《What Walks Among Us (currently being edited, will be posted by 2023)》They See Me Rollin, They Hatin


Even though I was sleeping on the floor it was a better sleep than sleeping on my old caved in mattress. I woke up before Mabel did and I folded up my blanket and stashed it and my pillow under the bed. When I finished cleaning up my bedding I folded my dirty clothes and put them over next to the nightstand so that I could remember to wash them sometime in the near future.

I did all of this by scooting around the room on my butt, and when I had finished cleaning up my things, I scooted into the bathroom and saw that Mabel had left her things strewn out all over the floor. I put them in a neat pile near the door and pulled myself to stand on one leg. I put some toothpaste on my toothbrush and rigorously scrubbed my teeth. I had been brushing my teeth with water for the past two weeks and the minty blast of toothpaste made my mouth practically sing cleanliness.

I brushed out my hair and then threw it into a messy braid and let it hang at my back. Usually that was the most I did with it unless I put it up in a bun or I threw it into a ponytail. Today was definitely a braid day, as I was probably not going to be allowed to do much. I was quiet for a few minutes as I tried to listen for anyone else awake. I couldn't hear anyone but I also hadn't been in this house long enough to really get to know it. That was one of the things I had been wanting to do. Get to know the house and it's noisy spots and where I could hear people when I was in what spots. I guess today I would just be able to figure out where I could hear people.

I hobbled over to the bathroom door as quietly as I could and then I sat down on my butt again, making sure that I didn't bend my knee and that I didn't make any noise that would wake up Mabel. She had woken me up last night with her restless sleeping. I'm not a very heavy sleeper and so her moving around all night had me in a semi awake state all night.

Besides the obvious lack of deep sleep, I felt really refreshed and ready to get the day started. Too bad I wasn't allowed to actually do anything. I stifled a groan and then scooted my way out the door. I noticed when the door was opened slowly in an attempt to be quiet it creaked a little more than it did if you were just opening it without a care. I stored that away in my mind and scooted down the hall. All of the other rooms were closed and I wasn't sure if it was because they were all asleep or they just naturally kept their doors shut all the time.


There was so much to learn about everyone here. I made my way to the stairs and scooted down them. The third from the top groaned as I tried to ease myself onto it and the second from the bottom did as well. I figured under the carpeting it was most likely old boards that had seen better days.

When I finally made it to the bottom I had to take a breather because I was panting a little bit and my arms and leg hurt from trying to make my way down quietly, and without the use of one of my legs. When I had regained my composure I scooted into the living room. It was at this point I realized I hadn't changed out of my pajamas and at the same point I realized I really didn't care either. I was so not going back up those stairs, and then coming back down them as well.

You'd have to pay me... and even then..

I shuddered a little bit thinking about all that exercise, even if it may be good for me.

In the livingroom I found that the blanket cocoon I had used last night was now all folded up and the pillows I had been using were on the couch next to it. The house was pretty silent other than me scooting myself towards the kitchen.

Why the kitchen? I'm glad you asked. That's where the holy grail is stored, the number one prize, all things beautiful: food.

I wasn't exactly starving but my tummy had grumbled at me on the way downstairs and even though the hungry feeling had passed I was already half way there, it would be a wasted trip if I were to abandon mission and just go sit on the couch.

I made it all the way to the kitchen and found that there were actual fresh apples on the table. Like, real, pretty, non rotten apples. I took one and took a big bite out of it, munching happily. It was juicy, and fresh, and wonderful. I bit into a new section of it and started scooting back to the living room.

When I say scoot, I really mean this awkward, one legged crab walk. I probably looked pitiful with the apple and the messy braid- not to mention the sleep clothes on top of all of it. I heard a creak on the stairs and then soft steps that came down even more stairs.

I started to hurry over to the couch, thinking that if I made it and climbed up, I could eat my apple and whoever had come down wouldn't notice my ugly attempt at a crab walk. Another creak and I was at least five scoots away from the couch, I made a last ditch effort and tried to roll the rest of the way, mindful of my hurt leg. It obviously didn't work as I heard someone step onto the landing and pause, while I was mid-roll.


I looked up at the person, and knew it must have been quite a sight to see. A girl, in her pjs with an apple in her mouth and a bad hair-do, rolling around the living room floor. Yes I'm quite sure they had very solid reason to believe I was not only an idiot, but also as mad as the hatter.

