《For My Eyes ONLY》twelve


I woke up with no pounding headache, surprisingly. Shocker since we were in the cabin of pounding headaches.

As I sat up, I stretched my arms and legs out for a long time deciding stretching was the best feeling in the world. Next to Ashton's rough fingers gently running down my spine..

Looking over to Ashton's bed, I noticed his still body sleeping peacefully and I decided I needed to know what time it was.

Since I didn't bring my phone, I began my adventure all the way down the stairs to go peek at the microwave.

The stairs seemed to tread on forever, an odd silence filling up the house, before I finally reached the kitchen.

I blinked away the sleep from my eyes a few times, not believing the clock. After the fifth rub of my eyes, I decided I'd better hurry up and eat breakfast so I could have lunch.

I began to make some french toast and egos pulling out a few extra for Ashton. I was sure everyone else already had already eaten and left for the day, leaving us poor stragglers behind. Which meant..

I was alone.

In the house,

with Ashton.

Just as I was finishing up drizzling the syrup on top, I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. Speak of the devildick and he shall appear..

"You're up early little one." Ashton yawned out, shoveling his hands through his already messy hair.

"It's past one." I stated blankly, internally laughing at his current state.

His hair stuck out in every direction yet, looked so faultless at the same time. He looked so faultless all the time. As he stretched, his shirt lifted a few inches above his waist and I let my eyes follow the perfect V shape the Greek Gods would be jealous of.

For some reason, I loved the way he looked the most after just waking up. I guess that showed on my face.

To this, he smiled at me.

Not a sarcastic smirk or a small smile, his real smile.

I realized, I'd never even noticed his dimples before. Could he get anymore perfect?

I caught myself smiling back at him and as my cheeks got increasingly hot by the second, I looked down at the floor trying to get a grip.

"I-i made us breakfast."

He lifted my chin up, placing a swift peck on my lips before taking a seat.

"Thank you." He smiled that smile I already loved immensely.

Shell shocked, I slid his plate to down where he was sitting muttering a quiet 'you're welcome'. Grabbing my plate, I walked a few seats down and plopped into the stool. I took a huge bite, closing my eyes in pure satisfaction.


leggo my eggo, My eyes searched menacingly around for that one kid from the commercial who always tried to steal the damn waffle.

Not today Satan.

"Why sit so far away? We're practically dating."

I choked on the large chunk of Eggo in my mouth, eyes going wide when it got lodged in my airway.

Oh and at his assumption.

"We are not dating, Ashton." I laughed nervously, putting much emphasis on the not.

Ashton frowned, looking away from me for a few seconds before scooting down the seats so he was right beside me.

"And why do you say it like that?" He uttered, looking over at me.

I looked right back into his big green eyes, biting my lip at the intense way he always held my eyes.

"I didn't mean it like that."

I felt the familiar burning in my cheeks spreading and quickly put my head down, letting my hair fall like a curtain in front of my face.

Ashton lowered his head imitating me, grabbing my chin in his hand and forcing me to look at him.

"Don't hide your face from me."

He spoke lowly,

Looking at me looking back at him staring at me.

We did this for a while, which made my palms pour sweat and my breath get caught in my throat like the eggo.

Too soon..

I chewed on my lip nervously, peering up at him through my thick lashes. He really was unpredictable. So there I sat, waiting patiently to see what he would do next.

"You shouldn't look at me like that, Madison." He ground out every word harder then the last.

It was as if lust clouded his eyes, only to be obscured by the darkness they held.

"Why's that?" I whispered lowly, tempting him with my mock innocence.

I wasn't blind to the heat between us. It constantly crept through my body and I was sure he could feel it too.

The whole room was overflowing with sensual vibration, yet we were alone, inches apart.

He leaned in closer to me, catching a tight grip of my right upper thigh.

I let out a breath I hadn't realized I had been holding causing that Goddamn smirk to reappear on those perfectly sculpted lips. Moving closer to my face, he looked at me in a way to communicate what he was going to say next was a secret for my ears only.

His lips brushed mine and I fluttered my eyes closed only for him to grab my face again, forcing me to look at him.

"I'll take you right here on this counter, I don't—"

He was cut off when the door swung open, everyone chattering loudly as they came back from the lake it seemed.


