《Dark Protector ✔》Chapter 9: I Love You
As everyone chatted away about Zoya taking Ryder and River out on a date, King was glaring at his nonchalant mate who hadn't paid any heed to King's grim mood. They've been mated for a while now but no one warned King of Klaus's anger, it was unsettling. Although, King wasn't surprised since Klaus was a Centauri and the other four siblings had the worse tempers around here. King decided that the only way to get to the bottom of this was if he used any means to win Klaus back again.
"You'll burn a hole through him," Bone whispered to King.
King kept on glaring. "I need your help," he said.
Bone's tea cup froze before his lips. "I'm not helping you with anything," he professed.
King gaped at his friend. "And why not?" he grated out.
Bone fixed the blue tie around his collared shirt. "You probably have an elaborate plan to win Klaus over," he guessed, "and I don't want any part in that."
King glared into his friend's blue eyes. "You don't have a choice," he claimed.
Bone raised a brow. "I don't have to listen to you," he said. "Also, Klaus is officially my boss since he runs the Institute I work at."
King grumbled a curse. "I'll pay you double," he offered.
Bone rolled his eyes. "You're such an idiot," he remarked and King scowled. Bone looked at his friend with a saddened expression. "I'm sorry, King," he whispered. "But you're on your own. You made the mistake and now you have to fix it."
Bone got out of his seat and headed off to work with Hailey and Viola beside him. Hunter, Azura, Dante and Leo all left as well.
King had finished his breakfast already but he just wasn't ready to leave. He watched Klaus who was helping Ender fix the unravelled shoelaces of his boots. Klaus was smiling at the boy, his emerald eyes gleaming under the light and he was cheerful no matter what happened. That smile that stole every breathing moment for King was far away from his touch. King wanted- no- needed to touch his mate and feel his skin to his own. Nothing compared to the sensation that Klaus brought to King. The darkness was cleaned each time Klaus even laid his hand on King.
King didn't know what to do. He could use barbaric methods and lock Klaus in a room with him, never to leave but he knew that wouldn't solve anything. However, did King have another idea? No, he didn't.
"Turn up the volume," Gabriel said.
Sabrina was already turning up the volume to the television in the kitchen. King pulled out of his thoughts and looked up at the screen, that interested everyone. There was the News anchor dressed in a black suit, a microphone in her hand and she stood on a street. Sirens blaring behind her on the street that appeared ruined from devastation.
"The tragic accident at the Wilton Industries building has left everyone praying for the families and the survivors. This would have been a lot worse if the fire department had not acted as quickly as they had," she said. "However, we also received intel that Zero was on scene as the fire engulfed the building. She was the first responder and made sure everyone had made it out of the building-"
"Zero's back?" Klaus asked Gabriel.
Gabriel's sternly frowned. "I didn't know. She didn't call or even send a text," he told them.
"This was her way of calling," King remarked.
The woman continued to retell the events; "Zero can still be here, but we haven't had the chance to interview her. Many civilians took videos and photos of her. We will play them at the end of our show-"
King wasn't surprised that Zero showed up at a burning building and ran inside to save everyone. That was the executioner's duty and she never gave up no matter what happened. He still remembered when Zero rescued him from Marcello when he attacked him. King smiled at the memory, but he didn't smile at what happened after. When King got shot, Zero got shot too and they both almost lost their lives. Klaus was angry that time too.
Suddenly, his vision was blocked. "King, we need to talk," said Gabriel.
"Later," said King as he eyed Klaus leave the house with Ender.
Gabriel took a stern stance. "No. Now."
King heard that firm tone which clearly meant that Gabriel wasn't in a gaming mood. "Do you mind?" he asked grouchily. "I'm trying to save my mating." It was obvious that Gabriel didn't give a shit. King growled a curse and got up.
They stepped outside onto the porch.
"I need you to arrange a meeting with Kragen Morelli," said Gabriel.
"He goes by Blade," King corrected.
Gabriel's gaze darkened and he leaned on the railing. "I know his reputation, that's why I need this done as soon as possible," he said grimly.
King grew wary of Gabriel's stern demeanour, it was unlike him to approach a matter with a cold attitude. Nonetheless, he pulled out his phone and called Blade right away, in front of Gabriel, not wasting a single second.
When the call was answered, a deep voice filled the speaker; "I thought you said you would never call this number."
"I need a meeting arranged with you," King told the alpha.
A moment passed. "The Bay. Today at seven," he said.
King looked at Gabriel who had nodded in approval. "Sure," he said.
The phones cut together.
"I didn't think you'd be able to do it so fast," Gabriel said.
"Don't sound impressed," King remarked. "This is why you had me join the pack after all."
Gabriel revealed a short smirk. He straightened and moved off the porch.
"Where you going?" King asked.
"To Azura and Hunter," he said. "They need to handle the pack while we're gone."
King crossed his arms. "They're going to come with you," he said.
"I don't want to intimidate Blade with our whole pack," Gabriel said. "River and you are enough."
King shook his head. "Hunter, Azura, Ryder, Lupin are all going to come whether you like it or not," he warned their alpha.
