Episode 6
(In hrethiam tawhlo mai thei ni Epi 5 hi inlo chhiar leh mai dawn nia aw.. Epi 5 link https://www.facebook.com/groups/1621184364813745/permalink/2894296417502527/?app=fblhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/1621184364813745/permalink/2894296417502527/?app=fbl)
Zan mut alo hun chuan mut dan ah kan buai a.. Chhuatah mut a tum a..mahse ni thei ngang in a hrelo a.. Ahma zawng pawn kan mu dun a .. A ho mu dun leh ang atia kan mu dun a.. Hriatpuia chuan min lo call a ,pickup rawh la atia ka chhang a ,ka awm dawn thu te ka hrilh a..
Timothy : In2 be zo mi ?
Zuala : umm
Timothy : Be tam tawh suh ang che .. Bike ka lei ve tep nia..
Zuala : Hriatpuia te chu fel asin.. I sawi ang kha anilo..
Timothy : Ka sawi kha chu ka ti mai mai.. Ka thik alawm ka la insual pui reng reng lo amah tak te chu.
Zuala : nge i thik ve ringawt .. ?
Timothy : a bulah i hlim em lawm..
Zuala : I ho em mai..
Timothy : In fawp ve ila..
Deuh phawng chuan .. Ka zak lutuk chu ka sen vek .. Timothy pawh alai ve deuh in ka hria..
Zuala : Carolyn-i i fawhna hnu ka fawp duhlo..
Timothy : Keipawh Hriatpuia fawh hnu ka fawp duh biklo... Ka bulah pawh mu suh..
Min tlawh tlak a tum a. Keiin tlawh tlak ka tum ve bawk a..
Zuala : Ana min tlawh tawh suh. I sei si..
Timothy : I tlawm ami ..
Zuala : aw ka tlawm ni mai rawh se.. I sei bik em mai..
Timothy : Anih chuan min fawp thei..
Zuala : Hriatpuia fawh hnu i fawp duhlo ani lo mi?
Timothy : Vawi engzah nge a fawh tawh che...
Zuala : I awih tak tak ami tumah ka la fawplo..
Timothy : min tih der tum suh..
Zuala : Pathian hming in ka sawi ang ka hmui pawh hi ala virgin
Ka sawi zo hmanlo alam ah min pawt dawr a min fawp nghal a..mahse ka vawikhatna ania .. Awmdan ka thiamlo ka meng kur a.. Ka dawh tawp a..
Timothy : Zahthlak i mengkur bawk sia.. Maimitchhing ve tal la..i dawh tawp a.. I mengkur a..
Ka zak lutuk chu ka bawkkhup a.. Lukham chuan ka inkhuh daih a.
Timothy : Hey Zuala mimawlpa inlukhup daih ma ta che. Kan la infawp zolo.. Kn in fawh dan kha alem lutuk.. I zir angai lom ..
Min kaihthawh tal chu atum a..keilah ka hmu ngam tawhlo .. Nge asawi vak kher ni..
Zuala : Nge i sawi vak kher .. Ka vawikhatna ka ti mawlh2 a..
Timothy: i zeilo mah2 lawm...
Zuala : nangmah kha i zeilo nih kha.. Zei tak2 la..pakhat tan zei ve angailo .. Hriatpuia chu nise a zei khawp ang..
Lukham pakhat chuan min vaw thum dawt a..
Timothy : Atha Hriatpuia chu Va fawp rawh i chak anih kha..
A tho a.. Room atangin a chhuak nal nal a.
a thinrim amawn .. Nuihzathlak zawk.. Dik tak chuan mi ka vawikhat fawhna ania..amah kha zei mai sela.. Mi ka vawikhatna ah mipa leh nghal fawh chu zei a har em mai..
Alo mut mai loh takah chuan ka va phei ve a.
Thuthleng ah chuan alo mu ut a.. Ka va phei ve leh chuan thuthleng nghenchhan lam chu a hawi hmak a..
Zuala : Titau vel ami a..
Ka va khawih vel a.. Ka kut chu adahsawn zel a.. A inla khawngaihthlak thiam e..
Zuala : Nge Hriatpuia chu nang ai khan a zei let ka ring miau sia lawm..
Timothy : Khawi ka zei leh zei loh chu i hre duh mi ? Ti leh ila..
