《Dark Protector ✔》Chapter 19: Poisoned Past
Zoya was sitting in the kitchen at the Centauri house, it was apparently a custom to always meet here for breakfast. The past few days that she had spent here mostly consisted of her hanging out here in the kitchen or River's cabin. Time here passed by as if she was in a dream. This pack territory was separated from the outside world and nothing evil touched the light here. She could see now why River worked so hard with Gabriel and the others to keep this place safe. This pack was worth protecting with every ounce of strength.
Sitting here, at this table, everyone was comfortable and calm which reminded her why she ran away from her parents. That house was a prison and nothing good happened there. Zoya found freedom here among these pack members who accepted everyone with open hearts. However, today was the day that Zoya was having lunch with her mother. She didn't know how that was going to go, but she held no expectations either. There was no point in lifting her hopes for no reason. She knew Ellen Knightley and that woman never planned anything for the greater good. Except, being around the Centauri pack made one hopeful.
The front door opened and Ryder entered with Gabriel and Hunter, they filled up the house with their voices. The only one that wasn't here at this table was her mate, River. She wondered what held him back as she finished off her cup of coffee, which was exceptional, but it wasn't surprising since there was nothing Bone couldn't do. Even now, he was making breakfast for everyone. He was a busy bee at the stove making scrambled eggs and toast and Klaus was helping him too.
"Good morning!" Ryder greeted everyone.
"You're in a chirpy mood," observed Hailey.
Ryder beamed with a smile. "That's because I have a day off and I get to do whatever the hell I want," he said and they laughed at him.
"Don't you have someone to thank for that," remarked Sabrina.
"Of course, I will never forget the one who saved me from my evil twin," retorted Ryder as he came around and sat right next to Zoya putting his arm over her shoulders.
"Your twin isn't evil," she nudged him playfully.
"Oh, he's the devil," said Ryder. "Isn't he, Gabriel?"
Gabriel looked back as he poured himself a cup of coffee. "He's a licensed psychopath," he said. "I would be careful not to get on this bad side."
"I don't know if he's joking or not," Zoya said to the group.
"Gabriel's not joking," remarked Ryder.
"He's not," chimed in Viola and Vincent.
"Stop scaring her," rebuked Sabrina. "River's great-"
"To you-" interrupted Ryder. "He's been a menace to me since birth." They all laughed at him.
Zoya's phone buzzed and it was a message from River saying that he was making his way to them now.
"We should prank him," said Ryder. "You know, get back at him for all the torture."
"Don't even think about it," said Sabrina.
Zoya was kind of intrigued and she looked at Ryder's crafty blue eyes.
"He'll kill you," King pitched in.
"No, he won't," said Zoya with disbelief.
The group exchanged a wary glance. "He probably will," muttered Gabriel.
"Let's do it," said Ryder.
Commotion was heard at the front door; it was Azura and River's voices mixed in. Ryder jumped into action and grabbed a hold of Zoya. She laughed when she saw his eagerness to get back at River, those two definitely weren't twins from their opposite personalities.
"We need to hide you," he said hurriedly pushing her into the hallway and down the path. He looked around and shoved open a door into a dark room. "Stay in here," he said and closed the door on her, leaving her alone in the dark closet.
It all happened so quickly, Zoya didn't realize that she had left her cellphone on the table, so it was likely that River would recognize it and not believe their joke. She stood in the closet and leaned against the door when she heard Ryder's muffled voice.
"She left," he had said.
"What do you mean?" River's voice was clear as day to her ears.
The rest was a bit fuzzy. She couldn't hear the exchange between the pack members who were in the kitchen. Zoya was about to open the door and walk out, when the door wouldn't budge. She tried a couple of times and wondered what the problem was; it was jammed on something but she didn't know on what. She looked around, but since it was dark, she couldn't see anything around her. Only the sliver of light peeking from under the door allowed her to see her heels. She didn't know what came over her, but she couldn't breathe.
The darkness enveloped her into the nightmare of her wretched past, to the place she had spent most of her childhood; the basement of the Knightley house. She had escaped that tainted prison and she repeatedly reminded herself of that right now. She wasn't trapped in that basement. Yet, her heart was as if someone had put their tight fist around it and squeezed the blood out.
Zoya, you're fine, her wolf said steadily.
Yeah, you're right, she said to keep her wolf calm but Zoya was not calm.
Out of habit, she hadn't made a single sound. She hadn't attempted to get out or bang on the door to get free because that only meant that she had to stay in the basement longer. She stood silently, holding her breath and closed her eyes. The blood in her body turned to ice and she felt all strength leave her legs. She would've fell over if it wasn't for the strength of her wolf keeping her firm. She had forgotten that she was at the Centauri pack. She was that child again who was beaten or cursed by the ones that were supposed to protect her.
"River..." she couldn't hear her own voice, she wasn't even sure if she said his name, but it was the only thing that kept her from losing the grip on herself.
