《It's just me and you》Chapter 12- Math
As a red light appears, I slowly place my foot on the brake pedal. I'm currently on my way to the first day of school. I always imagined with age and experience that I'd get use to the first day jitters but the same old butterflies in my stomach feeling from kindergarten has once again resurfaced among me.
To top it all off, I could hardly sleep last night. The image of Scarlett finding me in Aubrey's home is haunting me and I don't know why, it's not like I even did anything remotely wrong. I keep thinking and wondering what I could of done to make the situation better. Anyways I shouldn't be thinking about that, it's my last year at Brown University I should be thrilled and excited not guilty and sad.
I'm brought out of my thoughts once the car behind me honks. I look up and realize the green light has reappeared once again.
I continue my journey to school and once I drive through the parking lot I spot Cameron and Oscar making out, outside their car. I'm honestly very happy for Cameron. I'm thankful that someone other then me can make my best friend happy. As I drive closer a troubled idea comes to mind.
I honk my horn, causing both parties to jump with terrified looks on their faces among other students glancing my way. I roll down my window revealing myself with a wide smile.
"The parking lot? Seriously? what are we? high schoolers?" I tease.
Oscar smiles shyly while Cameron lifts up his middle finger angrily. I roll up my window and park next to Oscar's car. I take out my backpack and make my way towards them.
"You scared the hell out of me, I swear I didn't even know it was you" cameron says with a hand on his chest.
I scoff "Not many students here drive a Rolls Royce. I'm a little disappointed you didn't immediately know it was me" I joke.
He rolls his eyes "You're always one to make an entrance. You literally scared half the quad." Cameron says annoyed while pointing at other students.
I smile "No I think that was you and Oscar's little public display of affection."
Both Oscar and Cameron gasp at my response.
Oscar smiles "I was just dropping off Cameron, nothing wrong with that." he says sarcastically.
I furrow my brows "That's what that was? I guess you and I have very different definitions of 'dropping off'" I tease.
Cameron playfully slaps my arm due to my response and Oscar just smiles happily. Cameron then turns to Oscar.
"Thanks for the ride, will I see you later?" Cameron asks softly.
Oscar nods "Of course. Text me" he says while giving Cameron a kiss.
I gag "Kill me now" I say jokingly.
They both turn to me and smack me. They laugh and continue with their so called attack.
"Hey that's not fair!" I say while blocking them.
Oscar smiles and shakes my hand before waving off Cameron as he gets in his car and leaves.
Cameron turns to me interlocking his arm with my arm. It's something he always does to reassure himself and me sometimes. We continue walking towards the entrance but he steals glances at me from time to time.
"Do I have something on my face?" I ask.
He shakes his head a 'no' and smiles while glancing at my attire.
"You cleaned up nice today. What's the occasion?" He asks teasingly.
I glance at my clothes. All I put on was black pants and a worn out grey t shirt that's a little tight, along with a leather jacket. Nothing special at all.
I smile "The first day of school?" I say.
He smiles "If you say so" he says and we continue walking.
As we make it through the hallway I'm instantly surrounded by football players and some basketball players. They all hug me or shake my hand and engage in some small talk. Outside of school Cameron is my best friend, during school he's my best friend as well but I have a lot of friends because I'm the soccer captain and because my father's rich and that's pretty much it. I've hung out with these guys a lot but sometimes it's a little too overwhelming.
As I peel myself away from them I am once again with Cameron by my side. He sighs heavily and I can tell something in him changed.
I nudge him gently "You alright?" I ask.
He smiles sadly at me "I don't think you realize that you could literally leave me at any moment for that crowd. Why do you even stick with me?" He asks softly.
It hurts me that he would think I'd leave him or that he even remotely feels less than those guys. I immediately stop and grab hold of both his shoulders.
"They're not half the man you are" I say confidently and hug him tightly.
He smiles "Don't go soft on me now" he says.
I raise my hand "Me? Never." I jokingly say.
He smiles "Let me see your schedule" he asks.
I reach my hand into my pocket taking out a crumpled piece of paper and handing it to him.
"You know, for a person of class you sure don't know how to manage your belongings" he says while intensely examining the paper.
I scoff "It's just a schedule" I say.
He looks up at me sadly "We only have Math class together."
My math class is the second to last period of the day. At least We're lucky enough to even share a class, although I am a little disappointed I won't get to see my best friend.
I smile "we'll make the most out of it, save me a seat?" I ask.
He scoffs "Well of course since you're always late to every class for whatever reason" he says.
I smile and give him a short hug "See you later" I say.
