《Rain Bow Veins By Bokuroo》Chapter 13


However, the whole situation wasn't a particularly easy one and for an over sensitive boy as Koutarou, it was most likely that he threw away his nerves eventually.

"It's just not fair!" he exclaimed with a frustrated groan on one evening. He was walking up and down in the room desperately.

"You are basically still a child! You've got your whole life in front of you so why aren't you on the top on the list then? It's ridiculous!"

"Please consider that there are still other kids who have it worse than me, Bokuto-san."

"Worse than that?!" he called out and turned back to the other teen, examining him with a downcast look on his face.

"You can't even breathe on your own anymore, Akaashi... You're... I don't want you to..." He stopped then before he risked breaking down in tears again.

"It's okay..." Keiji calmed him down immediately while holding up his hand for the other one to take it. "I'm still here... and I won't leave you that soon."

Koutarou took a step closer and clasped at his hand desperately, before sitting down next to him.

"I just... I just hope that there will be a new heart for you soon" he mumbled without thinking much about his words. He looked up at the other with glassy eyes then, but didn't expect Keiji to suddenly let go and turn away from him.

"Don't say things like these, Bokuto-san" he stated with a bitter tone in his voice.

Koutarou felt confusion and angriness building up.

"Why shouldn't I? Don't tell me you lost hope already, Akaashi!"

"It's not that... but you can't just produce a heart artificially, you know? When you say things like these, it means..." Koutarou watched as the other bit his lip in agony. "It means you wish the death of another kid for the sake of my life..."


"But I didn't mean it like that of course!" he tried to defend himself, obviously hurt by the way the other one suddenly spoke so coldly to him. The other one didn't want to listen.

"I think you should go now, Bokuto-san. It's late and I'm tired...."

When the boy didn't even bother to send him another look, Koutarou got up with a huff and left without another word.

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