《The Star-Crossed Lovers from District 12 (Wattys Finalist 2013)》Chapter 16
“Hey,” he says while sitting up. I realize that he’s not strapped down or in handcuffs.
“Hey, you must be doing better,” I say.
“Yeah, Haymitch came in here and took off my handcuffs and I feel amazing,” he says.
“Peeta that’s great.”
“Yeah, but I still get the occasional small flashback, nothing bad though,” he says. He gets out of his bed and holds both of my hands.
“I’m me again Katniss. They came up with some type of medication that works like no other,” he says while rubbing my hands. I know what I have to do right now. I let go of his hands and take his ring off my finger.
“Peeta, if you’re really back will you please take back you’re ring and not divorce me?” I ask with a lot of hope in my voice. He takes the ring.
“Katniss, from now on I am going to make a promise with you. And this is a promise that I will keep for as long as I live.” He looks me right into my eyes and my heart pounds. “Katniss from now on no matter what condition I am in I will never again take off this ring because I will never divorce you. I love you Katniss.” He slips back on his ring and kisses me. I have my old Peeta back. I have gone through the last wall separating us. Finally.
“You’re back,” I say.
“Who says I ever left.”
“Peeta I love you so much, and I missed you so much,” I say starting to cry. He wipes my tears away with his thumb.
“Katniss, don’t cry. There is nothing to cry about,” he says. I start crying again.
“These are tears of joy Peeta. I’m happy. You’re back to normal. I haven’t seen you like this in a month,” I say burying my face into his shoulder. He wraps his strong arms around me and kisses my head.
“I missed you to Katniss. I love you so much it hurts,” he says. I just wrap my arms around him as tight as I can and tell myself I will never let go. Once I gather myself we lay down on the bed and wraps his arm around me and turns on the TV. The only thing on is the tributes ratings, but I could really care less about that. I have my husband back. I missed him so much and for the first time in a month my life has felt normal again. The way Peeta is acting in front of me right now is remarkable. I couldn’t even tell that he was hijacked for a month because he still has his charm, friendliness, and most important the most beautiful smile. I cuddle up close to him so tight that nothing could separate us. While they were doing the rating, me and Peeta were catching up on lost time. I tell him how it was terrible at night without him, and he tells me how bad his back hurt after sleeping on that table for a week, but once Gale and Claudia’s score some up next Peeta and I drop dead silent. Out of the ten or eleven of us we all gave the tribute a number and that tribute would get the average of all the numbers. Most of the tributes got two’s or three’s, except that one tribute. He got an eight which probably shocked everyone in the Capitol.
Finally it’s Gale and Claudia because for some reason they went last. Claudia’s number was first. I gave her ten. I don’t know what the other Gamemakers gave her. When her number comes up I was actually shocked. She got an eleven. The same score I got when I was in the games the first time. Then Gale’s picture comes up. I tighten my grip on Peeta’s hand and take a deep breath. He gives me a kiss on the head. I gave Gale and eleven because personally he did better than Claudia. The number that flashes up on the TV about made me throw up. I gave him an eleven while the others gave him low numbers. His average was a 6. Peeta and I look at each other both with shocked faces. Did they do this because he was my “cousin” or because he was a rebel? I don’t know but what I do know is that my face is pale white. Peeta gets up and gets me a cup of water then lays back down with me. He makes me drink every last drop then starts to stroke my hair.
“Katniss they probably just did that to freak you out because he’s your ‘cousin’,” he says.
“You’re probably right, I mean he used a bow and arrow and hit the target right in the middle, and started a fire with only two sticks. I mean that should deserve a high score,” I say in an angry tone.
“Katniss everything will be fine. If either of them start dying in the arena I will personally force Haymitch to get them sponsors.”
“What if he refuses?”
“He won’t refuse if alcohol is involved,” he says. I laugh.
“You’re so bad,” I say. He smiles then gives me a kiss. It feels good being with Peeta again. Even though at first it felt alien since I haven’t seen him in a month I’m used to him again and I’m going to stay in here with him until the Games start. I’m in love and I’m not going to lose him a third time, but it’s hard to focus on that topic with Gale’s odds going downhill fast. Before we go to sleep I make sure that the door is locked then cuddle up next to Peeta. He puts his arm around me and tells me he loves me. He starts stroking my hair then gives me a good night kiss. I haven’t had a good night kiss from him in a month even though it’s felt like a year. When I wake up he’s still sleeping. So when I look at the clock it past noon. I think this is the first night either of us got a good night’s sleep. I wake him up with a kiss and he smiles. He starts to stroke my hair while I rub his back. I start to look into his eyes and imagine our future. Back in twelve with a kid or two, back to our normal schedules, and back to us. I picture us in Gale and Claudia’s wedding and us actually having a family. The family Peeta has always wanted, and the family I finally want. While I was doing this, Haymitch walks in. We don’t even realize he’s here until he says something.
