《The Bad Boy's Favorite Girl》|four|
The party was already starting. The driveway was lined with cars, and I had a feeling there would be even more as the night went on.
Even though I wasn't officially invited, I decided I'd go anyways. I practically lived here. That was an invite in itself.
I brushed out my hair and applied a coat of mascara to my eyes, which made the blue pop even more. I tended to stray away from makeup. My lashes were fairly long, so mascara was just for special occassions. Thankfully, my skin was clear too, so I didn't need makeup to cover any blemishes or stuff like that. Makeup was not my thing; nor did I know how to apply it. But Erin was amazing at it. Her eyeshadow always looked so good and her eyeliner was always applied to perfection. I wished I knew how to do makeup, although I never wore it. Once Erin let me do hers and she ended up looking like a clown.
I put on a low cut crop top and denim shorts before heading downstairs. The music was loud from all the way upstairs, but down here it was almost unbearable. There were people everywhere; making out in corners, downing drinks in red cups, smoking all sorts of things. I was surprised I hadn't seen anyone upstairs yet.
I'd been to a few large parties, but the ones in Fort Worth were more toned-down then this. It tended to be a small gathering of me and my friend group, with a few others we sometimes hung out with. It was usually no more than thirty people. But this party was another story; the house was packed, and that was saying a lot, considering how large it is.
I had a hard time making my way past all of these people, but somehow I'd made it outside. There was a bonfire in the fire pit, and there were a bunch of people crowded around it. I wondered if it was a good idea to have an open fire in the middle of a rager. I continued making my way outside. Someone was vomiting in the bushes next to me, and I couldn't help but gag.
I made my way down to the fire pit. The atmosphere seemed a lot more relaxed down here. Or so I thought.
Everyone was seated in chairs, atop logs, or simply seated on the ground.
There was Jay, with his arm wrapped around a brown haired girl, wearing a tiny tank top and tiny shorts, which revealed a butterfly bellybutton piercing. He put a blunt up to his lips before making eye contact with me. He choked on the smoke before managing to speak.
"Who's this?" Said a guy with blonde hair and bright green eyes. "She's hot."
I laughed and smiled at him and I could see Jay glaring. "What do you want?" He said.
"I showed up to your party. Is that bothering you?" I tried to find somewhere to sit. I saw an empty seat next to Jay, so I sat down. There was nowhere else to sit.
The girl he had his arm around glared at me. "That seat's taken." She said in a high pitched voice.
"It's really not." Jay said. "Sit."
The girl rolled her eyes before looking back at the group.
"So who's up?" Said a guy across from me. "Mandy, truth or dare?"
The girl besides Jay spoke up. "Dare."
"I dare you to..." The guy began. "Take off your shirt."
She shrugged and removed the top she was wearing. I was glad when Jay didn't put his arm back around her.
"It's your turn to ask." The same guy said.
Mandy looked right at me. "You."
I should have seen this coming. Her hazel eyes looked me up and down and I could tell she was judging me. I had a feeling she'd come up with something terrible for me to do, or answer to. But I didn't have to do anything if I didn't want to.
"Truth or dare?"
"Wow." Mandy said. "Exactly what I-"
"Fine." I said. "Dare." Jay raised an eyebrow and looked at me.
She smirked before looking right at me. "I dare you to go upstairs with Keith for five minutes."
She looked at a guy with a shaved head and a creepy smile. He was heavily tattooed and seemed drunk.
Jay looked at Mandy, who ignored him. I couldn't read his expression.
"W-what do we have to do upstairs?"
"Up to you."
I opened my mouth to say I'd pass, but I thought of how I'd probably get made fun of for a dare seemingly as easy as this. I had to go upstairs. I guess that wasn't so bad. I just didn't know if I trusted Keith.
"And I'll stand outside of the door, timing you." She added. What could happen if she was there practically watching us?
Keith stood up and as did I. I gulped and mustered a weak smile. He grinned and without a word, led me upstairs. Mandy stayed a few paces behind us.
