《Dark Protector ✔》Chapter 16: Dark Night
River stood in the middle of the chaos and he was about to lose his mind. More than anything else, he hated being in the centre of everyone's attention. All the eyes on him drove him insane. And on top of that, they were teasing him about Zoya. Yes, he had agreed to mate with her and he was proud of that decision too. But he forgot that his pack was full of a bunch of pups and they were never going to let him forget this.
"Aww, look, we scared our big bad River," jested Vincent.
The pack snickered.
"Don't tease him too much," said Sabrina.
"I can't help it, Sabrina," said Vincent. "River's too easy."
"Don't push your luck," warned Ryder, the man was grinning like a wolf himself. "River won't spare you if you piss him off."
"I'm not scared," Vincent scoffed.
River faced Vincent who was sitting in his dark green coat and his sunglasses on his face. He was smirking up at Ryder, and it was clear he was teasing him.
"Vincent," River's tone alone sent a chill down Vincent. "Are you sure you want to keep challenging me?"
Vincent pushed his glasses up and showed his big, innocent eyes and pouted; "you wouldn't hurt me," he said sweetly. "I'm too pretty."
"I say go for it," Viola added. "Punch him right in that perfect nose, River."
Vincent glared at his sister. "Why don't I punch you instead," he snipped back.
"You wouldn't dare, you little bitc-"
"Viola-" Gabriel's stern voice shut both of them up quickly.
Hailey walked over and stuffed a s'more into Vincent and Viola mouths keeping them quiet and out of trouble.
Through the ruckus, River's phone pinged and he pulled it out knowing that it was Zoya who texted him. He asked if she was at home or work.
I'm at work. She texted him with a red heart emoji.
I'll meet you there. He replied but without an emoji and couldn't help but wonder if he'd ever get used to this fluttering feeling that was inside his chest right now.
River subtly strolled off the field after telling Gabriel where he was headed. He tried not to be noticed by the other pack members, because he wouldn't hear the end of it. He got in his car and drove off the property.
Taking the few moments in city traffic to think, River wasn't sure what he'd say to Zoya when he'd meet her. He just knew that he needed to see her. The night he met her at her company he told her that he wanted her as his mate. He didn't go with much hope, but she surprised him again and agreed to mate with him too. He hadn't left her side that night, he had come home close to dawn. But he didn't sleep at all either. Restlessness didn't even begin to explain how he felt about her. This was all so new to him. Every emotion was driving him wild and all he found himself drawn towards was Zoya Knightley. She was pouring into him and branding his very soul. She had done that from the night she met him and he couldn't do anything about it.
Arriving at her company, he parked and went inside the private entrance she showed him yesterday. He approved of the side entrance, it was safer to escape and enter. Now that she was his mate, he needed to review the safety measures in this building. He wanted Zoya safe more than anything and he would make sure she was. He'd get the list of her security team here too and meet with them. If he wasn't satisfied then he'd dismiss them and set up his own trained wolves here. He should call Azura and Ryder to help him.
River went to the elevator on the side and clicked the button letting the doors close. He waited a blink of a moment as the sleek elevator carried him to the floor where Zoya was right now.
The doors pinged open to the huge lobby floor where he saw Zoya with her team inside her office. She was standing by the table with her hand propped on her hip. She was gorgeous in a white satin dress that molded to her curves like skin. Her heavy hair curled to perfection and was set to spill down her back. He was entranced as she ran her fingers through the curls and pushed it back over her soft shoulder. A great urge to do that himself ran through him.
River opened the door to her office, instantly her eyes locked onto his and held them. He didn't move his eyes either when it was clear that her employees were staring at him.
"Let's take a break everyone," said Zoya with a small smile.
Her workers rushed out the second door and closed it shut behind them too. The entire floor in fact cleared up too, he saw that happen because it was just his habit to scope the area at all times.
"Hi," she said softly.
River closed the space between them. "Hi," he found his voice.
"I'm glad you came," she said.
River wasn't just glad that he came, it was clear to him now that this was where he needed to be. He stepped closer, their legs brushed together and the cold air that he carried from outside thawed near her beautiful warmth. His wolf stepped forth out of the dark and eyed her too, taking in her scent for himself.
"Aren't you cold?" he asked softly as his hands slid down her bare shoulders and arms.
"A little," she whispered back.
His hands caressed down her wrists to her small hands, he laced his fingers through hers and brought them up to his lips. He kissed her knuckles, she watched him as he did that. Her blue gaze lifting from under those dark lashes and drawing out his soul from pitch-black darkness. His heart skipped a beat and plummeted when she bit that glossy bottom lip of hers.
"The pack wants you over for dinner tonight," he said trying to distract himself from the feral urges growing inside him. He kept reminding himself that she deserved better than that.
Zoya looked at him, her eyes softening his strength and feeding his desires. "I would love to join you," she said.
"It would be better if we had dinner alone," River said with an irate tone.
Zoya's brows rose. "So, you don't want me eating with the pack?"
"No, I like that you want to be with them," River said. "But they're going to bother us tonight. I just know it."
