《Lost Fantasy-Life After Reincarnation (Arc 1)》Chapter 13
In the gloomy streets of the ancient city of Ekeletas, no wind blew. On the streets, long lines glowed a eerie green color, possibly used for navigation by the residents that used to reside in this city. The light from the crystals overhead were nowhere to be seen, and the only source of illumination was from the torches of the patrolling groups of Kobolds, whose teeth and claws were of such ferocity that it could easily rip apart any man. The flickering flame of their torches, like the lanterns of the lanternfish that drew prey closer with a sense of false hope among the depths of the deep, dark abyss, lured Loganel's attention towards it.
"It's my fault," Loganel said, slumping down on the floor. He sat there, in the dim world of Ekeletas, thankful for the darkness that hid his current facial expression.
"No it's not," Juliana comforted him. She was standing over him, bending her knees a bit so that she could appear closer to him. "You had no choice."
"Anyone else would've made the same decision," Azura said. Her voice appeared quite cold, but Loganel could hear a hint of wavering in it.
Due to the dim lighting, Azura couldn't see Loganel's face clearly, but she could tell that he was still trapped in the guilt. Therefore, with a sigh, she began thinking of what to do next.
"We have to get back to the second floor," she said. "It'll be difficult with just the three of us, but it's doable. As long as we can avoid the Kobolds and the 'Cleaver', we should be fine. But this is the difficult part..."
"Yeah..." Loganel's voice lacked any livelihood.
Azura merely looked at him for a bit, and then she began speaking again. "This alleyway seems pretty safe. So let's rest here for a bit until we recover."
Juliana and her then settled down, sitting on the ground as well. Their posture, like Loganel's didn't express a hint of joy nor any anticipation for the future. In fact, they were all afraid of the future. They were unsure of it, and this is what scared them. What would happen to them? Would they die? These thoughts plagued their mind whenever they cease thinking.
In the gloomy resting corner, Loganel looked up and observed the two girls around him. They were sitting in a way that expressed their fear. Both sat with their weapon between their arms as they curled up their knees and hugged their knees with their arms, a posture of fear and uncertainty.
Why does this has to happen to me?
He shook his head in frustration. He had originally depended on Azura for help since she always appeared so calm and collected. That was why he had given up thinking...It was why he had been mute as Azura tried her best to keep the situation under control.
Can't keep going on like this, he thought. I gotta do something.
He slowly allowed his body to relax, attempting to get the most rest as possible. He grabbed the sheath of his sword tightly, holding it up with both hands. This sword is his only hope. It is the only thing that could bring him and them back onto the surface.
The sun...how long ago was it that I last felt its warm rays on my body? How long have I been down here? Is Mazriel okay? There should still be some food out for him...It's fine. He probably will head out and hunt if I don't get back or he starts getting hungry.
He forced himself up from the ground, and carefully sneaked over to the corner of the alleyway and peeked out. As he moved, the two girls looked up and observed his movements. Due to the torchlight emitted from the torches the Kobold patrols carried, Loganel could easily see their location. Unlike these patrols, Loganel isn't burdened by such object. He could operate in the dark while the Kobolds had to reveal their location to them.
It's doable, he thought.
"It might not be as bad as we thought," Loganel whispered to the others. "We just have to find the stairs."
"I know," Azura smiled from his optimistic views and used the sheath of her sword to help her get up. She could sense that Loganel had regained his moral and that this might be the opportune moment to start their escape. "Everyone done resting?"
"Yeah," Juliana stood up from the ground, patting the dust off of her clothing.
"Let's go."
Loganel quietly emerged from the obscure alleyway, stepping in a feline-like manner in order to attempt to eliminate the sound of his footsteps. His gray eyes, keen and sharp, surveyed the surroundings in search of any signs of irregularity.
He quietly led the way, maneuvering the three through the dangerous streets of the third floor of the ancient city. He actively looked around for anything that might resemble a stairway, but to no avail, was unable to spot something of that nature. However, he wasn't discouraged by this fact. He can't. He doesn't have the time to be discouraged. To him, it was simple: he has to find the stairway. It's not a choice. He has to do it. That's the only way to life, and he knew it.