Alo thuchhuak a..
Zuala : ngai tawh hrihlo.. Muhil tawh ang...phei ang
Timothy : Hetah ka riak dawn .. Va mu rawh..
Zuala : Lo mu mai mai teh..
Timothy: Nih ka lo mu anga ka lu ang che aw..
Zuala : Tenawm .. Sawi tawh miah suh. Alu ah chuan ka khawng ri chawk a..
Timothy : ana ! Ninawm ka chak alawm..
Zuala : Chak kha tawk..
Timothy : Nih in fawp leh tal ang..
Zuala : Lo phei la..
Mutna ah chuan kan mu leh a.. A in hmatawn in ..
Zuala :I hnarkua kha.
Timothy : I ho.. I hmui hi mawi khawp mai.. Ka fawp leh dawn nia... A ai zeiin aw..
Min lo fawp a.. Keipawh chuan ka lo chhang let ve a.. Duhai bak in azei mah mah ani.. Alo hawl kual lut rawk rawk ten ka hria.. Ka hmui te chu apet leh zeuh zeuh a.. Ka mawng chu atham ta bawrh2 mai. A hmuiah chuan ka seh vak.
Timothy : Ana lutuk. Nge i seh vak a.
Zuala : Nge ka mawng i tham tel vak2 ni..
Timothy : hei a thi ser2 ania...
Zuala : I chawh .. Ka mutchhuak...
Anui suk a.. Ka lu ah tuai a.
Timothy : min la seh hlum thei ang tiang chuan .. Muttui le..
Zingah chuan Ka harh a.. Mahse Ka bulah awm tawhlo ..a walk leh tawh aniang ..Zingtin ani hi chu a tlan ngei ngei chuvang ania apian te hi a mawi em em ..
Ka mut ala chhuah em avang chuan ka lo muhil leh sek a..
" Van mu rei ve.. Tho tawh la.. "
A inbual zo tih hriat tak in alu ala huh chhep a..
Zuala " I inbual zo leh tawh mi? "
Timothy : Umm ila muttui sia .. Ka kai tho phallo che a..
Zuala : min kaihthawh tur lawm..Rawngbawl kan tlai vek ang..
Zingah chuan rawng min bawl pui a.. School pawh chu kan kal dun bawk a.. Kan thutna erawh kan thlak thleng tawhlo a.. A bialnu nen an la thu dun a.. Keipawh Hriatpuia nen kan thu dun a..
Timothy chuan min lo en a.. Anui leh suk zel a..van duh em tak ..
Hriatpuia : Tinge in2 en a in nuih zel a.. ?
Zuala : Tu nen maw? I hmu sual aniang
Hriatpuia : Timothy nen khuan.. Inva in ngeih tawh awm ve..
Zuala : Nia in ngeih tawh..
Timothy nen chuan mite hriat hlau tak chung chuan kan inngaizawng chu ani ve ta mai a.. Zanah pawh a chhuak ngai tawhlo a.. A thiante hi anlo leng zawk a.. Mahse Carolyn erawh ala then fel chiah lemlo a..miten min rinhleh kan hlau bawk si a.. Mahse a fal a hun han hman pui ang kha anei ngailo ..Timothy nen hian kan inngaihzawn dan athianghlim in Kan in fawp zeuh2 thin tih chauh lo chu kan thleng thui ngailo..mahse amah erawh hi chuan a beisei ve fo thin .. Mahse ka hlau em a.. Keimah hian min ti lui ngailo...
Timothy hi taksa in vawng tak mai ani a.. Thil pawh a ei mai mai ngailo.. Professional Footballer nih hi Atum ruh em em a.. Tlai ah inkhelh loh lai anei ngailo.. Inkhel te hi a en reng zel .. Keilah Ka tuilo nasa sia..
Kan awmna District Higher Secondary Level Football tournament school hrang hrang in elna a awm dawn a... Kan school pawh an practice nasa khawp mai. School ban ve leh Timothy pawh a kal nghal zel a..
School ah chuan Carolyn leh Timothy chu an thu dun ta lo reng reng a.. Tinge mawn aw niang .. A hrechhuak aniang a.. Ka hlauthawng ru khawp mai..
