《The Chapstick Girl》Sensei Liam



"Liam stop~..." I cover my face in embarrassment as he laughs and continues to tease me.

"I'm surprised you guys didn't kiss afterwards, I mean who does't kiss on a date-..."

"It wasn't a date!!!" I argue back, getting a few confused stares from our classmates passing by us as we stand at my locker talking before first period.

The boxing match was on Saturday, which was the day that Damien and I HUNG-OUT.

So safe to say, I thought I would have an extra day to relax before Monday to prepare to be interrogated by Liam.



He showed up to my house at 3:00am...

Sunday morning...


Using a ladder that came from WHO KNOWS WHERE...

Splashed water ONTO my face...

Pushed me OUT of my BED...

JUST so he could ask me about our so called "date."

Let's just say I am not a morning person.

Actually, I am not a 3:00am person.

Which neither is he...

But I guess he was determined, because he made me mention every single little detail of the "date," at such an early hour.

He even laughed when I told him that I fell from ice skating.

But that's pretty reasonable.

Which by the way, I am still in pain from, physically and mentally.

"But seriously, you guys are MEANT to be together, how do you not see that! It's like a two pieced puzzle. The only thing standing in the way is a big ass LEGO block called shyness."


"But~... lucky for you two, you have me, who can push that nasty LEGO block and put you two together."

I squint my eyes at him, "So basically you are playing matchmaker...?"

"Yes." He grins evilly, while I roll my eyes, grabbing a few books out of my locker and shutting it.

"You know, you might meet someone one day and become shy also." I mention, as we begin to walk towards our classes which were pretty near to one another.

"Mhhm... doubt that, I think I'll actually be pretty confident." He smirks, puffing up his chest as I laugh.

"Confident? You'll probably freeze up on the spot, like this!" I stop moving completely, while putting on a silly face between an awkward smile and a nervous one.


"You really see me being like that?" He chuckles as I unfreeze, continuing to walk with him towards our classes.

"Liam I know you better than you know yourself."


"... Liam you know I am too broke for that."

"Oh right, I forgot. How has the broke life been like?"

I jokingly punch the side of his arm, "Hey! I'm too busy to get a job! With helping at the-..."

"I know, I know. You should really be getting money from that, with all the hours that you spend helping out there, you might as well get the internship or something, at least benefit from it."

I contemplate his words, but it goes away as quickly as it came.

"I just enjoy helping people, like how you enjoy boxing."

He nods, "Ahhh you're too sweet for this world Amber... I don't think my ways have been teaching you enough."

I laugh, "Your ways? What are you some Sensei or something?"

"Maybe I was a Sensei in my past life."

"Explains why you are who you are." I smirk, having no meaning to it but just simply teasing him as he give me a confused stare.

"What do you mean-... Amber... AMBER!!! Don't you dare speed walk away from me Missy!!! You and your short legs!!!"



Staring at the clock, which I found myself typically doing a lot this period, I await the time when it is finally lunch time where I can eat and see my best friend once again.

As soon as it rings, I hurriedly pack up my stuff and rush out of the room, ready to run over to my locker to get my lunch.


Food. Food. Food. Food. Food. Food.

"Wait stop!!"

Food. Food. Food. Food. Food. Food.


Food. Food. Food. Food-... Oh hey that's my name-... wait a second.

I so happen to turn around to be met with sparklingly, captivating eyes belonging to a familiar, charming face.

"Hi Damien." I give him a kindhearted smile as he returns one of his own.

"You ran out of class before I had the chance to talk to you." He scratches the back of his neck, a tint of pink forming on his cheeks.


"Oh I'm sorry, I guess I got so determined to eat food that I wasn't aware of my surrounds." He chuckles at my response as he shifts his weight from one foot to the other.

It almost seemed like, he was... nervous?

"Yeah I get those kinds of days a lot."

"So, what did you want to talk to me about?" I ask, his nervous daze flickers to around the hallway, as we were now the only ones in the hallway.

"Oh.. uh... well..."

I raise my eyebrow at him as he looks back at me, "I was wondering if you wanted to... you know..."

"Wanted to...?"

"Wanted to sit with my friends and I at lunch. If that is okay with you! You don't have to, I just-..."

"I would love to!" I couldn't help but interrupt his words.

"-...And I... wait really?"

"But only if Liam can come too, you know, because he is my best friend and all."

"Yeah that's completely fine with me! He is actually one of the few people on the boxing team who isn't rude or annoying."

"That's Liam for you." I grin.

He nods his head and follows me as we walk together to my locker, before heading to lunch.

"You can head over now, just let me tell Liam and I will meet you over there."

"Okay." He says and walks towards his lunch table whereas I keep walking towards the back where Liam is eagerly waiting for me at our lunch table.

"Jeez what took you so long? You are usually always here before me." He says, while patting the seat next to him.

"Actually... I was stopped in the hallway... by Damien."

"Ohhhhh Damien~..."

"Please not this again"

"My bad."

"Anyways," I hold my lunch box a little closer to myself as I continue, "He said that he actually had to ask me something but for some reason he seemed kinda nervous."

"Ohhhh couple goals-..."


"Sorry, continue..." he places his chin into the palm of his hand, looking up to me interested as I tell him the news.

"But then he ended up asking if we wanted to sit with him and his friends at their lunch table-..."

"You said yes right?!"

"So impatient-..."


"Yes, yes I did!" I throw my hands up in defense as he jumps out of his seat.

"Then what are we waiting for?!"

"Wait, are you sure you are okay with this?"

It's always been just the two of us for years, in the back of my mind, I honestly thought he would be a little hesitant.

He faces towards me, putting both of his hands on my shoulders, "Amber, it is not everyday when the schools most popular group wants you to sit with them."

"I... I mean I guess." I never really thought about it like that.

Before I knew it, Liam was grabbing his book bag and taking off towards their table, with me, trailing behind.

Lord, if you are listening, please give Liam a blessed state of mind to not embarrass me infront of literally everyone.


Yes, I have mentioned this many, many times before.

As we begin to approach the table, everyone begins to simultaneously turn their heads towards us, most of them being familiar to me when Damien introduced me to them before he took me to go ice skating.

Again, still in pain.

"Hey everyone, you remember Amber right?"

They nod their heads as I pinpoint them to be Ella, Ally, Gianna, Julie, Luke, and of course Damien.

"And this is her friend Liam, which Luke, you probably know from Boxing."

Luke stands up as he goes to handshake Liam.

You know, just a welcoming each other guy thing.

While I wasn't looking, Damien softly takes a hold of my wrist and takes me to the seat right beside his, as Liam follows and sits beside me.

"Okay, I'm getting lunch now." Luke says, as all three of the boys head towards the lunch line, while I am left with the group of girls before me.

I don't know why, but I kinda feel nervous, I've always had this weird nagging at the back of my head, thinking that people will judge me if I do or say something weird.

I hope I don't mess this up.

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