《The Chapstick Girl》Eyes On Me


Amber's pov:

"Okay.... okay..... NOPE!!! Can't do this. Nope. Not gonna." Liam suddenly protests, as he stands up from where he was sitting and puts his foot down like he was trying to make a statement.

"What do you mean? You were confident like, five minutes ago."

"Yeah but that was before I saw it."

"Saw what?"

"Them." He points towards the door to the arena, and walking in was the team they would be facing.

And he was right, I couldn't help but let my jaw drop at the sight in front of me.

I can't even exaggerate this...

They were HUGE!!!



I mean, our team is tall and muscular too, but still...

"Hey, hey!" I grab Liam's shoulders, making him looking at me, "You will do amazing, you always do! Don't let them intimidate you, that will be what hurts you." I reason with him as he nods at my words, but I couldn't help but hear the defeated sigh from his lips.

There weren't a lot of people here yet, since it didn't start for another hour and the boys still needed to do a warm up.

The thing is, the opposing team isn't like a rival team or anything, we've beat them a lot in the past...

But that might actually be the problem.

It was in the past, you know, when there was Ashton, Jake, and Zander to lead the team.

Not that Luke isn't great, but like Damien said, currently the team isn't getting along too well, which in the end, it's just hurting them and all they put into this season to be better.

"Amber!" The sudden voice of my Dad startles me as I turn towards the mats where he was standing.

"Yeah Dad?"

"Do you mind opening up the concession stand?" I nod my head and give my dad a small smile.

I then turn back towards Liam and give him a small hug, "You will do great! Your number one supporter will be watching." He laughs as he hugs me back.


"Yes, yes I know I am your favorite, but don't tell anyone, they might get jealous."

"Wait, you mean... jealous of you?" I joke, pretending to think hard on his words, as he scrunches his nose at my actions.

"Hey! I am a pretty awesome guy, how could anyone not be jealous."

"Yeah, I guess it is reasonable to be jealous of a pink and blue haired-..." but before I could finding, he quickly covers my mouth.

"IT WAS A PHASE!!! No no no, go away, have fun, love you~ bye!!!" He nudges me up the stairs, as I laugh at his reddened cheeks.

Let's just say... he had a whole lot of fun middle school phases.


That I purposely tend to bring up every once in a while.

After Liam nudged me up the stairs, I walk towards the upper ground where basically everyone was standing around, talking to one another.

Looking around, it was somewhat the same people who usually come, not including the other teams'.

What I mean by that is it's usually the same parents, siblings, friends, and kids from school who typically come to the matches.

By knowing that, it honestly just reminds me of how many of these matches I've been too.

But I don't mind, if me coming and helping out my Dad made him happy, then it makes me happy.

And plus, I kind of find these matches quite interesting, which is surprising because I've never really been interested in watching sports.

On that note, I was just about to walk into the concession stand until suddenly, a hand on my shoulder stops me and gently spins me around until I am meant with a familiar pair of eyes that causes the familiar flutter of butterflies in my stomach.

"Hi Amber." Damien's soft words and smile causes me to give him a shy smile of my own as familiar moments like this from yesterday invade my thoughts.


"Hey Damien, how are you?" I respond, suddenly realizing that his hand is still on my shoulder.

Under his touch, I nervously shift my weight from one to foot, but he doesn't seem to be aware of the state he's put me in as he answers.

"I've been good, how about you?"

"I've been good also! I was actually just about to open the concession stand."

"Oh, do you need help?"

"No it's okay, I got it, plus, my dad is going to start making you guys warm up soon, so I don't won't to be a burden." I laugh to myself, but to my surprise, he shakes his head.

"No, you could never be a burden."

I couldn't help but blush from his words as I look away from his glance, but soon my eyes widen as I realize how big of a line was forming in front of the concession stand, waiting for it to open.

"Oh, I guess I should open the concession now, it was nice talking to you Damien-...." I say, attempting to open the door to the concession stand, but before I was about to, the hand that was still on my shoulder slightly tightens, followed by a, "Wait!"

I give him a questionable look as he takes a deep breath and continues.

"I-... well... I've actually been thinking a lot about the advice that you gave me in the car when I dropped you off about how I am stuck in the past. But I am determined to change that." He gives me a toothy grin, letting his arms drop to his sides causing the warmth from his hand to be replaced by the cooler air of the arena.

"Damien I'm happy for you! I really think that this will not only benefit you, but it will also the team! They need someone to bring them together, and I heart-fully believe that someone is you."

"Thank you-... I mean. I feel like we tend to say thank you to each other a lot... but I really mean it. We haven't known each other that long, but you've helped me out so many times. I still feel like I need to repay you somehow-..."

"No, really, you don't need to at all! It's who I am, I just like helping people."

Even though I try to reason with him, he shakes his head, "How about we hangout somewhere after the match?"

"Are you sure-..."

"Please, let me. I really want to thank you somehow." He grabs my hand and looks at me pleadingly as I try not to pass out from all of the butterflies.

"Yeah-... I.... sure!! We can, I'm free for the rest of the day." I try to contain my excitement as his face lights up at my words.

He is about to say something back until my Dad's voice from somewhere cut him off, "Boys!! On the mats for warm up!!!"

Without any other words, he just gives me another one of his charming smiles before running off to the mats to not be late.

When he leaves, I can't help but sigh at his words dreamily.

It's actually pretty funny, I guess we do say thank you to each other a lot.

And even though I feel like he doesn't need to pay me back anything, I feel like I now have something to look forward to.

I smile to myself and turn towards the door to the concession stand, but for some reason, I suddenly start to feel like I am being watched.

I slightly glance to my right to see a couple people watching me with curious eyes.

To be more specific...

Damien's group of friends.

But one...

One caught my attention.

She was happily smiling...

Smiling right at me.

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