I focused on his sock covered feet first, and then slowly made my eyes go up, all the way to his eyes. Cody was staring at me, with his eyebrows raised and his mouth slightly popped open in surprise. He quickly realized that his shock was showing and marched over.

I flinched away as he reached towards me. For some reason I felt as if he were going to strike me for messing around on his floor. I saw him hesitate, and knew that he had seen the flinch, but he kept coming after me. He slipped his arms around my knees and around my shoulders before heaving me up and setting me upright on the couch, when he pulled away he stayed close for a minute, staring into my eyes with a tiny hint of amusement.

"Next time, I think just asking for help would work better than whatever it is that you were just doing," he backed away.

I bit down into the apple that was still held in my mouth and it fell into my waiting hands, I nodded softly at him and he shook his head at me. Whether in exasperation or amusement I couldn't tell.


I jerked my head and looked up the stairs, I even went as far to open my mouth and start voicing the word "What" but I was stopped when Cody did it first.


There was a pause and then someone was thumping down the stairs, they weren't as quiet as Cody but they weren't very loud either, "Have you seen Debby? She wasn't in her bed when I when I went to check-" Beck paused as he came down the last step and saw me on the couch, "Oh. Did Cody carry you downstairs?" he asked and scratched the back of his neck.

"You could say that," I said, vaguely. It was true though, Cody did carry me downstairs. He didn't carry me down the stairs but hey, he didn't specify.

Beck looked curious at the answer I gave but didn't ask me to elaborate, which I was grateful for. He did pause and look at my outfit, and I took the opportunity to look at theirs as well. Beck was in a dark hunter green fitted shirt and some khaki shorts while Cody was in a blue graphic tshirt with some swirly silver pattern, and a pair of pants, no shoes.

I took a noisy bite of my apple and Beck stopped looking at my apparent fashion skills and smiled at me, "Well, I see you found the apples, we have a garden area and a nice orchard here, and we also have a farm. It's not a very big one but we have animals, we don't usually butcher them unless they are rough or just simply ageing. Usually the meat is hunted and brought in from outside the gates," he paused and grinned at me, "Maybe when you're allowed to walk around I'll show you around?"

I didn't know what to do so I just nodded my head in agreement. Cody went into the kitchen and Chester came down the stairs. Beck sat in the white chair after turning on the tv and putting in a movie. I sat back and Chester spotted me as I was finishing my apple.

"Cupcake! I missed you!" I frowned as he walked over.

"I saw you last night?"

He grinned and shook his head while plopping down next to me, "Yeah but that was a whole night without talking to my bestest friend in the whole wide world," he said dramatically, and finished his proclamation with a sloppy kiss to my cheek, making sure to leave saliva in his wake.

"Oh, eww! Chester, that's gross!!" I said, leaning over and using his own shirt to wipe the saliva off of my cheek.

Beck was laughing and Sam had just walked in without me noticing, he saw me wipe my face on Chester's sleeve, "Woah what's going on??" he asked, while Chester started complaining.

"I was just sitting here and she started wiping her dirty face on me, Sam, will you deal with her?" he said, as if he was just done with all my antics. He got up and walked into the kitchen as Sam turned and looked at me, crossing his arms.

As Chester made his way to the kitchen he turned back and winked before going in. I was left looking much like a fish as I open and closed my mouth.

"Oh Debby, what are we going to do with you?" he asked while shaking his head at me.

I threw my hands up in frustration, while sputtering out, "It was his fault!"

Beck, Sam, and even Cody, who had walked in when Chester walked out, started doubling over in laughter and I realized that they had all ganged up on me.

I pouted and Sam sobered up first, wiping his tear filled eyes, "Don't worry Sunshine, I'll beat him up if you like?" he offered, and broke into a warm grin when I pouted my lip and nodded.

"Please do."

"Hey now," Chester said, walking in with a dish of leftovers from last night, "no beating up the masterpiece," he referred to himself and took a bite, "Besides, aren't we bringing Chip in today and introducing the girls to Leo?" he said, his mouth still full.

Beck threw a pillow at him, "Learn how to eat all of the food in your mouth before speaking, doofus."

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