《It's just me and you》Chapter 16- Detention
As I stir around trying to get in a comfortable position during my sleep, which is hard seeing as I'm injured all around, I am utterly startled at the feeling of a cold liquid dripping down my stomach. I quickly sit up and realize what a mistake that was because I was unfortunately met with excruciating pain along my ribs. I guess I fell asleep on my couch with an ice pack that I wrapped around my ribs last night. Obviously the ice pack has now turned into water. I glance around my living room and notice light entering through my windows, I guess it's the morning. It's Monday morning, It's been two days since the incident. My weekend is sadly over.
It went by faster than I anticipated probably because I spent the whole time sleeping and laying down. The only times I have gotten up were to either go to the bathroom or change my ice pack. I haven't had the time nor the appetite to eat anything and I feel incredibly weak.
Cameron and Lizzie have both been on my ass this weekend, more than I'd like. They're worried which I completely understand but I've told them a handful of times that I'm fine and they just don't seem to believe me. Cameron even threatened to tell my father but we both know that's a terrible idea. If my father were to find out, the whole world would find out. He would immediately file a lawsuit against the other dude and I just don't want to go to court, certainly not again for any reason.
I slowly get up and the ice packs water seeps through my shirt causing it to drip on the floor. I mentally curse myself and head over to my kitchen throwing away my broken ice pack and grabbing a bottle of Tylenol pills, this headache isn't going away by itself. I grab two and return to my coffee table, downing the pills with some leftover alcohol. Seeing as how I'm already soaking wet, I take off my shirt, leaving me in my bra. I head over to my room throwing my shirt in my laundry along with my pants.
I enter my bathroom turning on my shower so I can take a hot bath and maybe just maybe that'll ease the pain a little bit. As I strip out of my clothes I turn on my phone playing the song Out of time by The Weeknd. I hesitantly enter my shower and the hot water quickly takes me under its arms wrapping me tightly and warmly. I look down and let the water stream over my body and I notice trickles of my dried up blood going down the drain.
After my quite long shower I decided that I wasn't going to wear anything casual to school today. My body hurts too much to wear pants or a shirt so I decided to stick to the basics and wear a pair of my gray sweatpants and my favorite worn out hoodie that's a tad bit too big on me, it's comfortable.
I walk over to my sink leaning over the counter to glance at myself in the mirror. I look tired but most of all I look very injured. There's a huge bruise under my eye and a bunch of little cuts scattered across my face. I hardly recognize myself. I don't want to be this person, I hate this feeling. I'm a senior for for god's sake, I need to grow up and stop getting into childish fights. Alfred nor my father would want this life for me, I need to do better for myself and for them.
I hear a pair of knocks on my door which brings me out of my thoughts. Who could that be? Please don't tell me Scarlett and Aubrey are back to lecture me this early in the morning. I slowly walk over to my door opening it revealing Cameron and Lizzie right beside him. Lizzie quickly hugs me along with Cameron. I immediately wince in pain because of the pressure they're putting on my ribs but I reciprocate the hug regardless.
They both quickly let go and look at me worriedly. Once they take notice of the condition of my face a look of shock and sadness overcomes them. Cameron looks like he's on the verge of tears and Lizzie looks guilty.
I give them a small smile "Guys I'm fine, it's okay." I say trying to reassure their oncoming negative thoughts.
Cameron shakes his "I should've let you stay home like you wanted to, god I'm such an idiot. I should've never let you go to that stupid party." He says angrily at himself.
I laugh "Cameron it's not your fault, shit happens and it's in the past. I'm okay, really." I say sincerely.
He wipes a small tear off his face and hugs me again but slightly more gentle this time "I promise I'll listen to your decision next time. I'm such a terrible friend." He says sadly.
I sigh "You're my family cam, I had a choice and I chose to go, that's on me not you. Stop beating yourself up about that please." I say sternly.
He slowly nods as a small smile crosses his face.
Lizzie clears her throat "I'm sorry too, I should've done something. Instead I froze and I didn't know what to do and that ended up in you getting hurt." She says.