We managed to find an empty room. I sat down on the bed, and Keith closed the door. My heart began beating faster but I tried to stay calm. We didn't even have to do anything. Besides, Mandy was right outside of the door.
I bit my lip. This was awkward. We sat in an awkward silence for a good three minutes before Keith spoke up.
"You're real pretty."
"Thanks." I said, shifting on the bed. He strode over to me and lay down next to me. I sat up straighter when I felt his hot breath on my neck. He reeked of booze. He breathed heavily and even though my gaze remained on the door, I knew that he was staring at me.
Two minutes.
He abruptly placed his hands on my shoulders, and pulled me down so that my head was now on the bed. I tried to sit up, but he held me down. His grasp was firm and he seemed to have no inentions of letting go.
Tears sprung to my eyes. I shouldn't have agreed to this. I tried to scream, but his rough hand was placed over my mouth. Surely five minutes had passed- why wasn't Mandy in here yet?
He began kissing my neck before making it up to my lips. His kiss was forceful and he began slipping his tongue inside of my mouth. I wanted to vomit.
I was full on crying now, but I couldn't scream or stand up. He was holding me down on the bed and held a hand over my mouth as he put his hand up my shirt.
I tried to scream, but nobody came to my aid.
"Shhh." He whispered into my ear.
His hand traveled further down, and I felt his rough fingers on my stomach.
My breathing grew more ragged as he began lowering his hand. It was now above my shorts. I was screaming, but my protests were muffled with his other hand. His hand was going lower, slowly. His touch felt toxic against my skin. I could only think of what was to happen next. Then, he was suddenly pulled off of me. I sat up, confused. I wiped my tears away and blinked, bringing the scene before me into focus.
There was Jay, throwing jabs to Keith's face and stomach. Keith was now on the floor. I felt so useless and helpless. Why was I so weak? And why was I so dumb? I didn't know any of those people down there- why did I feel so obligated to impress them, to go on with the stupid dare?
They were full on fighting now, but Jay was clearly stronger, even though Keith was larger. Jay roughly shoved Keith out of the room, telling him to "fuck off and never come back here again or he'll get his ass beat even worse", before striding over to me. I could see Mandy still in the hallway, and felt a surge of anger. Didn't she hear? I gave her the benefit of the doubt, and assumed she didn't due to the music. But why'd this happen to me? Why did I agree to this?
He took hold of my arms and looked down at me. Even though I was quite tall for my age, I still had to look up to meet his gaze.
"Are you okay?" He said. There was concern in his eyes, which were also slightly red. He was drunk, or high, or both.
"I-I'm okay." I said. Even though I wasn't. The experience had left me shaking but I didn't want to seem weaker than I already came off as.
He sighed and pulled me into his chest, and held me there for a moment. I let the last of my tears out, and he held me in his arms, gently rubbing my back. Where was the rude boy I'd been sitting next to outside? I felt comfortable in his grasp.
"I knew I shouldn't have let you go upstairs. Alina, I'm so sorry." There was concern in his eyes.
"Not your fault." I said. "At least you came for me." It was only my fault. I was stupid and weak.
He sighed, and I could feel his heartbeat slowing down when I rested my head on his chest.
"Are you alright?" I asked once he let go of me. His knuckles were bloody, and he had a slight cut on his lip. He was physically more injured than me. The experience had only left me a little bit shaken up. Nothing too drastic happened- it could've been worse. although, I still couldn't get rid of the taste of alcohol n my mouth, or the feeling of his slippery tongue in my mouth, or of his cold, clammy hands on my skin.
"I'm fine." He said, glancing at his hand. "Are you coming back down?"
I shrugged. I guess I would, but I wouldn't participate in the game. First, I brushed my teeth and washed my mouth. I hated germs and I felt especially disgusting after Keith's kisses.
Mandy was leaning against a wall in the hallway. She had seen all of that.
"What the fuck, Mandy?" Jay spat as we walked past her.
"I couldn't hear! How was I supposed to know he would do that?!" She protested.
"It was more than five fucking minutes." Jay said anger in his voice.
