《Blood Queen || COMPLETED》Chapter Twelve


~Present Day~

His ice-blue eyes glare down at me as he slams my head back onto the metal table I'm strapped into. Tugging on my hair, he slants my face up to better meet his gaze. My eyes sting as the blinding white light above irritates my sensitive eyes.

"You missed me?" He smirks as he pulls a knife from the table behind him and points it at my face. "I told you this wasn't over. I am a man of my word."

My wolf growls in my mind, which causes the collective mind-link to go on alert. I block my mind from my pack and meet his gaze straight on. No need to worry them when I can handle the situation. He dips the knife in liquified silver, grinning as he slices down my clavicle. My skin hisses at the contact and my skin bubbles up as the silver drips into the wound like acid. The hunter's face falters at my lack of reaction. I feel quite bored.

"Oh, so the little bitch has grown some balls. Okay then." He spits out as he tightens his hold on the knife before plunging it into my thigh. My eyebrow twitches as the pain sets in, but I stare into his eyes and smirk. His eyes brighten as he sees the challenge in my expression. With an evil smile, he walks behind me and I hear him shuffle around a bit before coming back into my line of vision. He presses a button that makes the metal table hoist me upright. Once we're at eye level, he grips my jaw harshly.

"I have dreamed of killing you for the past three years. I've imagined your ear-piercing scream begging for me to kill you." He begins while he pours hot silver down my skin. He rips open my shirt and pulls out the knife from my thigh. With a vicious smile, he cuts across my torso and stomach before pouring silver into the open wounds.

I am no stranger to pain. After a while, it's even pleasurable. I'm a ruthless bitch.

"What a sweet thing to say." I flirt as I bite my lip "Here you are obsessing over me while I'd forgotten all about you. Jesse, was it? Such a handsome mortal. I'd love to hang that beautiful face of yours above my fireplace."

His eyes flash with fury for a moment before he regains his composure "After I'm done with you... you are going to wish I'd killed you all those years ago. The last thing you will ever see on this Earth will be my face."

I sigh and roll my eyes, growing tired "Listen as entertaining as this has been. I have more important things I need to attend to."

He arches a brow "Oh? Could it have anything to do with this?" He asks as he dangles the Kynda in front of me by its thin black leather cord. His face brightens as he finally gets a reaction from me.

Rolling my eyes, I pull my arms free of their metal cuffs with ease. His eyes widen slightly before he holds the Kynda in front of me in a threatening way.

"Ah ah ah. Take one more step and I kill you now." He spits out venomously and I snort. "You don't know what this is do you?" He asks as he studies my face.

"Of course I do. Just toss it over before you hurt yourself." I say in annoyance as I hold my hand out expectantly.


He laughs humorlessly "You creatures are a plague on this planet and soon you will be eradicated from it. I will protect this Earth and avenge my sister. Once your usefulness has run its course, so will your life." He threatens.

"Okay." I reply with a shrug as I reach for the Kynda. The moment I wrap my hands around it, it begins to burn my hand. Flames burst from it and I try to release it but my body is paralyzed. Jesse looks at me in confusion before nodding at his men to shoot me with their tranq guns. The prick of dozens of darts piercing my skin makes my wolf howl in agony as my blood hardens in my veins. When my throat closes up, I realize that they've injected me with more than just silver. The Kynda returns to its normal state and Jesse pries my hand open, placing it in his pocket. My vision starts to fade and he smirks.

"Now now princess, if you play with fire you'll always get burned." He jokes as I feel myself drop roughly on the ground and my eyes close.

I'm burning. My body feels like it's in a sea of fire as I sway in its waves. I'm drowning in it and though I should feel suffocated by it, I relish the harsh way the flames lick my skin. Flashing my eyes open all I see is fire. Everywhere I look, endless flames.


A voice whispers. I look around but see no one.


I swim forward towards the sound.


As it gets louder I see a small opening through the flames. Once I approach it my body gets sucked from the flames and I land on all fours on cold damp dirt. The flames behind me disappear and I look around the darkness.


Rising to my feet I follow the voice as it echoes through the rocky walls surrounding me. It appears I am in some sort of cave. I walk further into the darkness and feel the walls begin to close in on me. The temperature drops, even more, the further I go. I wrap my arms around myself and hunch as the space becomes smaller. The narrow passage slowly opens up as I reach the end and I see a small body of water within the cave.

My warm breath creates a small misty cloud in the air. I look up to see icicles dangling from the top of the dome-shaped cave.

As I stare at the ceiling I notice a small circular opening, the moon's light casting a spotlight. My eyes followed the light to see it shining on a particular spot in the middle of the dark glistening water. The roar of a waterfall nearby was the only sound in the otherwise silent cave.


The voice called again. It was coming from inside the water. Squatting down I squint my eyes slightly as I try to see what is down there.


'Who are you?' I whisper

'The blood moon will rise in three days.' The voice whispers 'You must be prepared.'

'Who are you? Show yourself.' I demand impatiently.

'In due time child.' It answers 'Do not let the Kynda out of your sight. You will need it to defeat what is coming.'

'That thing just burned the hell out of me. What's so important about it? How am I meant to be prepared when no one tells me anything?'