“Morning sweetheart.” Peeta and I lean up and he puts his arm around me.
“I saw your reunion last night, it was really touching what you two said to each other,” he says. I forgot that anyone could’ve been watching us all night. We can’t see through the other side.
“When can we leave the Capitol?” asks Peeta.
“After the Games,” says Haymitch.
“So tomorrow,” he says with sarcastic voice.
“Those Capitol kids might seem weak but you never know, I mean at Gale for instance he got a six while Claudia got an eleven.” Peeta shoots him a look telling him to shut up.
“Do I have anything to do today?” I ask.
“Not unless you want to go to the interviews, no, but tomorrow is a very busy day. So enjoy what you can of Peeta because after tomorrow you can’t see him,” he says. My heart breaks into a million pieces. He just healed, now they’re going to take him away from me after only a day or so of spending time with him. This is sick and messed up.
“Why? I just healed. This can’t be right,” says Peeta.
“Rules are rules,” says Haymitch. It’s quiet between all of us for a few moments until I speak up.
“Then I’ll quit,” I say.
“If only it were that easy sweetheart. You committed to this job, and there is no getting out.”
“Well I committed to Peeta first. I would rather die than not spend time with him. I was depressed this past month, and now that I have him back I’m not letting you take him away from me again.”
“It’s only because Paylor thinks he will be a distraction with your work.”
“He won’t be a distraction, I swear. I will only see him at meals and at night. During the day I will be completely professional, and Peeta with be mentoring.”
“I’m sorry Katniss, rules are rules. Unless you can convince Paylor this will be your last day and night with Peeta,” he says then leaves the room. I hold onto Peeta tightly and he kisses me.
“Why does everything bad have to happen to me,” I ask.
“What are you talking about, your life is great,” he says.
“No it’s not. My sister is dead, Gale and Claudia are in the games, you were hijacked a second time, and I have to work this terrible job that I completely regret taking,” I say. He starts to rub my back.
“Katniss you survived the games twice, you live in an amazing home, you have family and friends who love you, and you have a husband who completely adores and loves you,” he says. I kiss him.
“I love you so much,” I say.
“You know I love you more.”
“I doubt it.” I just cuddle up next to him and enjoy his presence. I start to doze when someone comes in. I open my eyes to see Paylor standing over us. Peeta’s sleeping, so it’s pretty much just me and her. “What?” I ask.
“Just wanted to see how everything was going with you two?” she asks.
“Well its going very good, I couldn’t be happier. But since you’re here why can’t Peeta stay here during the games,” I ask.
“Because I’m afraid he will cause a distraction off duty.”
“But what I only see him at meals and at night, then can he stay?”
“No, sorry Katniss. Once he’s properly healed he’s going back to the Capitol and you’re staying here, end of story.” She starts to walk out the room until I stop her.
“Please?” I ask with tears filling my eyes. If she says no I will die. “I’ve barely spent twenty four hours with him, and I miss him. This is the longest we’ve been together this month. Please?” I beg. She just walks out of the room. I hate her so much, but I can’t help it if they’re rules. This is terrible but I got to keep to just lay off the subject as much as possible. I eventually can’t fall back asleep so I wake up Peeta with a kiss. He starts to stroke my hair.
“Yes beautiful?” he asks.
“Peeta I’m going to ask you a question and I want you to be completely honest,” I say.
“If I told you we could get out of here, would you come with me?” I whisper in his ear.
“Of course I would, but how can you get out of here without getting arrested?”
“The bathroom counter.”
“The bathroom counter?” he repeats after me with confusion in his voice. His face lights up. “How are you going to get there?”
“I don’t know, but I will find a way. I will get back there and I will sketch it onto a piece of paper. The person that was in that bathroom probably was a worker that built the arena’s and they are all probably set up the same. It’s our ticket home Peeta, all we have to do is get back to the Training Center.”
“Katniss, we are fine here. I will hopefully convince you start a family and you will get through this job just fine. I will go back to the Capitol and mentor Gale and Claudia, while you finish what you have to do here. Once we get back to Twelve we will settle down a little more, and hopefully everything will go back to normal.”
“I guess everything will go back to normal after this.” He kisses me.
“I love you to.” He strokes my hair. I blush.
“Please don’t ever let that thought run across your mind again. Just know in your heart that I’m here for you no matter what. We will make it through this and while you are gone I will lock my door every night and try to stay in public places.”
“Thank you Peeta. Also I just thought it would be the only way out. I don’t want to do this any more. I want to go home.”
