《You're MINE now! (Chucky X Reader) [SLOW UPDATES]》*The Sleep Over*



I slowly went on top of her and went to her neck, I kissed her neck slowly. I heard a little moan come out of her lips, I smirked and slowly went down to her hips, right when I was supposed to take her pants off.

We both heard a knock from the door, I groan a little and got up, I stretched and saw (Y/N) fixing herself and sat at the edge of the bed. I walked to the door and unlocked it, I twist the door knob and opened the door to see Glen. "Hey, Dad- sorry for interrupting. I was gonna ask where do I sleep?" Glen said while he looked at me and (Y/N).

(Y/N) got up and smiled, "I can show you, Glen, Come with me" She walked towards Glen and she said her little 'follow me, i'll show you.' I saw them walk away. I walked behind them and to see another room 'She opened the door, to show a bedroom, I looked Inside the room,

Glen Happily ran inside the room and jumped on the bed. "This is awesome! I can Finally have my own room!" he said while he sat up to look at us. I smiled and I looked at (Y/N), I saw her smile and laughed a bit, "I'm glad you like it" she said, I gave her a weird look, She looked at me, "what?" I chuckled, "nothing, you're just cute" I kissed her cheek, we heard an 'awe..' from Glen

"Well if you need anything, we're always around, just say my name or your dad's name anytime" (Y/N) said with her little smile, she grabbed my hand and pulled me away from Glen's room.

"I need to talk to you about something." She said while were walking towards the kitchen. I looked at her while she pulled me to the Kitchen, I sighed "what's up?" I said, she let go of my hand and looked at me, "Well.. since we just almost.. ya know!" She angrily said while she punched my arm, I looked at her and rolled my eyes and tsk out of annoyance, "and?" I said while I crossed my arms, "it's really not a big deal, it's like we're not allowed or anything? It's not like my son doesn't jerk off or something—"


She groaned and flicked my forehead, "sometimes I just wanna fucking hit you but I love you way to much for doing that." She sighed, I grabbed her by her waist and kissed her lips, "you need to relax for once." I kissed her lips again then I heard a relaxed sigh from doll and she lay on top of my chest, I chuckled and kissed her on the forehead.

"Come on, let's go rest" I whispered she nodded, she was about to move away but I grabbed her and picked her up, she was very startled at first but relaxed.

I walked past Glen's room seeing that he's playing games on his phone, I smiled a bit, I looked at (Y/N) she had her eyes closed.

She was sleeping slightly, and she moved a bit to be comfortable.

I kept walking into this hallway and I stopped in front of our room, I opened it by my elbow, and kicked the door open. I walked to our bed and put (Y/N) down on the bed and I grabbed the blanket and covered her body while she kept sleeping like a baby.

I slowly walked out of the room slowly and closed the door very quietly. I sighed while walking through the hallway, I ran my fingers through my hair.

"Hey dad" I hear Glen say, I walked to his bedroom door and leaned on the door frame looking at him. "What's up, bud" I crossed my arms to hear his answer.

He put his phone down and looked at me, "I wanna do something together." I gave him a blank stare, "Go on." I said while he looked at his hands, "and I thought of something.. but can you please not to tell, Mom" I raised my brow and have him a stare.


"I.. um.." He said while he kept looking at his hand. I kept looking at him, "Come bud, spit it out, what is it" I told him while He looked at me and breathe in and out. "Ok! So.. um, I was thinking that we could.. go out.. and u-um.. smoke.." My eyes widen and I stood up straight while my arms fall to my side. "What." I said, he looked down quickly, and I sighed. "I hope it's not anything else you doing. I hope it's weed." Glen looked at me and nodded quickly, "yeah! It's not anything else, Dad! Its just weed."

I nodded, "who got you into it." I asked, he looked at me and spoke up, "a bunch of friends.." I gave him a glare, "T-they're nice people! They aren't like the other guys you think of! I-I promise! I can call them and s-show you-" I cut him off, "look son, I get it. But you got to be careful what you doing. So my answer is yes I need to smoke and no I won't tell your mother" I said while I walked away, I heard a little 'yes!' from him.

*(Y/N)'s P.O.V*

I opened my eyes, "where the fuck.." I mumbled, I slowly got up and rubbed my head while yawning.

I stopped yawning and looked around.

"Chucky?" I said

I got up and walked to the door and opened it, I closed it behind me while I walked through the hallway, "jeez.. this hallway is long" I mumbled while I yawned again, I looked around the living room and kitchen, "Chucky?" I said out loud

I heard some muffled talking outside, I furrowed my eyebrows while I opened the front door seeing Glen and Chucky laughing, while they both smoked.

The weed smell hit me and my eyes widen

I glared.

Chucky stopped laughing and he looked up and his smile dropped.


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