《IPWTVC[COMPLETED]》💮 Chapter 46 - 50 💮


Rewind a bit.

Plotlines were bound to become formulaic when there were a lot of writers.

For example, going to bed with someone would lead to pregnancy, kneeling to ask for shelter in rain, meeting a highly skilled person after jumping off a cliff. If you hesitated when leaving, then you definitely wouldn't be able to leave in the end. If you said to wait for me to come back, you definitely wouldn't come back.

Ye Zhen understood this very well.

After finding out that she was pregnant, Ye Zhen asked Father Ye to purchase an international plane ticket for her and went to sleep. The night felt long, and she had many dreams. There were too many variables.

Since she no longer requested a large sum of money, Father Ye was of course very happy. He purchased the earliest available plane ticket for her that very night.

The next day, Ye Zhen felt that she should rush to the airport. She had been feeling uneasy since early this morning. Her female intuition told her that today wouldn't be a good day for traveling.

She dawdled around the Ye family's villa until 4 PM. After debating back and forth with herself, she decided to not back out and went to the airport to take the 5PM flight.

While waiting in the boarding area, Ye Zhen kept wondering if a dramatic scene would take place before her eyes. One moment before she was about to hand over her documents to the flight attendant for verification, she was still feeling glad.

Unexpectedly, Lu Beichuan really did appear in the boarding area! Why was he here?!

Ye Zhen looked in the direction of the entrance. She saw Lu Beichuan's tall and straight figure. He was wearing a tailored suit with an Adam's Apple-style tie knot and folded back cuffs that were secured by cufflinks. His presence looked all the more out of the ordinary. It couldn't be underestimated. As he walked over here, there was no expression on his face. He was followed by two bodyguards, who were also dressed in suits. His gaze was fixed on her. There was a slightly gloomy look in his deep eyes. He was very eye catching, and he very easily attracted the attention of many nearby passerbys.

Ye Zhen felt her head feeling numb as soon as she saw him. She turned and lowered her head. As she was handing over her boarding pass to the flight attendant, a pair of distinct hands stretched out and grabbed Ye Zhen's boarding pass before the flight attendant could accept it.

The flight attendant had a professional smile, but she still looked at Lu Beichuan with a bit of enthusiasm, "Sir, the plane is going to leave soon. Is there a problem here?"

With such a short distance between them, Ye Zhen could hear Lu Beichuan's low voice by her ears, "She's not leaving."

Ye Zhen's brow slightly furrowed. She raised her head; her gaze showed that she was at a total loss. In a voice loud enough that everyone in the boarding gate could hear, she exclaimed, "Mister, I don't know you at all! Please don't hinder me on my trip. Could you return my boarding pass back to the flight attendant?"

After saying this, Ye Zhen quickly said to the flight attendant, "Sorry, I don't know this person. Please help me board the plane."

The flight attendant maintained her professional smile. "Sure. Sir, please give back the young lady's boarding pass. Please don't delay her boarding, okay?"

"You don't know me?" Lu Beichuan looked at Ye Zhen with great interest, then glanced at the boarding pass. "Ye Zhen?"


Ye Zhen nodded.

"I'm not wrong then." Lu Beichuan's eyes slightly narrowed. His expression really couldn't be considered good. "Let me introduce myself. My name is Lu Beichuan. I'm your older sister's husband."

Ye Zhen pretended to look surprised. "Brother-in-law? Oh, so it's you. What a coincidence to see you here. My plane is about to leave. I'll be sure to visit you and older sister after I come back from my trip."

"No need for that. I came here today because your older sister entrusted me to bring you back."

"My sister?"

"Your older sister said that you ran away from home because of love. Your family members are really worried about you and scared that something might have happened to you while you've been missing. They've been looking for you this entire time. A while ago, your older sister asked me to help her look for you," After saying this, Lu Beichuan grasped her hand.

Ye Zhen's hands trembled. She instinctively gulped.

It was true that she had asked Lu Beichuan to help her find her sister back when they had visited the Ye family.

However, she had just casually mentioned it. And, she was sure that Lu Beichuan hadn't taken her seriously at the time. Finding someone was only a small matter for him. Why would he personally come to the airport to catch her?

What is this a joke?