Zoya grinned at him. "Do I look like an easy opponent?" she asked. "I'm sure I can handle whatever they throw at me."
River knew his pack, especially Vincent, Ryder and Viola and it was worse when Azura joined in.
"Don't worry, honey-" Zoya reached up on her toes and kissed his cold cheek- "I'll protect you."
River's heart fluttered when she had done that. "Damn... I can't breathe..." he mumbled as he touched his cheek and she chuckled at him.
A knock on the door interrupted them, it was Abigail.
"Sorry to interrupt, but Ms. Leon is here to see you," she told Zoya.
Zoya dismissed Abigail telling her to take Ms. Leon to another room.
"By the way, how's the pup doing?" River asked her.
"River's much better now. Dr. Boone wants to run a few more tests before he can come home," she told him.
"That's good to hear," said River.
"I was relieved too. Look, I would love to chat with you but I have to go," she said.
River didn't like to have to get her go, and it was clear from his glower what he felt. "I'll wait for you until you're done," he told her. "We can head back to the pack together."
"My meeting's going to last all day. I'll just meet up with you at the pack," she said.
"I actually had a job here which should take up most of my time," he told her.
Zoya raised a brow. "Like what?"
"I need to have a word with your security team," he informed and knew fully well that she wouldn't like the idea of him interfering.
"And why would you need to do that?" she asked.
River saw the power of her wolf emerge through her eyes. He liked that a lot. "You're my mate and I need to make sure that you are safe here," he said sternly.
She opened her mouth and then closed it. "I'll let Jonas know that you're visiting," she said before she crossed her arms. "You know, I don't know if I like you being all bossy at me."
River never felt guilty about that and he wasn't going to start now either. The safety of the people around him mattered the most and Zoya was top priority.
"Get used to it because keeping you safe is my job," he asserted.
Zoya's eyes heightened with sweet mischief, her lips tugged into a smile making him want to kiss it off her. "Isn't also your job to keep me happy?" she jested.
"I'll do that while you are properly guarded with a competent team of bodyguards and at least a hundred more cameras scoping the entire area," he retorted.
She chuckled at him. "Should I be getting scared of you?" she asked him.
"It's too late to back out now," River remarked gravelly. "I'm with you whether you like it or not."
Zoya stepped closer, putting her arms around his neck and pressed her soft curves into his heavily muscled body. "I won't back out," she said, "and thank you for wanting to keep me safe. No one's done that for me before."
River caught the flash of anguish in her eyes. He circled his arms around her waist. "What is it?" he asked hoping that she'd tell him what was hurting her.
She smiled softly erasing all the torment in her eyes. "Nothing," she said.
"Zoya, look at me- look at me, baby," River said and waited until she met his gaze. "Whatever it is you can tell me."
"I know," she answered.
River didn't waste any time before he crushed his lips against hers in a fiery and eager kiss that they have been waiting to share all this time. They were both hot and desperate with the need to possess the other. Zoya arched into his touch and he never wished to be somewhere more than in her soft embrace. Their tongues twirled in a heated dance, both intoxicated from their taste that heightened their lust for one another, she gasped when River abruptly pulled away, but just a moment later, his mouth reconnected with hers. He slightly trembled when she raked his hair and intertwined her fingers into his silky black hair.
River's rough hands held her hips and his fingers dug into her dress, he didn't hold back anything from her and that exhilarated her body and soul. He couldn't think clearly, let alone hold back his own desire to let her consume him into the fiery pits of her passion. Zoya squirmed under his hands that were to be let loose so they could explore her body. She arched into him when the soft bite of his teeth on her bottom lip jolted down his body. He could sense her arousal and his wolf growled to mark her to him forever.
Zoya pulled back, breaking their hypnotic kiss. "I need to go, River," she said breathlessly.
"In a minute-" he pushed her back against her table, caging her between his strong legs. Everything around them disappeared. River found himself entranced by Zoya. Nothing could faze him as he got drunk off her sweet, soft lips and mouth. He told himself repeatedly to calm the fuck down and back off, but each time Zoya caressed his tongue with hers, his willpower shattered.
River ran his fingers through her dark hair, fisting the heavy waves so he could cup the base of her neck and bring her closer to him. As he devoured her mouth, he couldn't ignore her tentative touches. She slipped her hands under his leather jacket and gripped his shirt steadying herself. But River would never let her fall, he would never let anything harm her. However, protecting her from himself was obviously a fail. Now that she was in his arms, he fell harder. There wasn't anything that could separate him from her.
Zoya moaned hotly letting him drink the fervour that burned both of them. She laid her hands softly on his chest. "You're making it impossible for me to think about anything else," she said between his kisses.
River found himself pleased and smiling a little.
Zoya shifted and let his lips kiss her cheek instead of her lips. "I need to go, River," she said sternly. "Ms. Leon is an important customer. You're going to get me in trouble."
River lifted and glowered down at his mate. "I hate people," he grumbled which made her laugh sweetly and warmed him from the inside.
"Stop moping," she said as she laced her hand through his and took them out of the office.
"I don't mope," River objected.
