《It's just me and you》Chapter 14- Fight
My first week of school has gone by rather quickly, definitely faster than I would have anticipated. I think that's partially because I've been preoccupied with school and soccer. One of the girls on my soccer team was unfortunately in a car accident. She's fine thankfully but she's out for the season due to her fractured leg. She played defense and because our team is so small coach is looking for a new player to replace her or else we'll be short on defense.
I've been trying to convince lizzie to tryout but she overthinks everything just a little too much. Anyways me being the person I am, I will not take no for an answer, not in this case. Lizzie and I have gotten a lot closer this week and honestly I enjoy her company at school.
Speaking of school I witnessed aubrey and scarlett laughing together in the halls about who knows what. I guess they're back to being 'best friends' which is great, I guess. I have done my very best to avoid the both of them completely. During class I would answer any question they had without giving them so much as a glance or I would just ignore the question entirely. Sometimes I would catch scarlett staring at me but once she noticed, she would quickly readjust her attention to a random object or a piece of paper.
I'm currently sitting in my seat anxiously waiting for the bell to ring so I can just go home and rest, maybe watch a movie or something. I'm just happy it's finally Friday. Scarlett is sitting a few feet away from me, typing on her computer. I don't understand why she gave me an assigned seat, nobody else has one. It's simply not fair. I suddenly feel small taps on my shoulder causing me to turn around.
A girl with blonde hair leans forward whispering "Hey, There's a party tonight. I just wanted to let you know in case you weren't busy later." She said confidently.
I smile "I don't even know your name." I whisper back.
The corners of her lips curve slightly upward deviously "I'm katherine." she says softly.
I nod "A pleasure, I'm y/n." I say.
She smiles "I know." she says tauntingly.
I furrow my brows "Katherine are you stalking me?" I tease.
She smiles "Would that be so wrong?" She responds seductively. As I'm about to respond someone interrupts me.
"Y/n, eyes upfront!" Scarlett shouts demandingly.
I quickly turn around meeting Scarlett's eyes, which now seem a little darker than usual. She looks at me disapprovingly with a mild hint of anger. She then glances at the girl behind me giving her a death stare, if looks could kill she'd be dead.
Out of nowhere the bell rings indicating that school is over and the weekend has started. I see everyone getting up and packing their bags which I reciprocate.
"Here's the address for the party tonight." katherine says while handing me a small piece of paper with a location written on it.
I smile "I never said I was going." I say.
She frowns "I hope you change your mind. It'll be fun." She says while waving at me as she exits class.
"Y/n stay behind for a moment." Scarlett says sternly.
Oh come on. I immediately stop walking towards the exit and instead toward scarlett but I get stopped halfway when I notice lizzie walking up to me with a smile.
"See you Monday?" She asks softly.
"Of course." I say while waving her off.
As lizzie exits class I take notice that me and Scarlett are the only ones left. Instead of walking to her desk, I walk to my assigned seat and sit back down all while Scarlett watches me curiously.
"I don't bite." Scarlett says teasingly.
I ignore her comment entirely and keep my eyes glued to my desk.
After a while of silence she sighs and I hear papers shuffling and the the distinct sound of heels clattering against the floor.
I look up and notice that she's very close. She standing right in front of my desk with her arms crossed.
"So you can talk during class but not to me?" She asks.
I scoff "You made it very clear that we shouldn't talk." I respond bitterly.
She frowns but quickly disguises it with a serious look "I don't appreciate you talking during class when you're not supposed to." she says sternly.
"It's not like I distracted anyone, we were pretty quiet." I say.
"In this class there are rules and no matter the circumstance you can't just not follow them because you feel like it y/n." she responds angrily.
I sigh "Lesson learned." I say and get up ready to leave.
She scoffs and puts her hands on each of my shoulders, sitting me back down while hovering over me.
"I'm done, done with your behavior in this class. I hate that you ignore me when I call on you or when you do half assed work when I know you can do better. Can you please tell me what's the issue?" She pleads.