'The Kynda is a crystal created centuries ago by very powerful beings. It is a prison world made for the most evil and vile creature to ever walk the Earth.'


'What am I supposed to do with it?' I groan in annoyance as I come to stand and rub my arms to create warmth. Emerson being trapped there makes sense but what about my grandfather? He doesn't have an evil bone in his body.

'You are meant to destroy it once and for all.' The voice whispers. The cave begins to shake and the icicles shatter as they hit the ground. 'You are beginning to wake. You must find me before the blood moon rises. It is our only hope of defeating this evil.'

'Wait, you have yet to provide me with any real answers. Who the hell are you? Where do I find you? What about my grandfather?' I ask as my body begins to disappear.

'I am the key, but also the lock

I am bound to nature, while others are not

Strong and fearless, endlessly divine

Evil and wicked as portrayed through time.' The voice echoes and everything disappears altogether.

I'm awoken by the sound of my own scream.

"There she is." Chuckles the hunter as he pulls a syringe from my neck.

"What the hell did you inject me with?" I spit out as I tug on the silver chains that are attached to the ceiling and are now holding me captive.

He smirks and grabs a chair as he plops down and crosses his arms. "Never you mind. So, did you have a nice chat?"

I stare at him unfazed and he smirks "I know she talked to you. I need to know her location. Tell me, and I'll kill you quickly."

I arch my brow and cock my head to the side "Do you think I fear death?"

"I believe that you think you cannot be killed." His blue eyes flash up to meet mine as he dangles the Kynda before me. "But you're wrong." He sneers as he straightens up in his chair "I've heard stories about you. The big bad Flame destined to bring an end to the greatest evil this world has ever known." He glares at me, repulsion swimming in his eyes. "All werewolves are evil. Especially one that is also a vampire. You are a freak among freaks. And so help me God if you don't give me her location, I will send you into the prison world where you will spend the rest of eternity wishing I had killed you."

I stare back and shrug unfazed "Do with me what you must."

His blue eyes blaze with hatred as he shoots up from his chair and punches me hard across the face. "TELL ME WHERE SHE IS!" He roars and lands another blow on my abdomen "TELL ME YOU BITCH!" Another blow to the face. "Every night I hear my sister's screams!" Another punch "Every night your red eyes haunt my dreams" punch "I despise you with every inch of my soul. Tell me the location." He demands as he chokes me. I meet his gaze and laugh which only makes him tighten his hold.

"How'd you know I like it kinky?" I rasp out.

He grunts and let's go "We're going to play a little game. Each time you deflect the question I'll rip off a piece of you until there's nothing left."

I smirk and bite my lip "Deal."

He grits his teeth and grabs pliers from the metal table. He lowers one of the chains from the ceiling to bring my left arm down. "Where is the cave?"

"Next to your sister's remains."

His eyes flash with fury before he calmly uses the pliers to slowly peel the nail on my thumb all the way off. I bite my tongue to hold back the snarl that wants to escape. He grins and slowly places his hand on my exposed stomach before trailing it up my skin and around my neck. He lightly tugs on my red hair but something in his expression changes as he unconsciously licks his lips.

"See something you like?" I mused with a smile.

"I often enjoy toying with temptation." He smirks, blue eyes dancing with mischief as he twists my wrist. The snapping sound of my bones breaking made me hiss and he bit his lip. "Tell me where the cave is." He whispered as his nose skimmed the side of my neck. He places his right hand on my hip while the left holds a vile of liquid silver ready to pour on my wounds.

"Tell me why you want to know." I whispered back. The weird part isn't how turned on I'm getting, but the fact that torturing me is turning him on. And he says I'm the freak.

He nibbles on my earlobe while he pours the silver down my body. The hissing of my skin making him grin. I close my eyes and feel the searing pain enter my body.

"Where is the cave you bitch." He grunts as he drops the vile and places both hands tightly on my hips and presses my body against his. I bit my lip to hide my smirk as I felt something poke my thigh.


His blue eyes drop to half-mast as lust mingles with his anger. He licks his lips and his breaths quicken "You disgust me."

"Your body tells me otherwise." I countered.

He shakes his head and releases me. His eyes are full of mixed emotions as his mind battles with his body. Grunting angrily he grabs a wooden stake and dips it in silver. Grabbing my neck with one hand, his eyes stay focused on mine as he aims at my stomach before a loud boom makes us sway.

The ground shakes and the walls crack before an alarm starts blaring. By the smell of it, it appears a bomb went off. The hunter lets go of me before making his way to the metal door. On the other side were snarls and screams. Jesse unlocks the door and his body is sent flying backward as a wolf tosses him full force at the wall behind me.

I stared at the wolf and for the first time in years, ice-cold fear seized my body. The huge brown wolf stares at me with his glowing green eyes and I suddenly feel like I'm sixteen years old again. My paralyzing fear morphs into confusion when he shifts into his human form. His build is huge and muscular reminding me of a tank. Looking into his green eyes all I see are flashes of him tearing my mother's body apart.

"Hello little one, remember me?"


So I realized that I never updated on Friday. My bad 🤦🏻‍♀️

Life's been a bit hectic as the year comes to a close and there are new things unfolding. Lets hope 2020 ends on a good note that counteracts all the BS that's happened thus far.

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