《The Chapstick Girl》Uno


Amber's pov:

"HAH! I FOUND THEM!!!" Julie says, excitedly holding up a jar of pickles in the air like it was a first place trophy.

"Why... why pickles?" Is the only thing that I can manage to ask as she skips to the cart and puts it in.

"Because I can never find the pickles at this store. They always put them in a place other than where the sign says they are." She pouts, pushing the cart as I follow along behind her, occasionally picking up the items on the list that she would pass by without even realizing.

After school, Julie picked me up to go to the supermarket so we could get food for tonight when everyone comes over.

Not going to lie, I was still a little nervous to meet Ashton, Jake, and Zander.

Not because I thought they were mean or anything, I just wanted them to like us, especially Liam, because it would mean so much to him.

"Ahhh, are you still worried about meeting the boys tonight?" Julie studies my facial expression as I take a deep breath, knowing that I couldn't lie to her.

"Yeah... I'm sorry, I just can't help it. I know you said that they are really nice and all and that they want to meet us, but I can't help but feel a little nervous." I tell her truthfully.

She nods her head while putting a hand on my shoulder, sympathetically squeezing it lightly.

"It's okay to be nervous, I completely understand. Coming from one of the awkwardest, most introverted person on the planet," she gives me a silly grin, "I definitively know what it's like to be nervous about meeting new people."

"But you were able to talk to me so easily when Damien introduced me to you guys, I honestly think you're more extroverted than me-..."

Interrupting my sentence, she bursts into a fit of laughter while pointing at herself, "Me...Extroverted? I think that's the first time I've ever had those two words in the same sentence."

I shake my head, trying to hide my own laugh, "I'm serious though! Out of everyone who I talked to, you were probably the easiest to talk to."

She looks up at me, giving me a sheepish grin, "I kinda understand where you are coming from, I guess I have become a little more extroverted throughout the year. I guess that's all thanks to Ashton. As much as I helped him when it came to him being a little... too much to handle... he's helped me crack out of my shell and made it easier for me to not be afraid to speak my mind. I guess that's just what the right person does to you."

I couldn't help but awe at her words.

I actually remember seeing them together a lot last year when Ashton still went to highschool.

Not that I was stalking them or anything like that, but there were just times where I would see them walking together in the hallway or passing by their lunch table to get to mine.

They definitely were the "it" couple of the school.

At first, I found it crazy when I learned that Ashton had a girlfriend.

Well to be fair, I think the whole school was shocked.

Everyone knew Ashton, and everyone knew that he DIDN'T date anyone, no matter how many girls tried to flirt with him.

It's funny because I still remember the look on Tessa's face when she found out that Ashton had a girlfriend.


I remember Liam dragging me to the cafeteria quickly one day to see Tessa freaking out about the news and throwing a complete tantrum in the middle of the cafeteria.


That was a good day.

"You know, I was never told the story on how you and Ashton met..." I draw out, not missing Julie's nervous look as she begins to push the cart to head towards the next item on the list...


"Heh... funny you should say that actually." She mumbles, but I could clearly tell how much she was trying avoid the question.

"What? Did something bad happen that you are so embarrassed to tell?!" I tease her, but the look on her face already gives me the answer.

"M-... Maybe." She stutters, while looking anywhere but me.

"Oh I've got to know now." I nudge her while she groans.

"Do I have to? It's embarrassing..." she mutters the last part under her breath as I nod my head excitedly.

"Please!!! I'm actually really curious. Ashton never gave any girl the time of day, so I've always wondered how you guys came to be." I say pleadingly, while she sighs.

"Well..." she starts to say, but before she could continue, the sound of a phone goes off.

"Saved..." I catch Julie words as she pulls out her phone, smiling at the name on the screen.

"Sorry can you give me a second?" Julie asks.

I give her a quick nod before she swipes to answer, holding it up to her ear.

"Samantha! How are you?" She asks the person on the phone.

The person, who I now assume is Samantha, begins to reply back, but I couldn't exactly make out her words.

"Her first word?! Are you serious!!! I missed my own goddaughters first word?!! What was it??!" Julie asks Samantha on the phone excitedly.

She says something that causes Julie to erupt in a fit of laughter.

"Her first word was FOOD?! She most definitely is my goddaughter."

The exchange a few more words before Julie says that she's got to go but will talk to her later.

"Okay, bye!!" Julie says, hanging up before looking at me.

"Sorry about that." She gives me a soft smile as I wave my hand dismissively.

"Don't worry about it, but that girl you were talking to, why does that name sound so familiar?" I ask.

Julie chews on her bottom lip for a second, carefully thinking over her words before answering, "I think you might know, but do you remember that big thing that went down with Luke and all the boys about a year ago?"

Thinking back, I do recall there being this big fight between them.

I mean, basically anything that happened with that friend group was pretty well known.

Yes, they were literally that popular.

"I actually do remember a little bit. Was she the girl that was part of it?" I recall Luke having some girlfriend around that time that had something to do with the fight.

I know Liam somehow found out from a friend about what all happened and told me, but I don't really remember much of the details.

Julie nods her head, "Yeah, that's Samantha. But we are good with her now. She actually changed a lot and took the responsibility of raising a daughter on her own. Of course, I do all I can to help out when I visit, but she's come along way." Julie smiles, before opening up the door to one of the big freezers to get a carton of chocolate and a carton of strawberry ice cream.


