《The Bad Boy's Favorite Girl》|twelve|
We had finally made it to the ranch. Eventually the man in the hoodie disappeared, but it still unnerved me how he followed us, and how he was able to vanish so suddenly, as if he had disintegrated into thin air.
We were, by now, tired and sweaty. I swept my blonde hair into a loose ponytail, which hung at the nape of my neck and cooled me down the tiniest bit. My hair had always been long and thick and unbearable in the summer. Blonde locks suited me, yet a lot of the time I found myself longing for springy chestnut curls that would bounce as I walked, rather than pin-straight strands of hair.
I probably looked like a mess. The hoodie I'd brought along was now tied around my hips, and with my loose top it looked like I was especially round in the waist. My baby hairs were slicked back with sweat and I had bags under my eyes from the night before where I made the mistake of refusing to sleep.
I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at Jay, who was observing me intently. His grey eyes were unreadable, the grey color looking particularly bright today, like a foggy spring morning. Yet a faint smirk remained on his face, which made me regret clearing my throat, as he then looked away and the smirk disappeared.
"We're here." I spoke up, gazing at the place where I had made most of my fondest childhood memories.
In the far distance, I could see spots of auburn, brown, charcoal, and one white among the sun tinged green grass. The horses grazed on the long grass, and as we moved closer I could make out the horses. The barn itself was lovely in its own way. The cozy cottage was timely and tidy; with crisp white wood and chestnut shingles and a green door. It was well-kept, but it was definitely aged. The house had been around for a while, long before the Fredericks moved in.
We walked along a gravel driveway towards the house, our feet crunching on the small stones as we proceeded closer.
"This is really-" Jay began, pausing for a brief moment as he looked around, taking in the details for one last time before speaking up; "nice. It really is."
I smiled at him as he walked besides me, his eyes trained on what was ahead. The horses, the vast expanse of light green fields, the quaint little cottage and the barn and the stables behind it all established tranquil; a calm atmosphere that took one's quick breath away and replaced it with a gust of fresh air that refilled the lungs and the nose and the heart and the eyes.
The stables were to the fair left of the ranch, which we were quickly approaching. Every morning the horses were let out to graze, and then brought back to the stables to rest for the night.
There was also a barn in the back of the ranch, a big old structure that was painted a deep red and had a timely feel to it. When I was little I used to love going inside of it and playing on the hay. Not only did the hay cling to me and remain stuck in my hair, but the abundance of dust made me constantly sneeze. But yet I loved jumping into the piles of hay, and the Fredericks didn't mind one bit. They even encouraged me to go in- at my own discretion!- and to have fun. My dad would always try his best to clean it up, but the Fredericks insisted that they would do it themselves.
By now, we had made it up the dirt driveway and were in front of the deep forest green door. I was about to knock on the door when it swung open to reveal a smiling face. Mrs. Frederick immediately embraced me, and then greeted Jay with the same hug. He reddened and smiled nervously, and I couldn't help but chuckle at his expense. Mrs. Frederick then ushered us inside. The house was definitely warm, but not as scorching as it was outside. I was immediately hit with the smell of something wonderful baking. The inside of their house smelled like oranges and gingerbread cookies. Overall, the atmosphere was very warm and inviting. I immediately felt comfortable.
"Alina!" Mrs. Frederick said, "I haven't seen you in so long!"
I bit my lip and smiled. "I know..." my voice trailed off. "I barely have time for anything nowadays. High school, sports, after school programs- it all takes a toll on my schedule."
Mrs. Frederick nodded understandingly, her hazel eyes filled with warmth and sympathy. "Well, we're glad you're here now."
As if on cue, Mr. Frederick stepped into view. He made eye contact with me and smiled before heading over to us and exchanging pleasantries. He also embraced me, so tightly that I let out a small squeak of surprise. Mr. Frederick shook Jay's hand, and they both introduced themselves to one another.
"Is this your boyfriend Alina?" Mrs. Frederick looked to me, then Jay, then smiled.
I quickly looked to Jay, whose eyes were wide. I immediately reddened, feeling my cheeks grow hot. "No!" I said. "We're friends. Just friends."
Mr. Frederick laughed and wrapped an arm around his wife's waist. "Boys and girls can hang out and not be dating."
"Exactly." I added jokingly.
Mr. Frederick changed the subject, as the question still lingered, fresh in our minds and making the atmosphere tense between me and Jay. I'm pretty sure he knew how uncomfortable we were, as I kept chewing my lip and Jay had his eyes trained on the floor. "Come, we'll get you something to eat."
We followed them out of the front entryway. Even though Mr. and Mrs. Frederick weren't that old, their house was as warm and cozy as a cabin belonging to an elderly couple. Both of them were in their late forties, yet the interior decor was timely and had a vintage feel to it. The floors were of hard southern pine that matched perfectly with the rustic appeal of the home. There was the occasional painting on the walls, which were also wood, but painted a dark cream color. The furniture was dark wood, with forest green accents. The couch was brown with green throw pillows and a plain blanket draped across the arm. There was also a fireplace, but that definitely wouldn't be put to use anytime soon. The kitchen was of dark wood, and the appliances were a bit old and beginning to get rusty.