This is going to be a long day. I glance at my schedule and see that my first period is History. Anyways I only have a total of five classes, I can get through it.
After 3 excruciatingly long class periods I'm finally walking to math class to meet with Cameron once again. As I'm walking I see some football players throwing a ball in the hallways.
"Y/n catch!" One of them says as he gestures towards the ball.
I smile at their childish demeanor but give in to their request regardless. As they throw the ball it doesn't quite meet me so I run towards it catching it, in the process dropping an innocent girl to the ground and her papers scattering around along with her. I instantly feel terrible.
The boys come running up to me and patting my back as if I just won a trophy or something.
"Dude I should of recorded that!" One of the boys says while laughing.
"Y/n you should run before you get in trouble" the other boy says as he himself starts to back away.
I give them a fake smile "Yeah why don't you guys go do that, I'll catch up" I say while handing them the football.
They nod and shake my hand, leaving before they get in trouble for throwing the ball to me. If only they knew how to correctly throw a football this wouldn't have happened. I'm such a dick.
I quickly run over to the girl who is picking up her papers from the ground. She looks vaguely familiar.
"I'm so sorry, I swear I didn't see you" I say sincerely.
She looks up at me and instantly I know why she looks so familiar. I'd remember her green eyes from anywhere.
I smile "Lizzie?"
She looks almost shocked to see me.
"What a terrible reunion, I'm truly sorry" I say sadly.
She smiles shyly "It's okay, accidents happen. I didn't know you went here" she says.
"I could say the same for you. I have never seen you around here" I say suprised.
She smirks "What are you? Miss popular or something?" She teases.
I smile "No it not that, it's just-I'd remember if I ever did see you." I say nervously.
Her cheeks form into a nice red color and as she's about to speak the bell rings, meaning fourth period has started. Also meaning I'm late. I quickly hand back all her papers and watch as she organizes them. A thought comes to mind and I feel guilty.
"Are you okay?" I ask concerned.
She smiles widely with a confused look written across her face.
I clear my throat "I never asked if you were okay. I swear if I had seen you I would've just let the ball fall to the floor. Instead it was you, unfortunately." I say.
She laughs "I'm okay. I thought I already told you I forgave you" she teases.
I lean over to her "I guess I don't always listen" I say.
She smiles "What class are you going to?"
"Math, and you?" I ask.
She walks away from me leaving me confused and alone.
"Me too. Are you coming or are you just going to stand there by yourself?" She teases.
I smile and run up to her "You know I was actually contemplating wether or not to follow you just now" I say.
"Really? Why?" She asks.
"I'm not a big fan of...Mathematics" I say dramatically.
She laughs "lucky for you I'm quite the genius. If you ever need help I can lend a hand" she says.
I smirk at a dirty thought.
She smacks my shoulder "Don't think like that. I meant it in a nice way." She says.
I laugh "I didn't even say anything"
She smiles "You didn't have to, the look on your face said it all" she says.
"Whatever, dork" I say as I open the class doors.
She laughs "At least I'm good at math"
I fake gasp "You're already using my insecurities against me? Wow lizzie and I thought we were friends" I say.
She laughs against me as we walk closer causing some students to glance our way.
The teacher is all the way at the front, right now me and Lizzie are walking through a small aisle. I hear a quite loud 'psst!" I look over and see Cameron with a few extra seats next to him.
I tug on Lizzie "Come sit with me" I whisper.
She nods nervously as we awkwardly make our way through towards our seats.
As we sit down I introduce Cameron and Lizzie to each other. They both look excited to meet each other. I'm kinda jealous because they seem to be hitting it off. Until a familiar voice rings through my ears. I look up and notice the teacher a couple inches away from us. I'm shocked to say the least.
Aubrey clears her throat nervously "D-don't be late again" she says.
Me and Lizzie slowly nod nervously. She turns and walks away. I suddenly release a breath I didn't even know I was holding.
"You okay?" Cameron asks concerned.
I nod quickly "Yeah yeah , I'm fine. Is it hot in here?" I ask as I start to feel sweaty in my leather jacket.
He smiles and nudges me "is Lizzie making you nervous? I like her by the way, for you." he teases.
I turn to him surprised "What? No, she's just a friend" I say annoyed.
He smiles tauntingly "That's what they all say" he jokes.
I scoff as I take off my leather jacket and place it on my desk.
I look towards Lizzie and I notice her...no she can't be... checking me out? She looks up and smiles at me kindly. She then quickly looks away paying attention to Aubrey teaching.
Cameron nudges me and raises his eyebrows teasingly towards me and Lizzie.