I quickly jumped away, hoping I was I was quick enough, but Ashton's grip on my thigh remained.

"Next time you bite your lip like that, you'll find out." He finished cooly, close enough only for me to hear.

His fingers danced dangerously close to my box before he let go of his grip completely. I watched the muscles in his back flex through his shirt as he retreated up the stairs.

"You look terrified." Noah broke me from my lust trance with his cheerful voice.

I jumped causing him to laugh as I continued to stare at him, wide eyed.

How long had he been there?

"Okay so you are terrified, what happened?" he spoke a little more seriously, his gaze falling to the stairs where Ashton had been moments ago.

"Right.. I'm just really tired ..Yea tired as FUCK. Did I even sleep last night?" I spoke in rush, letting out a breathy laugh.

He look at me, confusion etched on his face and I mentally face palmed at my useless word vomit.

"But you slept all day?"

Shit, I definitely did sleep all day.

"GOTTA BLAST!" I shouted, grinning wildly at him before full speed heading for the stairs.

I headed to mine and Ashton's room, half trying to find Ashton. Half trying to process the events of downstairs.

Luke came barreling in the door shortly after and took a seat beside me on the bed. I was now laying across the bed, lost in thought, twisting one of my thick curls around my finger.

"Whatcha' thinkin' bout Mads?" He questioned, the lines on his forehead appearing instantly.

"Just what we're gonna do with the rest of this day." I lied, smiling over at his grinning features. I felt bad lying, I really did, but you imagine telling a boy you've been close with since grade school about your crush on one of HIS grade school bestfriends.

Awk- ward .

"Oh! Tonight there's this huge rager a ways down the lake, you should come with us." His eyes lit up with the idea, and I knew he was just happy to help.

Luke, always the helping hand, the picker-upper when things fall.

"I don't know.. I hate going to parties without Nash."

It was true.

I felt completely unsafe at a party without her, although lately Nash had been distracted by her stupid boyfriend at the parties and by the end of the night, I'd end up alone anyway.

"You got me! C'mon Madi plus Nashly should be here like this weekend!" he whined, one of his hands traveling through my hair.

I laughed at his childish tone, turning to lay on my back. I faced towards him, and he leaned over me grinning madly.

"I'll protect you Mad—"

"Luke, get the fuck out. Now."

I jumped, turning to see a blazing Ashton in the doorway. His towel hung low on his waist, his hair dripping wet and his eyes pointed right at me.

Luke averted his eyes completely and quickly pushed past him through the door.


But that's not bad thinkin' Luke.

I did the same, reaching the doorway but Ashton in no means was letting me push past him.

He grabbed me by my chin, which he loved doing lately, forcing me to look into his fervent eyes.

"And where are you going? We're going to need to talk." He gritted out, his grip getting tighter on my chin. He let go of my face, before pulling me out of the doorway. He slammed the door with so much force, I swear I felt the walls shake.

"You and I made a deal. Do you understand how fucking disrespectful it is to break a deal with me?" he spat out, looking up and down at me in disgust. His face was beet red, and I focused on the way his breath came out in rapid pants.

I took a step backwards, almost tripping on my own shoe as my mind raced for a solution.

"Ashton Luke is only my —"

"Too fucking close," he growled, grinding his teeth aggressively. "Did you not agree, TO KEEP YOUR DISTANCE?!" He fumed, his voice getting louder by the second.

As if I thought he wouldn't escalate any farther, my eyes followed the lamp he successfully launched across the room into the wall. Shattering into a million pieces, I felt my breathing pick up as he came closer and closer to me with jerky steps.

"You're not making sense! I can't have friends all of a sudden?" I shouted, forgetting to care about his consequences.

He grabbed me by the front of my shirt, yanking me closer to him forcefully.


You made a deal with me and you're gonna fucking keep it.

If it's the last thing you do and if you keep disrespecting me, it will be."

He growled, dropping my shirt, as I fell on my ass in the process.

He slammed the door shut behind him, giving me one last grimace that contradicted his current behavior.

I felt relief wash through me when the door slammed, and I worked hard on trying to control my breathing from reaching hyperventilation.

I didn't know what it was about Ashton that made him lash out like that, but I figured my dumbass was about to find out.

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