"I'm sorry! I-I forgot to set the timer!"
We both ignored her and continued to walk.
We pushed past people on the stairs and made it outside. It had gotten hot and stuffy inside, so a lot of people were outside.
The people around the fire were still talking, and when we sat down all eyes turned to us. Mandy was glaring at me as she sat down, but there was also a smirk on her face.
"How was it?" She said.
"Shut the hell up. You know what happened." Jay yelled.
I, on the other hand, didn't answer. Instead, I sat back down in the spot I was in before, right besides Jay. He put an arm around my waist, and I leaned onto his shoulder. I couldn't help but wonder how many girls he held like this.
I shook off the thought and tried to enjoy the rest of my night. Thank God Jay had come to my aid tonight. Who knows how the rest of the night would've turned out, and if I'd be here right now. I shuddered, and pushed that thought out of my head.
"Jay, truth or dare." Asked a black haired boy with blue eyes. He looked at me and mouthed: are you okay?
I nodded and looked at the fire in front of me.
Jay spoke up from beside me. "Dare."
"I dare you to," the black haired boy began "do a line of coke."
Jay shrugged and I felt my heart sink. It wasn't my concern, but I cared too much not to say something. I'd seen what drugs do to people. I pushed the image out of my head.
"Easy." Jay said. He pulled a small bag filled with the substance, along with a one hundred dollar bill.
"You really shouldn't be doing that." I spoke up.
He looked up at me and stayed silent for a moment. "You're so uptight." He rolled his eyes and bent over to set up the line.
"Sorry that I care about you." I snapped back.
"Well I don't need you to! You're not my mom!" He yelled. Everyone was staring now. He did the line, and came back up, looking more angry then he had moments ago.
"Your mom probably doesn't give a shit about you." I grew annoyed and snapped. I didn't really mean it, but I was sick of these mood changes. He was worse than a girl on her period.
His jaw dropped and his grey eyes grew dark as he glared at me. "You know what?" I gulped. "My summer would be soooo much better if you weren't staying with me. I wish I didn't have to deal with you!" People snickered, and I could tell he reveled in the attention.
I was taken aback. One moment he was holding me and comforting me, the next he was telling me he didn't want me here. I held back tears.
"Then you shouldn't have come upstairs. I would've been there a whole lot longer, and you wouldn't have had to deal with me!"
I was crying for the second time tonight. Why did I always have to cry? I turned around so that he wouldn't see me.
"Alina..." He began. I was taken aback. How could he go from yelling at me to apologizing. Maybe it was the drugs, but I wasn't going to deal with it right now.
I didn't say anything, only headed upstairs. There were even more people now, and everybody was on top of each other, grinding to the upbeat music. I'd been to plenty of parties before, yet why was this one the time I'd gotten hurt?
I had made it upstairs, and walked past rooms with people making out on top of beds. The house was beyond messy, but it wasn't completely trashed. I guess these rich kids had some respect. And some more than others, I thought.
I was relieved to find that nobody was in my room. I made sure to lock the door behind me when I answered. I sighed and went into the bathroom. My reflection looked back at me in disappointment. My mascara was running and my lips were red and swollen. My eyes were red and it was obvious I'd been crying. My hair was a mess, too. I brushed it out and and put it in a braid before washing my face. I showered, then I changed into shorts and a tshirt and crawled into bed. It was one am, and even though I wasn't tired and the music was still blasting, I tried to fall asleep.
Somehow, sleep came, but not for long. I woke up at five am. The party was over, for I couldn't hear the music anymore. But there were still voices. I went downstairs to see what was going on. People were passed out on couches in the living room, and there were red cups everywhere. A few people out of the handful left were still up, either trying to sober up or talking amongst one another.
I noticed the boy with the black hair standing in the kitchen talking to a tall redhead with freckles. I walked over to them.
"Still partying?" I laughed.
"It doesn't end until sunrise." He laughed along with me. It was still dark, but the sky was slowly starting to turn golden.
"I'm Hunter, by the way, and this is Lila." He gestured to the redhead.
