《Sky: Children from The Unknown》chapter 3


At the same time in the Vault of Knowledge, a new constellation was forming there. This made the Elders there both shocked and confused. How and why did a new constellation suddenly appear?

The constellation is also different from other constellations. It is a lot more and looks really big. A constellation that does not yet have a connecting line like the others.

‘That means ... No one has yet been able to solve the constellation ...’ She looked down again and thought, ‘is this a good sign? Or bad sign?'

Because of this problem, the Elder called the other Elders to hold a meeting to discuss this matter.

As planned in the beginning, the Elders from other places came to meet her call just in time after she sent a call signal for them. Except for 1, the Valley of Triumph Elder had yet to come to fulfill the summons.

She sighed, maybe because they were young so she tolerated them and would be notified after this meeting was over.

When all the elders were in front of her, she began to explain about the sudden appearance of new constellations until something caught her eye. “Forest Elder? What is that behind you?”

Instantly all attention was focused on Forest Elder. “Isn't that moth? Why did you bring moth here?" Golden Elder also wondered why she brought moths to this important meeting?

She finally took out a small child from behind her who had been stealing glances at the other elders with curiosity and interest "I found this child at my place... Right in the underground passage where the first gate is located"

This makes them even more curious "what? Isn't that place only filled with memorial paintings and candles like mine?” this time the Isle Elder who asked, was completely confused and slightly interested in the little child that Forest Elder brought.


"I accidentally found a secret passage behind the wall and found this child in there." They were immediately shocked. Some even stepped back, Isle and Daylight Elder.

"How could it be? We've all traced every place of every Elder, how can we not know? And the moth who know it?” this time the Vault Elder asked slowly as well as occasionally glancing at the child.

"She's not a moth" once again drew their attention to her and the child. Forest Elder gently pushed the child forward a little. The child turned to Forest Elder uncertainly, but she only gave her a reassuring nod that it was okay.

“What do you mean she's not a moth? Is it because she doesn't have a mask and wings?” Elder Daylight asked in confusion, representing questions from other Elders who had the same questions.

"This child has a name, and she is a girl, the moth has neither a fixed gender nor a name." Forest Elder retorted slightly, annoyed that her child was not given the opportunity to speak.

Got a signal, she immediately spoke with a little hesitation and timidly "my-my name is (Y/n) and I am a human"











the picture above is the new constellation they are talking about.

Ouh, and where is the twins? Oho~ you will know it in the next chap!

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