《The Chapstick Girl》Internship


Amber's pov:

I still couldn't believe that I got away with such a lie like that and got Damien and Luke out of suspension from the team.

I mean sure, I could have came up with a better idea than shoes...

But hey!!! It's the end result that matters.

Replaying the whole thing in my head, I couln't help but look down at my lap, blushing as I think about Damien's thankful smile.

Don't call me weird, but have you ever looked at someone and thought "Wow, they have a perfect smile?"

Well, Damien has that perfect smile.

"What are you so smiley about?" My dad's voice breaks me out of my thoughts as I look over at him as he focuses his eyes back on the road.

Oh right, after the whole principals office thing, my dad decided to just take me out of school since it was last period anyways and he was already there.

Plus, he would need to pick me up anyways because instead of riding the bus home today, I wanted to help out at the children's hospital for a few hours.

It's actually been awhile since I've had the chance to go there.

School has just been too hectic.

And like they say, junior year is always the hardest.

But I'm actually really excited to be helping out.

Working and helping children makes me happy. And even though I barely get paid anything, money could never compare to the rush of joy I get when the child flashes me a bright smile.

Knowing that I was helping them and being the reason behind their smile... almost reminded me of my mom.

I used to watch her when she worked at the children's hospital.

I was fascinated by all the smiles she brought to their faces as she gave them hope.

"Earth to Amber? Are you okay?" My dad asks again, as I quickly nod my head.

"Sorry just thinking about... the shoes."

AMBER WHY!!!!!!!!!

"Again? Honey it's not like you to get into such disagreements at school. Is there something you would like to talk about?"


"Wait NO. Uh. Wait. Is it-... that.. that time... DO YOU NEED TAMPONS??!" He raises his voice looking at me, I couldn't help but detect the horror on his face as I quickly react.


"NO! WHAT?! DAD!!!" I cover my face in embarrassment as he lets out a sigh of relief.

"Okay, okay," he says, now in a calm voice, as he looks ahead at the road, "But in all seriousness, honey I worry about you sometimes. If you are going through something I just want to be there for you, you know, because it's just us now. We have to look out for one another."

Although he didn't directly say it, I knew what he was thinking.

When one of us were struggling, Mom was always there to cheer us up. She always knew how to listen to others problems and give the best advice.

But now that she's gone, it's hard. There is no one who could ever replace her love and comfort.

"I know Dad, and I promise to tell you if something is bothering me."

"Okay, just know that even though I am nothing like your mother, I promise I will try-..."

"Dad you are amazing, and mom would be proud of you for being such a wonderful dad." I interrupt his doubtful thoughts.

He tried to hide it, but I could see his eyes start to get watery as he tries to play it off cool.

"And she would be awestruck by the beautiful young woman that you have become."

"Thanks dad, I love you."

"I love you too."


"Okay Leila, you got this!" I encourage the small girl as she attempts to stand up, but as she was about to pull her self up, one of her legs give out as I quickly catch her before she hits her head off the floor.

"It's okay Leila, you can do it, just don't be scared." The nurse calls from behind me, as Leila looks down at the ground, shaking her head in defeat.

"No, no don't give up! You got this! You just have to believe in yourself." I encourage her, this time grabbing her small hands.

"Just look at me, don't doubt yourself." I say to her, as she nods her head slightly, looking in my eyes.

"On the count of three are ready?"


She nods again, this time feeling a little more confident.



"Three!" I gently lift my hands that were connected to hers, causing her to straighten up, making her tighten her grip on my hand and on instinct put one foot out and then the other.

She was standing.

After two years of being in and out of surgery, the small girl was able to stand.

For a few seconds, she stood their confused, she couldn't believe it herself.

But it wasn't until the sound of clapping from around the room that caused her to realize that she was doing it, she was standing!

Suddenly, the biggest smile forms on her face as she screams over and over again, "I did it, I did it!"

My heart melts as her small hands grab my shoulders, pulling me in for a soft hug, barely being able to balance herself as I steady her.

It was moments like these that I cherished like no other.

I look back at the nurse to see her smiling at me, giving me a small head nod as Leila lets go.

Her parents who were watching and clapping come closer and congratulate their daughter, as I stand up and walk towards the nurse.

"You always seem to amaze me Amber, I've been helping and training young adults like you for years, but never have I seen someone so talented in their first years of doing this." She grins at me.

"What can I say, it's like I am meant to do this." I say back, the smile not leaving my face once as Leila stands up on her own, without my help this time.

She struggled with confidence...

She was scared of failing.

I knew that hope was all she needed to push herself up, that knowing that it was achievable would make her realize that with the right mindset, she could do it.

"Actually, I wanted to talk to you about something." The nurse turns toward me.

"What about?" I ask.

"I know we haven't had the chance to talk about this yet, but have you ever thought about taking the internship, you know, for full time? Then through the internship, you would be provided a college-..."

"I... I don't know." I look down, interrupting her as she looks at me questionably.

"I don't want it to seem like I am pushing you into this, but just by looking at you, I can tell that you really enjoy doing this. The bright smile on your face every time you realize how much of an impact you are leaving on that child. But I just don't understand... why you are holding back?" She asks.

I look back up at her, and take a deep breath.

"The internship sounds great, I even thought about it before, but it's just that... the internship requires so many hours. And I feel like right now... I have to be here for my dad. I can't even mention college around him without him getting upset, or sad. It feels like we just lost mom.... I don't know..." I struggle to say as the nurse lays a hand on my shoulder in a comfortable, friendly manner.

"I understand, it was hard for all of us here too. If you believe that being there for your dad is best, then no offense will be taken in any way."

"Thank you, and even if I might not be doing the internship, I just want to let you know that I promise to help out at any time I can."

The nurse nods her head and smiles, but it's quickly fades as she looks down at her watch. "Oh looks like I've lost track of time-... crap I am suppose to take my boys to soccer practice-..."

"I can take over your shift if you need help?"

"Are you sure? If it's not too much-..."

"Of course! I've done it countless times before." I say as she thanks me, quickly grabbing her purse and rushing out to get her boys to practice.

I look back at Leila and her parents one last time before leaving the room and to the front desk to see who I would be helping out.

Until a voice interrupts me.




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