He brought his left palm up and stopped the two girls that followed behind him. As he did so, he peered over the corner of the building, eyes focused on the orb of fire that illuminated a patrol of possibly six Kobolds who were equipped with better quality armor and weaponry than the ones they had encountered on the first and second floor. However, their armor was still quite low quality in human standards.
Wisely and patiently, he waited until they passed. It wasn't until he was sure that they were in the clear that he continued moving and searching.
As the three continued their journey, they constantly and carefully avoided the large groups of patrols and the flickering torchlights. Due to this, the efficiency in their search wasn't the best. It led to them barely making any progress in their search, which slowly added to Loganel's irritation. Even though he knows that he must remain calm, he cannot help himself.
A sudden bone chilling howl echoed throughout the labyrinth, instilling a sense of panic and dread in Loganel. The howl was strong and was laced with authority. It was as if the source of the howl is declaring its superiority to the others, expressing its dominance.
"What was that?" Loganel said in a panicking whisper. His heart rate suddenly increased, calling for another wave of adrenaline to be released.
The activity in the open streets suddenly increased drastically as the Kobolds became more active. The clanking of metal and rapid footsteps echoed throughout the streets, all headed to the same area. It was due to this sudden change in activity that Loganel, Azura, and Juliana was discovered by a patrol group, which was seeking to use the alleyway as a shortcut.
"Again?" Loganel cursed, and then tightened his grip on the handle of his sword. "Run!"
And once again, the three started moving. They ignored their fatigue and their weak legs and ran. In the darkness, Loganel led the way once again, this time, with more difficulty due to the darker environment they were in.
Damn this whole thing, Loganel thought, forcing his way through the dark alleyways with no clue as where to go. As he ran, he felt his body bumping into things due to how dark it was. However, this did not slow him down one bit as he powered through the sudden pain that was rendered almost nonexistent by the adrenaline, even though he knows that once he stops, the pain will catch up to him.
After finally losing the patrol group that had discovered them, the three of them gasped for air. Due to the exhaustion and fatigue, they stopped the moment that they could afford to, staying out in the dark, empty streets without cover. Fatigue has clouded Loganel's mind, altering with his judgement. Even though he knows that it was best for them to retreat to a building and hide within, his mind merely told him to ignore such facts and continue where they were.
"What was that howling?" Juliana asked.
"It's the Cleaver probably," Azura shook her head at the daunting fact. "It has to be."
"Why is that thing here?" Loganel complained, "of all places it could appear, and it has to be here?"
"It's probably because of the howling from earlier," Azura suggested.
"So now what?" Juliana asked. "We still have to look for the stairways leading up."
"It's not the best time to go look right now," Azura said, "but if we don't go now...we might just not make it out. Fatigue and hunger will make us weaker, which in turn will slow us down and render us less effective in our escape or combat if it comes to that."
"Azura's right," Loganel said. "We have to get out of here as soon as possible."
He clenched his fists tightly as if trying to release all the agitation out. He wasn't in the best of mood at the moment; the fatigue had made him more easily angered and the howling of the Kobolds caused him to be angered.
After the three had recovered for a bit and returned to their search for the exit, they were devastated by the fact that the number of Kobolds had increased drastically. It was as if all the Kobolds had descended from the upper to floors to this floor. The reason was unknown to the three but they suggest that it must have something to do with the Cleaver and the intruder they had learned of from their time on the second floor.
Unwillingly, the three were chased in the streets of the ancient city by the Kobolds. Slowly, they were forced away from the outskirts and towards the center of the level.
They're trying to trap us, Loganel thought. He did not voice this fact in hopes of maintaining the moral of his party. However, he suspect that they both might already have the same idea as well.
Slowly but surely, they were driven to the center of the floor, to a large open city square that was illuminated by some crystals that hang from the ceiling. This was the only area within the third floor that was illuminated by such crystals.