“Remember I will support you 110% no matter what you do, just please don’t carry out this plan because I can’t risk ever losing you again. I’ve lost you many times Katniss, and during those times my heart was hurting. It was going to slowly fall apart until nothing was left. If you get caught I will most likely never see you again.” I really wish I wouldn’t have brought this up. I mean don’t get me wrong I would do anything to be with Peeta, but I wish I wouldn’t have said anything. I just remembered the bathroom counter. I look Peeta straight in the eyes and I put my hand on his cheek.
“Peeta, I won’t do anything that you think will get me into more trouble. Regardless, I should’ve listened to you about the job. Next time I have an offer by the Capitol, remind me of this experience.” He kisses my head then laughs.
“You know, I had a nightmare last night,” he says changing the subject. “About me and you running away. We did get caught and we were forced to kill each other slowly and painfully or else we would have to go back into the Games and they would make sure that we didn’t make it out alive.”
“Why didn’t you just wake me up last night. That’s what I’m here for.”
“I thought you were here to make me happy.” I laughs. “I didn’t wake you up because I knew this was the best night of sleep you’ve gotten in a month. We can’t sleep without each other and I wanted you to sleep.” He smiles.
“Well thank you for being such a kind husband, but next time just wake me up even if I haven’t slept for three days and I just fell asleep. I’m here for you, always remember that.” I smile and nod my head. Just before he kisses me Haymitch walks in.
“Well wasn’t that sweet,” he says. I completely forgot that where we are has zero privacy. Everyone can hear and see what we are doing.
“What do you want,” I ask in a disturbed voice.
“I want nothing to do with you. Paylor is the one that wants you doing everything. She’s requiring you to go to the interviews,” he says. My jaw drops open.
“What? I thought you said that I could stay if I wanted to, and I want to stay.”
“It just doesn’t work like that sweetheart. What the President wants the President gets. I’m afraid you’ll have to say your final goodbyes to Peeta within the next hour or so because after tonight you won’t see him until after the games.”
“But this isn’t fair! Every time Peeta leaves my sight for more than then ten minutes he’s hijacked again. Only when I’m around him he’s normal because no one is coming in here and hijacking him, but when I’m here sleeping by his side he’s the man I married and the man I loved. So what would happen if I refuse to go?”
“She would just get Peacekeepers to come and haul you away. Katniss give up, there is no way you will win this battle.”
“Well you’ll never find out until I fight. Every time he’s with Paylor he gets hijacked, how is that not adding up with you?”
“You’re saying Paylor is hijacking him?” I shrug. He bursts out laughing. “You’re kidding me, right.” I shake my head and Peeta agrees.
“You know now that I think about it when I do get hijacked I always wake up a little before the drugs pull me under for a few minutes. But when I am awake for that small amount of time I do see a blurry version of Paylor, and one time I did hear a woman’s voice in the background,” says Peeta in a whisper.
“Well why haven’t you told us this. This is important information,” says Haymitch lowering his voice. He peeks around the corner to make sure no one was hearing this conversation.
“I don’t even know if it’s accurate, I could’ve been hallucinating since the last person I had a real conversation with was Paylor. So don’t really believe what I’m saying,” he says. I believe him. Actually I believe every word that just came out of his mouth. Everything is adding up. Her always going to eleven to get “packages”, always coming in here, and always having nervous faces when she sees me. Everything makes sense but I don’t tell them what I see, Gale will be the first to know. I know that Peeta is the love of my live and my husband but I feel like I’ve been locking Gale out since Peeta and I started getting serious. And when we do see each other it’s awkward between us because we haven’t seen each other in so long that there is nothing to talk about. I feel like me telling him this before even Peeta knows. I think it will gain his trust in me again. I know Peeta might be mad when he finds out that I’m telling him first but I feel that I need to do this and if Peeta loves me he will understand.
“Am I allowed to see Gale?” I ask.
“No, you can’t see him until he comes out of the arena,” says Haymitch. “If he gets out of the arena.” He says under his breath. “You know what we’re wasting time. Obviously Peeta was hallucinating and you’re just confused about this whole situation. So you just take Peeta back to your room so you have more privacy and get out of my face,” he says. He starts walking out of the room when I stop him.
“Haymitch while I’m gone can you please stay with Peeta so I don’t worry,” I ask.
“I’ve got duties to fulfill.” I just look at him. “But when I have free time I will spend time with him, and I will put cameras in your room by the door so we can see who comes in and out.” I look at Peeta and he has a smile on his face. “And Peeta you no longer have to stay in this room, you can have your privacy and stay in Katniss’ room until further notice about your arrival to the Capitol.” I have never seen him this happy since he proposed and our wedding day. He starts walking out of the room until I stop him again.
“What now?” he asks in a disgusted voice.
“Can Peeta please stay just one more night and schedule his flight to the Capitol tomorrow?” I ask. He nods his head.
“Anything else princess?” I shake my head.
“Then I will be on my way.”
You think someone is hijacking Peeta? Comment what you think and vote if you liked the chapter!
Love, Bookjunkie001
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