"I'm Alina."
"I haven't seen you around, are you new to the area?" Lila asked.
I explained how I was going to be spending the whole summer here, living with Jay.
Lila asked if I'd slept with him.
"No! Of course not." I said.
"Don't make the same mistake I did," she said, looking at the ground. "and the same mistake that about a hundred other girls made. "
"Oh..." I trailed off. "But he's so-"
"He's so what?" Jay cut me off. "And hello, uh-" he said, looking at Lila.
"My name is Lila," she said, rolling her eyes.
"Right." I wondered where he'd come from. His arms were crossed and a smirk was plastered across his face. He was wearing nothing but a pair of sweatpants.
"He's so rude, arrogant, an asshole-"
"Okay okay," he put his hands up in defense. "Maybe I shouldn't have said what I said last night,"
I nodded, agreeing with him.
"But, that doesn't mean you have to pry into every aspect of my life."
"Oh alright, so next time I won't give a damn about your drug usage and the fact that you can get addicted, if you aren't already." I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. "And you said you didn't want me here."
"I didn't mean that." Jay said. "But don't tell me what I should and shouldn't do. It's really none of your business." He retorted. We were arguing once again.
"You're acting like you've never had anyone care about you!"
By now, Hunter, Lila, and a few others who had woken up were looking at us.
Jay didn't reply to this, only walked away. Here we go again with the being rude, then nice, and back to being rude again. Maybe I was being pushy, and maybe I could've approached him a different way, but I know what drugs do to someone. And I couldn't just stand by and watch someone hurt themself.
I talked to Hunter and Lila some more. Apparently they were cousins, even though they didn't look alike at all.
I looked at the mess all around us. The previously spotless house was littered with cups, bottles of alcohol, broken glass here and there that I had luckily avoided, and the occasional person knocked out on a couch.
I walked into the kitchen, where the biggest mess was. The Von Barons obviously had maids, but I didn't want to leave them with this kind of mess. I managed to find a garbage bag after going through the drawers in the kitchen, and began collecting the garbage. Hunter and Lila stepped in to help, sweeping up the broken glass and swiping red cups off of counters.
Jay later made a reappearance, this time he was fully clothed and his hair was wet.
"You don't have to do that." He said to us. He had begun cleaning as well.
"Why? Would you have made your maids do it instead?"
He was surprisingly quiet. "No," Jay replied defensively. "I would've done it myself."
Somehow, I believed him.
"What about all of these people?" I gestured. There were about seven left, and a few were slowly starting to wake up.
"Everybody wake up!" Jay yelled. He reached into a drawer and pulled out an airhorn. The noise was loud enough to wake everyone up. I couldn't help but wonder why there was one so easily accessible. I wondered how often these parties happened here at the Von Baron household.
A guy that looked way too old to be at a highschool party groaned. "What the hell, man!"
"My parents are almost home! If you're still here when they come, no more parties here. Out!" He yelled.
Everybody gathered anything they'd brought and hurried out the door. Hunter and Lila said goodbye and left. It was me and Jay by ourselves, along with a huge mess to clean up.
"Did you sleep at all?" I asked after a moment of silence. I decided to look past our previous argument.
"Nope." He laughed lightly. Fatigue was evident in his tone and eyes. "I'm surprised you did."
"So am I." I replied, and began fluffing up the pillows on the couch in the living room.
"Jay." I called out.
"Yeah?" He replied.
"Someone spilled alcohol on the couch."
He came into the living room and bounded over to me.
"Fuck." He mumbled. "That's exactly why I don't do this shit."
I mustered a sympathetic smile and he smiled back. For a moment, it was just me and the real Jay. The one hidden behind drugs, alcohol, and a bad reputation. The one he concealed with an attitude.
It lasted a few seconds, before Jay broke the eye contact.
"I'll get the stain remover, and hope my dad doesn't murder me."
I nodded and sat down, wondering how long Jay and I can last without fighting.
I bet we won't last a day.
Well, technically, I already lost that bet.
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