We were led to the dining area. It wasn't a separate room, but it was a few feet away from the kitchen. It was a small round table that sat four people. It was wooden, like everything else in the house, and dark red placemats were set at every spot. A thin glass vase was placed in the middle of the table, with a single yellow chrysanthemum inside.
Mrs. Frederick dashed into the kitchen, with her husband at her heels.
"So how do you know these people again?" Jay looked at me and laughed.
I chuckled. "Family friends of my mom's. Mrs. Frederick and her used to go to the same church."
"Used to?"
"My mom is now a satan worshipper."
Jay's eyes widened. "Wha-"
I rolled my eyes jokingly, amazed at how naive he was. "I was joking. My mom just doesn't have time for church anymore."
"What do you mean?" His grey eyes gazed into mine intently.
I was about to answer when the Fredericks came out, bearing dishes of food.
A pleasant smell wafted over to the area we were sitting in. I immediately straightened as the Fredericks approached. I wasn't in a terrible position; but it was rude to slack at the dinner table.
Mrs. Frederick smiled as she set a plate of shepherd's pie in the middle of the table. A side of cornbread followed, and her husband placed mashed potatoes and gravy in the center as well. Soon enough, the table was clattered. There were plates, utensils, and dishes everywhere. But yet it remained pleasant, and I felt more at home than I have anywhere else.
We settled down to eat, the Fredericks sitting down in the two empty seats next to each other.
"This is delicious, Mrs. Frederick." Jay admitted, his face turning slightly red.
"Thank you." She smiled. "What a polite, modest young man."
I nearly choked on my food when I snorted and let out a scoff. Polite and modest were two things Jay was not.
Mrs. Frederick gave me a look that indicated she was confused, and Jay just glared at me.
I swallowed my food before speaking up. "I'm sorry, I choked on my food."
"Sure." Jay raised his eyebrows but didn't look up.
I kicked him under the table. We couldn't argue like this, not in front of them.
"What's going on between you two?" Mr. Frederick asked.
"It's nothing." I said, and smiled. I finished my potatoes before having a big gulp of water.
I couldn't wait until this dinner was over. I was sure that the Fredericks thought something was up between us.
"So, who's up for some horseback riding?" Mr. Frederick spoke up.
Jay and I immediately perked up. "We are, of course." I said.
He grinned. "Come on then."
He led us to the stables, where we were given helmets to wear. I insisted that I didn't need one, but Mr. Frederick just insisted back.
"I'm responsible for you, and you have to wear one." he said. "My house, my rules." He said with a grin.
I rolled my eyes jokingly. "Actually, it's the horses' house."
Mr. Frederick just shoved a helmet onto my head.
I probably looked ridiculous.
"Alina!" Jay laughed. "That looks so good on you!" He teased me.
"Shut up." I said. "I can't wait until yours goes on."
As if on cue, Mr. Frederick placed a helmet onto Jay's head. I'd always considered him tall, but Jay was a few inches taller.
He looked at me and grinned, aware of my teasing laugh.
"I'm taking this shit off when we get out there." He leaned in and said in a low voice.
"No you're not." Mr. Frederick said, ushering us out of the stables.
Mr. Frederick got horses for us while we waited by the stables.
I took my helmet off as we waited.
"Are you sure that you want to do this?" Jay said, glancing at Mr. Frederick who was gradually approaching us, leading two horses.
My jaw dropped and I laughed. "Don't tell me you're scared."
"No," he said, "it's just that..." He wasn't able to come up with a valid reason for the attempt to back out.
I placed a hand on his arm. I felt the muscles, hard and big beneath the sleeve of his grey tshirt. "You'll have fun." I said. "Trust me."
"If you're here, how can I not?" He said with a grin. "I've just never ridden a horse before."
"You'll be okay." I assured.
I heard the gate by the stables open, and the horses were let into the small ring.
Mr. Frederick secured the horses to the wooden fence before heading into the stables to suit up the horses.
I led Jay into the pen, warning him not to go directly behind the horses, as they can't see him and may kick.
I went forward to the larger of the two horses, in fact, one of the largest he Fredericks had. Bray was a huge horse, the color of coal. I recognized him from when I'd come here with my dad. He was entirely black, save for one white spot by his left hoof.
I found it amusing yet cute how wary Jay was of the horses. He normally put up such a tough front; appearing unaffected by anything on the exterior. Yet it let me see a more vulnerable side of him. Seeing one thing he was scared of was a peek into who he really was, as it was usually hard for him to open up. I hadn't known him for that long, but what I knew was that that was true.
I took his hand and placed it on Bray's nose. Jay and the horse he was to be riding today seemed alike. They were both large, tough, and I saw the resemblance in appearance, as the horse had a dark mane that was alike to Jay's nearly black hair.
Jay smiled at me as we stroked Bray's nose.