I roll my eyes and look anywhere but her eyes. I can't let her see me like this. Yes I know I've been different lately but it's only because I've been feeling very hurt. Hurt that she wants to forget everything that happened, I thought I had a friend. Turns out she just wants to forget me and everything we did. I understand the situation is complicated, I really do. I just hate that it's happening to me. It isn't fair.
"Y/n?" Scarlett asks softly as she stares deeply into my eyes with concern written all across her face.
I give her a small fake smile "Everything's okay, Mrs. Johansson." I say sincerely.
I slowly get up and walk out of her class avoiding her scared gaze so she doesn't see my broken one.
As I lay on my couch watching a movie there's suddenly a knock on my door. I glance over at my clock and see that it's 6 o'clock pm, who could be here at this hour? I quickly pause my movie and place my bowl of m&ms down on my coffee table as I head over to the door.
I open the door revealing cameron and lizzie in fancy attire. They look at me with wide smiles on their faces which confuses me. What is going on? Is this an ambush or something?
Cameron looks at me judgmentally "Don't tell me you're wearing that to the party." He says concerned.
I look down at my outfit realizing I'm wearing my pajamas and a hoodie.
I scoff "I'm not going." I say nonchalantly as I walk away from the door welcoming them inside.
Cameron walks in "Why not?" He asks.
I shrug "I'm not in the mood cam." I say as I lay back down on the couch.
In the corner of my eyes I could see cameron look at lizzie with a look of concern over my demeanor. Lizzie then walks up to me tapping my leg so she can sit next to me. I sigh and sit up making more room for her.
She frowns "Everything alright?" She asks softly.
I nod "Just fine." I respond quickly.
I hear Cameron let out a small gasp as he reaches over for my m&ms.
"You only eat these when something bad happens. What happened? Tell me now." He demands.
"Nothing, I was just hungry and that's what I felt like eating." I lie.
He scoffs "You know I hate it when you lie to me." He says.
"Good thing I'm not lying." I say, lying once again.
He sighs "I'm here for you. I know when the time comes you'll tell me eventually so I'll let this slide." He says kindly.
I smile softly at him "Thanks cam." I say.
Lizzie nudges me with her elbow softly "I'm here too." She says.
I nod "Appreciate it liz." I watch as her cheeks turn slightly red at my nickname to her, hopefully she doesn't think badly of it.
"Go get dressed, we'll wait." Cameron says.
I shake my head "I'll go another day." I say.
He shakes his head "You'll go today. A party is way better than sulking around alone at home. Think about the free drinks, come on." He says with pleading eyes.
"I'll make a deal with you." Lizzie says.
I smile "I'm listening" I respond eagerly.
She sighs "If you go to this party, I'll tryout for soccer." She says.
I smile and get up "Deal." I say as I reach out and shake her hand happily.
She laughs "that doesn't mean I'll make the team. I've never played soccer before." She says.
I smile "I have a feeling that you'll do just fine." I say as I walk past cameron toward my room.
I quickly throw off my clothes and put on some black pants along with a white shirt. This is pretty basic but It's not like I'm trying to impress anyone so who cares? as long as I feel comfortable.
I walk out of my room back into the living room grabbing my car keys.
Cameron quickly shakes his head "We're taking my car." He says.
I sigh "My car is far better." I tease.
He scoffs "Whatever, not everyone can drive a Rolls Royce." He whines.
I smile "Sucks doesn't it? Not being me." I joke.
Both him and Lizzie laugh teasingly.
"Leave your keys, Y/l/n." Lizzie demands.
"Fine, Olsen." I say as I throw my keys onto my table except for my penthouse key. I slide that one into my pocket.
As Cameron drives I realize that this so called 'party' is being thrown at a frat house. Don't get me wrong I love those guys they're all incredibly nice to me and hang out with me. But It's incredibly risky to be at one of these. One, it's basically on the school campgrounds which means any teacher or faculty can immediately shut down the party. Two, if any students are caught at a party they will deal with serious consequences. I can't have consequences, I play soccer and I actually care about it.
Also these frat parties are notorious for their drug deals, fights, and sexual assaults. I don't want that to happen to lizzie or cameron so I'm getting a little nervous.