I smile "Look at me lizzie, I'm still here. I'm just happy we made that deal remember?" I say trying to make her remember the deal we made before I went to the party. The deal where she has to tryout for soccer.
She furrows her brows and her face turns into utter shock as her skin turns pale "Oh god, are my tryouts today?" She asks nervously.
I laugh and nod "I expect you to be out there Olsen, practice is right after school. There are only five other candidates but I have high hopes that you'll beat every single one of them Liz." I say confidently.
She smiles softly at my words "Will you be there?" She asks.
I nod "I think I can still play, I have to I'm the captain." I say.
Cameron shakes his head "No way. Im not letting you do that, Y/n are you stupid?" He scolds.
I sigh "Cameron I'm not going to let some injuries stop me from practicing. I have my first soccer game this Saturday and I have to be on my A game." I say.
He gasps "Wait the first official soccer game is this Saturday?" He asks eagerly.
The girls soccer team is a pretty big thing at Brown University. It's because we're the best team out of all the other colleges, we've been number one for a while now and we have gained a ton of fans. Our first opening game is this Saturday against Dartmouth. Our first game is always extremely packed and everyone watches even the teachers and students come to the games along with fans and family members. It's huge.
I nod "Yes it is, I can't let my team down cam. I have to be there." I say.
He sighs "Promise me you'll take it easy." He asks.
I smile "I'll do my best." I respond.
Lizzie gasps "We better get going, schools about to start." Lizzie says as she shows us the time on her phone.
I nod "I'll meet you guys there." I say.
"No, you're coming with us. Do you really think I'll let you drive in the condition that you're in? Why do you think I'm here?" Cameron says.
Lizzie laughs "Y/n we came to pick you up, let's go." She says happily.
I smile "Okay just let me get my backpack and gym bag." I say as I walk away.
As I enter my room I grab my back pack and put it on. I then hold my gym bag pulling it over one of my shoulders and i look over to my nightstand and I see the sunglasses Scarlett had given me on Friday night to cover up my bruises. I smile at the memory and quickly grab them putting them on. These will be a good disguise so other teachers don't ask me any questions.
I walk back towards Cameron and Lizzie and they smile at my demeanor.
Cameron smiles "Someone's oddly happy." Cameron teases.
Lizzie smiles "Nice sunglasses." Lizzie says teasingly.
I laugh "Whatever let's go." I say making them both laugh.
After Cameron's ride I depart my ways with both Cameron and Lizzie. I have math with them in my second to last class for the day which is with Aubrey. All I want to do is go to sleep, I don't know why I'm so tired. I guess I'm just going to have to hold it until tonight because I have quite a busy day today, after school I have soccer practice and then I have detention with Scarlett so that's going take out a big portion of my day, unfortunately.
After four tiresome class periods I'm finally headed to my last class period of the day. I'm honestly a little nervous to say the least. The last time I saw Scarlett we almost did something that could've ended badly for the both of us. I'd be lying to say that I didn't enjoy it but the last thing I want is for her to lose her job or for me to lose my education. I just don't know why I like her so much, I usually never really develop this type of feeling which makes me feel odd. Anyways the best thing to do is to put all those feelings and thoughts aside and just be her student.
As i get closer to her classroom I notice that shes greeting everyone inside. She seems to take notice of me and looks at me up and down causing me to smile.
"Mrs. Johansson." I formally greet as I enter her classroom.
"Y/l/n." She greets in return.
I see Lizzie smile at me from her seat and I reciprocate the action as I take my seat, the one that Scarlett had assigned me since day one, the one closest to her desk.
The bell rings causing everyone to stop chatting and immediately take their seats and look forward.
Scarlett finally enters the room while greeting the last student and I notice that she's wearing a black formal dress along with a black blazer and black heels. She slowly walks towards her seat and as she sits down she glances at me, catching me staring at her. I quickly look down mentally cursing myself for being so embarrassing. I look up and realize that not only has she not looked away from me but a smirk has now appeared on her face.
She clears her throat and refocuses her attention towards the class "Today we will be watching an informative video lecture and I'd like you all to take notes so that we can discuss any thoughts and questions after." She says confidently.
