《A great change》Chapter 8.



Why is he here? I always cause him trouble. Firstly, I spilled coffee over him and now I smashed the door on his face.

My thoughts were cut by the old lady, I mean dad's phuppi "Rehan beta come in". He went in following her orders.

"He is my grandson, Rehan" She tenderly placed her hand on his head. So he is with them.

"Since I have grandchildren of your age, you three can call me dadi(paternal grandmother) just like them," she said pointing to us.

We all sat there having casual chat. Dadi, it's quite weird to call someone by that name cause I had never seen my real granny as she died when I was a year old or something. She told many stories about dad, which made me miss him even more.

The feeling was so strong that can make me cry any minute. I am not a crybaby but it's like I have some automatic switch for tears, which gets on itself on the name of dad. I don't want to create a scene before them so I went to the kitchen.

"Can I accompany you?" asked the girl. What was her name? Yeah, 'Sidra'.

"Sure," I said with a smile as it was my only option. Her face lit up with a beaming smile at my reply, which anyone could have guessed that it was a true one.

We went into the kitchen. "Nice house" She commented looking around.

"Jazakallahu Khair!" I replied.

"You need something to eat? We still have time for dinner" I asked her.

"No. Just a glass of water can do it, I am saving space on my stomach for dinner" She said with a chuckle.

I smiled at her comment. I am liking this girl very much.


"Having some girl's time. Why can't it be in your room Aimen?" Ammi entered the kitchen with empty glasses in hand.

"It will be awesome" exclaimed Sidra, acting like a child.

"Let's go," I said. Her mouth hung down as I opened my room's door. Is something wrong?

"Your room is very....very clean," She said looking around.

"Result of mom's scolding, you know," I said to which she laughed.

"So," I said sitting on my bed legs crisscrossed.

"So?" she questioned back joining me in the bed.

"Tell me about you?" I said taking the pillow in my lap.

"I am Sidra Asad, I am in my last year of high school, I like eating, sleeping and of course talking, I can't live without talking," she said. "And what about you?" she asked.

"Well, I am Aimen Sharif. I am in the second year of mechanical engineering pursuing it from Elite college and I like......" I was cut by her.

"Hey Bhai too is in the same college but final year, do you know him?" She asked.

I know this was gonna come. "Kinda. Just seen him around" I said without looking at her.

"You were telling me something about your likes" She reminded.

"Hmm...my likes are almost like yours with chocolates included in it," I said.

"I too like them, how can I forget it," She said.

"Aimen come down for dinner" Aisha shouted knocking on the door. She doesn't have any manners. Can't she just behave well in front of guests? Only Allah knows how is she with her in-laws.

We all sat there having a delicious dinner. Ammi is a great cook, Masha Allah. A trait that I completely lack. The only thing I could make without burning down the kitchen is tea, which I learned after great efforts.


I should thank Allah for one thing, as he saved me from the talk with Rehan till now.

What's wrong with this girl? I had saved her two times, first while the accident and next from that stupid man. But she returns her thanks by causing some trouble.

Yeah, I know I liked her at first, but these are tricks of shaitan(devil). It's wrong to look at some non-mahram like that. Allah is testing me and I should not fail this test. I succeeded in the morning by lowering my gaze when she came before me and I have to do the same now.

Dadi introduced me to them. Then everything went normal like how it goes when we are in some relative's house.

I was bored and there is no one here to talk to. Sidra too went somewhere. I am missing my friends right now. I thought of texting but cringed at the idea of dadi pinching my ears if catches me with my phone. According to her, family times should not be disturbed by shaitans aka "phones"

A boy with the age around ten came and sat next to me.

"Hi!" He spoke. Judging by his sullen look, I think he too is bored just like me.

"Hello!!" I replied.

"Bored?" he asked me.

"Yep," I said popping the p.

"Wanna play the videogames?" He asked. The offer was too tempting to deny. I could say he is asking this for himself, not for me. I nodded saying yes. Anything that could take me away from this boring world.

"Ammi we going to play video games because bhaiya(elder brother) wants it," He said.

Told you he is doing this for himself in my name. We went to his room. It was a typical boy's room. The colors of the walls and curtains, the Xbox, and everything.

We spent almost an hour there playing car races and other boys' games till we were called for dinner.

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