"Don't tell me you guys are 'just friends' did you sleep with her?" he teases.
"Cameron, she's a friend. I swear." I say annoyed.
"Okay, I'll stop. You guys would be cute together though" he says.
"Cameron please be quiet" I hiss.
"Y/n, stay after class." Aubrey says sternly, getting my attention.
"Sorry" Cameron whispers.
I'm too nervous to focus on him right now and it's like I'm hyper focused on Aubrey. She can't be my teacher. I was literally in her bedroom yesterday. I could get in trouble. Hell she could get in trouble. This is terrible. I can't believe I'll have to deal with her for the whole year.
A while later all my thoughts come to a close as the bell rings. Everyone instantly gets up and packs their things.
"Hey, call me later" Cameron say's demandingly as he hugs me and leaves but not before hugging Lizzie and telling her they need to hang out. It's kind of nice having them get along so well.
Lizzie turns to me "I have literature next, I'll see you tomorrow?" She asks nervously.
I smile "No way" I say shocked, I have literature next period too. I guess I'm going to be spending a lot of time with Lizzie.
She looks at me curiously with a hint of sadness.
I laugh "no sorry, I didn't finish. I also have literature next. Save me a seat I have to talk to Aubrey." I say happily.
She smiles "Way to keep a girl on her toes." She says with relief. She then looks up at me concerned.
"You meant Mrs. Plaza right? She asks curiously.
I Internally punch myself. The last thing I need is for people to know that I know 'Mrs Plaza' in a different way. If they come to realize it could go very wrong for the both of us.
I smile "Yeah, that's what I meant" I say with fake confidence.
She smiles "Don't be too late. I'm starting to think you like being late." she teases as she walks away.
Once I notice all the students have gone out I stay seated in my seat waiting for Aubrey to walk closer, but she never does.
"Y/n, come sit here" she says while pointing to a seat closest to her desk.
I sigh and pick up my backpack along with my leather jacket and make my way towards the seat. Once I get there I sit on it dropping my belongings beside it.
She leans on the front of her desk pinching her temples frustratedly.
She sighs "Why the hell didn't you tell me that you're a student." she asks angrily.
I scoff "Same reason why you didn't tell me you were 'Mrs. Plaza'. It never came into conversation" I hiss.
"Don't add the snarky side comments y/l/n. Do you realize the trouble I could get in?" She asks.
"What? That you took me to your apartment when I was drunk and then proceeded to lock me in your bedroom the next morning?" I say bitterly.
She looks around nervously and then turns to me "Don't say that out loud! I was only trying to help you y/n. I know the way it happened could've been better but please know my intentions were in the best place." She says.
I get up "I have a class to get to if you don't mind Aubrey. Or I'm sorry I mean Mrs. Plaza" I say.
She walks towards me and sits me down quite aggressively "I have the authority to hold you in here. You know why? Because I'm your teacher now weather you like it or not" she says.
"What are you even holding me in for?" I ask.
She crosses her arms "for talking during my lesson" she says.
I laugh "oh please Aubrey that was hardly a lesson, more of an introduction and some useless rules about the class" I say.
Her face turns cold "Do you know who teaches literature?" She asks.
I sigh "I was about to find out but here I am. Late to literature class" I say annoyed.
She leans closer to me "Scarlett"
My stomach drops instantly. Did I hear that right? She's lying. Scarlett can't be my teacher.
"That's why I'm holding you here. If she sees you
who knows how she'll react. Look I don't know what went down in the bathroom last night but I know it's something that shouldn't happen between a student and a teacher." She says.
"So what I need you to do is go to the office and request a different course don't say why just make something up." She pleads.
I scoff and get up "This right here. Is something that shouldn't happen between a student and a teacher." I say as I put on my jacket and my backpack.
"Y/n please for once listen to me, she doesn't deserve this. She already thinks we slept together and this isn't going to help, it's going to make the situation worse." She says.
I walk closer to her "This whole situation isn't my fault. The bathroom, not my fault. You taking me home, not my fault. None of this is on me so I will not jeopardize my education over some drama. I'll see you tomorrow Mrs. Plaza" I say as I walk away.
How could Aubrey even blame me for being a student? It's not my fault. I'm an adult I know what's right and wrong she doesn't need to treat me like a child. Still I feel like I could've handled that a little better, she is my teacher now so I have to be careful.
As I walk towards literature class I can't help but feel that same butterflies in my stomach feeling knowing that Scarlett teaches that class. I can't let her or Aubrey get to me in any way. This is going to be the longest senior year of my life.
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