《》kageyama tobio


how you meet.


you where walking around ukai's store.

you went to the back of the store to pick something to drink.

you noticed the tall boy standing next to you staring at the milk section.

you thought he was really cute.

you chuckled to your self and he noticed and looked at you.

you turned red and tried to explain that the chuckle wasn't at him.

he stared at you trying to explain yourself and got a pink tint on his face and turned his head away from you so you couldn't see.

"i don't know about you, but i personally think strawberry milk is the best"

you smiled and walked away.

he got strawberry milk.

how you became friends.


you started noticing the tall boy around school.

you would wave or smile but he'd look away.

you thought he didn't like you so you eventually stopped.

little did you know his face grew pink every time he saw you and he didn't want you to see.

you're the setter on the girls volleyball team and you where staying late after practice to get some extra practice in.

the person who was throwing balls up for you had to leave.

you sat on the gym floor and took a break.


a ball hit you in the back of the head.

you rubbed your head and turned to see who in the world hit you.

a short orange boy came running to apologize and grab his ball.

right behind him was the tall boy.

he was yelling at the orange boy.

you told him it was ok and it wasn't a big deal.

you waved at the tall boy and the orange boy noticed

"do you know kageyama!?"

"what no! no not really i don't even know his name i just like to say hi!!"

you tried to explain to the orange boy.

"ohh well i'm hinata and this is kageyama!!"

"oh i'm (y/n)"

hinata forgot about his ball and went to go grab it.

kageyama started small talk with you asking what position you play and once he found out you two became friends.

when you realized you liked him.


you two where talking after your practices.

you told him it was late and you needed to go home.

he offered to walk you home.

he's never really asked that before.

he just says oh ok and walks away.

a smile grew and you accepted his request.


you two didn't really talk the way there but it wasn't awkward.

you have a longish road down to your house and you told kageyama he didn't need to walk you all the way down.

he shook is head and told you he wasn't gonna leave you out here by yourself.

he walked with you all the way down to your house.

he asked if he could walk with you tomorrow and you said absolutely and you saw him smile!

it was small but it still counts.

it was just so pure and cute.

when he realized he liked you.


you felt like you weren't doing well in your last game.

you told kageyama that you didn't need to be walked home because you where busy after school.

and you where.

but you where doing extra work.

you didn't know that kageyama stayed after to practice as well.

when he was locking up he heard balls smacking the floor.

he followed the sound to the girls gym.

he stood in the door and saw you.

you where practicing with water bottles for aim till your knees gave up.

you dropped to the floor on your knees and took a deep breath.

just to stand back up and try again.

kageyama doesn't exactly know why but watching you work as hard as you where just made his heart skip.

how he asked you out.


he was walking you home.

it was still kinda light outside.

the sun was going down and you stopped in the road to get a better view of the sky.

kageyama didn't notice you stopped for a second.

he walked a couple steps ahead before he realized you weren't there.

he frankly looked back in forth and then turned around and saw you staring at the sky.

he looked at the sky and back at you.

he finally swallowed his fear and walked to you.

he stood next to you and sighed.

you didn't take your eyes off the sky but asked what was wrong.

he just looked at you.


"would you want to hang out sometime"

he looks away and shyly whispers

"like a date"

you blinked a couple of times to process what he just said.

you shot your head to look at him.

mouth dropped to the ground and eyes wide.

you began to stutter when he looked at you.

you couldn't get any words out so you just shook your head to say yes.


first date.


you had a picnic.

it was warm out and you had brunch at the park.

you guys talked and talked.

it felt like you guys never stopped talking.

you even made him laugh.

you turned bright red when you heard him laugh.

he talked a lot about volleyball and how much he hates oikawa.

you told him your hobbies and what you all you like.

he seemed like he was listening so intensely.

he walked you home and he gave you a hug and kissed the top of your head.

first kiss.


you went to his game against seijoh.

you knew how important this game was to him.

they won and it felt like the whole gym was screaming.

you saw the look on kageyama's face.

you teared up a little.

you saw them exiting the gym, you ran and shoved past the people and went to find him.

you finally found him, you slide past the corner and saw him with his team celebrating and packing there stuff up.

he noticed you and looked towards you.

his face lit up


he didn't know you came.

you smiled big and ran to him.

before he could even catch you, you pressed your lips to his.

you could feel is face turn red pressed against yours.

he melted into the kiss and held you up.

you finally pulled away and started saying how good he did and how amazing his team was.

he was still flustered and taken back by your actions.

when he gets jealous.


none other then oikawa.

he was flirting and talking to you before a game.

you weren't even listening to the male.

he brushed and flipped his hair a bunch and kept smirking at you.

you where helping pick up some of the boys stuff.

kageyama noticed oikawa flitting with you when he was looking for you.

kageyama became furious.

a dark cloud covered him and all who dare to get to close.

he mumbled to himself and almost hissed at hinata whenever he got to close.

you got annoyed of this lanky boy and began looking for your boyfriend.

you found him, he wasn't hard to miss.

the dark cloud was so noticeable and scary.

you skipped to your boyfriend leaving the lanky boy behind.

you tapped on kageyama's shoulder and he whipped his head around ready to hiss at whoever is bugging him.

he looked down at you and his angry face melted when he saw your smiling one.

the cloud cleared up when you told him good luck and how happy you are to watch and gave him a kiss and skipped your way to sit and watch.

when you get jealous.


you laugh.

he is always so confused when a girl talks to him.

you can't help it.

he's so awkward and the girls just give up and walk away.

he comes off so boring and lame they lose interest.

some girls try to hard and will touch his arm and pass him there numbers, that's when you step in and push your toddler away from the females.

he questions why you push him away and you just laugh more.

he walks in on you changing.


you two had a date plan to have a day at the beach.

he doesn't like to wait around.

so when he said he was close to your house you rushed to get dressed.

you didn't hear him come in to the house.

he said your name but he's so quiet you didn't hear from your room.

he began to get annoyed and looked around the house.

he swag open your bedroom door ready to yell at you thinking you where still in bed.

his eyes widened when he saw you frantic putting your arms threw your swim top.

you turned to look at him and your whole body turned red.

he almost squeaked

he slammed your door and yelled he's so sorry.

little things.


bed hog.

he takes the whole bed.

you've woken up on the floor multiple times.

you make him sleep on the outside of the bed.

when nervous, embarrassed or cranky he'll insult you.

nothing to deep.

just like calls you an idiot, short or dumb,

just babbling

he apologizes by getting you food or letting you pick the movie.

he sucks at words.

he just kinda grunts and hums and that how y'all communicate.

"do you want something to eat?"


"ok, do you want something to drink"


you catch him looking at your ass and boobs all the time.

he doesn't even get embarrassed anymore.

he'll just stare even when you catch him.

absolutely no pda.

he does not tolerate it.

the occasional hand holding.

hits your head with whatever is in his hand at the moment.

doesn't know what personal space is.

he hovers

picks you flowers

his actions speak a lot louder this his words.

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