《Blood Queen || COMPLETED》Chapter Thirteen


The man walks over, and with one hand breaks the chains holding me causing me to sway. My limbs feel weak and sore, making me wonder what the hell they've been injecting me with.

"Why are you helping me?" I ask as I snap my wrist back into place.

He smirks, green eyes watching in amusement "The boss wants a word."

"And your boss is?" I ask as I adjust my bra strap. His eyes zero in on my exposed skin.

"You'll know soon enough." He replies right before another bomb goes off, "Time to go."

He nods at me to follow him. Glancing one last time at Jesse's unconscious form, I follow. All the while keeping my senses on full alert as I am surrounded by enemies.

As we walk down the hallway decorated with mutilated bodies and splattered blood, I study the man's demeanor. Scanning for any weaknesses. We climb two flights of stairs and open a door leading to the forest where dozens of hunters are viciously fighting off the hybrids.

Staring at them, I felt fiery anger blaze through my body as memories assault me. They slaughtered my entire pack, and I have been waiting three years to return the favor.

The man aiding my escape shifts into his brown wolf and motions for me to follow. The hunters shoot in our direction once they catch sight of us. I am outnumbered and surrounded by enemies. There's not a doubt I can inflict some serious damage, but Jocelyn's words echo in my mind. Using my new vampire abilities, I dash away from the chaos in a blur.

'A good leader knows when to fight, but a great leader knows when to back down.' I guess my Jiminy Cricket proved herself useful after all.

Thinking of Jocelyn, I released the block in my mind. I'm instantly bombarded with the alarmed voices of my pack.

Alpha, where have you been! Shouts Jocelyn.

There's been another vampire attack. They tried getting into the packhouse but then fled. They seem to be after something specific. Julian reports.

Alpha, there was a sighting a few hours ago by the crescent pack's territory. It was those rogues, they're getting closer. We've doubled patrols, but there hasn't been any more news on their whereabouts. Mentions Fallon in a worried tone.

I wanted to ease her worry and tell her those rogues are currently slaughtering the hunters a few miles behind me and nowhere near Ember territory, but I am not ready for the questions that would follow. Like why the hell I was captured in the first place, or why they would help me, or why I suddenly smell like them.

Mind explaining where the hell you are? The last one was the demanding and annoyed voice of Nick. I internally sighed in relief at the strength in his voice. He's healing.


SILENCE I ordered and they immediately quiet down. I had a few matters to attend to. I am on my way back now and should be there in about an hour.

With that, I put the wall back up and continue sprinting through the forest at an impossible speed. I need a different plan of attack. We had all been fools to think these wolves were simple rogues. We were just teenagers, we didn't know what to call them. They move like a pack yet they have no alpha. No alpha means no pack. If I had known that hybrids even existed I would've spent these last years perfecting weapons to destroy them.

The worst part of all of this is that now.... I am them. I'm a hybrid... or a Werepire as that old bastard calls us. I have become the enemy which in hindsight is not such a terrible thing. In order to kill an enemy, you must think like the enemy. All I have to do is find out what my weakness is and use it. Do I even have any weaknesses?

Immediately my feet halt and I feel like screaming at my incredibly stupid mistake.

I forgot the Kynda.

Taking a harsh breath I roughly pull my hair into a ponytail and turn to make my way back when I feel eyes on me. Immediately I go on full alert as I scan the dark forest. Extending my nails into claws, I growl.

Dozens of glowing green eyes emerge from the darkness, surrounding me. The overwhelming sense of deja vu makes me want to laugh.

"Well." I say clearing my throat "Isn't this a familiar sight."

The brown wolf shifts back into his human form and the rest follow. There were some females but the majority were male. I arch a brow as he extends his hand.

"Seems only right that I introduce myself after all these years. My name is Reece."

I simply stare at his hand until it drops back to his side. "Am I meant to shake your hand and pretend like you didn't slaughter my mother and sister? My entire pack?" I slither out venomously.

"Come with us. Let us explain." He demands.

"I don't need an explanation." I growl out as my canines extend. He looks at me with a somewhat bored expression.

