《You're MINE now! (Chucky X Reader) [SLOW UPDATES]》*The Talk*



I woke up, and saw that (Y/N) is still sleeping, I said in my thoughts. I jumped down and remembered what she said last night I blushed a bit and shook my head "damn it.." I said under my breath, i looked around and saw (Y/N)'s phone. I grabbed it and saw how many text messages from her Aunt.... Aunt Karen. I tapped the phone and it did work because I have plastic hands "fuck." I said under my breath, I put the phone where it was before and looked at (Y/N)'s peaceful face, I smiled a bit. I heard a knock on the door and I glared at it, I walked to the door and said "Who is it?" There was a female voice at the other side of the door "¡Buenos días, señor! Estoy aquí para limpiar la habitación, si no le importa, señor" I looked around to see how to respond to her.. I sighed and the only way to respond to her is to wake up (Y/N).

I ran to (Y/N) and I started to shake her

"(Y/N) wake up! Wake up!" (Y/N) woke up and looked at me tiredly "what?" She mumbled, I looked at her and said "there's a lady out there and she speak Spanish! Do you know how!?" She looked at me and sighed "let me talk to her" she said I followed her and she was at the door "¿Sí, señora?" "¡Ah, sí! Hola Señora! ¡Buenos días! ¡ Le dije a tu novio que si puedo limpiar la habitación!"

(Y/N) looked shocked and she shook her head and she spoke "Oh, OK! Um, estaré fuera en unos minutos" and the lady spoke as well "¡Ah ok! que va a estar bien!" I said in my thoughts, I looked at (Y/N) waiting for a response from her, she sighed and looked at me "The lady said that we should get out the room for a bit so she can clean it" I looked at her confused "wait why?" (Y/N) looked at me and shrugged "I really don't know, but imma brush my teeth and go get dressed, I'll be back Chucky!" (Y/N) smiled at me and went to the bathroom. I said in my head.

*(Y/N) P.O.V*

I went to the bathroom and closed the door, I blushed what the lady said "were not even a thing!" I said to myself quietly, I grabbed the toothbrush from the bathroom and but toothpaste on the brush, I put a little water on it and started brushing them teeth. After I was done brushing my teeth I spit the toothpaste stuff out and washed the sink, then my mouth, I grabbed a tiny cub and put water in it, I 'Drinked' the sink water and started to wash my mouth it in the inside. I spit it out and again cleaned the sink, I started to get dressed, and then walked out the bathroom to see Chucky waiting for me, I grabbed my phone and looked at Chucky "wanna get breakfast?" I asked him, he looked at me "Yeah, let's go." I see him going to doll mode. I grabbed my backpack and put him in there, I opened the door and saw that lady, she nodded at me and I nodded back, I went to the elevator and went in, I pushed the 1 button. And I walked out of the place and told the lady that I'll be back and she nodded at me, so I went inside the car and put my backpack to the other seat. Chucky popped out of my backpack, "so where we headed?" Chucky said, "I was thinking IHOP, how does that sound?" I looked at him, he looked at me and grinned "fuck yeah!" I smiled and put the car keys in the hole, "alright! Let's go!" I turned on the car and drove to the streets


Chucky Broke the silence, "(Y/N) what did the lady said to you..you looked shocked." I gulped and sighed, "she said something.." I can feel him starring at me and feel the glare "your lying. I can tell." I was quiet for a moment W-Well she just told me like this '¡Ah, sí! Hola Señora! ¡Buenos días! ¡ Le dije a tu novio que si puedo limpiar la habitación!' It means 'ah yes! hi ma'am! Good, Morning! I told your boyfriend that if I can clean the room' that was she said to me...and that why I was shocked" there was awkwardly moment fill in the whole car and he said something that shocked me, "well, we can be a thing if you wan-" I cut him off "w-what!? You're a doll! I-I don't know if we can y-you know! Date!" I blushed like a tomato and Chucky looked at me like 'bitch, chill'

"(Y/N) chill, I was only joking!" He started to laugh, I rolled my eyes I thought, we were at IHOP "Chucky, I'll be right back. I'll go get the Oder for us." I said to Chucky, he grunted as a response. I went inside the Restaurant to Oder our Breakfast "hello! Welcome to IHOP! Just for One?" I looked at the young female cashier "no, I'm here to go" I smiled at her and she smiled back

The young cashier gave me the menu, I grabbed the Menu and smiled "thank you" the young cashier waited patiently, I smiled at the menu, I looked up at the menu "may I have the 'special breakfast Oder' please!" I looked at the cashier, the young cashier looked at me and smiled widely "well! Whose the lucky guy!

