《Surprise, bitch! [pennywise x reader]》Chapter 4



(Y/N) Pov

A slap to the face woke you up. The cold water slithering around your body, cloaking your body, woke you up. The stench, the horrible stench woke you up. Everything woke you up. You stretched, sitting up with a painful headache and stinging cheek. The water rippled and swooshed over your body as you slowly stood up. Looking around, but seeing only darkness. You put your hands out, well aware of the water, but not where you were. You took a step forward, reaching your hands out to the side to feel some sort of glossy, yet mossy surface. Curing into a circle around you.

You gulped, realizing where you were - a sewer. "Oh no," you whispered, taking a step forward,"oh no!" You shrieked. Your slow walk turned into a tumbled run. "Help!" You screamed, running forward before you tripped over, slamming into the water. Completely drenched now, holding your head up as you began to cry. Tears streaming down your face, but you wouldn't even notice with the sewer water cloaking every inch of your body. You gagged at the smell but chocked yourself from crying. Your lungs unable to keep up with your quick breaths.

"Shh..." The distant whisper of someone made you look around blindly. Still crying hysterically. "(Y/n)..." The voice murmured your name, echoing around the pipes.

You cried, "what!" You yelled. Standing up and looking around at the darkness. Your feet were burning from wounds. But so was every other inch of your body. You weren't surprised if you were bleeding. "What do you want from me!"

A hand around your mouth silenced you. The wet clothes pressed against you made you shiver in fear, not cold - already freezing yourself. A breath tickled your neck, making you wiggle but wince when you felt a wound scrap uncomfortably against the ground. You cried quietly now, feeling the snot run down your nose onto the gloved hand. "Shh..." The voice shushes you, quietly rocking you back and forth. Giving a calming motion as you closed your eyes. Your crying still remained, but you found yourself relaxed. Almost asleep. "There we go..." He grumbled in your ear, releasing your face and turning you around. Knowing you couldn't see him anyways, he looked at you. Seeing the slight outline of your figure, but quickly looking away and down the sewer pipe. His hands grasped tightly on your shoulders. Yourself in too much shock to care.

Your heart viciously beats fast as you looked around in front of you, trying to see more than just the outline of the figure. You knew full well who it was. Pennywise was one of the most likely things to live in the sewer, or just venture down here. Either way, the height of this thing really gave you a promising thought it was Pennywise. The cracked voice also gave it away. The clown picked you up, holding onto you in front of him, almost like you were a disease in a bag. Keeping you away from him as far as possible. "Let-let me go," you pushed against his chest, trying to release yourself but only receiving the darkened chuckle of Pennywise.

"No." He turned a corner than plonked you on some hard, dry surface. You looked around blankly, seeing lanterns lit. Allowing yourself to get an idea of where you were. A lair, a sewer lair. It was massive, and the large waterhole in the middle connecting to pipes around the side made you stare in awe. But then something caught you, bodies. You gasped, shuffling back when you saw an arm float by you. "Whoops," he snickered, grasping the arm and chucking it across the water to the other side. Where wooden furniture stood, rustic and old. Children's cribs, adult mattresses, desks and other wooden objects. The clown almost seemed invisible when you took in your surroundings. The corpses of children were scattered everywhere, but it seemed too tidy for some murderer to have done this. But who else would come down here? Other than the clown, Pennywise, you had no other idea of who did this. "It was... IT" Pennywise interrupted your thoughts. Walking in front of you, blocking the view of the sewer lair. "Me, I get hungry..." he sighed, rubbing his stomach. Thinking of the taste of children, how their weak bones crunch under the pressure of his jaw. How the thickened blood, the pureblood lathered his and their skin. A blissful thought, something that would almost bring pleasure to the monster. But that's what he was, a monster - incapable of sexual pleasure, or so It was told.


You stared at him, too scared to look away, but also too scared to look at him. If you turned away, would Pennywise punish you? If you stared at him too long, would he punish you? Cringing, fighting against your thoughts in your mind, you close your eyes. Lowering your head down to face the ground. Your hands tightly clutching onto each other as you attempted to give yourself some sort of warmth, some sort of comfort. This whole issue, this creature, everything was absolutely horrible. Crying quietly you curled yourself up into a ball, your eyes straining close. The distant breath, the distant groan, almost grumble was making your stir crazy.

"What happened to my mother?" You choked out, peaking an eye open to see It had disappeared. Leaving you alone in the sewers. You cringed, slowly pushing yourself to stand up. Looking from side to side, trying to see if there was any sign of the clown. But only the bodies of children, the rotten wood furniture, and the water remained. Quietly you took a step forward than stopped. "H-hello?" You murmured, your voice echoing. Where did penny go? You didn't want to call out for him, but you didn't want to be alone either. Grasping your hair and tugging at it in frustration, you walked around. Stepping and leaping to dry surfaces.

It's been hours, minutes, who knows. Without any light from the sun to show you any change in time, you had no clue how long you've been down here. The demon hasn't been back, and quite frankly you were glad. But still, with no sense of direction, you were stuck in this lair. Surrounded by the corpses of children, furniture and anything else this wicked being had here.

You were sitting on a ledge against sewer water. Looking down, seeing only the outline of yourself in the reflection of the water. The lanterns did no honor of bringing enough light here. You were already feeling sick and had vomited a moment's before. Your spew was slithering its way along the trail of water, mixing in with the garbage and shit.