"You two promise to stay close at all times?" I ask. They both nod reassuringly.
"Have fun y/n, don't think about us. We can take care of ourselves. Plus I won't drink since I'm driving so everything will be fine." Cameron says confidently.
Camerons words have relaxed me a bit but I'll still definitely keep a close eye on the both of them.
As we enter the party I notice that there are a bunch of topless men and women screaming the music lyrics at the top of their lungs. I also notice people casually smoking joints on the stairs as if it's an everyday thing. I grab lizzie and bend down to her ear.
"Be careful okay, call me if you need any help" I say into her ear.
She smiles up at me "I can take care of myself but thank you." She says as she walks away into the crowd.
I then turn to talk to cameron but realize he's already dancing happily with a bunch of his girlfriends. If he was straight he'd definitely get all of them in the palm of his hands.
I seriously don't even know what to do here. I don't feel like dancing and I certainly don't feel like smoking a joint. I think I'll just go sit at the bar.
I make my way to the bar while crashing into a bunch of people, this one girl tried pulling me to dance with her but I just rudely ignored her and continued walking.
"Y/n, come play beer pong with us" a guy from the football team said to me.
I smile "Alright, I can't promise that I'll go easy on you though." I tease.
He smiles "Oh Mrs. big talk here thinks she can beat me, let's see what happens." He says confidently.
I smile and walk to my end of the table as he hands me a ping pong ball.
"If I win, you have to go make out with that girl over there." He says while pointing to the girl I met from class earlier.
"Deal. If I win you have to strip naked and run around campus." I say teasingly.
He smiles "Fine. Not going to happen because you're not going to win." He says as he throws his first ball, landing it into one of my cups.
His friends cheer as I grab the cup and drink it all. Okay that is certainly not beer.
I cough "I thought you said it was beer pong, not vodka pong." I say as I try and drink the rest of it.
He laughs "Beer is too easy, vodka lightens up the mood, doesn't it?" He responds teasingly.
I shake my head as I down the entire cup and proceed to throw it on the ground causing his friends to laugh.
I aim my ball and shoot it landing it in the furthest cup. His friends cheer for me as I stare at him tauntingly.
He smirks "Lucky shot." he says as he grabs the cup and downs it quickly. He then grunts and throws the cup on the ground, stepping on it.
He shrugs "Light work." He says as he aims his next ball.
I'm definitely feeling the effects of alcohol hit me like a truck. I feel incredibly dizzy and excited. We're currently tied with one cup left each. It's his turn and if he makes it he wins. He kisses his ball and throws it. It bounces off the rim and onto the floor.
"Dammit." he says nervously.
I take my ball and throw it. It's like it's flying in slow motion and I see it land perfectly into his cup.
His friends bounce up and cheer at my win while patting me on the back. He frowns but smiles softly at me.
He shakes my hand "Good game." He says as he proceeds to take off his shirt.
He hands it to me "Let's go outside and get this over with." he says as we begin to exit the house.
As we walk outside a bunch of people follow us, I guess we've gathered an audience.
"What is he doing?" I hear lizzie say next to me.
I smile "I beat him at beer pong." I say.
She laughs as she watches him take his pants off.
"Can I at least keep my socks on? I need them to run faster" he asks me.
I nod "Sure thing big boy." I tease causing several people to laugh.
"You were right at the 'big' part" cameron says next to me.
I smack his shoulder "You're not allowed to look or else I'll tell Oscar." I say.
He laughs "Oscar doesn't care, he's confident." He says teasingly. I sigh and refocus my gaze.
He has everything completely off and has covered himself with his hands.
"Here goes nothing." He says as he runs around campus screaming like a maniac.
I got to hand it to him, he sure lives up to his word.
I suddenly feel a girl tap me and I look behind me realizing it's the same girl who invited me to this party during class.
She pulls me by the collar of my shirt bending me down towards her. I suddenly feel her cold lips against mine. The moment is shortly lived as I feel someone harshly tug me from behind. I look to see who it is but I immediately feel a fist hit me across my face. I hear the crowd gasp as I struggle to compose myself and regain balance. I look at him and notice that he is incredibly angry.
