《Blondie》Chapter 20


"Halloween is the one time a year where girls can dress like a total slut and nobody can say anything about it," Cami told me.

"It gets it," I sighed. "You have seen Mean Girls, but seriously I'm not sure what I am going to be."

"This is what you get for refusing to go costume shopping with me last week," she said in a sing-song voice.

"I didn't refuse," I huffed as I threw things out of my closet. "I had a paper due, and I prioritize school over halloween."

"Like a nerd," she told me.

I rolled my eyes.

"I would hate to be your first court case," I told her back.

Right now Cami and I were in my room getting ready for a Halloween frat party. I didn't want to go. This was no surprise, but after endless pleading from Cami and Cooper, I agreed. I could be such a pushover.

Cami was sitting on my bed dressed as a mummy. It was cute, but she was barely wearing any clothes and she would surely freeze to death. She wore a tight white skirt, wrapped in what seemed to be toilet paper or medical bandages. The same with a tube top that she wore. She wore her hair in a high ponytail and she had bandages wrapped around her hands like fingerless gloves.

"Go do some light makeup and I'll pick something out," Cami instructed as she pushed herself off of my bed. "We told the guys that we would be there five minutes ago."

"Okay," I conceded. I let her push me out the door and into the bathroom. I did some rather plain make up with a little bit of shimmer on my eyes. My hair was left in neat, loose curls as I walked back into my room.

"What are you doing?" I demanded.

"Making you a Halloween costume," Cami said as though it was obvious. She made a final cut in my dress and the entire bottom of the dress was cut with small triangles. The dress was green and covered in green sequins. It was strapless and it cinched my waist in just the right way.


"You cut my dress?" I asked. It was the dress that I wore to the club when Cami and I went once a year on her birthday.

"Yes," she said. She did not seem regretful, but I slightly mourned the name of that dress.

Cami pulled a pair of pair wings from seemingly nowhere. "You'll be Tinkerbelle."

Now that I knew what she was thinking, I actually thought that it looked good.

"Get dressed," Cami told me.

I did as she said and I stood looking in the mirror.

"You look hot, babe!" Cami encouraged me.

"So do you," I complimented back. "Let's get going," I said. "We're late."

Cami and I decided to walk to the party, because Cami didn't want to be the designated driver, and I didn't want to bring my baby (my car) to a frat house. It was only a few blocks away and by the time that we got there, the party was already in full swing. The costumes ranged from elaborate beautiful costumes to lingerie with animal ears. I wouldn't have been comfortable walking around like that, and I just had a lingerie shoot last week, something about being around handsy frat guys in only underwear was not appealing.

Cami and I scanned our surroundings until a pair of brown eyes caught my attention. I nodded to Cami because talking was hopeless over the music that was pounding. She nodded in agreement and we walked over to Cooper and Josh.

"Hey!" Cami said cheerfully. Parties were where she shown.

"Hey," Cooper and Josh said at the same time. I offered them a smile in return. I looked at their costumes.

Cooper was wearing a flannel shirt and back suspenders. He wore regular jeans and the costume looked achingly familiar.

"Lumberjack?" Cami asked.

"Nope," Cooper said. "Nobody had gotten it right, yet," Cooper complained.

"I told you that nobody would," Josh reminded him.

Cooper muttered something that I couldn't hear.

I studied his costume for a few more seconds. Then I gasped, "I know your costume!" I said excitedly.


"You do?" Cooper said as he perked up.

"You're the brawny paper towel guy!" I said.

"Yes!" he cheered. He gave me a high five. "And that's why your my favorite," he said. He slung his arm around my shoulder.

I giggled and then I looked over at Josh. We wore a pair od black jeans and a white t-shirt. On the shirt it read . I smiled as I read it. There was something so totally Josh about his costume.

"This guy," Cooper said as he motioned to Josh, with his arm still wrapped around my shoulders. "Didn't want to come," he told him.

"Neither did Lili," Cami said. Josh and I shared a smile. "Let's get drinks," Cami decided. She pulled me away from the guys without another word. We eventually found ourselves getting red solo cups and waiting in line for the keg.

"Don't ditch me at this party," Cami told me jokingly.

"I've never ditched you," I said defensively.

"Last party," she reminded me coyly.

I blushed and looked down. We grabbed the beers and I took a sip. It tasted like everything that I hated about beer, it was sour and it stung my throat. Before I could do anything else, Cami dragged me back to where the guys were standing.

"Let's go dance!" she yelled at them.

"Yes!" Cooper agreed enthusiastically.

"I think that I'm just going to finish this first," I yelled to them as I brandished my cup.

"I'll stay with Lili," Josh agreed.

Cami gives me a suggestive smile before she and Cooper recede into the crowd of sweaty bodies. Josh and I stand in silence for a moment before he breaks the silence.

"You aren't drinking the beer," he observed.

I glanced at him, noticing how nicely tha t-shirt he was wearing displayed his tattoos. "I'll let you in on a secret," I told him, loudly so that he could hear me over the music. He cocked an eyebrow. "I don't like beer."

Josh laughed, and it was the best sound that I have ever heard.

"So," I said, feeling like it was my turn to talk. "Why are you here?"

"Same reason you are," he told me. "For my best friend."

I hummed in response as I looked over to our friends who were dancing like it was their life's purpose. I'm glad that we made at least one friend who was like Cami, who wanted to dance and party.

I felt someone's presence behind me, their body pressed close to me. I could feel that their chest was toned and I had a tattoo covered arm reach over my shoulder and grab my cup from my hand. "Do you want to get out of here?" I heard Josh's deep voice whisper in my ear. The house was noisy and the music was on full blast, but I heard Josh clearly.

"Desperately," I answered.

He took the cup from my hand and handed it to some underclassmen who were passing by. They didn't even bother to see who had given it to them as they took a sip and continued on their path. What if Josh and I had drugged it? They should really pay better attention.

"Let's go tell them," I shouted to Josh who had since moved away from me.

He nodded and we made our way to our friends. "We're ditching," Josh told them loudly over the music.

I flinched at his word choice as I suddenly remembered the conversation that I had with Cami just a few minutes ago in the kitchen.

Cooper nodded, "Bye!"

"I need to talk to Josh for a second!" Cami yelled over the music. I was confused and I glanced at Josh who was frowning as well. "We'll be right back!" Cami yelled. She grabbed Josh's arm and led him through the crowd and away from Cooper and me.

Cooper grabbed my hand and twirled me around, causing me to lose sight of them.

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