Suddenly, the door opened and light beamed through her closed eyes. The cool air on her face brought her back to where she truly was. Safe and at the Centauri house.
"Zoya," River's voice snapped her eyes open.
She didn't move nor make a sound, yet he heard her screams and felt the terror haunting her. His eyes searched hers, he straightened and clenched his jaw as if he was about to punch someone. He turned and looked at whoever was standing on the other side of the door.
"I'm going to deal with you later," he gritted out. "Go. Now." Whoever stood there didn't need another warning and scampered off.
Zoya felt like an idiot for ruining something that was supposed to be fun. She just didn't think after so many years that being closed into a room would trigger those memories.
River entered the closet, it was a lot smaller with him inside with her. She slowly realized that he hadn't forced her to come out nor bombard her with questions when it was clear from her paled expression that something was wrong. Instead, he stood close to her, matching her breath to his and surrounding her with his rich scent. She eased her shaky breath and inhaled his heat into her body, which calmed her in seconds.
He put his hands on the shelves behind her and surrounded her with his arms rather than the walls. "I'm going to touch you," his gentle voice caressed her ears.
She nodded and only then had he put his hands on her arms. He leaned down and kissed her forehead, her cheek then to the mark he left on her neck. She eased into his touches and found herself thinking only about him.
"Before I ask you what just happened, I'm going to go kill Ryder," he said against her ear.
She immediately grabbed a hold of his leather jacket, her hands fisting the unzipped sides. "No. Please, don't leave me," she said unevenly.
As much as he wanted to go kill Ryder, he stayed with her. "What's going on, Zoya?" he asked her.
"Nothing," she tried to sound reassuring, "it was just scary being closed in a room."
River watched her carefully and it was clear that he didn't believe a word she was saying. "It wasn't fear that I saw on your face when I opened this door," he said, "it was trauma."
Zoya's hands tightened on his jacket. "I thought I was past this," her voice held no strength.
"This is about your parents?" he said more than asked.
Zoya took an uneven breath in. "My parents used to lock me in the basement as a sign of discipline," she said, "and they used to-" she couldn't say more about how her parents abused her, but she didn't have to because River's darkened gaze read the agony written on her face.
River put his arms around her, holding tightly to his body, and letting her feel his warmth and strength. "And being in here brought those memories back," he said.
"This has never happened before," she said.
"And it would have never happened if my brother didn't act so stupidly," gritted out River.
Zoya felt exhaustion fill each and every limb of hers despite it being early in the day. "It wasn't his fault, he didn't know and neither did you until now," she said as she dropped her head on his chest. "Please, can you take me outside."
River took off his leather jacket and draped it over her shoulders. He didn't take her through the front door, but the back door which she was glad that he had. She went and took a seat on the bench's table and waited for River to return from inside the house. She was sure the entire family was curious over what happened. River would explain it to the best of his ability. Zoya didn't know.
Ryder was the one she saw first. His charming eyes had turned desolate and she hated that that happened. He hurried over to her. "I'm so sorry, Zoya," he said. "I didn't know, otherwise I never would've-"
"I know and there's nothing to apologize for-" she said assuredly. "We were just having fun, and honestly, even I didn't know that was going to happen."
Ryder's frown reminded her so much of River. "I'm really sorry," he said.
She had a feeling, he wasn't going to give in unless she said; "I forgive you, Ryder." She brought him into her arms and hugged him. Looking over his shoulder, she saw River watching them as he approached. "We can prank River another time," she whispered.
Ryder let out a soft laugh- finally.
River joined them and he had her jacket and phone in his hands. She gave him his leather jacket and he handed her the white fur-trimmed coat.
Ryder looked at River, but the brothers didn't exchange any words and only a look that they understood. Ryder soon after left and returned to the Centauri house.
River looked at her sitting on the bench. "Are you okay?" he asked gently.
Zoya nodded. "I'm feeling better," she admitted truthfully.
"Are you sure you want to meet that woman today?" he then asked.
Zoya totally forgot about the meeting with her mother. "Oh god," she groaned and dropped her head against his chest.
"Just cancel it," he suggested.
"I would love to but I can't avoid this forever," she sighed.
His deep frown was clear that he didn't approve and she was sure he'd talk her out of it. "Okay," he gave in surprisingly. "But you have some time before you meet her. Let me take you out."
Zoya was taken aback and she gaped at her mate. "As in a date?" she astonished.
He stared back at her. "I said I'd be with you this whole day," he replied. "So, I'll do whatever you want."
She smiled with all her teeth. "Even if I said let's go shopping," she couldn't help but sound giddy.
"Yes," he answered.
She jumped off the bench and both of them went to the car parked on the driveway.
Zoya couldn't put it in words, but her heart was hammering inside her chest. These past few days were as if she lived a dream. Being here at the pack with River was something she never thought she'd have for herself not matter how much she hoped for it. Life had finally given her what she truly wanted and what could go wrong now. She was complete and she may have a bit of trauma but being with River took away the fear.
