowly rise. The vampires hiss and the packs lower their upper bodies in preparation to attack. Reece is the first to lunge and Clementine easily backhands him over twenty feet back. This makes everyone freeze. I suddenly feel my insides clench and my lungs shrivel up causing me to gasp for air. Nick immediately searches me, frantically trying to find an answer as to what's happening to me. However, the moment Lucius drops to his knees gasping for air I knew what was going on.

One by one the hybrids drop, gasping desperately for air. I wish the lack of air was the worst of it, but when my blood hardened and my eyes burned painfully I couldn't contain the animalistic scream that flowed out of me. My scream was followed by hundreds of screams. All in agonizing pain.

Lucius shakily reached out for me and once our hands connected the pain lessened. We locked eyes and with great effort we slowly and shakily army crawled towards the others. Screaming with pain and with trembling hands, we grabbed a hold of Josh and Lucinda. With agonizingly slow and painful movements one by one we all joined hands, still writhing in pain. It was extremely hard to watch my grandfather screaming in pain but Reece's screams were the worst of all as he refused to join us. We helplessly watch as his eyes burst into flames and it slowly covers his body. That wasn't part of the deal.


I grunt in pain as the burning intensity in my eyes increases. Our heads snap up simultaneously and we screech out in unison as blood shoots out of our eyes and disappears into the sky.

Lucius and Josh tighten their grip as our heart rates accelerate before returning to normal and our lungs expand. I gasp out in relief and feel my body slump onto the ground in exhaustion.

"What the hell just happened?" Lucius gasps.

"That." I gasp "Was nature restoring its balance."

"Alora, are you okay?" Nick asks as he pulls me up to stand and searches my face. When he pauses and his eyes widen I look at him in confusion. "Your eyes." He whispers.

"What? What is it?" I croak out.

"They're... blue." He says in astonishment while shaking his head "How... what's going on?"

"It's gone." Says my grandfather in answer as he walks over. His now brown eyes looking at me in adoration. "You have your mother's eyes. As deep blue as the sea."

"What's gone?" Asks Julian in confusion as he cautiously stands to my left.

"Hybrids." Lucius answers as he sighs in relief. "The League is over." He announces as the ex-hybrids confusedly gather around with frightened expressions. "I have been a part of this mess for far too long. I let the situation get out of hand and for that, I am truly sorry. I am sorry to many of you whose homes I destroyed, whose families I ripped apart, whose free wills I took. But most of all, I am sorry for ruining your lives. As of this moment you are all free to leave."

"And where the hell am I supposed to go?" Shouted one.

"Yeah! I've been with The League for a hundred years! My original pack was slaughtered by The League. I have nothing else!" Shouted another.

One by one they all shouted in outrage and fear. Lucius took the hits like a man but I shook my head and stepped forward. "Enough!" I order and they immediately become silent. "Lucius." I turn to face him and he looks at me questioningly with his now hazel green eyes. "The League may be over, but that doesn't mean that you all need to part ways. All of these years you have been their leader. They follow your orders, obey your commands, look up to you. This is a pack Lucius. And whether you like it or not, you are their alpha. You can't step down now. This is when they need you the most. We've all just undergone a huge transformation together. That is the kind of thing that bonds you to someone for life. This is your pack Lucius and it is strong."

Lucius stares at me speechlessly and I nod in encouragement. Slowly they begin to kneel before him and bow their heads.

"We swear fealty to you Alpha Valatieri." They say in unison. Goosebumps cover my arms at the sight and I smile at the look of pure joy on Lucius's face.

I grin and step away to embrace my grandfather "They're okay you know, dad and them."

"I know." He answers as he pats my back.

"Alpha." Julian alerts as he nods his head toward an approaching Clementine.

"It's okay Julian. Stand down." I order and he reluctantly nods as he takes a step back.

My grandfather puts his arm around Nick and pulls him a few feet back which I greatly appreciate. Clementine may have helped us tonight but vampires are not a trustworthy species.


"I wish I could say that seeing you come back to life was the most amazing thing I've seen but watching my ex-husband get tossed into hell and explode, takes the cake." She says in a humorous tone as she extends her hand.

I cautiously take it "Is this supposed to be some sort of truce now?"

She scoffs and pulls back her hand "Of course not. You wolves are the reason my life has been completely derailed. You are a vile race and any truces we share will never be permanent. We are enemies and we shall always be."

I nod "My thoughts exactly. I will say this one time and one time only, if I see any vampires in or around Ember territory I will send them back to you in pieces."