Chhun chawlh ah chuan mite pawn an sawi ta sep sep a.. Vani te sawi dan chuan Timothy-a'n a then a Carolyni'n pawn atuar hle te an tia .. Ka rilru tete in A tuar khawp ang... Sex hial a hmanpui alawm ka tia..hrim hrim in Timothy hian keimah vangin a then ani ngei ang.. Thutpui chu tumah anei tawh silo a..
Hriatpuia : Timothy bulah i thu duh tawh em ?
Zuala : Teuhlo mai.. He lai hi anuam ka titawh..
Hriatpuia : Tak tak amawn le aw..
Zuala : Tak tak e.. Anuam lawm ..
Hriatpuia : Tha nih chu. E vawiin chu kan inkhel lo en ve la.. Vani te pawn an lo en dawn nia ..
Zuala : Ka hmanlo ang..
Dik tak chuan Timothy aphal ka rin loh vang ania.. Zah der ve te hi angai ve a.. Hriatpuia hi fiamthu tih tak deuh chuan ala thik ziah a.. Mahse ka thianpa ve nia ka tia a thik ngam lem lo a..a bike ah chuan erawh a phallo bur.tinge pawh ka hrelo .. Bike alei ve thar dawn a.. Mahse anla lei mai thei biklo.. A bike lo a ka chuan a phalloh vang nge ni..
School chu kan bang a.. Timothy te nen chuan kan haw rual a..
Timothy : Chahbi i ak nge ka ak
Zuala : kan ah ve ve kha..
Timothy : Nidawn tak.. Hawng la..
Zuala : okk
Inah chuan kan lut a.. Kan inthlak a.. Timothy erawh Inkhel tur in akal leh nghal dawn a..
Timothy : Vawiin Chu Ka inkhel lo en ve la..
Zuala : Practice na mai mai anilo mi?
Timothy : Ni e.. Mahse kan school ai awh tur vawiin ah an thlang dawn a.. Ka tel theih nan lo tel ve la.. An en nasa dawn hlawm ania.. An sas te an tel vek ang. ..
Zuala : Nia lo kal ve dawn nia..
Timothy : Insiam rawh.. Ka rual in kal rawh..
Ka insiam a ..kan kal rual a.. A bag chu min ah tir a. A phone te nen chuan .. Vani te ho bulah chuan ka thu ve.. Hriatpuia pawh chu an inkhelh hma in alo kal ce zuai a.. Ka kal leh si chu min ngei khawp mai..hahah ka kal theilo ang kha ka lo ti sia...
An inkhel tan a.. Timothy chu a khel tha phian a.. Kan bul a hmeichhe ho chuan anlo star khawp mai.. Anlo au dual dual a..
Vawikhat ala pet goal zui.. Timothy chu alo hawi a ,min lo nuih ver ver a.. Ka tuiral hi ani ringawt.. Mahse kan bul a hmeichhe ho chuan anmahni maw an lo in ti a.. Ka thi dawn min lo nuihte an han tia nuihzathlak zawk .. A nuihlo nasa chu Chhe uih ho kei ho ani min lo nuih sen2 chu han tih hmiah mai te hi ania ka duh ni.. Ka duhlai a khu in star chu a awm a tha em ani..mahse inbiak erawh ka phallo bur dawn nia.. Chung te mai mai chu ka lo ngaihtuah a.. Ka lo ngaihtuah a.. Ka nui ru tut tut..
Timothy phone chu alo ri a.. Daisy tih hi alo nia..Tunge mawn le.. Ka pickup chak ta tlat a.. Ka lo chhang a..
Zuala : aw helLo
Daisy : Carolyn chu i then ta maw? Zanin chu ilo leng thei ngem ?
Timothy inkhel mek chu ka zuk en a.. Min lo en fuh ve chiah bawk nen Alo nui leh sen sen a.. Mahse ka nui let ve thei ta tlat lo..Mak ati hmel reuh ltk..mahse helam lo ngaihtuah hman anilo a.. Inkhel lai anla ni miau sia le..
Frist half a zo a.. An chawl a.. Ka thinrim chu khelmualah ka zuk chhuk a.
Timothy : tinge ilo kal a..
Alo nui leh sen sen tawh a ha mawi tak lang va va chuan
A bag leh a phone chu ka pe sawk a..
Zuala " Kha "
Timothy : Kan la inkhel zo lo nia..
