《Some Bonds are Forever ✅》23. Tattoo


Virat was really happy now as he was back with Rohit as roommates. It was so difficult for him to adjust without him.

Rohit came in the room and saw Virat was happily humming a song and arranging the things in the room. Rohit was happy to see him like that.

Virat exclaimed happily as Rohit entered the room.

Rohit said and arranged breakfast for both of them.

(Mahi bhai will not be upset with me Na?)"

Virat asked while Ro was making him have his breakfast.

Asked Rohit in confusion.

Virat said ...

Rohit smiled at his innocence.

Rohit explained him softly.

Virat asked curiously.

Rohit began.

Virat asked shocked by that.

Rohit explained him ... making him understand why it was important...

said Virat being scared ... as he had faced it .. how people mocked his feelings previously regarding scared of being in dark or small places or growing up in orphanage...

said Rohit assuring him.

Virat said back.

Rohit said seeing him immediately lost in thoughts!

said Virat forwarding the plate to him.

said Virat eating breakfast.

said Rohit firmly.

Virat asked like a child ..

Rohit said seeing him asking like a child ...


After some days -

As Rohit had explained to Virat ... he was trying his best to interact with all the team members but still he was always finding Rohit even if he interacted with everyone.

As promised Rohit was always by his side to support him. Rohit arrived in their room to see Virat keenly looking something in his phone ...


said Rohit teasing him...

Their relation has also grown ... they were best friends ... who loved to tease each other ... but at times whenever Virat would feel like... Rohit would turn in protective big brother ... and treat him like a child....

replied Virat sarcastically.

Virat called as Rohit was laying down closing his eyes.


said Rohit not opening his eyes.

Whined Virat seeing him not responding and opening his eyes at all...

Rohit turned at other side covering his eyes.

Virat used his puppy eyes and whining voice ... requested him ...

Rohit turned and got up hearing that tone.

Virat showed the picture he was staring a while ago in his phone ...

Rohit asked questioningly seeing a weird pic in that phone ...

Virat stated seeing his confused face .. how can a person not know a tattoo..

Rohit raised his eyebrows giving him back his phone

said Virat showing his hand.

Said Rohit shockingly... hearing that he wanted that thing on his hand ..

Virat said showing his puppy eyes.

Rohit said sternly knowing how it will be to get permanent tattoo ...

Virat pleaded ..

Rohit said firmly ...

Virat pouted puffing his cheeks ... and went to balcony stomping his feet ...

Rohit shake his head at his antics ... but he was not going to agree with him...

Mahi and Yuvi came in their room as they thought to spend time with them ... they saw Rohit sitting on the bed staring into the phone ... and Virat in the balcony...

Mahi asked knowing how much they fought on extremely silly reasons ..

Virat came inside listening to them ...

Yuvi asked this time.

Said Virat cutely

Virat said with his famous puppy eyes and cute look ... using it fully to manofy him atleast ...

Rohit complained seeing Yuvi falling for his face... he could not have that ...

Mahi said supporting Rohit

Said Virat again.

Said Yuvi supporting him.

Rohit said firmly and left the room... Mahi follows him.

Virat said seeing Ro upset

Yuvi said ruffling his hair.

I havent updated this book since ages .... I was not knowing what to write further ... got some idea today so here it is !!!!

Do tell me how u all like it !!! And if u are still reading this book ....

What do u think will happen when Virat gets his tattoo? Will Rohit be upset with him?

Happy Reading !

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