She smirks and nods "Very well Alpha Lume. Consider us warned. We shall 'lock our doors'." Behind her, Jack gives an awkward wave before looking away.

I smile as she and her army speed away.

Fallon walks over and surprises me with a hug. "Seeing you die was the most horrible thing that I have ever seen."

"We all felt when your soul left the pack." Murmurs Terrance as he joins us. Followed by Julian, Drake, Ivy, Nick, and Jocelyn.

Her eyes water as we make contact and she begins to cry "I am so sorry Alora. I'm sorry for trying to steal the pack from you. You are the alpha and I had no right to act the way I did. Please forgive me."

I sigh and pull her into a soft hug as I pat her back "I get it. I was beginning to look like the enemy. I was disappearing a lot and I started smelling like them, I understand how you would assume the pack was in danger. It's okay Jocelyn, I forgive you."

She sighs in relief and offers me a smile, one that is quickly washed away the moment I mention that she will not be reinstated as Third-in-Command. "Although I do understand where you were coming from, you still tried to commit a mutiny and that is something that I cannot simply forget. I need a third in command who no matter what happens, will remain loyal to me and the pack. We are one, and anyone who sees the alpha separate from the pack does not deserve to be any kind of leader. That mentality is not what I am searching for. So I do forgive you, Jocelyn. But the position for Third in Command will go to the wolf who has stood by me and the pack through this entire mess with unwavering loyalty." I clear my throat and go to command the pack's attention only to see that they were already listening intently. I smile at them in adoration and continue. "To my fellow Embers, it is my greatest honor to name Julian our new Third in Command. He has most certainly earned it."

The shock on his face was so adorable I couldn't help but ruffle his blonde hair. He recovers quickly and thanks me for honoring him. Jocelyn looks understandably sad but is trying to be a good sport as she congratulates him.

I see Nick joking with Josh and Fallon off to the side and I make my way over. Nick's eyes immediately snap over in my direction and he pulls me into him as he kisses me with ravenous hunger.

"How come you don't kiss me like that?" Says Lucinda as she playfully smacks Josh across the chest and we pull apart. Nick buries his face in my neck and doesn't focus on them anymore. I chuckle and wrap my arms around his neck while nodding at Josh.

"You coming home to Ember?" I ask as I run my fingers through Nick's soft brown hair.

"About that..." he begins as he looks at Lucinda and she nods "We feel it's best if we stay with Lucius. I mean it's a brand new pack and we've been through a lot together. It feels wrong to separate."

I nod in understanding "I get it. Just make sure you come to visit from time to time okay?"

"He better." Adds Fallon as she jabs him in the stomach playfully.

"If it's alright with you Alora, I'd like to stay with Valatieri as well." Says my grandfather as he comes along with Lucius and Asha. "He offered me his beta position and I couldn't turn it down. After being locked up for so long the others and I need something to do." He says as he motions over to my ancestors who are happily conversing with the other ex-hybrids. "This pack needs a lot of work and we want to help."

"Only if that's alright with you." Adds Lucius.

I sigh and nod "Fine. You can go. Just know that I'll be popping in from time to time to check on your progress."

They grin and turn to leave. Asha stares at me and gives me a thankful nod which I return.

"Are you ready to go home? I'm dying to have mate sex." Nick whispers in my ear while I giggle. Yes that's right I giggled, and I'm not the only one shocked by it. "Did you just giggle?" He asks in shock. "Please tell me that with all of your newfound mushy feelings and girly giggles you still like it rough?"

I smirk and bring his lips slowly into my mouth as I roughly bite them, earning a groan of pleasure from him. "That hasn't changed."

"Excuse me, Alpha." Says Julian uncomfortably "Sorry to interrupt but the pack is ready to go."

I nod and smile with pride as I see them standing at attention. "I just want to say how truly proud and happy I am to be your alpha. I promise that no matter what happens, the safety of this pack will always come first. Thank you for your loyalty and for standing with me."

Nick gives me a kiss on the cheek before kneeling before me. The rest follow and as they do, I see Rose standing at the edge of the forest. She gives me a curt nod before vanishing into thin air.

I look back down at my pack and feel my heart sing when in unison they say "We will always stand by you."

Nick flashes me a smile and whispers "Till the end of time Alpha Lume."



AND THERE IT IS!!! TADAAAA!! *Takes a bow*

This story is extremely near and dear to my heart. I had an absolute blast writing it. I am so happy with it and hope that y'all enjoyed reading it as much as I did writing it! Thank you guys for your patience and sticking with me. I appreciate you all. 🥰


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