Zuala : E tak a..Daisy khan zanin ah lo leng tur in asawm che kha aw..
Ka kal ta vang vang a.. Ka rilru na tak zet..midang dang alo be reng a..Carolyn nen kha chuan min min rinhleh loh nan ka thik duh lemlo kha nia.. Tun tum chu ka thik khawp mai..ka thinrim bawk ani..
Timothy chu ka ngaihbel nge ka hrelo a cool vek in ka hria.. A bungrua vel chu a sir ah chuan adah a..a inkhelh lai chuan alo hawi tawhlo chiang khawp mai....
Tlaiah pawh chuan an haw hma in ka haw hmak a.. Ka leng leh nghal a..
Min lo call nasa mai mahse ka la duhlo a..
Hriatpuia te chuan in tur anlo nei hlauh a.. Kan in a..ka kai khawp mai.. Ka buai leh zo vek ..
Hriatpuia nen chiah kan awm hnu chuan Timothy nen kan chanchin chu min zawt Min zawt ..min dawp thiam bawk nen kei ka lo kai nuam ve bawk nen ka inpuan ta vak a..
Hriatpuia : Ka rinhlehna che u rei tawh lawm.. Mahse Timothy hi chu a lerh ve deuh ani.. I tan chuan ka khawngaih che i la tuar zel palh ang..
Zuala : Nangte hi Gay te hi duh zawk la..
Hriatpuia : Ka lo duh mai thei sin
Tih leh min fawh a rual nghal a.. Keilo rui phur chuan thla te ka la ta vel a..min fawp lai chu ..
Hriatpuia chu a duham ta lutuk ka mawng lam te a sen ta thuak thuak ..
Zuala : Ka haw teh ang..
Hriatpuia : Ala hma .. Ka bulah lo riak ve mai la ..
Ka haw lui ta zawk a.. In ka thleng chu Timothy chu Thuthleng ah lo thu in engmah sawilo in min lo melh a.. A thinrim ve hle niang.. A chawh a lerh man ka duh dan dan in ka lerh ve ang..
Biak pawh tumlo chuan room lamah luh nghal ka tum a..
Timothy : Lo thu teh
Ka lut lui tho a.. Min lo zui ve nghal a..
Timothy : Ka insawifiah ve hma hma a thinrim ngawt hi a fuh berlo... Min ngaithla ve phawt ta che.
Zuala : Daisy nen chuan in hmang nuam maw? Carolyn i ning deuh tawh mi? Kei chu keichu..
Timothy : Nge ka tello te hian zu i ruih ziah.
Zuala : Ka hmu lo bik amaw i tia mi.. Zanin khan mi ka fawp ve tho.. En rawh
Ka rui thinrim lungpuam chuan ka tia. Ka phone chu ka pe a.. Thlalak a en chu a inhmu ruh nghal .. Kan infawh dan lah kha a nasat hmel sia..
Min hnek a tum a,mahse min hnek leh lo in min lo fawp ta vak a.. Min fawp bawrh bawrh a..
Zuala : Timothy kal sawn teh..
Timothy : engchen nge xanin khan i thlen pui a..
Ka kawr te chu a pawt sawk sawk a.. Ka kekawr te chu a hlip nghal sawk sawk a.. A in hlip ve nghal bawk a.. Ka nghawngte chu a fawp dawk dawk a..ka mawngte chu ka kekawrte chhanah chuan a tham deuh nawk nawk a..
Zuala : Tinge Timo tiang a i awm ..
Timothy : zanin hian ka ta ah ka siam dawn che.. Ka thu thu a awm tur in ..
Ka lo tum dan chu ka thlak leh e..
Zantin a story chhuak lo in
"Ka Thinlung Hmutu" leh "Rawlthar Hringnun" hi a zan inkarthlak a in chhawk in ka lo tichhuak thin ang..
Chuan "Zuapa Chang tawh mahla "
Tih kha chu sawi tawh ang in Like 130 ahmuh hun hunah a lo chhuak zel ang..
Phone a ziah type ani si a.. Ahahthlak in a hautak thei tak zet ani..
"Hah man ka lo pe ang che " te han ti awm thin bawk silo 😂😂
Tun a sponsor tu hhi Hmingthup ani e.. AchungAh kan lawm e. Kan ziak in kan chhiar theih phah a..
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