He drove as she sat in the seat beside him. She couldn't help but steal a few glances his way. Over these past few days, she had learned a few things about him that made her fall even harder for him. She already knew that he was a man of few words, yet he knew exactly what to say to make her heart skip a beat. She didn't know how he managed to make her knees weak just by looking at her, but he had that way with himself. He was confident to the point that he knew he was always right about anything. She didn't mind that about him, since she realized that he was easy to reason with. And it didn't hurt when she stripped off her clothes and convinced him to listen to her way with her body and he'd have no choice but to give in.
She still remembered the night she wore the new lingerie she bought. She didn't have many expectations and frankly thought that River wouldn't care. But he did and he showed her. She swore to bring all the lingerie she had just to use on him and see what he'd do. Zoya adored his wicked side and her wolf did too. Yet, there was a gentleness in him that she relied on and entrusted herself to. He was rough with her but he whispered his love to her at every chance. She still remembered all the times he told her that he loved her. She wished she could've recorded it and have it on repeat for herself. He consumed her entire being and she couldn't help but lose herself to this bond. She was afraid of how much she'd given herself to him in such a short amount of time. He was her soul and she was a dull fire when he wasn't with her. He made her feel alive with his touch and his voice brought her out of the darkness that she hid herself away in. She'd let River take her anywhere and that wasn't her being naive. She chose her mate and her life was his.
Turning her head, she looked out the window and she hadn't even realized that they had arrived in the busy city. She was glad that it wasn't that cold today and the sun was peeking out from behind a few clouds. This was the street close to her company, which she knew very well because she shopped on this busy street more than she could count.
"Let's stop here," she said.
River parked on the side of the road.
She got out of the car, her eyes scanning all the stores on the street and she already knew the first three that she wanted to go to. However, she wouldn't stress River out too much. This was his first-time shopping with her and she couldn't scare him away just yet.
River circled around the hood of his car, he was standing tall in all black and leather. She didn't understand how sexy a plain leather jacket could look on a man. He filled out the leather with his powerful build that worked under his control. He extended his hand towards her for her to take hold of and she gladly did. She hid her blushing smile and tried to compose herself. She was Zoya Knightley for god's sake! She walked down the street with River and they matched their pace together. He took long confident strides ahead just like she did.
"I'll go easy on you today," she said.
He looked at her confused. "What do you mean?" he frowned.
"I mean that I won't scare you with my shopping skills," she said.
He raised a brow. "That's not necessary," he told her. "I'm a trained shopping companion."
"And who trained you?" Her voice hinted laughter.
"Vincent and Viola," he listed.
Zoya couldn't hold back her laughter any longer. "That's too cute," she believed.
"It wasn't cute when Vincent would try on fifty different suits and ask me to pick a favourite," he remarked making her laugh a little harder.
"What about Viola?" she asked.
"Viola's a little demon," he said gruffly before he stiffened. "Don't tell her I said that. She'll have my head."
Zoya let go of his hand and linked their arms together instead, she craved his heat and this was the only way to get it. "I won't let anyone touch you," she promised. "Okay, where should we go first?" She saw a candle store next to a large Christmas pop-up shop. There was a Cartier store beside Dior and Chanel. She desired the small boutiques around the street, especially all the holiday stores.
"Let's go to that one," she pointed to the store across the road.
They crossed the road before the light changed to green.
Zoya took River into the candle shop and as soon as they entered there was a warmth surrounding the entire store. The soft glow of the chandeliers bounced off the dark oak floors and all the displays. She instantly filled with excitement, it was clear from her beaming smile that went from ear-to-ear. They both went around the shop smelling all the various types of candles and she was quick to buy a few too. One could never have enough candles and she was taking them for River's cabin, the house needed the holiday spices.
They quickly put the bags in the car and went off to the next shop on the street. She walked into a clothing store next and was keen on getting a few pieces for River. She already had in mind what she was looking for. A dark wool coat, a new watch that would match hers and they needed identical pyjamas, which was on top of the list.
They stood in front of the plaid pyjama sets and Zoya presented the two options. "It's either the red or the green, honey," she told him.
River stared at the pyjamas. "I'd rather we wore nothing to bed," he said.
She gaped at his cool expression when he said that. She cleared her throat before she spoke; "We don't need to wear them to bed if you don't want to. But if we are eating breakfast or watching a movie, it'll be fun to wear."
"Fine, the red then," he said.
She grabbed the red pair off the rack and they walked off into the direction of coats. He told her that he didn't need a coat, but she was persistent to get him something warmer than his leather jacket.
"I can't have you getting sick," she voiced her concern.
"I don't get sick," he said.
Zoya shook her head. Why did she expect him to say that? She ignored his protests and browsed through the different styles. She was about to give up when her eyes landed on the long black cashmere coat that gave a sheen of midnight-blue in the light. She took it off the hanger and worked quick to get River into the coat.
"This is the one," she declared.
"I haven't even put it on yet," he said.
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