"All of you are too stubborn," Gabriel grumbled.
King chuckled. "And who taught them to be like that," he jested making Gabriel's golden eyes sore with pride, because he knew that he was the reason the Centauri pack wolves were the most stubborn and tough bunch of fighters out there.
"Don't you think you should be a little stubborn too?" Sabrina asked. She was wrapped up in a thick wool fleece over her Christmas pyjamas.
King glanced at his old friend who was the only one that ever saw King as a kid. "What do you mean?" he asked her.
"Go to Klaus," she said. "Stop giving him time."
King leaned back, crossing his arms. "I was a being courteous and letting him breathe-"
"Don't bullshit me-" Sabrina interrupted. "I know you want to lock up Klaus."
King dropped his head in his hand. "Why does everyone think that?" he growled.
"Because it's the truth," Sabrina chastised.
King raked his hair back. "What would you do?" He asked her.
Sabrina chuckled. "If Gabriel was upset with me then I would lock us up together until he forgives me, it wouldn't be hard at all," she admitted with a sly grin.
King rolled his eyes at her chirpy tone, that annoyed the hell out of him. King went inside and grabbed his leather jacket off the hook and made Sabrina close the front door. He stalked off towards the Institute where his mate always was.
King knew all of Klaus's classes and right now they were empty, so it was clear that he was in the library with Bone.
King ended up at the library quickly and it was busy today. Many students were sitting at the long tables studying over their books or just hanging out. Bone was the first one that King spotted, he was standing all the way in the back at the computers helping a bunch of kids sign books out. King went to him.
"Bone," King called out.
Bone turned and looked at him. "Yes?" he was smiling, like it was funny that King had come all the way to the library.
"Where's Klaus?" he whispered.
"Behind you," Bone answered.
King whipped around but Klaus wasn't there. "You little piece of-" he was about to curse out a string of curses, but he stopped with all the kids around.
Bone snickered. "He's in the staff room," he told him out of pity then.
Staff room, thought King. He looked at the foggy glass door that was closed. Klaus was in that room, but he probably wasn't going to listen to King right now.
"Bone, go tell Klaus that I won't be home until late tonight. Gabriel has me on a mission," King said but Bone was distracted. "Bone-" he called out urgently.
"I'm busy," said Bone.
"I'll help the kids," King said. "You need to go right now."
Bone sighed. "You're not going to stop bothering me, are you?" King's stubborn expression answered Bone's doubts. "Fine," he gave in and left.
King quickly helped sign out the books for the three kids left and ushered them to leave. He kept looking at the door waiting for Bone to come back.
"What is the great Vitiello doing in our library?" Leo asked sardonically.
"He's here to read, Leo," Dante added.
"If you two don't want matching bullets up your asses, shut it," King grumbled.
"We're in a library, King," warned Leo. "You should watch that tongue."
King was about to give this pup his piece of mind, but Bone walked out of the room then. He came over and King waited for the answer.
"Well?" King asked.
"He said that he already knows about the mission," Bone replied and Leo snickered away with Dante.
"Go tell him that I'm leaving right now," King said.
Bone looked at the two boys and then at King. "Do I have to?" he asked.
"Go," King insisted and Bone left again.
"Klaus can really be brutal," added Leo. "Remember Dante when we had that supply teacher and we pulled that prank on him. Klaus didn't talk to us for a whole month."
King's heart dropped.
"And he made us write an apology letter," said Dante.
"That wasn't even the worst part," Leo said. "After we gave the letter, Klaus forced us all to run outside for an hour. He said that if we had too much energy to pull pranks then we could run laps around the school."
"I couldn't feel my legs after that," said Dante.
"We never pulled that shit again," said Leo.
Bone returned again and stood in front of King. "Klaus said to have a great night," he said. Leo and Dante muffled their laughter, even Bone did too.
King was irritated more than ever now. "I hate all of you," he gritted out and left the library.
Abruptly, he stopped in his tracks and felt a strong shackle on his feet keeping him from leaving his mate. King wasn't going anywhere while being pissed at this whole thing. He went back to the library and instead of walking in front of everyone, he turned to the side and walked unseen behind all the shelves towards the staff room.
King pushed open the door and saw Klaus sorting through a trolley of books. "You can't be mad at me forever," he blurted out.
Klaus stiffened from the sudden invasion or maybe because it was King. "Try me," he dared happily.
King had enough. He grabbed his feisty mate by his arm and pushed him up against the wall. He caged him for no way to escape. Fuck, being so close to Klaus always messed with every sense of control in King. He couldn't look into those eyes and not lose every part of himself in them. That sweet honeyed scent drove all reason out the door and King never could calm himself.
"I'm leaving today for a mission," he found himself trying to make conversation, otherwise he would have kissed Klaus or worse taken him right here in the staff room.
"Gabriel told me and so did Bone," said Klaus.
King's eyes dropped from those eyes to that mouth. "Did they also tell you that it could get very dangerous," he baited because he had to so don't judge him.
Klaus crossed his arms. "I'm sure you can handle yourself. Besides, the whole team is going too," he said.