Ye Zhen couldn't pull her wrist out of Lu Beichuan's grasp. He was holding her too firmly. As soon as she thought of the baby in her stomach and the baby's future as well as her own in the novel, she immediately felt anxious and angry. "Let go of me! It's none of your business who I want to run away with to elope!"

A nearby middle-aged woman, who was waiting in the boarding line, tried to persuade her, "Young lady, you shouldn't say that. You don't know how sinister someone's heart can be. Right now, you have your heart set on a man and love. Your emotions are stirred up, and you want to run away with your boyfriend. But, not only do you have to think about your future, you have to think about how worried your parents must be feeling. Don't be impulsive. Otherwise, when you're older, you'll come to regret your decision!"

"Yeah, marriage may seem like it's only a matter between two people. But, in the end, it's really a matter between two families. Eloping won't solve your problems. Go back home with your brother-in-law and seriously talk it out with your family."

"Exactly, your parents only want the best for you. They have more life experience than you. You're only a young girl. Don't be fooled by your boyfriend."

One after another, people tried to persuade her. At the end, even the smiling flight attendant tried to persuade her, "Little sister, how about you carefully consider this matter?"

Ye Zhen watched as time ticked away. Lu Beichuan hadn't loosened his grip on her wrist at all. She understood that there was no way she would be able to leave today.

"Let go of me then, I'll go back home on my own."

"No!" Lu Beichuan said, "Your sister wants to see you. Come back home with me."

Right after these words were said, several airport managers rushed over here. Seeing Lu Beichuan, they greeted him with smiles and shook his hand. Lu Beichuan let go Ye Zhen's wrist and walked to the side to chat with the managers. As for his two bodyguards, they stood on on either side of her and respectfully said, "Miss Ye, please come this way."


Ye Zhen glanced at Lu Beichuan with a furrowed brow. Lu Beichuan had one hand in his pocket. He was leisurely standing there ramrod straight in his fitted western suit while chatting with those managers. His long legs looked perfectly fine. His face was expressionless in front of those smiling employees.

Under the forced escort of those bodyguards, Ye Zhen left the airport, went down to the parking lot, and got into the car.

The car's temperature was set at a suitable temperature, but Ye Zhen's hands couldn't stop shaking.

While Lu Beichan's actions had traces of reasonableness, there were gaps in logic when she carefully thought about it.

The most important question was, why had Lu Beichuan come to the airport with great fanfare to look for her?

Just as she was thinking about this, the car's door opened, and Lu Beichuan sat down. It felt as if the car was immediately saturated with a familiar hormone. Ye Zhen's muscles suddenly tensed up in nervousness and alertness.

Lu Beichuan glanced at her. "Are you that afraid of me?"

She had been so close to her good life, and Lu Beichuan had so easily ruined it for her. Perhaps, she was being influenced by the baby. Ye Zhen lowered her head, and in a downcast mood, she said, "Brother-in-law, I can just go home. There's no need to trouble you and older sister."

With slightly narrowed eyes, Lu Beichuan looked at her from his peripheral vision with a hard to interpret expression and said, "It's no trouble."

After saying this, he handed over a soft blanket to Ye Zhen. In an irrefutable tone, he said, "Use this."

Recently, Ye Zhen always had a difficult time feeling comfortable. Her hands and feet were prone to feeling cold, and it was difficult to warm them up. After staying in the airport waiting area for so long, it felt as if her extremities had lost all of their warmth. The blanket came at the perfect time.

Ye Zhen sighed. She accepted the blanket as if she was resigning herself to her fate. Her chilled body slowly warmed up.

It didn't take them long to arrive at the Lu family's villa.

Lu Beichuan took the lead in leaving the car. Ye Zhen followed after him and reluctantly and slowly walked into the Lu family's villa.

Mother Lu was currently discussing something with the old butler in the living room.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, the old butler looked towards doorway. Seeing the sight at the doorway, he was emotionally moved. Tears appeared in his eyes. "Young Master..."

Faced with the old butler, who had taken care of him for many years, Lu Beichuan's expression eased a bit, "Uncle Xiao."

"Beichuan!" Mother Lu looked at Lu Beichuan, who was standing before her. She kept looking at him from top to bottom. Her eyes were full of incredulous excitement. "You... you can stand up?"

Lu Beichuan lightly nodded. "It's all thanks to William."

