《Blood Queen || COMPLETED》Chapter Twenty Three


The witches gasp. The wolves halt and Emerson's demeanor shifts from wicked and sinister to vicious and merciless. He breaks Lucius' arms and legs and forces him to the ground as he commands the attention of his followers. "It seems our Lucius has fallen victim to the sorcery of the Moon Goddess. No matter, such an issue can be easily resolved."

"No." Groans Lucius as he tries to pop his limbs back into place "If you lay a hand on her I swear to Goddess I will kill you."

He smirks and commands his army. "Whoever kills his little witch gets to replace him as my second while he takes a few centuries to remember where his loyalties lie."

I chuckle and he turns his attention back to me, amusement clear on his face. "Something funny witch?"

"You think you and your group of mutants are strong enough to take us on? There is no way any of you are getting near my sister."

He grins in answer and his wolves spring forward. I extend my arms forward, palms facing the sky and whisper "mortem."

The sky thunders and lightning strikes each wolf and they drop to the ground, wheezing in agony. Emerson picks up Lucius and breaks his limbs once more and holds a hand up in warning as Asha steps forward. I pull her back and she looks at me, eyes wild and frantic.

"Please." She begs and Lucius tries to reach for her but Emerson digs his hand deep into his chest causing him to groan in pain. Asha sobs desperately "Don't hurt him! Please!"

"Etiam!" Naya shouts, paralyzing Asha as she runs towards them.

"Naya." I gasp at the same time Emerson breaks Lucius' back and tosses him on the ground with a hiss of pain as he angles his face to look at Asha. A tear falls down my sister's face as she watches her soulmate in agonizing pain.

"If you want something done right, you've got to do it yourself." Emerson mutters before flurrying into action. It took us a full three seconds to realize why twelve witches suddenly dropped to the ground. Three seconds too late as he ended their lives in a blur of movement.

"Now!" I shout frantically and the witches tighten the circle around him as best we could and quickly chant the imprisonment spell. His speed began to diminish as the Kynda burned bright in my hand. The red hugh of the moon cast a spotlight around us preventing him from escaping. "Malum carcerem."


"You witches think you've won." He grunts as he fights the spell "The battle has only begun."

"No!" Shouts Vivianne as her sister's heart gets ripped out. Her distraction is exactly what he wanted.

"Vivianne focus on the spell. He knows the spell will weaken if we are not unified. Focus!" I shout. Vivianne disregards my words and lunges forward. Emerson simply snaps her neck and the entire Flora Coven falls as they attack him, seeking revenge for their High Priestess.

"Malum Carcerem." We continue to chant despite our sister witches falling.

"Malum Carcerem." We continue to chant despite our hearts breaking.

"Malum Carcerem." We continue to chant until the Nightshadow Coven is all that is left. Until the Kynda floats into the sky. Until Naya and I are all that remain side by side chanting with all of our might as Emerson rips our coven apart. Until he finally falls to his knees and grunts in pain as his body begins to encase itself in flames. A fiery portal blasts open from the Kynda and his body slowly begins to get dragged towards it. He fights it and grabs a hold of Naya's ankle, twisting it and bringing her body down to the ground and against his. I go to reach for her while chanting and she shakes her head.

"No!" She screams at me as he digs his claws into her chest "Finish the spell Rose. Focus on the spell!"

"Malum Carcerem." I sob as I chant and watch as she burns and he rips out her heart.

"Give it up Rose. You are weak. No one is here to back you up, to help you. You're all alone." He taunts and the flames begin to fade and the portal becomes smaller. My heart tightens in my chest and I push past the tears and chant louder. I look at Asha and see the pain in her eyes as she stares at Naya's lifeless body. I still have my sister, I am not alone.

Emerson follows my line of vision and chuckles "Ah yes, I'd almost forgotten. Thank you."

"Stay the hell away from her." I shout and he smirks evilly. My eyes widen as I realize I've fallen into his trap. "Malum Carcerem."

"'Fraid not darling." He smirks.


"Malum Carcerem." I repeat over and over but the Kynda plops on the grass as the portal shuts down.

"Weak little witch. You've proved my theory correct. You're all alone and all of your friends' deaths were pointless."

"She's not alone." Says a cold voice. A woman pale as chalk with hair black as the dark sea emerges from the woods along with an army of vampires.

"Ah. Dear Clementine, you really are the pathetic ex lover I cannot seem to rid myself of."

She sneers and the vampires hiss as the previous dead wolves begin to stir awake. "I see you've turned them." She comments as the wolves come to a slow stand "Couldn't stand to be on your own?"

"What are you doing here? Since when do you concern yourself with witch matters?" He evades her question with one of his own meanwhile I continue to chant quietly.

"Isn't it obvious? I want you dead. If that means siding with the witch for now then so be it."

Emerson laughs "You do realize my wolves will kill all of you before you can blink?"

His laughter gets cut short when more wolves emerge from the forest. By the look on his face these were not on his side but they are familiar to him if the disbelief on his features is any indication. Numerous wolf packs now surround us.

"Son." Emerson says and my eyes widen and I almost lose focus on the spell. He has a son? "What is the meaning of this? You would dare fight beside vampires against your own father? Disgracing the Ember Pack in the process?"

"You are not to concern yourself with the Ember Pack anymore and you are no longer my father. You ceased to matter to me or my siblings the moment we discovered mother's death did not come at the hands of the vampires, but by yours. You've committed the most vile act of all and broken our most sacred law. You murdered your mate and thus ensured your own death. The Moon Goddess is not pleased. The moon shines red, its purity tainted with your betrayal." He says as he comes closer to us.

"Son, enough of this. I do not wish to hurt you but if you insist on fighting you will leave me with no choice." Emerson pleads, showing a sliver of emotion for the first time.

His son slices his palm with his claw and places his hand in mine "Burn in hell." He growls and with a simple nod from Emerson the hybrids attack. I continue to chant despite my burning need to ask his son why he is standing beside me. But when I feel his blood mingle with my own the pentacle on my forehead burns and tingles with powerful magic.

"The Moon Goddess came to me in a dream and told me what I am to do to aid you in bringing down my father." He whispers with a nod.

Every creature has some higher power they believe in. For witches it's our ancestors, for vampires it's the spirit of the Vampire King and for the wolves it's The Moon Goddess. Yet throughout my entire life I'd never believed The Moon Goddess was real, until now.

The moon casted a red spotlight on Emerson of its own accord and the ground began to shake as the Kynda vibrated and the portal reopened. I chanted with every ounce of renewed strength flowing through me. Emerson shouts in agony as he begins to get dragged into the hell fire.

"Reece!" He shouts as his body is halfway gone. Before I can comprehend what is happening a large brown wolf comes charging towards me and in a quick blur tosses Asha's paralyzed form towards Emerson.

"Focus, he's almost gone." His son urges me to continue the spell meanwhile all I want to do is scream.

The last thing I ever saw on this Earth was Emerson desperately grabbing a hold of the Kynda and the look of absolute terror shining through Asha's blue eyes seconds before they got sucked into the fiery prison and a blinding white light exploded, rippling through the air as I stared right into the heart of the explosion.

Losing my sight, Forever.


Guys I had so much fun writing the Witch chapters. It's so intense!!! I freaking love it!! Don't you guys love it!?? Ughhhhh 💓💓💓💓

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