"Can I at least get a kiss before I leave?" his voice dropped low and he inched closer. "Klaus."
Klaus's eyes softened and it was obvious that no matter what Klaus would stay worried about King. Klaus leaned in and laid his soft lips on King's hard cheek, a heat blazed through his body at that simple yet pure touch. King's hands ached to touch him and every part of his body right here and now, when suddenly, Bone opened the door and startled them.
"What the hell, Bone!" snapped King.
Bone was flustered and didn't know what to do. "Er- well, you shouldn't be doing naughty things in our holy library," he remarked loudly.
Klaus smirked and pushed past King. "I've been trying to teach that to him but he just doesn't want to listen," he retorted and left the room.
King couldn't help but smile at that fiery mate of his, that just didn't back down from a fight either.
"You okay?" Bone asked.
"Splendid," he answered.
Bone looked confused but King was amused, it was the sparkle in his eyes that told Bone he was scheming something.
King didn't follow Klaus, he took the turn out of the library into the long hallway with the many classrooms; some being used and some were empty. He made his way towards the exit doors at the end of the hall when he heard a familiar voice trailing out from one of the vacant rooms.
King inched back a few steps and peeked back into the classroom where he found Ender. The little boy in a dark turtle neck and jeans was sitting near the window with his books out on the table. Except, that wasn't what bothered King. It was the fact that Jaxx Grayson stood in front of Ender looking down at him, his red bag hung with one strap on his shoulder and he was in a red hoodie with black jeans. The boy was talking about something and King was about to walk in there.
"I passed Mr. Taylor's assignment with flying colours," said Jaxx excitedly and King froze in his tracks, "and I sort of passed Mrs. Anderson's pop quiz."
King peered over just enough to see Jaxx open his bag and pull out two pieces of paper.
Ender looked down at the sheets. "A fifty-two percent is not a pass," he mumbled.
"It is in my world," said Jaxx before he dropped his bag down and sat beside Ender. "What are you doing?"
King couldn't see past Jaxx's body that was turned towards Ender, but a paper was laid out and Ender was colouring with pencil crayons.
"Where'd you get this?" Jaxx asked.
"Mrs. Janica," replied Ender. "She gave me the crayons too."
"You like colouring?" Jaxx seemed surprised.
"It's fun and I colour with Gid-" Ender's voice fell...
King didn't understand why, since there were many times that Ender would colour with Gideon at home, maybe he was too shy to share.
Suddenly, Ender's burning green eyes locked onto the door where King had already moved away from to hide. King had masked his scent and he wasn't an easy target to spot, yet Ender sensed the presence. That cautiousness mixed with fear made Ender alert and King knew exactly how that developed; it was being in that cage. Always looking out and making sure that no one was watching or found you. The fear made one lose sleep for days just to make sure that they could keep track of how many deaths there were and how many survivors.
"Are you coming to class after this free period?" Jaxx asked and it seemed both Ender and King snapped out of their nightmares.
Ender continued to colour when he mumbled a reply only for Jaxx to hear. King peered over again. Jaxx had laid his head down on his arm facing Ender who had switched from a black to a red crayon. The two boys continued to talk about class and the snow outside too, which reassured King that there was nothing to worry about here.
After a while, King walked off in search of Klaus to let him know that their boy had made a friend. Although, when King reached room 101- Klaus wasn't there and neither was the class.
King saw Viola walking out of her class with her eyes down on a book, which was open in her hands.
"Viola," King called out for her.
Viola's hazel-green eyes looked up at him. "What are you doing here?" she asked. "Hold on- why'd I even ask when I already know the answer."
Everyone was a critic, King thought. "Why isn't Klaus in class right now?" he asked her.
Viola crossed her arms and shot him that cunning Centauri grin, which meant trouble. "And what do I get in return for this valuable information?" she baited.
King couldn't handle this infuriating pack anymore. He faced his endearing sister-in-law with his own smug smirk. "You tell me where Klaus is and I won't tell Gabriel that you, Azura, Vincent and Lupin snuck out of the house to go clubbing with Zeiden, Ronin and the others."
Viola's eyes widened and she looked spooked. "How'd you know!" she astounded.
King loomed over her. "I know everything," he whispered.
She grumbled a curse. "Klaus is on the second floor, room 203 teaching philosophy to a grade ten class," she mumbled. "I didn't tell you this information."
King smiled sweetly now. "Nice doing business with you," he jested.
"I hate you," she grumbled.
He patted her blonde head but she swatted his hand away. "Yeah I heard that many times before." King trailed off to the flight of stairs to his mate.
King reached room 203 and a smile appeared on his face the moment he found Klaus standing in front of the class with a textbook open on his hand. God, the man was gorgeous.
Opening the door, King surprised the class with his sudden presence. "Hi," he greeted them and smiled broadly at Klaus who was not impressed from the looks of it. "Sorry I'm late-" he walked into the class, between the kids who were confused by him but didn't ask questions.
King sat at the empty desk in the back.
"What are you doing here?" Klaus asked.
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