Mother Lu had a lifetime's worth of worrying ever since Lu Beichuan's car accident. When she initially found out that Lu Beichuan had been in a car accident, she hoped that he would be okay. When he had been unconscious, she had been hoping he would wake up. After he woke up, she had been hoping that he would be able to stand up again. Now that he was able to stand up, it felt as if a heavy burden on Mother Lu's body had been unloaded.

She hugged Lu Beichuan as if she was holding onto her life.

"You brat... you're really going to worry your mother to an early grave!" Mother Lu cried for a long time. Next to her, the old butler was wiping his tears too. Once she had cried enough, she finally wiped her tears and beckoned Ye Zhen over. "Qingqing, come over ere."

Ye Zhen was standing to the side and feeling extremely apprehensive.

Nowadays, Mother Lu's affection towards her daughter-in-law had reached the point where she was like a treasured good luck charm. Only a short time after Miss Ye had married into their family, her son had woken up from his coma. After only a few days of daughter-in-law's care, her son was able to stand up from his wheelchair.Mother Lu clearly remembered the words the fortune teller had previously said. Her daughter-in-law was blessed with good fortune!

"She's not Ye Qing," Lu Beichuan lightly explained, "Her name is Ye Zhen. She's Ye Qing's younger twin sister."

"Younger twin sister? Ye Qing has a..." Before Mother Lu could finish speaking, Ye Qing had come downstairs. When her pleasantly surprised gaze went from Lu Beichuan to Ye Zhen's figure, it changed to incredulous shock.

"Ye...Ye Zhen?"

When Lu Beichuan looked at Ye Qing, there was no goodwill on his face. "Didn't you ask me to help you find your younger sister?"

Ye Qing's expression stiffened. "I didn't expect that you would find her so soon... Thank you."

Lu Beichuan profoundly looked at Ye Zhen. "I'm only doing what I should."

Ye Qing's face was pale. Her eyes were on Ye Zhen as she pulled up the corners of her lips into a forced smile. Grasping Ye Zhen's hand, she said, "Zhenzhen, let's go upstairs and have a chat."

Ye Zhen knew what Ye Qing wanted to discuss with her. Anyways, Ye Qing was simply worried to see that she had come back here.

Mother Lu was in a very good mood. She didn't say anything extraneous, "Sure, have a good chat with your sister."

Ye Qing kept her smile on her face as she pulled Ye Zhen upstairs into her room. After locking the door, she turned around and started criticizing Ye Zhen, "Ye Zhen, how could you come back?!"

Ye Zhen opened her mouth to refute, but Ye Qing was bursting with anger and didn't give her a chance to respond. Ye Zhen's appearance here had caused her to lose all rationality. The fear of losing everything spread through her mind.

"Are you regretting? Did you regret giving up the status of Mrs. Lu, so you came back here and want to switch? Ye Zhen, I'm warning you. Don't you dare have those wayward thoughts. The position of Mrs. Lu belonged to me from the start! Don't you dare covet something that doesn't belong to you!"

The human heart was insatiably greedy.

In her past life, after seeing Ye Zhen's family of three's blissful and happy scene, Ye Qing couldn't stop thinking about it during the day and dreaming about it at night. At all times, she regretted the choice that she had made. Why had she looked down upon and given up on the glamorous and magnificent status of being Lu Beichuan's wife?

After she had reincarnated, that image continued to appear in her mind. In her repeated dreams, when she saw that identical face, Ye Qing thought that person had to be herself!

She became the mother of a cute and sensible son, and a powerful man's beloved.

Right now, things were progressing down the path she expected. Lu Beichuan. She had become Lu Beichuan's wife. She anticipated that in the near future Lu Beichuan would thoroughly fall in love with her, and she would give birth to a well-behaved and sensible son for him. Her days would no longer be medicorce; she wouldn't have to rush about to make a living. She would have a very happy life. Her life would be even better than the past life's Ye Zhen's!

This was her beautiful dream and the future that she was looking forward to every day.

However, just as Ye Qing had almost succeeded in lying to herself that it had just been a dream, Ye Zhen returned.

In the moment that she saw Ye Zhen, horror, worry, fear, anger, jealousy, and other similar emotions rushed into her heart. It felt as if a raging fire had burned her rationality into ashes when she saw Ye Zhen.

It felt as if Ye Zhen had burst her dream bubble. Ye Zhen's existence was a reminder and silent mockery of her previous lifetime's disappointment and dire straits.