Zoya clicked the elevator button and they stepped inside. "It's okay, I love your moping too," she said as she clicked the ground floor level.
River gaped at her when she said that. He didn't expect to hear that.
As they stepped out of the elevator onto the ground level. Zoya took him to the side hallways towards an office. She pushed open the door and River saw a huge security room behind it. Jonas was seated at the computers with a few other security team members.
Jonas got out of his seat the moment he saw them.
"Hi, Jonas," Zoya smiled at him, "River here has some questions for you. Give him anything he needs and I want full cooperation from all of you."
"Yes, ma'am," said Jonas before he eyed River.
He was probably curious as to why Zoya would ask that from him. But Jonas was here the night River visited Zoya, so it should be clear by now of their relationship.
Zoya turned facing River. She leaned up and kissed him on the cheek. "Have fun," she said sweetly and then walked off down the hallway.
River looked after her, but she turned the corner to the elevators again disappearing from his gaze. Just like that, any warmth had left and his old habits appeared. River closed the door behind him and faced Jonas and the team. The reason he was feared and Gabriel's best fighter was clear now to the people in the room. He towered inside the room and his presence was thick in the air and that alone told anyone to be careful.
"Are these the only cameras?" River asked as he stepped in front of the multiple screens.
"Yeah," Jonas answered.
River didn't know how much time passed as he studied each screen and the view they presented. He liked the positions of the cameras, but he didn't like the amount of traffic in each lens. Many people were coming and going throughout the day and in each location. There weren't many exits here at the building either.
"There aren't any cameras in nearby streets, are they?" River asked.
"We have a few in the parking lot," Jonas answered.
"But not on the roads or alleyway," River said.
"We aren't allowed to install cameras there," said another security member.
"Hmmm," he didn't say anything to that. River was just going to get Azura on that task tomorrow.
After that, Jonas took River to the main exits of the building and fire safety routes. River wasn't worried about the exits, since nothing would come into the building that would harm his mate. But he would be sure to add extra alarms on the exits.
A couple of hours went by without him realizing when he returned to the security room with Jonas. He was a good man and suitable for this job, which River approved of and didn't find the need to get rid of him.
The security team had left to get coffee and donuts, when River stood in front of the screens again and his gaze caught onto a target. A woman dressed in white got out of a white Mercedes-Benz. Ellen Knightley had arrived. River felt rage fill inside him and his wolf growled for the blood of that woman. He was about to get it too.
The security team filled the room again with their coffee and donuts.
"Wait, is that Ellen Knightley?" Jonas asked as he leaned in and studied the screen then too. "Damn, she doesn't know when to quit."
"She's been here before?" River asked darkly.
"Many times," he told him despairingly. "We send her back, but she doesn't get it."
River turned to leave the room.
"Hold on, where are you going?" Jonas asked after him.
River didn't answer, but it was clear by now that he was going to tell that woman to fuck off.
"You shouldn't talk to her," Jonas warned. "The boss isn't going to like it."
"Zoya doesn't need to know," River said as his steps quickened and he stepped out of the building. He wasn't going to let that wretched woman near his mate.
Right when he walked out the double doors, Ellen Knightley crossed his path. She stopped dead in her tracks as she faced him.
"Excuse me, do you not have any manners? Watch where you're going," Ellen bit out as she eyed him. She clearly recognized him from that day they'd met and Zoya lied about who they were, but she chose to ignore it.
"Turn around and leave," he said, his tone was rigid and cold.
Ellen flinched. "Do you know who I am?" she stated more than asked. "I am Ellen Knightley, the mother of the girl who owns this building."
River towered over her with his sneer and the wolf inside raking through his head to claw this woman's throat out and drink her blood. "I don't give a fuck who you are," his voice dripped with menace. "You're going to turn around and get back in your car before I put more bullets in your brain than you can count."
Ellen's eyes gaped at him. "How- how dare you," she exasperated. "My husband will not spare you for this-"
"Your husband can't do anything to me," River said.
"Of course, he can. My husband is Joe Knightley," Ellen said smugly.
River took another step forward making her back away. "Then when you talk to him tonight about me I want you to tell him my name. Tell him that you met River Drakov," he seethed.
Ellen tilted her chin up stubbornly and walked off in the direction she came. River didn't move from the door until her car left the parking-lot and entered the busy streets again.
River turned and caught Jonas who stood gaping at him. "Don't tell Zoya about today," he said gruffly. There was no need to ruin her mood and upset her.
River was going to get someone assigned to follow Ellen Knightley's every move. He didn't like that woman one bit. She was the cause of Zoya's pain and he wouldn't have any problem killing her because of that.
They went back inside and River saw the time; it was getting late. He left Jonas and the team before he joined Zoya on the thirteenth floor. He knew she was there after following her on the camera live stream. He walked onto the floor and tracked his mate into the meeting room. She sat at the head of the table with paperwork spread out in front of her. She was giving Abigail instructions and the busy secretary was writing it all down on her iPad.
River stepped into the room and Zoya looked in his direction, like she sensed his presence instantly. She dismissed Abigail and the rest of the team in the room.
"Are you ready to go?" he asked her.
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