"Who the hell are you?" I ask as I touch my lip feeling the blood fall down to my chin.
"I'm katherine's boyfriend." He hisses at me.
"Ex-boyfriend." I hear katherine say behind me.
"Y/n let's go!" Lizzie screams nervously behind me, which I ignore.
I shake my head angrily "Can't get over your ex? You see her find someone way better than you and you can't handle that, can you?" I say frustratedly.
He turns red and grits his teeth as he lunges towards me. I quickly dodge him and punch him across the face as he did to me.
"Y/n stop!" Cameron screams behind me.
The crowd cheers and screams as the fight continues and I ignore every single comment coming from either lizzie or cameron. I need to get rid of some anger what better place than to do it right here right now? I certainly wouldn't think like this if I was sober but I'm not so fuck it.
He punches me in the stomach knocking out some of my air. I clutch my side and elbow him in the ribs causing him to stumble back in pain. I quickly take the moment and tackle him onto the ground.
After my unusual conversation with y/n today, I have remained distracted in thought. I hate the way she looked, she looked distraught and it truly pained me to see that side of her. I know that something is going on with her and I can't help but feel that I'm unfortunately the reason behind her unpleasant demeanor. She's been turned off during class recently and from time to time I glance her way to see if she's doing okay but she's not, I can tell.
I also despise when she disregards the rules for my class, which is why I kept her after class today. I didn't like the way that girl was looking at y/n, like she was piece of meat. She's not, she's much more than that. Anyways I have to fix this problem somehow. I'll talk to her on Monday.
Who knew I'd be this occupied at work. I only have five class periods to teach but I'm already drowning in papers to grade. I'm definitely going to be stuck here for a while.
As im finishing up my grading. There's a loud chaotic knock on my door, it suddenly burst's open revealing a frantic looking aubrey.
"Scarlett, we have to go!" Aubrey shouts at me chaotically.
I furrow my brows "What's going on?" I ask nervously.
She looks at me confused "You didn't get the message from the administration?" She asks.
I quickly shake my head no. What could she possibly be talking about?
She sighs "The students have thrown a party, there's a naked guy running around that security is currently trying to stop, there's a bunch of illegal drug consumption and worst of all there's a fight. We have to go and stop it." She says.
I nod and get out of my seat as I quickly run out of the room alongside aubrey. We run through the somewhat empty halls while seeing other teachers leave their rooms confused. It's really quite hard to run in heels, it's starting to ache. Nonetheless I have a job to do.
As we run outside I see party lights and loud music coming from the frat house. I also see a bunch of students running away and speeding away in their cars, away from the faculty and administration.
"Watch out!" A male voice shouts as he runs directly in front of me away from the security. So that was the naked kid. How could someone do such a thing? I'm not one to judge, it's just odd is all. If he gets caught he's definitely in humongous trouble so a part of me wants him to get away with it.
As we get closer to the party I see a crowd of people huddled all together in a circle surrounding what seems to be the fight. They're all screaming and cheering, since when did kids become so violent?
"That's enough! Out of the way!" I shout angrily while getting past these students. Aubrey then suddenly blows her whistle very loudly almost causing me to become deaf.
All the students look at the two of us and they quickly scramble to their feet, running away.
I walk closer to the fight taking them off each other.
"I'm okay, I'm okay, I'm okay." y/n says in a state of panic as she gets off the other individual.
I see blood trickling down her face and a bunch of blood splattered across her shirt as if this was a crime scene. I could already see the bruise forming under her eye. What hit me worst of all was her eyes. They were filled with tears and she looked lost as if she didn't know what had just occurred. This truly broke me.
Aubrey looks over at me with a worried look across her face. She's concerned over y/n's well being and frankly so am I.
"Hey, why don't you quickly take her home. I'll deal with this." She says sternly.
I nod and I gently grab y/n's hands reassuringly. I watch as two individuals come towards me.
"Oh god y/n, I'm so sorry" A male says to her with tears in his eyes. Maybe one of her friends.
"Can you tell me where she lives? I'll take her home." I say towards the unkown male.
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