I hear everyone take out paper and the distinct sounds of pens clicking and pencils being sharpened. I slowly open my backpack taking out a notebook and a pen.
Scarlett turns off the classroom lights so that the video can play. As the video plays I immediately find my energy being completely gone and tiredness overcoming me once again. I yawn and pull my hoodie over my head making myself a little more comfortable. I then take out Scarlett's sunglasses out of my pocket. I then put them on so nobody notice's that my eyes are closed. I'm not going to sleep, I wouldn't do that. I just really need to rest my eyes. I'll just listen to the video carefully, notes never really help me anyway.
I immediately jump in my seat when I hear the noise of the bell ringing indicating that the school day is finally over. Shit, I fell asleep.
I look around and see everyone quickly packing up their bags and leaving. I glance at Scarlett and she's focused on her computer typing something. Hopefully she didn't notice me sleeping. How could I be so stupid?
I feel someone grab my arm pulling me with them. I look over and realize it's Lizzie.
She smiles nervously "We better get my tryouts over with." She says.
I smile and quickly grab my backpack while simultaneously being dragged by Lizzie. She's quite strong, wasn't expecting that.
As we exit Scarlett's class we continue to walk over to the girls locker room to change into our workout gear.
"Meet me outside?" Lizzie asks.
I nod "I'll be there." I say.
She smiles softly and departs from my side going into her own direction to change.
As I continue to change into my clothes I hear my coach gasp from behind me.
"Jesus y/l/n, Fall off your bed?" Coach hardy says as she sees the cuts and bruises on my face.
I laugh "Something like that." I say.
She smiles "Can you still play?" She asks worriedly.
I nod "Of course I can still play, My legs aren't injured." I say.
She laughs "If you say so. Although if you feel that you can't please let me know, we have a big game this Saturday and I'd hate for you to miss out on it." She says.
I smile "I'm all good." I say.
She smiles and slaps me on the back while walking away. I attempt to hold in the pain of being slapped on one of my bruises hopefully she didn't notice.
I head outside and am met with Lizzie waiting for me at the exit "You ready?" I ask.
She nods "What's the worse that can happen?" She says sarcastically.
I laugh "You'll do great Liz." I say as we enter the field.
Coach hardy blows her whistle calling us all over to her "Listen up. We have our very first game of the season this Saturday, to say that it's anything less than the most important game of the year would be a huge understatement. We cannot and must not underestimate Dartmouth, they play dirty. Remember last year?" Coach says.
I notice all the players from last year nodding their heads along with me. Dartmouth play's incredibly dirty and they foul like there's no tomorrow. I remember coming out of that game with no less than 10 bruises on my legs.
"If they play dirty again this year, we will not stoop down to their level. We will play strategically and fair. I do not want to see any of you indulging into their injustice. We will be aggressive, we will be strong and most importantly we will be a team. Who doesn't want to start off the season with a big win?" Coach says.
"Now let's get started, you guys know the drill, let's go!" She shouts.
We all quickly break off into lines for warm ups and I take lead as always.
Throughout practice I've been a little slow. My side hurts a little too much when I run fast and it's pretty hard to keep the ball when my teammates try and take it away from me with such aggression. I don't feel good, not at all.
"Y/n watch out!" A teammate shouts.
I guess my reaction was a little too late because I am hit with a pain in a place no one should experience. I need to lay down. Out of all places the ball could've hit me, it just had to be there.
"I'm so sorry, I tried passing the ball to you but I guess I kicked it too hard." My teammate says worriedly.
I can't even respond because of the pain so I just put a thumbs up. I need a break so I let everyone know to keep practicing while I go sit down.
I sit down on the bench and try to ease the pain a little by grabbing my ice water and placing it on my area. Which did not help at all, probably made it worse.
"You alright?" Coach hardy says as she takes a seat next to me.
I nod "Just fine coach." I say annoyed.
She smiles "The girls told me what happened, I can get you a real ice pack if you'd like." She says.
"Can you?" I ask.
She nods "What do you think my cooler is for?" She asks as she points to a small red cooler under the bench. She opens it up revealing ice packs, water, Gatorade, and some oranges. She grabs the ice pack and hands it to me. I take it and replace it with my water bottle.