O-Oh.. never mind! I'll get it for you!" The young cashier left I stood there confused "ok?" I went to the side booth next to the entrance. a few minutes later I heard my Oder was here I got up, walked to the cashier and grabbed the breakfast, and I paid the breakfast "thank you" the cashier winked at me and smiled "You're welcome! Have fun!" I smiled back and had a confused look "thank you, I guess" I laughed nervously , I walked out of the restaurant and saw Chucky bored, I walked to the car and got in, "Hey, sorry for the wait" Chucky looked at me and rolled his eyes, then looked at the window "it's fine" I looked at him "you know you're such a fag" Chucky eyes widen and looked at me quickly. he glared at me "I'm a fag? Pfff! You're a fucking fag! Not me!" I looked at him and glared at him "Well the one you call 'fag' is taking care of you! I said that you're a fag because you don't appreciate what I do for you! You supposed to say 'oh thats ok (Y/N) you ready to go?' not roll you eyes Chucky!" He looked at me in shocked, he turned his head away, he knew I was right, he huffed in anger.


I sighed and turned on the car.


I looked at the window and we were going back to the hotel, I got in the backpack and growled under my breath, I wanted to kill someone, I haven't killed anyone yet. I'll kill someone, and moved there body to the Trash. I guess that's what bothered me the most, that I haven't killed. (Y/N) pulled the car to the hotel parking lot and I went to doll mode. (Y/N) said good morning to some people, she went to the elevator, she got in and pressed 4, that was our floor. Oh how do I see. The holes she made, so I can see. The Elevator made a Ding nose

She walked out, and went to the door, she opened the door from our room, and surprisingly the room was very clean. She placed her backpack down at the table, the side of the bed. I jumped out and looked at (Y/N) and I sighed "I'm sorry" I said to her. She looked at me and smiled a bit "I forgive you Chucky. You have to understand that I'm taking care of you." I grumbled a bit "Yeah, I know that." I jumped down, almost fell but I got my balance. I walked to (Y/N) and looked at her, she looked me with her beautiful (E/C) eyes, her eyes are so....I don't know....so much beauty, I shook my head, "so let's eat!" I grinned, "whoa, calm down, not yet." She pulled out two plates "now let's eat!" She giggled! I blushed at her giggle it was adorable, and I remembered came through my head, now we're gonna have

'T H E T A L K'. "(Y/N)" she looked at me with her (E/C) orbs "Yeah?" Then she looked at her plate then started to eat some of her food slowly "did you mean it..? What you said last night?" She almost choked on her breakfast, she looked up and then looked at me "I-I....yes I did mean it." My eyes widen then another question came through my mind "as a friend or..." she blushed completely and looked at her food "w-well.. to answer your question. I really don't know yet." She was still blushing, I looked down at my breakfast and started to eat. "Ya know. If I was you, I would say it right away." I said eating. I saw her looked at me in a corner of my eye. She looked back at her food "Yeah, I know. But it's hard to say it. Maybe I can answer your question, I said 'M A Y B E' " I chuckled, "Yeah I know. It's really 'hard' to explain." A

Few minutes later I finished eating, (Y/N) took the plates away and I walked to the bed, I jumped and just in time I grabbed the sheets to pull myself up. I was on top of the bed and smiled proudly. I saw (Y/N) came and jumped on the bed, I flew up and hit the ground, I groaned "the fuck!" I yelled, (Y/N) got up quickly and grabbed me "are you ok!? Are you hurt?!" I looked at her and she looked at me blushing like crazy. Maybe she saw my eyes. Oh whatever. I nodded telling her I'm fine, she sighed of relief "oh good" she jumped at the bed and let me go, I was on top of the bed with her, "Chucky I'm going to take a nap, I really don't know why, but I'm tired." I looked at her "ok" I mumbled, I saw her getting comfortable and then she went to sleep, I laid down, I was about to close my eyes and then. I feel a arm around me, I looked up to see (Y/N) wrapping her arms around me, I ignored it and I slowly went to sleep.

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