《Blood Queen || COMPLETED》Chapter Twenty One


(A/N: Fair warning, several new characters are being introduced therefore there are a few aesthetics in this chapter. Please envision them however you choose but use your imagination as I couldn't find images with exactly the same shade of blue eyes or black hair for them all. Proceed...)

~Three Hundred Years Ago~ (Rose's POV)

The harsh wind blows through the cold dark forest as I tighten my hold on the Grimoire. Digging my heel into the horse's side, I make him double in speed.

The pale glow of the full moon above is the only light in an otherwise dark sky. My pounding heart matches the rhythm of each gallop as I race home to Witches Cove. The small pendant with the Umbridge family crest around my neck taps against my chest as I nudge the horse once more to pick up speed. The twelve covens from all over the world are gathering tonight to face this great evil together. Word has spread of this creature's terrible ruthlessness. He will stop at nothing until he becomes the most powerful creature on Earth. A feat he cannot accomplish so long as we live.

"Rose, come you must hurry. Everyone has arrived." Says my younger sister Asha as she aids me in dismounting. Her curly black hair framing her face, blue eyes wide with urgency. The same shade of blue passed down through generations of Umbridge witches. A unique family trait.

I smooth out my black laced bodice gown and make sure my black curls are perfectly ringed. As we march towards our castle, the black waves crashing gently onto the shore of the bay. Taking a steadying breath to calm my racing heart, I push open the double doors.

The chatter dies down as we enter the room. All twelve covens are standing in a circle that takes up the entire room. In the center of the room stands the altar with an Athame -black-handled dagger- and a golden chalice. Unlit candles lined the base of the altar as well as all over the room and on the chandelier. The red satin curtains that adorned the windows were branded with our family crest -a pentacle with a crescent moon in the center.-

My eldest sister and High Priestess -leader- of The Nightshadow Coven, Naya, stood authoritatively beside the altar in her deep purple gown with her arms crossed as she waited for us to join her.

Asha and I briskly make our way to stand beside her while the rest of our coven inches closer to us. Each coven has a total of thirteen witches, no more, no less. A coven of more than thirteen has been deemed too unwieldy. A disaster waiting to happen. The Nightshadow Coven is the most powerful coven of all. My sisters and I are of royal blood, descendants of the most powerful witch in history.


Eons ago three witches, Celeste Rivvers, Seyna Castavet, and Hazel Umbridge, were on the run from ignorant villagers and their pitchforks. They gathered together in this spot and vowed that never again would they hide their true nature. They joined together and created the first-ever witch village. Where all witches were welcome to live freely and unshackled from the burdens of having to blend in with the humans. Never again would they have to fear getting burned at the stake. Thus, Witches Cove was born and the three witches became royalty.

But with royalty, comes greed. Celeste and Seyna grew vengeful of the humans that tortured us and began to dabble with black magic. That kind of magic was something that Hazel did not tolerate. A war of great magical proportions ensued between the three. When Celeste and Seyna began to use black magic against her, the village joined their powers to aid Hazel. She wanted nothing more than for her sisters to stop the madness, but Celeste and Seyna were too far gone. The black magic had taken its toll on their souls and in the end, caused their own self-destruction leaving only one royal left. Hazel Umbridge.

As the generations passed, our family decided to give up the royal title in exchange for forming our own coven. Little by little, the village began to empty as covens began to form and relocate. The Nightshadow Coven remains in Witches Cove, protecting the castle.

We no longer rule over the witches but royal blood runs in our veins. Umbridge witches are powerful. We are a coven of leadership. We reside in our ancestral home and in times of distress or joy we open our doors to our sisters in need.

Tonight we gather for one sole purpose. Emerson Lume must be stopped, no matter the cost.

"So nice of you to join us, Rose." Begins Naya in her cool stern voice "Now that we are all here we can commence."

At this time everyone spreads out to create a pentacle around the altar. With palms facing upward and eyes closed, we light up the candles.


