《Naruto The Shinobi Hunter》Chapter 13 (Grammer Edit)
Naruto was dodging a kunai being thrown by Shizune as Garou watched from the side-lines. Naruto ducked under the kunai as he grabbed it out of the air, ran at Shizune, threw it at her, and jumped into the air. Shizune quickly moved to the side, dodging the kunai. Looking out in front of her, she saw Naruto raise his leg into the air, preparing for an ax-kick. She took a step-forward and channeled chakra into her hand, creating a scalpel. Throwing her chakra-scalpel upward, she landed a blow into Naruto's inner thigh. Naruto flinched, twisting his body mid-air and landing a swift left hook on Shizune's shoulder. Both of them fell to the ground, Shizune holding her shoulder in pain while Naruto did summer-saults on the ground, rolling into a near-by tree, "Ow," Naruto said as Garou scoffed
"Really? That was enough to hurt you?" Garou asked
"She cheated! I can't feel my leg!" Naruto replied as he grabbed his leg
"Hey! It was a normal reaction!" Shizune retorted, " Besides! You almost shattered my entire shoulder with the punch of yours!"
"Tch, cry-baby,"
"You're one to talk,"
"Alright, that's enough," Garou said, standing up before they got at each other's throats. Over the last 6 months, Naruto and Shizune snuck out of the Uzumaki-Namikaze Estate without Kushina or Minato knowing. Naruto would train for hours on end and would actually work twice as hard, having Shizune there to heal his wounds. Also during that time, Shizune and Garou went on 4 dates, of which Naruto thought it was a good relationship, "So are we done for today?" Shizune asked
"Yeah, but that's not the only thing," Garou said, looking at his student, "Naruto. I've got something for you,"
"What is it?" Naruto asked, grabbing the tree and pulling himself up. Naruto then hopped over to Garou as the ladder reached into his pocket and pulled out a book. Naruto raised an eyebrow as he looked at it. He soon realized he was wrong, it was a manga, "I thought you might like it. It's called 'Kengan Ashura', it's a fighting manga," Garou explained as he handed it to Naruto
"T-Thank-you, sensei!" Naruto replied, bowing
"Yeah, happy birthday," Garou replied, turning his head. When Garou said those words, Naruto's eyes widened. He was turning 8. And soon, he'd die. Naruto stared intently at the manga his sensei got him. Looking at the cover, he saw a blonde man wearing a blue shirt with a white coat, covered in blood. Naruto smiled as he looked up at Garou and bowed, "Thank you, sensei. I'll treasure it always," he said
"Why so respectful all of a sudden, brat?" Garou asked
"N-Nothing! I-I gotta go! Come on, Shizune! Before Mom and Dad find out we left the house!" Naruto said, running toward the gate, even though he was limping
"Coming!" Shizune said
"Hey, before you go... are we still on for next week?" Garou asked, stopping Shizune
"Yes, of course. Now I gotta go! See you there!" Shizune shouted, running to catch up to Naruto.
Naruto and Shizune walked through the front door of the Uzumaki-Namikaze Estate as they saw Naruko walking down the stairs, "Naruto? Shizune?" Naruko mumbled
"Morning, Naruko," Naruto said, waving at her
"What are- *yawn* what are you doing up so early?"
"Uhh, I couldn't sleep last night so Shizune and I stayed up watching movies," Naruto lied, scratching his head nervously, trying to make the lie more believable,
"Really?" Naruko asked
"Y-yeah, really," Shizune said, playing along
"All right... what's for breakfast?" Naruko questioned, walking past them and into the kitchen. Naruto gave a sigh of relief as he looked at Shizune and grabbed her hand, "Hm? Naruto, what are you doing?" Shizune asked
"Nothing... just... can you please stay today?" Naruto asked
"Not like I've got anything else to do. Besides, it's your birthday today, ain't it?" Shizune said with a smile
"No problem, Naruto... now let's get, second breakfast," Shizune replied, following Naruto into the kitchen, right behind his sister.
Naruto sat on the side-lines as he saw everyone walking and talking. He saw Menma playing with Kiba and Naruko was talking to Hinata and Ino. All the while, Naruto was sitting in a lawn chair, "Hey, Naruto," a voice called out to him as Naruto turned his head and saw Sasuke
"Need something?" Naruto asked
"How are you doing?" Sasuke questioned as he sat on the ground next to him
"You don't need to sit on the ground,"
"It's fine," Sasuke replied, "but you're dodging the question,"
"I should be the one asking if everything's alright," Naruto said, "don't you miss Itachi?"
