《Im a villainess that is destined to die》Ch. 11 Meeting the heroine


"Raza should we go outside? I heard the garden of this school is huge, why not rest there?" I said talking to my dragon. It's been about 1 week since i went here, and i haven't seen the heroine, maybe she doesn't appear until later?

Anyway Raza grew again, he is almost the same size as my queen sized bed. Maybe i can shrink him...If that's possible?

"Raza you grew again...Can a familiar owner shrink his/her familiar?" I asked Raza who responded by titling his head.

"Maybe if i picture you as a small dragon? It wont shrink your size forever does it?" I asked Raza again, patting his head. His real color is showing now, but his scales are the same color as my black hair, and his eyes are a dark purple, almost a spitting image of me except a dragon.

"Let's try it..!" Before i could pour mana into him,he shrunk by himself, almost the size of a small dog. Perfect! guess he can just do it on his own.

"You didn't tell me you can shrink on your own." I said placing him on my shoulders, surprisingly he isn't one bit heavy at all. Is that because im his partner or something?

"Okay! lets go to the garden." I said giggling since Raza kept on moving on my shoulders making me a bit ticklish.

Now where was the way again. Right...Left...Um where am i?!

"Raza can you fly and tell me where the garden is...We are kinda lost..." I said to the dragon flying beside me, now transforming to his original form he flew up.

"Im just gonna sit over here." I said out loud, sitting on the ground leaning on a tree. Im getting kinda sleepy..let's just sleep here for a while, Raza will protect me anyways.





"U-um Lady Eleanor...?" A girl with a light purple-ish hair and pink? eyes woke me.

Who is this dazzling creature. "Lady Eleanor...?" The girl said.

"A- im sorry, What time is it.." I looked over to my watch and noticed that Raza was also sleeping, making him my pillow.

Its already this late!

"T-thank you for waking me up..Lady..?" Wait now that i have a closer look isn't this....

"Im Lilian......Lilian Dosett," I KNEW IT ITS THE FREAKING HEROINE! gotta get on her good side.!

"Well um lady Lilian, i didn't see you here last week, are you perhaps new here..?" I asked trying not to sound excited.

"Yes...I just arrived, and thought why not explore the garden." Lilian said with a big grin.

"Then, can we be friends!" I said clasping her two hands in mine. My eyes are probably sjining at this point.

"If t-that's okay with you being friend with a barons daughter..Then i will gladly be your friend Lady Eleanor." She said with a shy smile.

"Please call me Zira." I said smiling brightly at her. My first female friend...! Wait did i also forget to tell you that no girls approached me because i was always accompanied by my brother, Hugo, or my annoying fiancee.

"Then call me Lili, Zira." She said gratefully.

"Since it's already this late, ill go rest on my room now Zira.." She said standing up, offering me a hand, i gladly took it, we bid our goodbyes and went on our own paths.

"Raza! can you believe it, im friends with the heroin- i mean Lili now..!" I said with a goofy smiling watching Raza eat.

"Ill sleep first since your still eating, Goddnight Raza!" I cant wait for tomorrow! I can finally hang out with a girl and not some guys, though i still am grateful to the guys for hanging out with me.





"Morning Raza! I feel like im forgetting something important today.." I stated petting Raza. Raza is like a dog, which i find cute!

I did stuff that you d in the morning and went to my classroom. Im so excited to see Lili there!

I walk over to my classroom with Raza flying in his small form beside me. I opened the door and wa da hec, where is everyone?

"HelOooooooooO?" I screamed, no ones gonna hear me anyways. Is this some kind of strange dream or..?

The headmaster's voice rang all over school...Is this some kind of magic, i don't see any speakers? ZIRA!, its not the time to think about that! how embarrassing now the whole academy knows who i am.!

I quickly ran to where the main hall was, where was it again...Then Raza transformed into his huge form in front of me? signalling me to sit on his back? AAAAAAA no time, I swiftly climbed up to his back, and we flew in the air,

"RAZA IM GONNA FALLLLLLLLLLLLLL!" I shouted, i probably look ugly right now, if im going to die i have to at least look beautiful, hmp. I slowly opened my eyes and found that Raza already landed. I have to be calm next time, if im gonna fall im sure Raza will catch me..

AUGH! The main hall.! I quickly ran up the stairs with my disheveled hair, I opened the door and everyone stared at me....SO EMBARRASSING! i wanna die right now!

I quickly sat right next to my brother, fixing my hair...Why am i always late!

"Pft- nice entrance sis!" My brother said teasing me. Im hurt, where did my cute little brother go!

I punched him on his stomach, this time a real punch, cause what he said is NOT cool.

"Hmp." I said petting Raza who was in my lap, everyone still staring at me. Stop looking already! It's not that big of a deal to be late... i think. Wait where's Lili, i scanned the room and found Lili on the first row. I quickly waved my hands to where she is at. She did the same, How come when she does it she looks so cute while i on the other look like im having a seizure. this unfair world TTvTT.

"Attention Students..Now that a certain someone has arrived..." The headmaster said emphasizing a certain someone.

"We will now begin our main adjective for today, which is finding out your element. Now, we have here a crystal ball, you just pour your mana into this ball and it will change color according to what your element is."

"Some of you may be lucky to get 2 elements, or maybe 3 elements, don't be disheartened if you will get a common element, since all of the elements are powerful if you just know how to use it. that is all, Let us start!" The headmaster said teleporting to the side.

I wanna teleport too! So i don't have to walk to certain places hehe. The headmaster called some names, so far no one has gotten 2 elements. OH! It's time for the heroine! prepare to be amazed capture targets.

"hehehehuehue" I laughed with a small voice. Constantine just looked at me, a face saying he is used to me being weird. Now let's just sit back and enjoy the show as the heroines friend!

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