We open our eyes and the room is now illuminated with the warm glow of a hundred and fifty-six candles. One for each witch in the room. Naya grabs the athame and in a symbol as old as time itself, slices her palm. Closing her hand into a fist she pours exactly thirteen drops of blood into the golden cup, before stepping down from the altar and nodding at the High Priestess of the Serenity Coven to follow suit. Naya nods at me and I hand her the grimoire I tirelessly searched for. It was Hazel's.


Once each leader has done their part we join hands and raise our heads to the sky. Opening our hearts to the universe, we ask for its strength. Naya opens the grimoire and finds the spells we've been searching for. The Resurrection Spell and The Prison Stone Spell. The resurrection spell only lasts for a few minutes, but that is all we need.

It's been rumored that when the residents of Witches Cove joined their magic to stop Celeste and Seyna, the power was so great it created a burst of kinetic energy. The only way to access it again is by having every single witch in one place.

Hazel created a spell to contain it and trap it in the spiritual plane. As the years passed the humans that would pass on, began to refer to it as "heaven". A place so peaceful and warm that only the purest souls would reside there.

When it came time for Hazel's death, she split the energy into two. Feeling benevolent she let the humans keep their "heaven" while giving the witches a sanctuary after death, an Oasis.

It took me months to find her grimoire. Her intention was for it to never be found. A spellbook that powerful in the wrong hands can end both the real world and the spiritual world. It would mean the total destruction of the Oasis and all the souls in it. They would disappear into a dark abyss and be lost forever.

Her spellbook is also tainted with the dark magic her sisters harnessed. She had to banish it somewhere. The Oasis has a dark side. A side she cut off and buried deep within the Earth's core where evil spirits are damned to spend eternity. The humans refer to it as "hell." We call it the prison world. Unfortunately, to access it correctly we need the blood of the witch that created it. We need to call upon Hazel herself.

"Exaudi preces nostras, et reditus corylus" Begins Naya and the rest of us join her. Chanting in unison we call her soul back to the physical plane.

I tighten my hold on my sisters as my body hums with energy. The ground begins to shake and a cold breeze bursts in causing the windows to shatter and a few candles to blow out. We chant louder over the now roaring wind, holding onto each other so tight that our hands begin to feel numb.

"Exaudi preces nostras, et reditus corylus!" We shout one last time and a blast of energy causes the rest of the candles to blow out. The only light in the room now coming from a shimmering golden figure hovering a few inches off of the ground in the middle of the pentacle. We stare at it in shocked awe. Watching as the figure slowly solidifies and Hazel's feet plant on the ground. Her long black hair is pulled back and a simple crystal headdress adorns her head. Her presence exudes power and grace. The heavenly golden glow highlights her light brown skin. Her striking blue eyes are alert as she assesses the situation.

"Why have you summoned me." She commands in an even tone.

Naya releases us and steps forward "I am Naya Umbridge High Priestess of the Nightshadow Coven. We call upon you in a time of great distress. There is a malevolent spirit roaming the Earth, leaving nothing but destruction in his path. He comes for all of us next. With your power and blessing, we humbly ask for your assistance in sending his spirit to the prison world."

Hazel looks at Naya curiously for a moment before settling her intense blue eyes on me. Raising her hand to point at me she motions me to step forward. Hesitantly I come to stand before her, passing Naya's narrowed gaze.

"What is your name?"

I try not to tremble in her powerful presence as I meet her gaze. "Rose. Rose Umbridge."

She smiles and lightly nods. "You will accomplish great things, Rose." She states confidently before addressing the room "I will aid you in creating a prison stone for this spirit."

"Thank you so much for this Hazel I really-"

"Silence." Hazel interrupts Naya. "The spell requires all of you to link to the strongest descendant of the Umbridge line."

"I would be honored to-"

"It is not you child." Hazel says curtly to Naya before landing her steady gaze on me.

"It is Rose."

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