"Yeah... I do," Sasuke said, taking a deep breath. He sighed as he leaned back and looked up at the evening sky, "Hey, look, you can start to see stars," he said, pointing up at the sky
"Yeah, you can," Naruto answered, seeing a few stars in the sky. Naruto smirked as he stared up in wonder, being able to see not only the stars but the setting sun and the full moon. It was a wondrous sight... and it was a good thing to end the night on. He'd come to terms with his death, but he felt sad. He didn't want to leave behind Sasuke, his best friend, and his sensei, Garou, and his care-taker, Shizune. Naruto sighed, looking down at Sasuke, "So, wanna eat some cake?" Naruto asked
"I thought you'd never ask," Sasuke replied. Naruto got off his chair and helped Sasuke to his feet. They both walked to the table where presents were stacked high and a giant cake next to them. But it looked like the cake already had a few pieces missing, "Looks like Menma and Naruko got into the cake," Naruto said
"There's still cake left," Sasuke commented
"Naruto. Sasuke. Would you both like a piece?" a voice asked as both boys turned around to see Kushina. She smiled as Naruto nodded, "Please," Naruto said as Sasuke nodded too
"Alright, I'll get you both a piece," Kushina replied, walking passed them and grabbing paper plates. Putting cake on the plates, Kushina gave Naruto and Sasuke the cake, "Happy birthday, Naruto," she said
"Uh-huh," Naruto replied, looking down at the cake. It was vanilla with red and yellow frosting. Naruto took a bite out of it with a fork and was surprised at the flavor, "Cherry and lemon," Naruto whispered. Sasuke and Naruto then walked back to the chair as Kushina followed behind them, "So, Naruto... anything you wanna do?" Kushina asked
"No, not really," Naruto answered
"Are you sure?" Kushina asked again, seeming a bit on edge
"Yes, I'm sure,"
"O-Okay, if you need anything, just say so," Kushina said, walking away. Naruto sat down on the ground as Sasuke sat in the chair, "So, what are you doing after your party?" Sasuke asked
"Not much," Naruto lied
"Wanna go to the park?"
"No, I'm good," Naruto replied, eating his cake. But before Sasuke could ask any more questions, there was the sound of someone tapping a fork against a glass, "Attention, everyone! I have an announcement to make!" and Naruto looked over to see Minato, "I have something to say. It's very important, so everyone, please listen,"
"Wonder what you dad has to say," Sasuke asked
"Me too," Naruto replied as he watched Minato grab a soapbox
"Alright... *Sigh* This is a very big day for my children. They turn 8 today, but that's not all!" Minato shouted, "I've decided that, due to... uncertain circumstances, Menma and Naruko Uzumaki Namikaze are to be clan heads of the Namikaze and Uzumaki Clans respectively," he stated. When he said those words, Naruto froze. He could only stare in shock as his father gave his birth-right away to his siblings. He saw Menma jump for joy as Naruko celebrated with him. But Minato wasn't done, "I know, I know, it's not something that many of you would agree with, considering that Naruto would have to be kicked out of the clan. But that's why I'm making the exception, he's still a part of the clan, albeit, he'll be a side-branch. But unlike the Hyuga Clan, there will be no restrictions," Minato explained. Naruto still watched in sadness as his father explained his predicament. But he didn't listen. Naruto could only shake in rage as his father did this.
Naruto suddenly felt a pain in his chest as he dropped his cake and grabbed his chest.
"Hey, Naruto. You alright?" Sasuke asked as Naruto looked at him
"Y-yeah... I-I gotta go," Naruto said, running to the door. Naruto raced across the back-yard to grab the door handle and pulled the door open. Running across the living room, Naruto made it to the other side of the house and almost broke the front door.
Escaping out of the Compound, Naruto heard his mother call out his name, "NARUTO!" she shouted as Naruto ran down the street. He ran and ran and ran, just wanting to run. He didn't have a specific destination in mind, he just wanted to getaway.
Running through the village, Naruto made a turn into an alley-way and grabbed his chest again.
Pain surged through his body as he leaned against the wall. Taking deep breaths, Naruto shook as he then started to cry, 'I-I'm going to die... a-and nobody's going to help me.' Naruto thought.
