《What Walks Among Us (currently being edited, will be posted by 2023)》Names


It was a quiet walk, for the most part. My grab bag was securely on my back and I had my gun holstered at my hip, along with a dagger in the pocket of my bag. It wasn't the most effective spot to place it, but I didn't exactly have a ton of options. My bow and quiver were at my back, so the gun was only in an emergency, when it came to me at least. I still couldn't shoot as accurately with a gun as I could with a bow.

As we made it beyond the treeline I caught up with Cody, and knocked my shoulder into his as I got up right alongside him. It was partially an accident due to a rock I stumbled over, and partially on purpose so he would know where I was. Either way I tried to make up for it with an apologetic grin, which he just shook his head at.

The awkward persisted, and I was ready to let myself fall back to walking behind him, until he cleared his throat and spoke, "Kodi, just coming out here was a pretty big accomplishment. I mean, I know you came out here alone, and the other day," he paused and looked ahead of us, slowing his walk a little, and lowering his voice, "when we took you to the swimming hole. But you and I both know this is different, for various reasons," he tilted his head to look down at me, making me feel even shorter than I was as I gazed up at him.

I nodded silently, and looked ahead, unable to keep looking up at him and not trip at the same time. The ground was bumpy. Many parts of the road were still intact, but that wasn't the problem. Garbage was everywhere, and while there was a pathway for us to walk, and possibly a car to drive, it would still be near impossible to attempt to walk and not stumble without looking. Or maybe I was just making up excuses.


We were both quiet for a moment, "You know. I know a lot about you, but you really don't know a ton about me," I glanced at Cody and he quickly amended, "I mean us," he said, and gestured to Sam who was walking ahead with Trish not to far.

I gave a nervous laugh and pushed a piece of my brown hair that had fallen from the braid out of my eye, "Well, I mean. I just met Trish, I don't think we're supposed to know every little thing about each other the second we exchange names.."

He frowned then, and I could tell I had said something wrong, but I wasn't about to fix it, especially not if I wasn't even sure what 'it' was.

"No, Kodi. When I say us, I mean Chester, Sam, Beck, and I."

It took a moment for that to sink in, "Well I mean I know stuff about you guys. I know Sam is a doctor in training, and Beck likes burrito night, and despises the color pink. I know that Chester is gay, that his favorite color is camo, and yes apparently that's a color. I know that you had a sister, but she isn't around so I don't know what happened from that.." I trailed off. I could have come up with more useless stuff, but it occurred to me that anything deep, anything meaningful that I knew about them was an accidental slip up of information, and I didn't even know the whole story.

The only reason I knew Chester didn't like women is because of a compromising situation. The only reason I knew that Cody even had a sister, was because it had come out during training one day. He had slipped up and called me her name. I realized in that moment that while these guys I had been living with, had been taking care of me, I hadn't been making an effort to be their friend.


While I would like to simply blame my upbringing I knew that wasn't the only thing at fault here. I silently vowed to be better in the future, starting with right now.

"You're right," I said finally, making him look at me with surprise, "I really don't know a lot about you guys but I would love to start learning."

He looked speechless for a few moments, like maybe he had been expecting something else. Something changed in his eyes, and while I couldn't tell exactly what it was I knew it wasn't bad. He nodded approvingly and shoved his hands in his pockets as he glanced around the area, paying close attention to the treeline.

"Well, how about we start with something simple?" he inquired.

I nodded wordlessly, hoping he had something to offer, because I sure didn't have anything to ask. Everything I wanted to ask would have been about his sister, where she was, and various other things that didn't appear to fall into the category of simple.

"My name," he started, and I cut him off.

"Woah, not fair, I already know your name," I gave him what I imagined was a funny look, "It's sorta hard to forget your name, Cody," I said.

He shook his head, "Ah, that's just a shortened version. It's what most people call me. My actual name," he sucked in a breath, making me wonder just how simple letting people in was for him, "is Connor."

I let the name bounce around in my head while I let it sink in that he really wasn't named Cody, but Connor. He was quiet as he let me think, and as we turned and let the compound fade out of sight, I looked back up at him.

"Connor... I like it. I like it a lot," I said, smiled warmly.

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