《Fire Emblem Three Houses Lemon Shots》Seteth


( you: What? Him? But he's a total nerd! Yes. But I think he has nice character dynamics and cool hair. Also I don't know who else to write for >\\

You stare at the cathedral's statue admiring the architecture more than anything. At this time of day the cathedral was nearly cleared of visitors. That's when you heard happy foot steps approach you from behind.

"Hey! There you are, I've been looking everywhere for you." Flayn chirped in her usually cheery tone.

"Hello," you greeted simply with a smile "What did you need me for?"

"My brother has requested your presents, he says he has a very important question. I believe he is in his quarters on the second floor of the monastery." She turned on her heel "Come, I will take you there." She began to walk hastily to Seteth. After walking for a few moments in silence she began to strike up small talk. "I really like the ring he picked, it matches your hair and your eyes!"

"I guess your right. It matches his too. AND yours." You laugh, she smiles

"He talks about you often, but never tells me any of the sweet romantic things he does!" She sighs, she was always a sucker for romantic stories.

"He's not much of the romantic type, but he gave me a whole bunch of lilies that I still have in my room. He told me-"

"That it was my idea!" Flayn threw her hands down "my brother acts as if he has mastered everything, but he certainly knows nothing about women." She huffed. You couldn't help but laugh as you both climb up the stairs

"Well if you must know he kisses me and tells me sweet things. Of course I won't go into detail, but he isn't completely hopeless." You console, her frown turns into a grin "don't tell him I told you ok?"


"I won't." She nodded her head. Finally you both arrive, "Well, I shall leave you to it, have a good evening!" She said walking back down stairs. You knock on his door.

"Come in." He said from the other side. You open the door to see him behind his desk working on a few things. His desk was cluttered but it look as though every paper had its place "Ah, there you are." He stood from his desk and walked around to greet you. "I feel I have not seen you all day." He wrapped his arms around your waist placing his lips to your forehead. You smile warmly and close your eyes enjoying his light kiss.

"I missed you too my love." You look up to him. He bends down kissing your lips. "Was there something you wanted to ask me? Flayn said it was very important." You giggle a bit, his smile turned a bit serious. He kept his hands around your waist, your hands rested on his biceps. (ooOoOoo). He was more muscular than he looked being a wyvern rider.

"Yes.. I've been thinking, because we are to be wed. Do you think it appropriate if.. we slept together tonight." He asked forwardly but you can't help but blush heavily and feel yourself melt. "...my I wasn't expecting that." He chuckled "my only wish is to show that I am utterly devoted and that I love you." He tucked a lock of hair behind your ear observing your facial features. You feel yourself lean into his touch.

"I wouldn't mind such a gesture if it was with you." You flirt a bit making him grin as he kisses your lips with a gentle rhythm. Just as you begin to get carried away Seteth pulls away.


"I apologize, I can hardly restrain myself." He laughed nervously. "Perhaps we should take this elsewhere."



You both hurry to his room locking the door and waste no time undoing his shirt while exchanging deep kisses. Low grunts slipped out from Seteth's throat as he licked your bottom lip wanting more of you. Opening your mouth slightly his tongue circled yours causing you to moan a bit at the sensation. You undo your pants while kissing him and begin to tug at his causing him to break away.

"Heh, someone is becoming eager I see." Seteth lightly teased you before sliding off your shirt and fully undoing his belt. He guided you to his bed laying you down by planting soft kisses on your neck. He slid his hand onto your thigh, rubbing his thumb against the inner most part. Your mouth hangs slightly open as he slides his hand so that it grazes over your sacred area. He rubbed through your panties making them wet.

"S-Seteth.. mm." You moan out to him. He smirks a bit knowing what you want him to do, he slid off your panties and began to rub your wet entrance. His fingers occasionally slipping inside. "Ah.. hah.. mmm~"

"You.. you are so mesmerizing." Seteth says observing every curve of your body. He pulled his hands away and pulled off his boxers. "This is unnecessary." He huffed a laugh running his fingers over the cup of your bra. You laugh a bit as you reach back to take it off and throw it on the floor. Seteth's breath hitches seeing you fully exposed to him, his eyes become hungry. He lifts your thighs in a heat and sticks himself in you.

"A-AHH~.. S-SE- HAAH-" you cry out loudly as he slides in you but you cover your mouth to silence yourself. Seteth furrows his eyebrows at the sensation of you closing around him.

"I.. I want to hear more.. of your sweet voice." Seteth breathes jerking in you making you whimper as you clasp your other hand over your mouth as instinct.

"MMMN~" a muffled moan escapes you. Seteth takes both of your hands and pins them on either side of your head.

"Do not hold back from me my love." He pecks your lips before moving aggressively. You call out in broken moans as he wastes no time making love to you. The pain was not unbearable but it was enough to make your eyes water. Seteth, seeing your glassy eyes, took his hands and intertwined your fingers with his, rubbing your thumb with his.

"Seteth- AH~ I.. I'm going to..!" You moan to him as he continues to move deeper into to you. You feel your spine curl and your head press deeper into the bed and you reach your climax, coming onto Seteth's dick making him come in response. His hands still laced with yours, he brings one to his mouth and kisses it softly working his way up your arm making you laugh a bit.

"I love you deeply." He said in a desperate tone. You smile playing with this green hair. He gently laid himself on top of you and closed his eyes as you continued to stroke his hair. He seemed to resemble a kitten as he released a low moan in reaction to your soft touch.

"I love you too."

( the end :3)

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