"Are you regretting? Did you regret giving up the status of Mrs. Lu, so you came back here and want to switch? Ye Zhen, I'm warning you. Don't you dare have those wayward thoughts. The position of Mrs. Lu belonged to me from the start! Don't you dare covet something that doesn't belong to you!"

Ye Zhen wasn't the type of person that coveted things that belonged to others, much less wanting to be Lu Beichuan's wife. She didn't care about that position at all. For her, she wanted to avoid becoming his wife the same way she would avoid a poisonous snake.

What a joke?! In the novel, after the great villain had done bad things, his wife's final ending was living out the rest of her life alone in prison.

"Ye Zhen" wasn't a good person, but she hadn't done anything illegal. At worst, she had played the role of a malicious supporting female character by saying and doing some sharp and unkind things. She had been implicated by the great villain's crimes and was sentenced to lifetime imprisonment.

However, Ye Zhen also felt a bit regretful for Ye Qing's sake.

Instead of being an upright female lead, she had insisted on coming back to be the villain's wife. Was she bored with her peaceful life and wanted to come here for some excitement?

"Older sister, you're misunderstanding." Ye Zhen sighed. She took out her boarding pass. "I had a flight today at 5PM, and I was already at the boarding gate, but brother-in-law suddenly appeared and took me away. There was nothing I could do."

Ye Qing didn't even look at that boarding pass. "If Lu Beichuan wanted to take you away, couldn't you have refused him? Also, after he recovered the use of his legs, the first thing he did was to go look for you at the airport. Ye Zhen, do you really expect me to believe there's nothing between the two of you?"

Ye Qing was truly panicking.

In her past life, Ye Zhen and Lu Beichuan had such a loving relationship. Ye Zhen had been Lu Beichuan's pampered beloved. If these two already had a loving relationship again, she would have wasted her efforts. It would be like trying to scoop up water with a bamboo basket.

In the face of Ye Qing's questioning, Ye Zhen felt innocent. How could she have known that Lu Beichuan would go looking for her?

If Lu Beichuan hadn't come, she would have already happily boarded the plane.

"Older sister, if I wasn't willing to return the position of Mrs. Lu to you, I wouldn't have so readily agreed to switch places with you to begin with."

It was a pity that these words went in one ear and out the other ear. To Ye Qing, all of the abnormalities pointed to Ye Zhen as the culprit. If Ye Zhen hadn't done anything, why would Lu Beichuan treat her so affably and go out of his way to pick her up at the airport?

"Ye Zhen, we're twins. Don't think that I wouldn't know what you're thinking about. You've always appeared like someone that was sensible and obedient since we were children, but in actuality, you always want what's mine. In the past, it was Lin Zhan. Now, it's Lu Beichuan. You saw that Lu Beichuan can walk now, so you tried your best to think of a way to come back. Isn't that the real truth?"

After Ye Qing had distorted the facts and poured dirty water over her for no good reason, Ye Zhen finally got angry.

She had gone along with Ye Qing's wishes, and she was still being misunderstood?

"Older sister, you have to see the facts clearly. If I hadn't taken your place back then by marrying into the Lu family, the Ye family would already be bankrupt right now." Ye Zhen coldly smiled.

Sitting down on the couch, she calmly looked at the ruffled Ye Qing. "You said before that you came back because you didn't want to wrong me. You said that you wanted to give me the chance to find my true love, to give me freedom... We're both adults. Don't treat me like an idiot. The reason why you came back, the reason why you want to be Mrs. Lu, we both know the real reason. There's no need for you to act out such a fake spectacle."

"What do you mean?"

"You really don't know what I mean?" Ye Zhen looked at her in amusement. "Older sister, don't think I'm insatiably greedy like you. It's only a man. I really couldn't care less."

"Only a man?" The anger in Ye Qing's heart grew. He had been something that she thought about day and night and couldn't get, but Ye Zhen spoke so lightly of him. "He's Lu Beichuan!"

"So what if he's Lu Beichuan? Isn't he just slightly more handsome and richer than other guys?" What was so good about a villain that was fated to have a bad ending?


"I don't care about him. I didn't want to come back here at all. Don't worry. I'll leave here after a few days. You should keep a low-profile. Don't act stupidly and expose yourself in front of the Lu family."

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