《A great change》Chapter 14.



"Here's your soup," Rehan said placing it on the table in front of me. I looked at the bowl containing the hot soup and mumbled "Thank you". He gave me a smile showing a glint of something in his eyes, something in the sense I can't read eyes, and went near the window taking out his phone.

Call it my hunger or my selfishness I didn't offer him to eat. It was not that tasty but the taste didn't matter to me right now. It felt heavenly and helped in wiping out my hunger.

"Damn!" Rehan said. I was too interested in my soup to ask anything. He said something standing next to me, but seriously I don't know what has gotten into me, I didn't collect his words.

The thing which finally caught my attention was the opening of the door. "What?" I asked Rehan who was about to go out. He gave me a questioning look "Sorry...what were you saying?" I asked again.

"I said our family will be here any minute. I have something to finish. Will be back soon".

"Oh" was all I managed to Say. My mind was fully on his words. What does he mean by "Our family"? Don't stress your brain so much Aimen just concentrate on the soup. I unwillingly stopped myself from thinking so much.

"If you want I can call the nurse to sit by you," He asked looking through the half-open door.

"No. I'm fine" I said with a smile plastered on my face. He returned it and went to God knows where.

After filling my stomach with not-so-delicious soup, I pushed the table away and drifted into sleep, maybe the pills made me feel sleepy.


"Shh....she is sleeping!"

"But where is bhai?"


These whispers filled the room disturbing my sleep. I was too tired to recognize the voice.

"AIMEN!!!" Someone yelled, actually not yelled, but called in a bit loud voice, which woke me up. I found Ammi along with Aisha.

"You okay?" Ammi asked. I nodded trying to understand the situation.

"How are you feeling?" Farida aunty (Rehan's mom) asked. I gave her a nod with a smile.

"I thought you were out," said Sidra for which she got a deadly glare from her mother. Typical Sidra.

Soon they all left leaving me alone with my family. Mr. Rehan didn't return. Why should I feel bad? It's his life, then why he is not going out of my mind? I guess he got tired from the troubles that I caused.

"Mera bacha(my child)" my ammi said kissing my forehead while stuffing a spoonful of rice in my mouth. This is my specialty, I eat so much and still be lean, which makes Safa and Maryam jealous.

"I'm the one who is pregnant here, but you get all the love and care, this is not fair," Aisha said puffing her cheek. I stick out my tongue.

"If you are hungry then ask Fahad to get you something," Ammi said to Aisha.

"Jiju is here?" I asked. "Yep! He gave me a surprise" Aisha said.

"Assalamualaikum!" Jiju and Sarim said in unison entering the room. We replied "Walaikumassalam" to their greeting.


I was discharged yesterday. Doctors said I was okay and may leave, but I don't know what has gotten into ammi, she asked the doctor to check me thoroughly and can discharge me tomorrow if they want. After so much assurance and compelling, ammi finally agreed. See she doesn't want her daughter back in her house. I know ammi is just concerned but another day in the hospital will surely make me worse.


I grabbed a towel and went to the bathroom. The warm shower soothed away all the tiredness. If someone lets me I will spend my whole life here. Unwillingly, I stepped out and brushed my teeth till they became white.

I dressed in a salwar kameez and was selecting my hijab when Sarim started to yell "Open the door!!!"

Not wanting my ears to bleed, I opened it "Ammi is calling you for the breakfast!" He emphasized the word 'breakfast' with a scowl. Actually, it's almost time for Zohar salah but I'm having my breakfast now. But who cares about those rules?

"Hey!" I called him back "Is jiju still here?"

"Nope. He will be back in the evening".

Yes! I went back to the wardrobe, taking a pink T-shirt with a big smiley and a pyjama.

I hate being formally dressed at home. Usually, I will be without a hijab and when some guests arrive, instead of opening the door, I will rush to my room for a hijab. But today I took a dupatta and spread it across my shoulder.

I went downstairs and found Ammi & Aisha in the kitchen. "Hello!" I greeted them.

"Walaikumassalam to you Aimen!" Aisha said, which I ignored.

"How's your health?" Ammi asked passing me a sandwich.

"I'm fine Alhamdulilah!" I replied.

"Ammi, I have kept your purse on the sofa," Aisha said.

"Going somewhere?" I asked eating my sandwich.

"To the hospital, along with Aisha for her check-up," Ammi said.

"And we are leaving our two soldiers to take care of you" Aisha completed her.


"Yes. Maryam and Safa" Ammi replied.

I'm dead. They are not gonna leave me for spoiling the sleepover.

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