I turned around to see Mr. Fredrick putting the saddle and reigns on the horse I was to ride. It was a white mare named Harley. She was a gorgeous horse. She was still a foal last time I came, and I knew how rowdy young horses were. But I still felt comfortable riding with her.
Mr. Frederick then helped me get up before going to help Jay and Bray.
I had gotten a few sugar cubes from Mrs. Fredrick when we were leaving. I have half to Jay, and then kept the rest in my pocket. I produced one and fed it to Harley. Her teeth gently nibbled at the palm of my hand when I extended my arm to feed her to sugar cube, and a chill ran up my spine as she tickled my hand.
"You're letting us go alone?" I said, surprised. Jay had no clue how to ride, and by the way Mr. Frederick shoved a helmet onto my head, I doubted we'd have much freedom.
"Of course. Alina I know you know how to ride." He said with a friendly wink.
"Oh, she claims she's a virgin, but she can certainly ride more things than hors-"
A cast Jay a look that could kill. He really had no filter. Mr. Frederick didn't seem to hear him, thank God.
"That one doesn't," I shrugged my shoulder towards Jay.
"He has a great instructor." Mr. Frederick said. I looked down at the dirt below me. I felt so powerful, sitting atop this majestic horse. Even though Harley wasn't as big as Bray, she was still fairly large.
"You know where to go, right?" He said, dusting his hands off on already dirty pants, streaked with mud and more dust. They were clean when he left the house, and I presumed the whole horses thing left him a mess.
I nodded. I was familiar with the trails. They weren't specifically marked, but they were trodden on paths that were visible if you went past the expanse of trees in the back of the property. The Fredericks owned a vast amount of land, and pretty much the entirety of the unclaimed land that went through the woods. The surrounding farmers had enough land, and insisted on preserving the woods. They were pleasant, and even though most of the neighbors didn't ride horses, they'd sometimes venture in.
We were soon ready to go, and Mr. Frederick gave Harley a pat on the neck before setting us off.
One reason why Mr. Frederick gave Bray to Jay was because he was familiar with the trails, and very obedient.
Mr. Frederick had told Jay how to control the horse and steer the reigns, so I didn't need to do any of that. Occasionally, I'd have to remind him to pull harder or something like that, but he was doing fairly well on his own.
"So you say you've never ridden a horse before?" I said, looking back. The trails were fairly thin, so I rode first and Jay followed.
He shook his head. "My parents aren't really into this stuff and I've never this thought to do it on my own. A lot of my friends do it though. A girl I hook up with does it competitively."
That made me bite my lip. He just said a girl he hooks up with. Not hooked. Jay and I weren't even dating or pursuing anything romantic or sensual, but that still hit me with a pang.
"Oh, that's nice."
"Something wrong?"
"No." I said, and continued riding.
"Yes there is you never act like this." He said.
"You don't even know me that well."
We continued riding. The woods were hot and I was sweating, but it was definitely cooler than the fields, and the trees provided shade, and also made the whole area look lovely and serene. The sun poked through the trees and illuminated the path with streaks of sunlight. The woods were alive with the sound of a creek, and the chirping and scuttling of small animals.
"Are you mad because I mentioned I hook up with someone?" Jay asked. I immediately tensed, knowing I'd have to lie again. Why did I make such a big deal? I can't lie for my life, and if I did tell him the truth, I'd sound obsessive and annoying.
"No, I'm not." I said. "The reigns just hurt my fingers." The words slipped out before I could even comprehend what I was saying, and I realized that I sounded like a complete fool. The reigns are hurting my fingers. Great response.
"We're not fucking dating." He said. There it was. The side of Jay that I seemed to provoke with every other thing I said. He was always so quick to lash out; it scared me.
"I know!" I snapped.
"So why'd u make such a big deal? Are you jealous of the girls I hook up with?"
Yes. "No." I said with a low voice. "In fact, I feel bad for them."
"What the fuck Alina."
"It's true." I said. "They sleep around with a fuckboy who probably had countless STDs."
I turned around and his eyes were wide. Then he laughed. Not his pleasant laugh that he'd started using more and more around me, but a menacing chuckle that sent shivers down my spine.
"You just wish you could be in their place." He said in a low voice. "I don't sleep with uptight bitches with no experience whatsoever. You're not my type and you won't ever be."
I was taken aback by his outburst. I almost immediately regretted saying anything. I also regretted my feelings towards this arrogant jerk. Maybe I felt the slightest pang when he said that he hooks up with others, but I should've just ignored my feelings and swallowed my words. Unwanted tears slid down my cheeks, and I wiped them away. Even though Jay couldn't see me, I still wanted them gone as fast as possible.
"Oh, and you look ridiculous in that helmet."
"Shut up." I said through clenched teeth, forbidding myself to let out a sob. "I'll take it off then."
In addition to Jay's comment, the helmet I was given was uncomfortable and it made my entire head itch. I pulled it off and placed it before me as I adjusted my ponytail, which had become loose and messy. At that moment, a large animal ran directly underneath Harley. In a brief moment, she whinnied and rose up, throwing me off her back.
My head hit the ground, hard. That's all I remembered before the world went black.
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