From the far side, a large Kobold emerged from the shadows. This Kobold, about a whole body taller than Loganel, was muscular and wielded a large cleaver as a weapon despite the fact that it doesn't even need it to dominate the other Kobolds on this floor. This Kobold was something similar to the Alpha to the other Kobolds.
"What the hell," Loganel muttered, backing up from the presence of the Cleaver.
He quickly looked around and saw a way out. It was a small road that was neglected by the Kobolds.
"There!" he called to the other two and led them over to the escape route.
He didn't know where this passageway leads, but it didn't matter anymore. They had to get out of here. There is no way that they could survive a battle against the Cleaver and all those Kobolds.
The Cleaver suddenly roared as it marched over to them as they ran towards the exit. The Cleaver was fast, covering a lot of distance in a few strides.
Loganel looked over his shoulder at the advancing enemy. Oddly enough, the surrounding Kobolds didn't move, as if they were afraid to.
The Cleaver must have it known that we were his prey, he thought.
His eyes focused on the rapidly enlarging enemy that was getting closer and closer to them despite the fact that they were running away towards the only open road at full speed.
This won't work, Loganel thought, feeling despair from deep within him.
They had reached the road already and just when the three were about to use it to escape the town square that was filled with Kobolds lining the outskirts of it, Loganel glanced back at the Cleaver who was now only a few seconds from catching up with them.
This really is futile, he thought. We won't get away.
He then looked at the two girls whom he had run before him. He looked at their serious expressions as they fought for survival. At that moment, he made a decision.
Why am I doing this? he mocked himself. But someone had to.
He stopped in his tracks and turned to face the incoming Kobold.
"What are you doing?" Juliana screamed. "We've gotta go!"
"You guys go," he said calmly, as if accepting his impending death.
"What?" Juliana's face suddenly went pale as she understood what Loganel was implying. Azura also has a face of discomfort as well.
"We're not leaving without you!" Juliana insisted.
"Go!" Loganel shouted, "save yourself."
"Juliana," Azura grabbed Juliana's wrist and pulled her along as she moved away from the dangerous town square. She didn't want to do this, but she understood Loganel's sacrifice. She understood that this is difficult for him as well and the only thing she could do for him is to escort the two of them to safety so that his sacrifice isn't in vain.
"No!" Juliana struggled to free herself from Azura's grip, trying to return to her master. However, it was to no avail as Azura righted her grip on Juliana. In her desperation, tears flowed freely from Juliana's eyes.
"Thank you, Azura," Loganel smiled at them as he looked over his shoulder.
"Can't believe you would actually do something like this." There were tears forming in her eye, and she did her best to conceal it.
"Don't worry about it," Loganel said as he tighter his grip on his sword. "It's something that I chose to do with my free will."
"Goodbye," Azura said, pulling the weeping Juliana along as she left.
"Azura," Loganel's voice stopped her in her tracks and caused her to turn around and look at him. "One final request. In the future, when both of you are stronger..." Loganel looked at her with his eyes starting to water up, "can you two come back and retrieve whatever is left of me?"
Azura could see through the boy's fear. He was trembling.
"I promise you," she said, trying to calm the boy down. "I swear it on my name that I will come back for you."
"Thank you, Azura," Loganel said in a weeping voice, something he had not done so in a few years. "It was nice knowing you."
After that, Azura left with Juliana down the dark road that might lead to safety, leaving Loganel behind. After seeing that the two of them had disappeared down the road, Loganel's mind calmed down a bit.
He closed his eyes and looked up. "No blue sky," he whispered to himself. "Doesn't matter. I shall see it soon enough on the other side."
Loganel then smiled as he opened his eyes and looked at the menacing threat before him. He could feel a sense of calm within him, reflecting the clear blue sky that he yearned to see for one more time. His calm eyes focused on the large Kobold that slowly made its way towards him.
Slowly, the sky cleared up, revealing the blue, tranquil sky. He rid himself of the cloudy sky, allowing the sun's rays to hit him, basking him in a shower of sunlight.
But, there was one problem, there was no sky nor sunlight. Despite this, Loganel felt it. He could almost see it before him. Amused by this, Loganel let out a smile.
"It's just you and me now, Cleaver."
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