'I-I'm sorry, sensei. I'm sorry, Sasuke. I-I'm sorry for everything. I'm sorry for being... weak,' Naruto thought
"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" a voice asked as Naruto turned around to see a Chunin
"W-what do you w-want?" Naruto asked
"It's the little runt of the litter, it's your birthday, ain't it?" the Chunin asked
"Bark! Bark!" a dog barked next to the Chunin. It was a large dog with a beautiful brindle coat and blue eyes, "Shut it, Jomari," the Chunin said
"Bark! Bark!"
"I'm doing the Hokage a favor," the Chunin said as the dog bit his pant leg
"Stupid mutt! Get off!" the Chunin shouted as it kicked the dog off of him. Naruto's eyes widened as he knew what was about to happen next. Naruto pushed off the ground, trying to get a head start, "TUNNELING FANG!" the Chunin shouted as he jumped into the air and spun rapidly. The attack landed, striking Naruto in the back and sending him into a wall. The wall cracked as Naruto peeled himself off of it.
"Tch, still alive," the Chunin said as he walked over to Naruto and stomped on him, "tough little ankle biter, aren't you?"
"F-Fuck you," Naruto said
"And you got a mouth of ya. Hahaha," the Chunin replied as he cracked his knuckles, "the Hokage's gonna thank me for this," he said as he started beating on Naruto. Naruto felt the Chunin punch him in the face, over and over again. Every punch hurt, but it started to hurt less and less. He struggled to get him off of him but to no avail.
'So... this is it... *Ba Dum* the end... *Ba Dum*... tch, I knew I'd die like a loser... like a dirty little monster,' Naruto thought as he felt his heart rate slow. The world started to become dark as the Chunin wailed on him, throwing punch after punch. Until...
Silence. There was nothing. Naruto wasn't struggling. His breathing stopped. He wasn't moving either. All the while, the Inuzuka Chunin punched his body. The Chunin smiled as he suddenly felt a weight on his back, "BARK! BARK!" Jomari barked as the Chunin tossed him off
"Get off of me!" he shouted as he stopped punching Naruto
"BARK!" Jomari whined as the Chunin looked at Naruto
"Tch, stupid little brat," the Chunin whispered as he spat on him. The Chunin got up and dusted himself off, putting his hands into his pockets and turning around, "Let's go," the Chunin ordered as Jomari sat there, looking at Naruto, "LET'S GO!"
"Hmmmm," Jomari whined as he slowly walked to his partner.
But Jomari stopped. His ears perked up, turning around to see Naruto's hand twitch.
Naruto's hand twitched as did his foot, "Come on!" the Chunin shouted as he turned around to see Naruto stand up, "So, you played Opossum. Fine by me!" the Chunin shouted as Naruto stood there. The Chunin launched himself at Naruto, pulling back his fist and throwing a punch, straight for Naruto's face. But Naruto stood there, unmoving, as the punch flew at him. The Chunin smiled as he felt the punch end and was surprised to see Naruto's face just a centimeter away from his fist, "What the hell?" the Chunin whispered as he threw another punch, only for the same thing to happen. The Chunin then heard growling and looked at Jomari, who had his tail between his legs and slinking away. He then slowly looked at Naruto. What he saw terrified him. Naruto's skin was gaining what seemed to shine, almost like dark steel, his single eye glowed a demonic red. And as his mouth slowly opened, the Chunin saw rows of sharp teeth, similar to that of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen. The Chunin then felt pressure on his wrist as he was brought down to his knees. Naruto had grabbed the Chunin's wrist and broke it, "GAHHH!" the Chunin shouted as Naruto smirked
"Tell me... do you know where monsters go to die?" Naruto asked
"You don't know?" Naruto asked, "Pity... make sure to tell the devil... I'm coming for him," Naruto said as he raised his other fist and said: "Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist,".
The Chunin's corpse was a bloody wad of flesh and bone on the ground as Naruto stood above him, his body covered in blood. He was breathing heavily as he heard whimpering. Turning around, he looked at Jomari, who was hiding behind a dumpster. Naruto walked over to Jomari, who was whimpering and raised his hand. He then grabbed Jomari by the head... and started petting him, "Good boy," Naruto said as he sat down and started to scratch Jomari.
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