"We haven't got much time before the blood moon and you must be prepared. Alora you must trust that we are not your enemy. If we were your enemy I would've killed you back then, but I didn't."

"No, you didn't. Because triggering the gene back then would've been premature. No, you needed to wait until the Blood Moon would rise to get the Kynda." His eyes slightly widen and I smirk.


"Okay, you're right. We needed to isolate you; to get rid of your family and then get you to join the cause. That plan obviously went to shit but trust me, we've changed."

"I trust no one." I growl lowly and they all tense as they see me ready to attack.

"Here." Reece says as he tosses me something. Catching it in my hand I turn my palm to see the Kynda glowing its fiery red glow and meet his gaze. "A sign of good faith. We're on the same side Alora whether you believe it or not."

I clasp the cord around my neck, the Kynda settling onto my chest for the first time. The moment it does I feel my entire body tingle and my eyes burn. They all take a step back and slightly gasp.

"You really are The Flame." Reece whispers in awe as he slumps down on one knee. The rest mimic his movement and they bow their heads as I look at them in confusion.

"Get up." I command in anger. These are my enemies. The enemies that have plagued my nightmares for years. The enemies that cause a seething rage in my heart. Unquenchable fury constantly swimming in my bloodstream until the day comes where I finally slaughter them. They are not supposed to be bowing down to me. "Get the fuck up!" I roar and they immediately obey which makes my blood boil beyond belief.

"We need you Alora." Reece says in his gruff voice "Come with us so that you can understand."

"I don't give a rat's ass what you need. Now, the only thing that I need is to end your lives." I spit out as my black wolf bursts through my skin and I attack without hesitation. The overwhelming wrath practically blinded me. Blood, I need to see their blood splattered in this forest. They need to die. All of them need to die.

They've all shifted but do not attack even as I go for them, they escape my advances and corner me. I growl so fiercely the ground shakes. The fear in their eyes makes my cold heart thump with glee.

I grab one by the neck and clamp my jaw shut. The wolf whimpers and tries to free itself while the others attack me. Finally. After all these years the day has finally come where I am strong enough to fight back and whether or not I make it out of this alive I will most definitely take a few of these bastards down before I go.

I tear off the wolf's head and lunge for the others. In a blur of growls and jaws snapping I gut them, bite off their limbs, their hearts. Three come at me while another bites into my side. Their razor-sharp teeth cut into my flesh like butter. They began to jump on me like a football pile on, sinking their teeth into me with aggression. I felt my wolf shake with anger so intense it even shocked me.

My black fur bursts into flames and the wolves flinch and jump away. I straighten my body to full height and growl threateningly making the flames larger. Their eyes widen beyond belief and I charge towards them. They speed away but I cut them off and rip them apart. They're fast, oh but I am faster.

A twig snaps and I see Reece's brown wolf growling at me. My wolf tosses a head to the side before going straight for Reece. He dodges my attacks before spinning around and tackling me. We roll on the ground and down a small hill hitting several trees on the way down before he pins me to the ground. He stares at me with glowing green eyes as he ignores the way his fur catches fire. If possible, the familiar position angers me further and I feel my eyes burn. In his eyes, I catch sight of my reflection and if I were someone else I'd be petrified. My red eyes danced with fire and my black fur was replaced by red hot flames. I look like a demon straight out of hell.

Reece says nothing, does nothing. He just pins me down while slowly burning alive. His eyes never once wavering. I snarl and the flames grow bigger, encasing him completely in the heat. His body slumps forward and I push him off. His green eyes staring at me as they lose their glow.

He's dead.

Staring into his vacant eyes I wait to feel relieved. Wait to feel satisfied that I've avenged my pack. Wait for the anger to die down, for my old self to return. The longer I stare the more I begin to feel the despair sink in. Why am I still angry? I did it. I killed the bastard that ended my mother and my sister's life. So why do I feel the anger growing instead of diminishing? I growl so fiercely it resembles the sound of a pissed-off lion.

Huffing and shaking my head I turn around and start running back to Ember Territory.

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