"I think it's sweet that she made you godmother though, it must have been an honor."

Julie nods her head excitedly, "It really was, I couldn't even believe it when she first told me. It's even crazier that we went from not really... getting along... to me being the godmother to her baby. It's just funny how things workout sometimes."

After her words, she looks down at her list, "Okay, that was the last item... finally."

I chuckle at her words, "That drained, huh?"

"Well, I'm not as drained as other times. When it comes to grocery shopping with Ashton, instead of him helping, it's more like me trying to do all the shopping while trying to babysit a hyperactive child. It's horrible." She winces as if she was recalling all the memories.

"That reminds me, you still haven't told me how you two met."

Again, Julie sighs, "Well-..."


"Okay, I think this is good." Julie says, organizing the crackers and cheese on a plate before turning towards me who was putting out the plastic cups and plates onto the table by a stack of napkins.

"Do you think we need any plastic forks or spoons?" I ask.

She thinks for a second before shaking her head, "Boys are boys, I'm pretty sure if we set them out they would just eat with their hands anyways."

I giggle escapes my lips as I make my ways towards her couch, flopping myself down as she does the same.

"When do you think they will be here?" I ask. She pulls out her phone from her pocket, looking at the time.

"The boys practice should be ending in a couple minutes, and I know it takes them sometime to shower and stuff so maybe like a half an hour or so? And for the rest of the boys, I'm going to say maybe another two hours. I know that Ashton has classes to finish and it will take a while for Zander and Jake because they have to drive quite a bit to get here." Julie says, putting her feet up on the coffee table while resting the back of her head on the couch cushion.

"Okay, so we have a bit of time to relax. But what about your parents though?"

She looks over at me, "They are at my grandparents house with Jake, but they trust me enough with having everybody over. It isn't the first time, and nothing bad has ever happened. Plus, my parents love Ashton, although my dad can be a bit protective at times, they trust him... But..."


"Sometimes they can be just as bad as Zander when it comes to..."

"Comes to..."

She groans, "shipping."

I laugh, "shipping?! Your own parents are in on it?"

She rubs her face, a playful pout on her lips, "Yeah I know, weird right? No even that, but Ashton's parents do also. I am a thousand percent sure that our moms already have our wedding planned. I've seen my mom's search history and the most recent ones were wedding venues and bride dresses."

Again, I couldn't help but laugh at Julie's horrified look, as she closes her eyes and takes a deep breath.

"Important question though, is it Jashton or Ashlie?"

I joke, while on the other hand, Julie rolls over so her body was facing the couch, hiding her bright red cheeks.

"I rather not talk about it." Her voice comes out muffled from the couch, making the situation even more amusing.

But hearing my laugh, Julie suddenly turns towards me, squinting her eyes while playfully crossing her arms.

"Okay, enough about me... I wanna know more about you."

I gulp nervously, "Who me? About what?"

She shakes her head before pointing a finger at me, "You know what I'm talking about."

And deep down...


I did know who she was talking about.

She obviously came to the conclusion that something's up with me and Damien, and I know I can't run from that.


But you better believe that I can try.

"I actually... don't know what you're talking about...?" But it came out more like a question, causing Julie to squint her eyes even more at me.

Okay, let's be real here.

I knew that she knew...

that I knew she knew...

that I liked Damien.

"I think it's more of a matter of who I'm talking about." She smirks as I slowly sink back on the couch, as if it would envelope me and take me away from this conversation.

But sadly, that wasn't the case.

"Uhm... uno reverse?"

I could see a giggle try to escape from her mouth before it was quickly covered back up by her smirk.

"Uno plus four plus two. D. A. M. I. E. N." She says, while I on the other hand cover my blushing face.

"Uno skip."

"Funny, that skip card is the same color of your face... red." Taking a pillow from the couch, I completely cover my face as a laugh finally escapes from her mouth.

"HAH!!!!! I knew it! I knew it!!!!! Someone has a crush~..." She sings, standing up before dancing around the living room happily.

"Julieeeeee." I whine, embarrassed of her reaction at how happy she was at the news.

It was as if she just won the lottery...

And my not so secret love life was the reward.

"Finally!!! You... sorta... admitted it!!! Not going to lie, I was getting a little nervous at some point, but after the dinner with all of us, I KNEW that there was definitely something in the air."

"Which was...?

"Love my child. Love." She says, clapping her hands together excitedly before grabbing my arms and pulling me off the couch.

Surprising me, she pulls me into a hug.

It takes me a few seconds, but I hesitantly hug her back, having it sink in that my crush's bestfriend knows that I like him.

Oh isn't this just a recipe for disaster.

But as Julie continues to hug me, I couldn't help but think...

Julie wouldn't do that. She's been nothing but nice to me ever since I've met her, she wouldn't tell him and supposedly risk our friendship.

But still, the thought of it sent a shiver down my spine, causing a million scenarios to play in my head all at once.

"Can you-... can you please not tell him?" I ask, pretty nervously I may add.

Hearing my words, Julie pulls away while taking my hands in hers, "Of course Amber. You can trust me with anything, we are friends now. And friends help other friends out." She says, a smile dancing on her lips as I look at her confusingly.

"Wait...what do you mean by that last part?" I ask, but I receive nothing but a set of giggles as she runs off to the kitchen.

Without thinking, a laugh escapes from my lips as I quickly chase after her...

"Hey!! Come back!!! Julie!!!!!!!!!!!"

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