《Some Bonds are Forever ✅》2. Alone or not?


After the practice session was done everyone retired to their rooms. Virat was again alone in his room. He just thought that its the same as his whole life till here has been.

He was always like this. A strong person but at the same time extremely alone and craved for love and care. He always had colleagues never he had any friends. He never had someone he could count on.

He went to freshen up. He didn't know what to do so he just waited in his room.

May be he could atleast go to Rohit and talk to him. No it will be really odd on the first day itself.

Team was in the dinner room. It was all chaotic there.

Yuvi was disturbing Mahi with some crazy antics. Jammy was trying to solve their matter. Sach pa was immersed in conversation with Rohit about his game, dinner and everything. They completely missed out on calling Virat for dinner.

They just had their dinner and went to their rooms to sleep.

Virat in his room was thinking that he was so wrong that he was considering that they were gonna be his brothers. He cursed himself from expecting so much. Dinner didn't bother him as he was used to sleep hungry so it didn't matter much.

No one called him or even check upon him. He just closed his eyes resting himself as he knew he was not gonna get any sleep.

Due to hard practice session luckily Virat got sleep. But it was not more than one hour when he was woken up by nightmares.

"Everything is fine. Nothing happened! I am not there anymore. I am safe" Virat keep reminding himself.

He moved towards the table and with trembling hands he had water to calm himself down.


He sat in balcony rather than trying to get some sleep.

Next morning he reached the practice session and saw almost whole team discussing something.

He still felt very odd and left out after yesterday's prank and dinner thing.

Rohit saw Virat there unloading his things. He then remembered that they completely forgot about him yesterday. They even missed out calling him on dinner.

"Mahi bhai !" Called Rohit running towards him.

"Yes Rohit" said Mahi in response.

"Bhai we completely forgot to call Virat to dinner. He also didn't come may be he was waiting for us to call him as it is a new place" said Rohit in one go.

"Ohh no Rohit ! He must have felt so left out. How can we forget" said Mahi in guilt.

"Bhai let's talk to him na" said Rohit not knowing why he really wanted to be friends with him.

"Mahi come here!" called Sach pa

"Rohit tu ja .. talk to him. I will come in sometime" said Mahi going to Sach pa.

Rohit went towards Virat who was sitting fixing his bat grip. "Hi .. Good Morning" greets Rohit.

"Hi" responded Virat looking at him.

Rohit noticed he looked very tired and pale. There were dark bags under his eyes. Rohit sat beside him.

"Are u okay Virat?" Asked Rohit

"Yes Rohit I am fine" said Virat

"Look Virat we are really sorry .. Infact I am really sorry" said Rohit genuinely apologetic

"Why are u saying sorry Rohit" asked Virat confused

"Virat we completely missed out on calling you for dinner. Sorry for that" said Rohit feeling really guilty.

"It's okay" said Virat not wanting Rohit to feel guilty though he felt upset about it that they didn't consider him as a part of them.

"Virat it's a genuine mistake okay. We really forgot and it was not intentional I assure u" said Rohit again.


"It's really fine." Said Virat again.

"So tell me about urself. Who is there in your family ?" Asked Rohit trying to get to know Virat.

"There is no one in my family" said Virat neutrally without any emotion.

"What do u mean by that ? There must be someone na" asked Rohit not understanding what he meant.

"Rohit I grew up in an orphanage" said Virat looking at him.

"Ohh I am sorry I asked in that way" said Rohit

Virat really hated when everyone gave sympathetic looks rather than caring for him. That same look Rohit had now on his face.

"Let's go to practice. And I hope u don't say to anyone about the orphanage thing" said Virat not wanting to discuss anything further.

"I will not" said Rohit assuring him.

"Atleast let us have breakfast together" said Rohit wanting to be friends with him.

"Sure. After the practice we will have" said Virat.

They had a good practice session. Everyone in the team noticed both Virat and Rohit were really good players. To sum it up Rohit was most of puller of the ball and Virat was driver of the ball.

They finished the practice session and then Rohit went to Virat's room so that they could have breakfast together.


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