A hand quickly flung itself out of the water to the right of you. It was covered in blood, facing towards the sewer ceiling. You screeched, pushing yourself to stand up and slowly walk backward. Watching as the hand slowly grasped the ledge, another hand emerging from the water - grasping the edge as you. The ruffles and bells that jiggled were a clear indicator it was Pennywise.

Slowly a body emerged from the water. Orange hair sticking to the forehead of the demon. Blue eyes dilated as the body slowly stood up. Drenched in sewer water, It's clothing sticking to its body like It's hair. He glared at you, before bringing his sleeves across the front of him. Ringing out the water from each arm. You gulped, looking at him with wide eyes. Now it was the first time you could recognize his eyes. Bright blue, staring at you. You were backed up against the wall, pressing against the littered moss. Pennywise kept a steady gaze before his lips slowly turned into that famous forked smile. Something you always cringed at. Noticing how his teeth were either sharp, scattered everywhere. Or something it was just ordinary human teeth, only with two larger teeth at the front - like a rabbit.


It was a while before the demon finally walked over to you. Standing a distance away. Watching as you began to panic. Pressing yourself closer to the wall. "Please..." What we're you begging for? You whimpered quietly, feeling your goosebumps rise, not only from the cold. But from those demon's eyes. How they were still ice blue, but nothing calming about them - they weren't an ocean blue. No, they were something different. Something that just wanted to make you scream.

"Gruh!" The clown suddenly grabbed your face, his mouth opens wide as he slammed your head against the wall. Yourself groaned in pain and whimpered too. Pennywise snickered for a moment, gently letting his gloved fingers travel down your jaw, neck, and ending at your collarbone. You gulped, feeling your pulse against his fingers. It was a blockage. He kept pushing that clawed finger against your pulse, watching your whither under his grip. "Oh (Y/n)..." He purred, his eyes drifting into a golden colour. Making you cringe in fear. That wasn't good, who's eyes could change colour anyways? "Is that your hear-T?" He murmured, continuing to press that finger against your neck pulse. You shook your head.

"No..." You managed to croak out. Looking at the orange hair that was stuck to his forehead. Almost gagging at the sight. He was towering over you, pressing a finger against your pulse. You were sure to die. "That's a..."


"Pulse," you quickly ducked, seeing as he was distracted by the sudden correction to his wordings - pulse, not the heart. Managing to duck between his legs a crawl your way out underneath him, you stood up behind him. Staring at his back before you managed to lift a leg up, going to kick his arse against the wall. But the demon turned around, facing you with fury before he grabbed your foot. Lifting you into the air - watching as you dangled upside down, thrashing about. "Let me go!" You demanded,"you damned clown!"

He held your foot tightly, taking your words in. You swear you saw the slight glint of sadness or shock in his eyes. But being too caught in the moment, you passed that glint. "Dammed clown?" He murmured, giving a snarl. Letting go of your foot, watching as you slammed into the ground. Giving a groan in pain, pushing yourself to sit up, looking at the clown with blood-rushed eyes.

"Where's my mother? What did you do to her?" You shouted, standing up and glaring at him. Holding onto your chest with pained eyes, pained ankles, and a pained foot. Pennywise just kept his golden eyes on you. "What is wrong with you!" You snapped, limping back before you tumbled. Landing on your backside with a loud thud. You gasped in pain, feeling a stinging sensation through your butt and spine. The impact would surely leave a bruise.

His eyes slowly tinted themselves to a darkened blue. Making you feel slightly relieved. Starting to get the concept of his colour-rations. "Your mother is no longer your mother," he slowly kneeled down. Lifting a hand in front of your face. You watched it intently as his fingers gently waved around. "Nothing is wrong with me," he added quietly. Almost too quiet, as though he never intended for you to hear.

"No... No longer my mother?" You felt dazed as you watched that hand moves around in a circular motion. It was hypnotizing, you couldn't look away. You leaned forward, about to press your face against his hand, but then you collapsed.

Pennywise looked at your sleeping body. Laying calmly on the ground. Your chest rising and falling. His forked smile came as fast as it went. He shouldn't keep you down here, he knew that. But maybe a female would help his hunger by attracting young children down here? Pennywise didn't have a gender issue, so if this female could attract young males down here. Maybe the demon wouldn't starve. That's what his plan was anyways.

He stood up, dusting off his pants. Removing any dirt that was scattered on him. The clown seemed monstrous, and he was, but he still had some slight vanity to keep himself a tad clean. He shook his head with a grumble, cracking his knuckles in frustration. This girl couldn't live down here. Humans needed sunlight, food. He glanced around before spotting a corner of the sewer. A makeshift bed, he'd make a DIY bed for (Y/n). "Bed..." He muttered, leaning down and picking the young human up. Watching as you grumbled in your sleep. Hypnotising wasn't his favourite thing to do, it ruined he fun. He loved the chase, the thrill of humans fear.

He slowly walked around the lair, heading to the corner of the place. Setting you down, letting you sit up against the wall. He watches you before turning around, grabbing a child's blanket he had when be ate a young girl a while back. She called it her lucky blanket,"pathetic humans..." He grumbled, giving a gag of disgust before gently laying the blanket over you.

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