"Why don't you go home." She says.
"Coach, I can't we have a game this Saturday." I say.
She nods "I know, that's four days away. The team will need you and I don't think you'll be good if you keep pushing yourself, you need a break. Come back Thursday." She says.
I frown "Coach, I'm fine." I say.
She shakes her head "I wasn't asking y/n, I am telling you to take a break." She says sternly.
I sigh "Okay."
She smiles "By the way your friend, Elizabeth I think is her name, she's magnificent. I think she'll fit right in with the team." She says happily.
I smile "Thank You so much Coach, you won't regret it." I say.
"Thank you, for suggesting her as our new player. She's not bad, not at all. She has a lot of determination and she's a quick learner and listens to directions." Coach says.
I smile "That sounds like Lizzie." I say.
She smiles and gently rubs my shoulder "Go get some rest y/l/n. See you Thursday." She says as she walks away.
I smile and grab my bags as I head back to the gym to change back into my sweatpants and hoodie. Shit, I still need to go to detention with Scarlett. I guess I'll be a little early and hopefully I'll get out earlier as well.
"I just don't understand how I lost control, I've never in my life been intimidated or nervous around anyone but somehow it's different with her." I say to Aubrey who is currently sitting in my office listening while I wait for y/n to come over for detention which is in about 40 minutes or so.
She sighs "You just can't think like that Scarlett. Every time you look at her just think to yourself 'I have a boyfriend' and 'I'm her teacher'. Set boundaries and keep it short, I think if you do that you'll lose all those desires and lose interest." Aubrey says.
I sigh "Maybe you're right. I just can't stop thinking about it. I cheated Aubrey, I'm a cheater. Im a terrible unfaithful person and I deserve the worst that's coming for me." I say sadly.
She laughs "Scarlett, You made a mistake, so what? You're certainly not the first person to do that. Everyone at some point does something they regret. You basically only made out with y/n, nothing else happened it's not a big deal. Just forget it happened and keep moving forward with Colin." She says.
I nod "Can you imagine what she did today?" I say.
Aubrey smiles "What?" She asks eagerly.
"She fell asleep during class." I say.
"No way!" She says surprised.
"Really she did. I was so angry, I just left the video playing and I didn't even engage the class after the video to talk about it, I just told them to stay quiet and read over their notes." I say.
Aubrey laughs harder "Scarlett! you can't take your anger out on the class." Aubrey says.
I smile "I know I know but they all started laughing when they heard y/n snoring and it made me angry so I told them to be quiet and it went downhill." I say.
"She snored!?" Aubrey cackles uncontrollably.
I smile "it wasn't a bad snore, it was actually adorable. The timing of it just wasn't great. I felt disrespected." I say.
Aubrey looks at me disapprovingly "Don't do that, you're calling her snoring adorable Scarlett. What happened to being strict and boundaries?" She says sternly.
I sigh "You're right i know, sorry my words slipped."
Aubrey sighs "I know it's going to take time but the sooner you get a handle on your feelings the better." She says.
"Hello?" Someone's voice comes from my classroom which is right outside my office.
I get off my seat and open my door revealing y/n looking around my room. Her hair looks a little wet, I'm guessing it's from her soccer practice, It looks nice. The way her hoodie fits over her body does something to me. I can't think like this.
I feel Aubrey nudge me disapprovingly, I quickly compose myself and clear my throat getting y/n's attention. Her eyes look between me and Aubrey and I can tell she's nervous, I like seeing her nervous.
Aubrey sighs "Detention is in Scarlett's office, You better behave. Don't fall asleep again." Aubrey says.
I see y/n's cheeks turn slightly red and it makes the corners of my lips curve slightly upwards. I've never really seen her in this state, I like it.
I smile "you're here early." I tease.
She clears her throat "Coach let me go early." She says.
Aubrey sighs "Alright Scarlett, good luck with this. I'll see you tomorrow okay." She says as she walks away.
I look back at y/n and see that she's standing there awkwardly, not knowing what to do.
"Sit." I say as I gesture to the seat in front of my office desk.
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